Python | 159 lines | 130 code | 25 blank | 4 comment | 53 complexity | 9ca146b2c2c3ae1cd8cc9e0c59eef16f MD5 | raw file
- import glob
- import logging
- from gi.repository import GConf
- from ubuntutweak.policykit.dbusproxy import proxy
- log = logging.getLogger('GconfSetting')
- class GconfSetting(object):
- """
- The base class of an option, client is shared by all subclass
- Every Setting hold a key and a value
- """
- client = GConf.Client.get_default()
- schema_override = {}
- def __init__(self, key=None, default=None, type=None):
- if not self.schema_override:
- self.load_override()
- self.key = key
- self.type = type
- self.default = default
- log.debug("Got the schema_default: %s for key: %s" % \
- (self.default, self.key))
- if default and self.get_value() is None:
- self.set_value(default)
- if self.get_dir():
- self.client.add_dir(self.get_dir(), GConf.ClientPreloadType.PRELOAD_NONE)
- def load_override(self):
- try:
- for override in glob.glob('/usr/share/gconf/defaults/*'):
- for line in open(override):
- splits = line.split()
- key, value = splits[0], ' '.join(splits[1:])
- if value == 'true':
- value = True
- elif value == 'false':
- value = False
- else:
- if value.startswith('"') and value.endswith('"'):
- value = eval(value)
- self.schema_override[key] = value
- except Exception, e:
- log.error('Exception (%s) while processing override' % e)
- def get_dir(self):
- if self.key:
- return '/'.join(self.key.split('/')[0: -1])
- else:
- return None
- def get_value(self):
- gconfvalue = self.client.get(self.key)
- if gconfvalue:
- if gconfvalue.type == GConf.ValueType.BOOL:
- return gconfvalue.get_bool()
- if gconfvalue.type == GConf.ValueType.STRING:
- return gconfvalue.get_string()
- if gconfvalue.type == GConf.ValueType.INT:
- return gconfvalue.get_int()
- if gconfvalue.type == GConf.ValueType.FLOAT:
- return gconfvalue.get_float()
- if gconfvalue.type == GConf.ValueType.LIST:
- final_list = []
- if gconfvalue.get_list_type() == GConf.ValueType.STRING:
- for item in gconfvalue.get_list():
- final_list.append(item.get_string())
- return final_list
- else:
- if self.type == int:
- return 0
- elif self.type == float:
- return 0.0
- elif self.type == bool:
- return False
- elif self.type == str:
- return ''
- else:
- return None
- def set_value(self, value):
- if self.type and type(value) != self.type:
- value = self.type(value)
- gconfvalue = GConf.Value()
- if type(value) == bool:
- gconfvalue.type = GConf.ValueType.BOOL
- gconfvalue.set_bool(value)
- elif type(value) == str:
- gconfvalue.type = GConf.ValueType.STRING
- gconfvalue.set_string(value)
- elif type(value) == int:
- gconfvalue.type = GConf.ValueType.INT
- gconfvalue.set_int(int(value))
- elif type(value) == float:
- gconfvalue.type = GConf.ValueType.FLOAT
- gconfvalue.set_float(value)
- self.client.set(self.key, gconfvalue)
- def unset(self):
- self.client.unset(self.key)
- def connect_notify(self, func, data=None):
- self.client.notify_add(self.key, func, data)
- def get_schema_value(self):
- if not self.default:
- if self.key in self.schema_override:
- value = self.schema_override[self.key]
- if self.type and self.type != type(value):
- log.debug("get_schema_value: %s, the type is wrong, so convert force" % value)
- return self.type(value)
- return value
- value = self.client.get_default_from_schema(self.key)
- if value:
- if value.type == GConf.ValueType.BOOL:
- return value.get_bool()
- elif value.type == GConf.ValueType.STRING:
- return value.get_string()
- elif value.type == GConf.ValueType.INT:
- return value.get_int()
- elif value.type == GConf.ValueType.FLOAT:
- return value.get_float()
- else:
- raise Exception("No schema value for %s" % self.key)
- else:
- return self.default
- class UserGconfSetting(GconfSetting):
- def get_value(self, user):
- data = str(proxy.get_user_gconf(user, self.key))
- log.debug('UserGconfSetting get the value from proxy: %s', data)
- if data == 'true':
- return True
- elif data == 'false':
- return False
- else:
- return data
- def set_value(self, user, value):
- if value:
- if type(value) == bool:
- proxy.set_user_gconf(user, self.key, 'true', 'bool', '')
- elif type(value) == str:
- proxy.set_user_gconf(user, self.key, value, 'string', '')
- else:
- proxy.set_user_gconf(user, self.key, 'false', 'bool', '')