Python | 330 lines | 294 code | 12 blank | 24 comment | 2 complexity | e8ef1e5639e8af2f53cec235b5c06c08 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # encoding: utf-8
- """
- The IPython engine application
- Authors:
- * Brian Granger
- * MinRK
- """
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright (C) 2008-2011 The IPython Development Team
- #
- # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in
- # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Imports
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- import json
- import os
- import sys
- import time
- import zmq
- from zmq.eventloop import ioloop
- from IPython.core.profiledir import ProfileDir
- from IPython.parallel.apps.baseapp import (
- BaseParallelApplication,
- base_aliases,
- base_flags,
- catch_config_error,
- )
- from IPython.zmq.log import EnginePUBHandler
- from IPython.zmq.session import (
- Session, session_aliases, session_flags
- )
- from IPython.config.configurable import Configurable
- from IPython.parallel.engine.engine import EngineFactory
- from IPython.parallel.engine.streamkernel import Kernel
- from IPython.parallel.util import disambiguate_url, asbytes
- from IPython.utils.importstring import import_item
- from IPython.utils.traitlets import Bool, Unicode, Dict, List, Float
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Module level variables
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #: The default config file name for this application
- default_config_file_name = u'ipengine_config.py'
- _description = """Start an IPython engine for parallel computing.
- IPython engines run in parallel and perform computations on behalf of a client
- and controller. A controller needs to be started before the engines. The
- engine can be configured using command line options or using a cluster
- directory. Cluster directories contain config, log and security files and are
- usually located in your ipython directory and named as "profile_name".
- See the `profile` and `profile-dir` options for details.
- """
- _examples = """
- ipengine --ip= --port=1000 # connect to hub at ip and port
- ipengine --log-to-file --log-level=DEBUG # log to a file with DEBUG verbosity
- """
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # MPI configuration
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- mpi4py_init = """from mpi4py import MPI as mpi
- mpi.size = mpi.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()
- mpi.rank = mpi.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
- """
- pytrilinos_init = """from PyTrilinos import Epetra
- class SimpleStruct:
- pass
- mpi = SimpleStruct()
- mpi.rank = 0
- mpi.size = 0
- """
- class MPI(Configurable):
- """Configurable for MPI initialization"""
- use = Unicode('', config=True,
- help='How to enable MPI (mpi4py, pytrilinos, or empty string to disable).'
- )
- def _use_changed(self, name, old, new):
- # load default init script if it's not set
- if not self.init_script:
- self.init_script = self.default_inits.get(new, '')
- init_script = Unicode('', config=True,
- help="Initialization code for MPI")
- default_inits = Dict({'mpi4py' : mpi4py_init, 'pytrilinos':pytrilinos_init},
- config=True)
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Main application
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- aliases = dict(
- file = 'IPEngineApp.url_file',
- c = 'IPEngineApp.startup_command',
- s = 'IPEngineApp.startup_script',
- url = 'EngineFactory.url',
- ssh = 'EngineFactory.sshserver',
- sshkey = 'EngineFactory.sshkey',
- ip = 'EngineFactory.ip',
- transport = 'EngineFactory.transport',
- port = 'EngineFactory.regport',
- location = 'EngineFactory.location',
- timeout = 'EngineFactory.timeout',
- mpi = 'MPI.use',
- )
- aliases.update(base_aliases)
- aliases.update(session_aliases)
- flags = {}
- flags.update(base_flags)
- flags.update(session_flags)
- class IPEngineApp(BaseParallelApplication):
- name = 'ipengine'
- description = _description
- examples = _examples
- config_file_name = Unicode(default_config_file_name)
- classes = List([ProfileDir, Session, EngineFactory, Kernel, MPI])
- startup_script = Unicode(u'', config=True,
- help='specify a script to be run at startup')
- startup_command = Unicode('', config=True,
- help='specify a command to be run at startup')
- url_file = Unicode(u'', config=True,
- help="""The full location of the file containing the connection information for
- the controller. If this is not given, the file must be in the
- security directory of the cluster directory. This location is
- resolved using the `profile` or `profile_dir` options.""",
- )
- wait_for_url_file = Float(5, config=True,
- help="""The maximum number of seconds to wait for url_file to exist.
- This is useful for batch-systems and shared-filesystems where the
- controller and engine are started at the same time and it
- may take a moment for the controller to write the connector files.""")
