Python | 481 lines | 388 code | 26 blank | 67 comment | 13 complexity | d3a6b7dd8e86ea3deec40275de19022f MD5 | raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # Copyright 2011 James Thornton (http://jamesthornton.com)
- # BSD License (see LICENSE for details)
- #
- """
- Base classes for modeling domain objects that wrap vertices and edges.
- """
- import config
- from rest import Resource
- from index import IndexProxy
- from element import Vertex, VertexProxy, Edge, EdgeProxy
- from typesystem import TypeSystem, ClassProperty
- class Model(TypeSystem):
- """
- Abstract base class for Node and Relationship.
- It's a sublcass of TypeSystem, which provides a mechanism for type-checking
- database properties before they're saved in the database.
- To create a type-checked database property, use the Property class and
- datatype classes, which are located in the property module. Example::
- name = Property(String, nullable=False)
- age = Property(Integer)
- """
- # You can override this default resource.
- resource = Resource(config.DATABASE_URL)
- @property
- def eid(self):
- """Return the element ID. Override this to change it from eid."""
- return self._id
- #@property
- #def element_type(self):
- # """Return the element type."""
- # return self._data.get(config.TYPE_VAR,None)
- #return self._data[TYPE_VAR]
- @classmethod
- def get(self,_id):
- """
- Returns the element for the specified ID.
- ::param _id: The element's ID.
- """
- return self._element_proxy.get(_id)
- @classmethod
- def get_all(self):
- """Returns all the elements for the model type."""
- index_name = self._element_proxy._path()
- target = "%s/indices/%s" % (self.resource.db_name,index_name)
- params = dict(key="element_type",value=self.element_type)
- resp = self.resource.get(target,params)
- for result in resp.results:
- yield self(self.resource,result)
- @classmethod
- def remove(self,_id,params):
- """
- Removes a property from the element for the specified ID.
- ::param _id: The element's ID.
- ::param params: The element's property to remove.
- """
- return self._element_proxy.remove(_id,params)
- @classmethod
- def create_index(self,index_keys=None,index_type="automatic"):
- """
- Creates an index for the model.
- ::param index_keys: The specific keys to index. If set to None,
- any key can be indexed. Defaults to None.
- ::param index_type: The type of index to create. Either manual
- or automatic. Defaults to automatic. See
- Rexster docs for definitions.
- """
- index_name = self._get_index_name()
- index_class = self._get_index_class()
- index_attributes = (index_name,index_class,index_type,index_keys)
- return self.index_proxy.create(*index_attributes)
- @classmethod
- def delete_index(self):
- """Deletes the model's index."""
- index_name = self._get_element_key()
- return self.index_proxy.delete(index_name)
- @classmethod
- def _get_element_proxy(self):
- """
- Returns the element's proxy class. The Node and Relationship classes
- override this.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- @classmethod
- def _get_index_proxy(self):
- """Returns the index's proxy class."""
- return IndexProxy(self.resource,self)
- @classmethod
- def _get_index_name(self):
- """Returns the model's index name."""
- return self._get_element_key()
- @classmethod
- def _get_index(self):
- """Returns the model's index."""
- index_name = self._get_index_name()
- return self.index_proxy.get(index_name)
- index = ClassProperty(_get_index)
- index_proxy = ClassProperty(_get_index_proxy)
- #def element_type_sanity_check(self,results):
- # element_type = self.get_element_type(results)
- # if element_type is not None:
- # if element_type != getattr(self,TYPE_VAR):
- # raise("DB element type (%) doesn't match class element type (%s)" % \
- # (element_type, getattr(self,TYPE_VAR)))
- #def get_arg(self,name,default=None):
- # return self._kwds.get(name,default)
- def _create(self,*args,**kwds):
- """
- Create a new element in the database.
- ::param *args: Optional dict of name/value pairs of database properties.
- ::param **kwds: name/value pairs of database properties to store.
