C++ | 583 lines | 436 code | 58 blank | 89 comment | 83 complexity | b1c26d9c8c57ded50fb5e2d70f67de5c MD5 | raw file
- #define BUC40223 /*GG_070797
- Protection contre zoom trop grand*/
- #include <Xw_Extension.h>
- /* ifdef then trace on */
- #ifdef TRACE
- #endif
- /*
- STATUS Xw_draw_poly (awindow,npoint,px,py):
- XW_EXT_WINDOW *awindow
- int npoint Polygone point number
- float *px,*py Polygone points
- Display continuous poly in current QG set by set_poly_attrib .
- Note that polys can be buffered depending of the DisplayMode context
- and Flush at Xw_flush time .
- returns ERROR if npoint > MAXPOINTS
- returns SUCCESS if successful
- */
- static int FirstPolyPoint = -1 ;
- static int FirstPolyLine = -1 ;
- static int FirstPathPoint = -1 ;
- static XW_EXT_POLY *ppolylist ;
- static XW_EXT_POINT *plinedesc ;
- static XSegment segment;
- XW_STATUS Xw_draw_poly (void* awindow,int npoint,float* px,float* py)
- #else
- XW_STATUS Xw_draw_poly (awindow,npoint,px,py)
- void *awindow;
- int npoint ;
- float *px,*py ;
- #endif /*XW_PROTOTYPE*/
- {
- XW_EXT_WINDOW *pwindow = (XW_EXT_WINDOW*)awindow;
- XW_EXT_BUFFER *pbuffer ;
- int i,npoly,ldesc,bindex;
- int x=0,y=0,lx=0,ly=0 ;
- XPoint *ppoint ;
- if( !Xw_isdefine_window(pwindow) ) {
- /*ERROR*Bad EXT_WINDOW Address*/
- Xw_set_error(24,"Xw_draw_poly",pwindow) ;
- return (XW_ERROR) ;
- }
- if( npoint >= MAXPOINTS ) {
- npoint = MAXPOINTS-1 ;
- /*ERROR*Too many points in POLYGONE*/
- Xw_set_error(28,"Xw_draw_poly",&npoint) ;
- return (XW_ERROR) ;
- }
- if( npoint < 3 ) {
- /*WARNING*POLYGONE is Empty !!!*/
- Xw_set_error(33,"Xw_draw_poly",&npoint) ;
- return (XW_ERROR) ;
- }
- bindex = _BINDEX ;
- pbuffer = &_BUFFER(bindex) ;
- for( ppolylist = pbuffer->ppolylist ; ppolylist ;
- ppolylist = (XW_EXT_POLY*)ppolylist->link ) {
- if( ppolylist->npoly < MAXPOLYS ) break ;
- }
- if( !ppolylist ) {
- ppolylist = Xw_add_polygone_structure(pbuffer) ;
- }
- if( !ppolylist ) return XW_ERROR ;
- for( plinedesc = pbuffer->plinedesc ; plinedesc ;
- plinedesc = (XW_EXT_POINT*)plinedesc->link ) {
- if( plinedesc->npoint + npoint < MAXPOINTS ) break ;
- }
- if( !plinedesc ) {
- plinedesc = Xw_add_line_desc_structure(pbuffer) ;
- }
- if( !plinedesc ) return XW_ERROR ;
- npoly = ppolylist->npoly ;
- ldesc = plinedesc->npoint ;
- ppolylist->ppolys[npoly] = ppoint = &plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc] ;
- for( i=0 ; i<npoint ; i++ ) {
- //OCC186
- x = PXPOINT(px[i], pwindow->xratio) ;
- y = PYPOINT(py[i], pwindow->attributes.height, pwindow->yratio) ;
- //OCC186
- #ifdef BUC40223
- if( i > 0 ) {
- int status;
- status = Xw_clip_segment(pwindow,lx,ly,x,y,&segment);
- if( status >= 0 ) {
- if( (i < 2) || (status & 0xF ) ) {
- plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc].x = segment.x1 ;
- plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc].y = segment.y1 ;
- ldesc++;
- if( bindex > 0 ) {
- int xx = segment.x1,yy = segment.y1;
- pbuffer->rxmin = min(pbuffer->rxmin,xx) ;
- pbuffer->rymin = min(pbuffer->rymin,yy) ;
- pbuffer->rxmax = max(pbuffer->rxmax,xx) ;