- url_file_name = Unicode(u'ipcontroller-engine.json', config=True)
- def _cluster_id_changed(self, name, old, new):
- if new:
- base = 'ipcontroller-%s' % new
- else:
- base = 'ipcontroller'
- self.url_file_name = "%s-engine.json" % base
- log_url = Unicode('', config=True,
- help="""The URL for the iploggerapp instance, for forwarding
- logging to a central location.""")
- aliases = Dict(aliases)
- flags = Dict(flags)
- def find_url_file(self):
- """Set the url file.
- Here we don't try to actually see if it exists for is valid as that
- is hadled by the connection logic.
- """
- config = self.config
- # Find the actual controller key file
- if not self.url_file:
- self.url_file = os.path.join(
- self.profile_dir.security_dir,
- self.url_file_name
- )
- def load_connector_file(self):
- """load config from a JSON connector file,
- at a *lower* priority than command-line/config files.
- """
- self.log.info("Loading url_file %r", self.url_file)
- config = self.config
- with open(self.url_file) as f:
- d = json.loads(f.read())
- if 'exec_key' in d:
- config.Session.key = asbytes(d['exec_key'])
- try:
- config.EngineFactory.location
- except AttributeError:
- config.EngineFactory.location = d['location']
- d['url'] = disambiguate_url(d['url'], config.EngineFactory.location)
- try:
- config.EngineFactory.url
- except AttributeError:
- config.EngineFactory.url = d['url']
- try:
- config.EngineFactory.sshserver
- except AttributeError:
- config.EngineFactory.sshserver = d['ssh']
- def init_engine(self):
- # This is the working dir by now.
- sys.path.insert(0, '')
- config = self.config
- # print config
- self.find_url_file()
- # was the url manually specified?
- keys = set(self.config.EngineFactory.keys())
- keys = keys.union(set(self.config.RegistrationFactory.keys()))
- if keys.intersection(set(['ip', 'url', 'port'])):
- # Connection info was specified, don't wait for the file
- url_specified = True
- self.wait_for_url_file = 0
- else:
- url_specified = False
- if self.wait_for_url_file and not os.path.exists(self.url_file):
- self.log.warn("url_file %r not found", self.url_file)
- self.log.warn("Waiting up to %.1f seconds for it to arrive.", self.wait_for_url_file)
- tic = time.time()
- while not os.path.exists(self.url_file) and (time.time()-tic < self.wait_for_url_file):
- # wait for url_file to exist, or until time limit
- time.sleep(0.1)
- if os.path.exists(self.url_file):
- self.load_connector_file()
- elif not url_specified:
- self.log.fatal("Fatal: url file never arrived: %s", self.url_file)
- self.exit(1)
- try:
- exec_lines = config.Kernel.exec_lines
- except AttributeError:
- config.Kernel.exec_lines = []
- exec_lines = config.Kernel.exec_lines
- if self.startup_script:
- enc = sys.getfilesystemencoding() or 'utf8'
- cmd="execfile(%r)" % self.startup_script.encode(enc)
- exec_lines.append(cmd)
- if self.startup_command:
- exec_lines.append(self.startup_command)
- # Create the underlying shell class and Engine
- # shell_class = import_item(self.master_config.Global.shell_class)
- # print self.config
- try:
- self.engine = EngineFactory(config=config, log=self.log)
- except:
- self.log.error("Couldn't start the Engine", exc_info=True)
- self.exit(1)
- def forward_logging(self):
- if self.log_url:
- self.log.info("Forwarding logging to %s", self.log_url)
- context = self.engine.context
- lsock = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
- lsock.connect(self.log_url)
- self.log.removeHandler(self._log_handler)
- handler = EnginePUBHandler(self.engine, lsock)
- handler.setLevel(self.log_level)
- self.log.addHandler(handler)
- self._log_handler = handler
- def init_mpi(self):
- global mpi
- self.mpi = MPI(config=self.config)
- mpi_import_statement = self.mpi.init_script
- if mpi_import_statement:
- try:
- self.log.info("Initializing MPI:")
- self.log.info(mpi_import_statement)
- exec mpi_import_statement in globals()
- except:
- mpi = None
- else:
- mpi = None
- @catch_config_error
- def initialize(self, argv=None):
- super(IPEngineApp, self).initialize(argv)
- self.init_mpi()
- self.init_engine()
- self.forward_logging()
- def start(self):
- self.engine.start()
- try:
- self.engine.loop.start()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- self.log.critical("Engine Interrupted, shutting down...\n")
- def launch_new_instance():
- """Create and run the IPython engine"""
- app = IPEngineApp.instance()
- app.initialize()
- app.start()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- launch_new_instance()