- """
- self._set_keyword_attributes(kwds)
- self._validate_property_data()
- data = self._get_property_data()
- args = list(args)
- args.append(data)
- self.before_created()
- # Using super here b/c Vertex and Edge have different create methods
- #resp = super(self.__class__,self).create(*args,raw=True)
- # got a "mismatched input, expecting double star" in Jython so
- # passing raw as a "double star"
- kwds = dict(raw=True)
- resp = self._element_proxy.create(*args,**kwds)
- self._initialize_element(self.resource,resp.results)
- #self.set_element_data(resp.results)
- self.after_created()
- def _read(self,results):
- """
- Read an element's data that was retrieved from the DB and set its model
- values.
- ::param results: A list containing the results returned by Rexster.
- """
- self.before_read()
- self._initialize_element(self.resource,results)
- #self.set_element_data(results)
- self._set_property_data(results)
- self.after_read()
- def _update(self,eid,kwds):
- """
- Updates the element in the database.
- ::param eid: The ID of the element to update.
- ::param **kwds: name/value pairs of database properties to store.
- """
- self.eid = eid
- self._set_keyword_attributes(kwds)
- self.save()
- def save(self):
- """
- Saves/updates the element's data in the database.
- """
- self._validate_property_data()
- data = self._get_property_data()
- self.before_updated()
- #resp = super(self.__class__,self).update(self.eid,data,raw=True)
- resp = self._element_proxy.update(self.eid,data,raw=True)
- self._initialize_element(self.resource,resp.results)
- #self.set_element_data(resp.results)
- self.after_updated()
- def delete(self):
- """Deletes an element from the database."""
- # Should we make this a classmethod instead?
- # Should we provide an option to set a deleted flag or just override this?
- self.before_deleted()
- #resp = super(self.__class__,self).delete(self)
- resp = self._element_proxy.delete(self)
- self.after_deleted()
- return resp
- def initialize(self,args,kwds):
- """
- Initialize the model.
- If results is passed in, that means data was retrieved from the DB
- via a get request or gremlin query so we just set the property values
- based on what is stored in the DB.
- If eid was passed in, that means we're updating the element so we
- set the model's attributes based on the keyword variables passed in,
- and we save in the DB any attributes specified as DB Properties.
- If neither results nor eid were passed in, that means we're creating a
- new element so we set the model's attributes based on the keyword
- variables that were passed in, and we save in the DB any attributes
- specified as DB Properties.
- Also, we set self.kwds so the vars are available to the before/after wrappers.
- ::param *args: Optional dict of name/value pairs of database properties.
- ::param **kwds: name/value pairs of database properties to store.
- """
- # We're doing a little arg dance instead of keyword mangling.
- # This avoids problems if a user wants to use the word "results" as a
- # Property name (actually, no it doesn't, b/c you're using results
- # elsewhere. Ugh -- I hate keyword mangling.
- _id = None
- results = None
- args = list(args)
- # save kwds so it's available to before/after wrappers
- self._kwds = kwds
- # in case someone wants to pass in a dict of data instead of by keywords
- _data = kwds.pop("_data",{})
- # in case someone passed in a dict of data plus some data by keywords
- _data.update(**kwds)
- if args and isinstance(args[0],Resource):
- self.resource = args.pop(0)
- if args and isinstance(args[0],dict):
- results = args.pop(0)
- if args and isinstance(args[0],int):
- _id = args.pop(0)
- #print "RESULTS:", results
- self.before_initialized()
- if results is not None:
- # must have been a get or gremlin request
- Model._read(self,results)
- elif _id is not None:
- # calling Model explicitly b/c Vertex/Edge have an update method too
- Model._update(self,_id,_data)
- elif args or kwds:
- # calling Model explicitly b/c Vertex/Edge have a create method too
- Model._create(self,*args,**_data)
- else:
- # create an empty Node (can't have an empty Relationship b/c must have label)
- Model._create(self,{})
- self.after_initialized()
- def before_initialized(self):
- """Virtual method run before the model is initialized."""
- pass
- def after_initialized(self):
- """Virtual method run after the model is initialized."""
- pass
- def before_created(self):
- """Virtual method run before an element is created in the DB."""
- pass
- def after_created(self):
- """Virtual method run after an element is created in the DB."""
- pass
- def before_read(self):
- """Virtual method run before element data is read from the DB."""
- pass
- def after_read(self):
- """Virtual method run after element data is read from the DB."""
- pass
- def before_updated(self):
- """Virtual method run before an element is updated in the DB."""