- pbuffer->rymax = max(pbuffer->rymax,yy) ;
- }
- }
- plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc].x = segment.x2 ;
- plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc].y = segment.y2 ;
- ldesc++;
- if( bindex > 0 ) {
- int xx = segment.x2,yy = segment.y2;
- pbuffer->rxmin = min(pbuffer->rxmin,xx) ;
- pbuffer->rymin = min(pbuffer->rymin,yy) ;
- pbuffer->rxmax = max(pbuffer->rxmax,xx) ;
- pbuffer->rymax = max(pbuffer->rymax,yy) ;
- }
- }
- }
- lx = x; ly = y;
- #else
- plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc].x = x ;
- plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc].y = y ;
- ldesc++ ;
- if( bindex > 0 ) {
- pbuffer->rxmin = min(pbuffer->rxmin,x) ;
- pbuffer->rymin = min(pbuffer->rymin,y) ;
- pbuffer->rxmax = max(pbuffer->rxmax,x) ;
- pbuffer->rymax = max(pbuffer->rymax,y) ;
- }
- #endif
- }
- if( ppoint->x != x || ppoint->y != y ) {
- plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc].x = ppoint->x ;
- plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc].y = ppoint->y ;
- ldesc++ ;
- }
- ppolylist->polys[npoly] = ldesc - plinedesc->npoint ;
- ppolylist->paths[npoly] = ppolylist->polys[npoly] ;
- if( ppolylist->polys[npoly] > 3 ) {
- ppolylist->npoly++ ;
- plinedesc->npoint = ldesc ;
- if( bindex > 0 ) {
- pbuffer->isempty = False ;
- } else if( FirstPolyPoint < 0 ) {
- int polyindex = pwindow->polyindex ;
- int lineindex = pwindow->lineindex ;
- GC gcpoly = (QGTILE(pwindow->qgpoly[polyindex].code)) ?
- pwindow->qgpoly[polyindex].gc : NULL ;
- GC gcline = (QGTYPE(pwindow->qgpoly[polyindex].code)) ?
- pwindow->qgline[lineindex].gc : NULL ;
- Xw_draw_pixel_polys(pwindow,ppolylist,gcpoly,gcline);
- ppolylist->npoly = 0 ;
- plinedesc->npoint = 0 ;
- }
- }
- if( Xw_get_trace() > 2 ) {
- printf(" Xw_draw_poly(%lx,%d)\n",(long ) pwindow,npoint) ;
- for( i=0 ; i<npoint ; i++ ) {
- printf(" Point(%d) = {%f,%f}\n",i,px[i],py[i]) ;
- }
- }
- #endif
- return (XW_SUCCESS);
- }
- void Xw_draw_pixel_polys(XW_EXT_WINDOW* pwindow,XW_EXT_POLY* ppolylist,
- GC gcpoly,GC gcline)
- #else
- void Xw_draw_pixel_polys(pwindow,ppolylist,gcpoly,gcline)
- XW_EXT_WINDOW *pwindow ;
- XW_EXT_POLY *ppolylist ;
- GC gcpoly,gcline ;
- #endif
- {
- int i,npolypoint,npathpoint,shape,npoint=0,count=0;
- Region chr_region=NULL;
- XPoint *ppoint ;
- for( i=0 ; i<ppolylist->npoly ; i++ ) {
- npolypoint = ppolylist->polys[i] ;
- npathpoint = ppolylist->paths[i] ;
- ppoint = ppolylist->ppolys[i] ;
- if( ppolylist->isupdated ) {
- ppoint += MAXPOINTS ;
- }
- if( gcpoly ) {
- if( npolypoint > 0 ) {
- npoint = npolypoint; count = 0;
- chr_region = 0;
- }
- if( npoint > npathpoint ) {
- if( npathpoint > 3 ) {
- if( chr_region == 0 ) {
- chr_region =
- XPolygonRegion(ppoint,npathpoint-1,EvenOddRule);
- } else {
- Region chr_pathreg =
- XPolygonRegion(ppoint,npathpoint-1,EvenOddRule);
- Region chr_xorreg = XCreateRegion ();
- XXorRegion (chr_region, chr_pathreg, chr_xorreg);
- XDestroyRegion (chr_region);
- chr_region = chr_xorreg;
- }
- }
- count += npathpoint;
