Python | 430 lines | 401 code | 1 blank | 28 comment | 3 complexity | bb767bcb88c87552a8fc65382d1e804c MD5 | raw file
- """
- An asset cache stores a copy of slow-to-obtain website assets
- on a fast file storage. Assets are stored based on a hash of their
- path and mtime, so it's safe to update the source and have the asset cache
- automatically cleared.
- A classic use of an asset cache is to copy static files from a server with
- a short expiry header to a server with an extremely long expiry header.
- """
- from __future__ import unicode_literals
- import hashlib, os.path, fnmatch, re
- from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
- from contextlib import closing
- from django.contrib.staticfiles.finders import find as find_static_path, get_finders
- from django.contrib.staticfiles import storage
- from django.core.files.base import File, ContentFile
- from django.core.files.storage import default_storage
- from django.conf import settings
- from django.core.files.storage import get_storage_class
- from django.utils import six
- from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes
- try:
- staticfiles_storage = storage.staticfiles_storage
- except AttributeError:
- staticfiles_storage = get_storage_class(settings.STATICFILES_STORAGE)() # Django 1.3 compatibility.
- from optimizations.utils import resolve_namespaced_cache
- def freeze_dict(params):
- """Returns an invariant version of the dictionary, suitable for hashing."""
- return hashlib.sha1("&".join(
- "{key}={value}".format(
- key = key,
- value = value,
- )
- for key, value in sorted(six.iteritems(params))
- ).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
- class Asset(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta)):
- """An asset that is available to the asset cache."""
- @abstractmethod
- def get_name(self):
- """
- Returns the name of this asset.
- It does not have to be globally unique.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_path(self):
- """Returns the filesystem path of this asset."""
- raise NotImplementedError("This asset does not support absolute paths")
- def get_url(self):
- """Returns the frontend URL of this asset."""
- raise NotImplementedError("This asset does not have a URL")
- def get_mtime(self):
- """Returns the last modified time of this asset."""
- return os.path.getmtime(self.get_path())
- def get_contents_hash(self):
- """Returns an md5 hash of the file's contents."""
- md5 = hashlib.md5()
- with closing(self.open()) as handle:
- for chunk in handle.chunks():
- md5.update(chunk)
- return md5.hexdigest()
- def get_id_params(self):
- """"Returns the params which should be used to generate the id."""
- params = {}
- # Add the path.
- try:
- params["path"] = self.get_path()
- except NotImplementedError:
- pass
- # Add the URL.
- try:
- params["url"] = self.get_url()
- except NotImplementedError:
- pass
- # All done!
- return params
- def _get_and_check_id_params(self):
- """Retrieves the id params, and checks that some exist."""
- params = self.get_id_params()
- if not params:
- raise NotImplementedError("This asset does not have a path or a url.")
- return params
- def get_id(self):
- """Returns a globally unique id for this asset."""
- return freeze_dict(self._get_and_check_id_params())
- def get_cache_key(self):
- return "optimizations:assetcache:{id}".format(
- id = self.get_id(),
- )
- def open(self):
- """Returns an open File for this asset."""
- return File(open(self.get_path()), "rb")
- def get_contents(self):
- """Returns the contents of this asset as a string."""
- with closing(self.open()) as handle:
- return handle.read()
- def get_hash_params(self):
- """Returns the params which should be used to generate the hash."""
- params = self._get_and_check_id_params()
- try:
- params["mtime"] = self.get_mtime()
- except NotImplementedError:
- # Not all backends support mtime, so fall back to md5 of the contents.
- params["md5"] = self.get_contents_hash()
- return params
- def get_hash(self):
- """Returns the sha1 hash of this asset's contents."""
- return freeze_dict(self.get_hash_params())
- def get_save_meta(self):
- """Returns the meta parameters to associate with the asset in the asset cache."""
- return {}
- def get_save_extension(self):
- """Returns the file extension to use when saving the asset."""
- _, asset_ext = os.path.splitext(self.get_name())
- return asset_ext.lower()
- def save(self, storage, name, meta):
- """Saves this asset to the given storage."""