- pass
- def after_updated(self):
- """Virtual method run after an element is updated in the DB."""
- pass
- def before_deleted(self):
- """Virtual method run before an element is deleted from the DB."""
- pass
- def after_deleted(self):
- """Virtual method run after an element is deleted from the DB."""
- pass
- class Node(Vertex,Model):
- """
- An abstract base class used to create classes that model domain objects. It is
- not meant to be used directly
- To use this, create a subclass specific to the type of data you are
- storing.
- Example model declaration::
- from bulbs.model import Node
- from bulbs.property import Property, String, Integer
- class Person(Node):
- element_type = "person"
- name = Property(String, nullable=False)
- age = Property(Integer)
- def after_created():
- # include code to create relationships and to index the node
- pass
- Example usage::
- # Create a node in the DB:
- >>> james = Person(name="James Thornton")
- >>> james.eid
- 3
- >>> james.name
- 'James Thornton'
- # Get a node from the DB:
- >>> james = Person.get(3)
- # Update the node in the DB:
- >>> james.age = 34
- >>> james.save()
- """
- # Can't do the metamagic unless object has been created so we can't use
- # __new__ because all the initialzed vars would be on the class and not the
- # object. Don't worry about setting the object attributes for the kwds data
- # because the initialize sets them and the grandancestor Element provides
- # DB data to you by overriding __getattr__.
- #element_type = "node"
- def __init__(self,*args,**kwds):
- """
- Initialize the node.
- ::param *args: Optional dict of name/value pairs of database properties.
- ::param **kwds: name/value pairs of database properties to store.
- """
- # pass results as the first (and only) arg to init values from gets
- # pass eid as the first arg if you are updating the element
- self.initialize(args,kwds)
- @classmethod
- def _get_element_key(self):
- """Returns the element's key that's used for stuff like the index name."""
- element_key = getattr(self,config.TYPE_VAR)
- return element_key
- @classmethod
- def _get_index_class(self):
- """Returns the element's base class."""
- return "vertex"
- @classmethod
- def _get_element_proxy(self):
- """Returns the element's proxy."""
- return VertexProxy(self.resource,self)
- _element_proxy = ClassProperty(_get_element_proxy)
- class Relationship(Edge,Model):
- """
- An abstract base class used to create classes that model domain objects. It is
- not meant to be used directly
- To use this, create a subclass specific to the type of data you are
- storing.
- Example usage for an edge between a blog entry node and its creating user::
- class CreatedBy(Relationship):
- label = "created_by"
- timestamp = Property(Float, default="current_timestamp", nullable=False)
- @property
- def entry(self):
- return Entry.get(self.outV)
- @property
- def user(self):
- return User.get(self.inV)
- def current_timestamp(self):
- return time.time()
- >>> entry = Entry(text="example blog entry")
- >>> james = Person(name="James")
- >>> CreatedBy(entry,james)
- # Or if you just want to create a basic relationship between two nodes, do::
- >>> Relationship.create(entry,"created_by",james)
- """
- def __init__(self,*args,**kwds):
- args = list(args)
- if args and isinstance(args[1],Vertex):
- # 2nd arg is a Vertex so they're in form of CreatedBy(entry,james)
- # TODO: clean up this arg thing -- this is a quick hack to fix a bug
- outV = args.pop(0)
- inV = args.pop(0)
- args = (outV,self.label,inV)
- self.initialize(args,kwds)
- @classmethod
- def create(self,outV,label,inV,**kwds):
- """
- Create a generic relationship between two nodes.
- ::param outV: the outgoing vertex.
- ::param label: the edge's label.
- ::param inV: the incoming vertex.
- ::param **kwds: Optional keyword arguments. Name/value pairs of properties to store.
- """
- return Relationship(outV,label,inV,**kwds)
- @classmethod
- def _get_element_key(self):
- """Returns the element's key that's used for stuff like the index name."""
- return self.label
- @classmethod
- def _get_index_class(self):
- """Returns the element's base class."""
- return "edge"
- @classmethod
- def _get_element_proxy(self):
- """Returns the element's proxy."""
- return EdgeProxy(self.resource,self)
- _element_proxy = ClassProperty(_get_element_proxy)