- if( count >= npoint && chr_region ) {
- XRectangle rect;
- XSetRegion(_DISPLAY,gcpoly,chr_region);
- XClipBox(chr_region,&rect);
- XFillRectangles(_DISPLAY,_DRAWABLE,gcpoly,&rect,1);
- XDestroyRegion(chr_region);
- XSetClipMask(_DISPLAY,gcpoly,None);
- }
- } else if( npoint > 3 ) {
- shape = (npoint > 4) ? Nonconvex : Convex;
- XFillPolygon(_DISPLAY,_DRAWABLE,gcpoly,ppoint,npoint-1,
- shape,CoordModeOrigin) ;
- }
- }
- if( gcline && (gcpoly != gcline) && (npathpoint > 3) ) {
- XDrawLines(_DISPLAY,_DRAWABLE,gcline,
- ppoint,npathpoint,CoordModeOrigin) ;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- STATUS Xw_begin_poly (awindow,npoint,npath):
- XW_EXT_WINDOW *awindow
- int npoint Estimated polygone point number
- int npath Estimated polygone path number
- Begin Polygone which must be filled by Xw_poly_point and
- closed by Xw_close_poly
- returns ERROR if npoint > MAXPOINTS
- or npath > MAXPOLYS
- returns SUCCESS if successful
- */
- static int Npoint = 0;
- static int Lx,Ly;
- XW_STATUS Xw_begin_poly(void* awindow,int npoint,int npath)
- #else
- XW_STATUS Xw_begin_poly(awindow,npoint,npath)
- void *awindow ;
- int npoint,npath ;
- #endif /*XW_PROTOTYPE*/
- {
- XW_EXT_WINDOW *pwindow = (XW_EXT_WINDOW*)awindow ;
- int npoly,ldesc,bindex ;
- if( !Xw_isdefine_window(pwindow) ) {
- /*ERROR*Bad EXT_WINDOW Address*/
- Xw_set_error(24,"Xw_begin_poly",pwindow) ;
- return (XW_ERROR) ;
- }
- if( npoint >= MAXPOINTS ) {
- npoint = MAXPOINTS-1 ;
- /*ERROR*Too many points in POLYGONE*/
- Xw_set_error(32,"Xw_begin_poly",&npoint) ;
- return (XW_ERROR) ;
- }
- if( npath >= MAXPOLYS ) {
- npath = MAXPOLYS-1 ;
- /*ERROR*Too many paths in POLYGONE*/
- Xw_set_error(32,"Xw_begin_poly",&npath) ;
- return (XW_ERROR) ;
- }
- if( FirstPolyPoint >= 0 ) Xw_close_poly(pwindow) ;
- bindex = _BINDEX ;
- for( ppolylist = _BUFFER(bindex).ppolylist ; ppolylist ;
- ppolylist = (XW_EXT_POLY*)ppolylist->link ) {
- if( (ppolylist->npoly + npath) < MAXPOLYS ) break ;
- }
- if( !ppolylist ) {
- ppolylist = Xw_add_polygone_structure(&_BUFFER(bindex)) ;
- }
- if( !ppolylist ) return XW_ERROR ;
- for( plinedesc = _BUFFER(bindex).plinedesc ; plinedesc ;
- plinedesc = (XW_EXT_POINT*)plinedesc->link ) {
- if( (plinedesc->npoint + npoint) < MAXPOINTS ) break ;
- }
- if( !plinedesc ) {
- plinedesc = Xw_add_line_desc_structure(&_BUFFER(bindex)) ;
- }
- if( !plinedesc ) return XW_ERROR ;
- npoly = ppolylist->npoly ;
- ldesc = plinedesc->npoint ;
- ppolylist->polys[npoly] = 0 ;
- ppolylist->paths[npoly] = Npoint = 0 ;
- ppolylist->ppolys[npoly] = &plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc] ;
- FirstPolyPoint = FirstPathPoint = ldesc ;
- FirstPolyLine = npoly;
- if( Xw_get_trace() > 2 ) {
- printf(" Xw_begin_poly(%lx,%d,%d)\n",(long ) pwindow,npoint,npath) ;
- }
- #endif
- return (XW_SUCCESS) ;
- }
- /*
- STATUS Xw_poly_point (awindow,x,y):
- XW_EXT_WINDOW *awindow
- float x,y New point to add in polygone in user-space coordinates
- Fill Polygone with one point more
- returns ERROR if Too Many Points in polygones
- returns SUCCESS if successful