- with closing(self.open()) as handle:
- storage.save(name, handle)
- class StaticAsset(Asset):
- """An asset that wraps a Django static file."""
- @staticmethod
- def get_static_path(name):
- """Returns the full static path of the given name."""
- path = find_static_path(name)
- if path is None:
- path = staticfiles_storage.path(name)
- return os.path.abspath(path)
- @staticmethod
- def load(type, assets="default"):
- """Resolves the given asset name into a list of static assets."""
- namespaces = StaticAsset._load_namespaces()
- # Adapt a single asset to a list.
- if isinstance(assets, (six.string_types, Asset)):
- assets = [assets]
- # Adapt asset names to assets.
- asset_objs = []
- for asset in assets:
- # Leave actual assets as they are.
- if isinstance(asset, Asset):
- asset_objs.append(asset)
- else:
- # Convert asset group ids into assets.
- asset_namespace = namespaces.get(asset)
- if asset_namespace is not None:
- asset_group = asset_namespace.get(type)
- if asset_group is not None:
- asset_objs.extend(asset_group)
- else:
- asset_objs.append(StaticAsset(asset))
- return asset_objs
- @staticmethod
- def get_namespaces():
- """Returns a list of all namespaces in the static asset loader."""
- return list(StaticAsset._load_namespaces().keys())
- @staticmethod
- def get_urls(type, assets="default"):
- """Returns a list of cached urls for the given static assets."""
- return [
- default_asset_cache.get_url(asset)
- for asset in StaticAsset.load(type, assets)
- ]
- @staticmethod
- def _load_namespaces():
- namespaces = getattr(StaticAsset, "_namespace_cache", None)
- if namespaces is None:
- namespaces = {}
- # Find all the assets.
- all_asset_names = []
- for finder in get_finders():
- for path, storage in finder.list(()):
- if getattr(storage, "prefix", None):
- path = os.path.join(storage.prefix, path)
- all_asset_names.append(path)
- all_asset_names.sort()
- # Loads the assets.
- def do_load(type, include=(), exclude=()):
- include = [re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern)) for pattern in include]
- exclude = [re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern)) for pattern in exclude]
- # Create the loaded list of assets.
- asset_names = []
- seen_asset_names = set()
- for pattern in include:
- new_asset_names = [a for a in all_asset_names if pattern.match(a) and not a in seen_asset_names]
- asset_names.extend(new_asset_names)
- seen_asset_names.update(new_asset_names)
- for pattern in exclude:
- asset_names = [a for a in asset_names if not pattern.match(a)]
- # Create the assets.
- return [StaticAsset(asset_name) for asset_name in asset_names]
- # Load in all namespaces.
- for namespace, types in six.iteritems(getattr(settings, "STATIC_ASSETS", {})):
- type_cache = namespaces[namespace] = {}
- for type, config in six.iteritems(types):
- type_cache[type] = do_load(type, **config)
- # Save in the cache.
- StaticAsset._namespace_cache = namespaces
- return namespaces
- def __init__(self, name):
- """Initializes the static asset."""
- self._name = name
- def open(self):
- return staticfiles_storage.open(self._name)
- def get_name(self):
- """Returns the name of this static asset."""
- return self._name
- def get_path(self):
- """Returns the path of this static asset."""
- return StaticAsset.get_static_path(self._name)
- def get_url(self):
- """Returns the URL of this static asset."""
- return staticfiles_storage.url(self._name)
- def get_mtime(self):
- """Returns the last modified time of this asset."""
- if settings.DEBUG:
- return os.path.getmtime(self.get_path())
- return staticfiles_storage.modified_time(self.get_name())
- class FileAsset(Asset):
- """An asset that wraps a file."""
- def __init__(self, file):
- """Initializes the file asset."""
- self._file = file
- def get_name(self):
- """Returns the name of this asset."""
- return self._file.name
- def get_path(self):
- """Returns the path of this asset."""
- try:
- return self._file.path
- except AttributeError:
- return os.path.abspath(self._file.name)
- def get_url(self):
- """Returns the URL of this asset."""
- try:
- return self._file.url
- except AttributeError:
- raise NotImplementedError("Underlying file does not have a URL.")