- */
- XW_STATUS Xw_poly_point(void* awindow,float x,float y)
- #else
- XW_STATUS Xw_poly_point(awindow,x,y)
- void *awindow ;
- float x,y ;
- #endif /*XW_PROTOTYPE*/
- {
- XW_EXT_WINDOW *pwindow = (XW_EXT_WINDOW*)awindow ;
- XW_EXT_BUFFER *pbuffer ;
- int bindex,xi,yi ;
- if( FirstPolyPoint >= 0 ) {
- int ldesc = plinedesc->npoint ;
- if( ldesc >= MAXPOINTS ) {
- /*ERROR*Too many points in POLYGONE*/
- Xw_set_error(32,"Xw_poly_point",&ldesc) ;
- Xw_close_poly(pwindow) ;
- return (XW_ERROR) ;
- }
- bindex = _BINDEX ;
- //OCC186
- xi = PXPOINT(x, pwindow->xratio) ;
- yi = PYPOINT(y, pwindow->attributes.height, pwindow->yratio) ;
- //OCC186
- #ifdef BUC40223
- if( Npoint > 0 ) {
- int status;
- status = Xw_clip_segment(pwindow,Lx,Ly,xi,yi,&segment);
- if( status >= 0 ) {
- if( (Npoint < 2) || (status & 0xF ) ) {
- plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc].x = segment.x1 ;
- plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc].y = segment.y1 ;
- ldesc++; plinedesc->npoint++ ;
- if( bindex > 0 ) {
- int xx = segment.x1,yy = segment.y1;
- pbuffer = &_BUFFER(bindex) ;
- pbuffer->isempty = False ;
- pbuffer->rxmin = min(pbuffer->rxmin,xx) ;
- pbuffer->rymin = min(pbuffer->rymin,yy) ;
- pbuffer->rxmax = max(pbuffer->rxmax,xx) ;
- pbuffer->rymax = max(pbuffer->rymax,yy) ;
- }
- }
- plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc].x = segment.x2 ;
- plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc].y = segment.y2 ;
- plinedesc->npoint++ ;
- if( bindex > 0 ) {
- int xx = segment.x2,yy = segment.y2;
- pbuffer = &_BUFFER(bindex) ;
- pbuffer->isempty = False ;
- pbuffer->rxmin = min(pbuffer->rxmin,xx) ;
- pbuffer->rymin = min(pbuffer->rymin,yy) ;
- pbuffer->rxmax = max(pbuffer->rxmax,xx) ;
- pbuffer->rymax = max(pbuffer->rymax,yy) ;
- }
- }
- }
- Lx = xi; Ly = yi;
- Npoint++;
- #else
- plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc].x = xi ;
- plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc].y = yi ;
- plinedesc->npoint++ ;
- if( bindex > 0 ) {
- pbuffer = &_BUFFER(bindex) ;
- pbuffer->isempty = False ;
- pbuffer->rxmin = min(pbuffer->rxmin,xi) ;
- pbuffer->rymin = min(pbuffer->rymin,yi) ;
- pbuffer->rxmax = max(pbuffer->rxmax,xi) ;
- pbuffer->rymax = max(pbuffer->rymax,yi) ;
- }
- #endif
- }
- if( Xw_get_trace() > 3 ) {
- printf(" Xw_poly_point(%lx,%f,%f)\n",(long ) pwindow,x,y) ;
- }
- #endif
- return (XW_SUCCESS) ;
- }
- /*
- STATUS Xw_close_path (awindow):
- XW_EXT_WINDOW *awindow
- Close the Polygone path
- returns ERROR if TOO many path
- returns SUCCESS if successful
- */
- XW_STATUS Xw_close_path(void* awindow)
- #else
- XW_STATUS Xw_close_path(awindow)
- void *awindow ;
- #endif /*XW_PROTOTYPE*/
- {
- XW_EXT_WINDOW *pwindow = (XW_EXT_WINDOW*)awindow ;
- #endif
- if( FirstPolyPoint >= 0 ) {
- int npoly = ppolylist->npoly ;
- int ldesc = plinedesc->npoint ;
- if( plinedesc->rpoints[FirstPathPoint].x != plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc-1].x ||
- plinedesc->rpoints[FirstPathPoint].y != plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc-1].y ) {
- plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc].x = plinedesc->rpoints[FirstPathPoint].x ;
- plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc].y = plinedesc->rpoints[FirstPathPoint].y ;
- plinedesc->npoint++ ; ldesc++ ;
- }
- ppolylist->polys[FirstPolyLine] = ldesc - FirstPolyPoint ;
- ppolylist->paths[npoly] = ldesc - FirstPathPoint ;
- FirstPathPoint = ldesc;
- if( ppolylist->npoly < MAXPOLYS ) {
- ppolylist->npoly = ++npoly ;
- ppolylist->polys[npoly] = 0 ;
- ppolylist->paths[npoly] = Npoint = 0 ;
- ppolylist->ppolys[npoly] = &plinedesc->rpoints[ldesc] ;
- } else {
- /*ERROR*Too many paths in POLYGONE*/
- Xw_set_error(32,"Xw_close_path",&ppolylist->npoly) ;
- return (XW_ERROR) ;
- }
- }
- if( Xw_get_trace() > 2 ) {
- printf(" Xw_close_path(%lx)\n",(long ) pwindow) ;
- }
- #endif
- return (XW_SUCCESS) ;
- }
- /*
- STATUS Xw_close_poly (awindow):
- XW_EXT_WINDOW *awindow
- Close the Polygone
- returns ERROR if Polygone is empty
- returns SUCCESS if successful
- */
- XW_STATUS Xw_close_poly(void* awindow)
- #else
- XW_STATUS Xw_close_poly(awindow)
- void *awindow ;
- #endif /*XW_PROTOTYPE*/
- {
- XW_EXT_WINDOW *pwindow = (XW_EXT_WINDOW*)awindow ;
- if( FirstPolyPoint >= 0 ) {
- if( plinedesc->npoint > FirstPathPoint ) Xw_close_path(pwindow);
- if( !_BINDEX ) {
- int polyindex = pwindow->polyindex ;
- int lineindex = pwindow->lineindex ;
- GC gcpoly = (QGTILE(pwindow->qgpoly[polyindex].code)) ?
- pwindow->qgpoly[polyindex].gc : NULL ;
- GC gcline = (QGTYPE(pwindow->qgpoly[polyindex].code)) ?
- pwindow->qgline[lineindex].gc : NULL ;
- Xw_draw_pixel_polys(pwindow,ppolylist,gcpoly,gcline);
- ppolylist->npoly = 0 ;
- plinedesc->npoint = 0 ;
- }
- FirstPolyPoint = -1 ;
- }
- if( Xw_get_trace() > 2 ) {
- printf(" Xw_close_poly(%lx)\n",(long ) pwindow) ;
- }
- #endif
- return (XW_SUCCESS) ;
- }
- XW_EXT_POLY* Xw_add_polygone_structure(XW_EXT_BUFFER* pbuflist )
- #else
- XW_EXT_POLY* Xw_add_polygone_structure(pbuflist )
- XW_EXT_BUFFER *pbuflist ;
- #endif /*XW_PROTOTYPE*/
- /*
- Create and Insert at end one Extended polygone structure in the
- polygone List
- returns Extended polygone address if successful
- or NULL if Bad Allocation
- */
- {
- XW_EXT_POLY *ppoly ;
- ppoly = (XW_EXT_POLY*) Xw_malloc(sizeof(XW_EXT_POLY)) ;
- if( ppoly ) {
- ppoly->link = pbuflist->ppolylist ;
- ppoly->isupdated = False ;
- ppoly->npoly = 0 ;
- pbuflist->ppolylist = ppoly ;
- } else {
- /*ERROR*EXT_POLYGONE allocation failed*/
- Xw_set_error(34,"Xw_add_polygone_structure",NULL) ;
- }
- return (ppoly) ;
- }
- XW_STATUS Xw_del_polygone_structure(XW_EXT_BUFFER* pbuflist)
- #else
- XW_STATUS Xw_del_polygone_structure(pbuflist)
- XW_EXT_BUFFER *pbuflist ;
- #endif /*XW_PROTOTYPE*/
- /*
- Remove ALL Extended polygone structure in the
- polygone List
- SUCCESS always
- */
- {
- XW_EXT_POLY *ppoly,*qpoly ;
- for( ppoly = pbuflist->ppolylist ; ppoly ; ppoly = qpoly ) {
- qpoly = (XW_EXT_POLY*)ppoly->link ;
- Xw_free(ppoly) ;
- }
- pbuflist->ppolylist = NULL ;
- return (XW_SUCCESS) ;
- }