- def get_mtime(self):
- """Returns the mtime of this asset."""
- storage = getattr(self._file, "storage", None)
- if storage:
- return storage.modified_time(self._file.name)
- return super(FileAsset, self).get_mtime()
- def open(self):
- """Opens this asset."""
- self._file.open("rb")
- return self._file
- class GroupedAsset(Asset):
- """An asset composed of multiple sub-assets."""
- join_str = ""
- def __init__(self, assets):
- """Initializes the grouped asset."""
- self._assets = assets
- def get_name(self):
- """Returns the name of this asset."""
- return self._assets[0].get_name()
- def get_id_params(self):
- """"Returns the params which should be used to generate the id."""
- params = {}
- # Add in the assets.
- for n, asset in enumerate(self._assets):
- params.update(
- ("{n}_{key}".format(
- n = n,
- key = key,
- ), value)
- for key, value
- in six.iteritems(asset._get_and_check_id_params())
- )
- # All done.
- return params
- def get_mtime(self):
- """Returns the modified time for this asset."""
- return max(asset.get_mtime() for asset in self._assets)
- def get_contents(self):
- """Loads all the js code."""
- return force_bytes(self.join_str).join(asset.get_contents() for asset in self._assets)
- def get_hash(self):
- """Returns the sha1 hash of this asset's contents."""
- return hashlib.sha1("".join(asset.get_hash() for asset in self._assets).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
- def open(self):
- """Returns an open file pointer."""
- return ContentFile(self.get_contents())
- class AdaptiveAsset(Asset):
- """An asset that adapts to wrap as many types as possible."""
- def __new__(cls, asset):
- """Creates the new asset."""
- if isinstance(asset, Asset):
- return asset
- if isinstance(asset, File):
- return FileAsset(asset)
- if isinstance(asset, six.string_types):
- return StaticAsset(asset)
- raise TypeError("{!r} is not a valid asset".format(asset))
- class AssetCache(object):
- """A cache of assets."""
- def __init__(self, storage=default_storage, prefix="assets", cache_name="optimizations.assetcache"):
- """Initializes the asset cache."""
- self._storage = storage
- self._prefix = prefix
- self._cache = resolve_namespaced_cache(cache_name)
- def get_name_and_meta(self, asset):
- """Returns the name and associated parameters of an asset."""
- # Get the asset ID.
- asset_cache_key = asset.get_cache_key()
- name_and_meta = self._cache.get(asset_cache_key)
- if name_and_meta is None:
- # Generate the name.
- asset_hash = asset.get_hash()
- asset_ext = asset.get_save_extension()
- name = "{prefix}/{folder}/{hash}{ext}".format(
- prefix = self._prefix,
- folder = asset_hash[:2],
- hash = asset_hash[2:],
- ext = asset_ext,
- )
- # Save the asset's params.
- meta = asset.get_save_meta()
- # Save the file to the asset cache.
- if not self._storage.exists(name):
- asset.save(self._storage, name, meta)
- # Cache the name.
- name_and_meta = (name, meta)
- self._cache.set(asset_cache_key, name_and_meta)
- return name_and_meta
- def get_name(self, asset):
- """Returns the cached name of the given asset."""
- return self.get_name_and_meta(asset)[0]
- def get_meta(self, asset):
- """Returns the cached meta of the given asset."""
- return self.get_name_and_meta(asset)[1]
- def get_path(self, asset, force_save=None):
- """Returns the cached path of the given asset."""
- if force_save is None:
- force_save = not settings.DEBUG
- asset = AdaptiveAsset(asset)
- if not force_save:
- try:
- return asset.get_path()
- except NotImplementedError:
- pass
- return self._storage.path(self.get_name(asset))
- def get_url(self, asset, force_save=None):
- """Returns the cached url of the given asset."""
- if force_save is None:
- force_save = not settings.DEBUG
- asset = AdaptiveAsset(asset)
- if not force_save:
- try:
- return asset.get_url()
- except NotImplementedError:
- pass
- return self._storage.url(self.get_name(asset))
- # The default asset cache.
- default_asset_cache = AssetCache()