https://github.com/mlaws/solidoodle2-marlin · C · 717 lines · 465 code · 123 blank · 129 comment · 105 complexity · 2b731f1f03b0726d4082e874dce562a6 MD5 · raw file
- /**********************************************************/
- /* Serial Bootloader for Atmel megaAVR Controllers */
- /* */
- /* tested with ATmega644 and ATmega644P */
- /* should work with other mega's, see code for details */
- /* */
- /* ATmegaBOOT.c */
- /* */
- /* 20090131: Added 324P support from Alex Leone */
- /* Marius Kintel */
- /* 20080915: applied ADABoot mods for Sanguino 644P */
- /* Brian Riley */
- /* 20080711: hacked for Sanguino by Zach Smith */
- /* and Justin Day */
- /* 20070626: hacked for Arduino Diecimila (which auto- */
- /* resets when a USB connection is made to it) */
- /* by D. Mellis */
- /* 20060802: hacked for Arduino by D. Cuartielles */
- /* based on a previous hack by D. Mellis */
- /* and D. Cuartielles */
- /* */
- /* Monitor and debug functions were added to the original */
- /* code by Dr. Erik Lins, chip45.com. (See below) */
- /* */
- /* Thanks to Karl Pitrich for fixing a bootloader pin */
- /* problem and more informative LED blinking! */
- /* */
- /* For the latest version see: */
- /* http://www.chip45.com/ */
- /* */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* */
- /* based on stk500boot.c */
- /* Copyright (c) 2003, Jason P. Kyle */
- /* All rights reserved. */
- /* see avr1.org for original file and information */
- /* */
- /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it */
- /* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General */
- /* Public License as published by the Free Software */
- /* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
- /* (at your option) any later version. */
- /* */
- /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will */
- /* be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the */
- /* implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A */
- /* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public */
- /* License for more details. */
- /* */
- /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General */
- /* Public License along with this program; if not, write */
- /* to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., */
- /* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- /* */
- /* Licence can be viewed at */
- /* http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.txt */
- /* */
- /* Target = Atmel AVR m128,m64,m32,m16,m8,m162,m163,m169, */
- /* m8515,m8535. ATmega161 has a very small boot block so */
- /* isn't supported. */
- /* */
- /* Tested with m168 */
- /**********************************************************/
- /* $Id$ */
- /* some includes */
- #include <inttypes.h>
- #include <avr/io.h>
- #include <avr/pgmspace.h>
- #include <avr/interrupt.h>
- #include <avr/wdt.h>
- #include <avr/boot.h>
- #ifdef ADABOOT
- #define NUM_LED_FLASHES 3
- #define ADABOOT_VER 1
- #endif
- /* 20070707: hacked by David A. Mellis - after this many errors give up and launch application */
- #define MAX_ERROR_COUNT 5
- /* set the UART baud rate */
- /* 20080711: hack by Zach Hoeken */
- #define BAUD_RATE 38400
- /* SW_MAJOR and MINOR needs to be updated from time to time to avoid warning message from AVR Studio */
- /* never allow AVR Studio to do an update !!!! */
- #define HW_VER 0x02
- #define SW_MAJOR 0x01
- #define SW_MINOR 0x10
- /* onboard LED is used to indicate, that the bootloader was entered (3x flashing) */
- /* if monitor functions are included, LED goes on after monitor was entered */
- #define LED_DDR DDRB
- #define LED_PORT PORTB
- #define LED_PIN PINB
- #define LED PINB0
- /* define various device id's */
- /* manufacturer byte is always the same */
- #define SIG1 0x1E // Yep, Atmel is the only manufacturer of AVR micros. Single source :(
- #if defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__)
- #define SIG2 0x97
- #define SIG3 0x05
- #elif defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__)
- #define SIG2 0x96
- #define SIG3 0x0A
- #elif defined(__AVR_ATmega644__)
- #define SIG2 0x96
- #define SIG3 0x09
- #elif defined(__AVR_ATmega324P__)
- #define SIG2 0x95
- #define SIG3 0x08
- #endif
- #define PAGE_SIZE 0x080U //128 words
- #define PAGE_SIZE_BYTES 0x100U //256 bytes
- /* function prototypes */
- void putch(char);
- char getch(void);
- void getNch(uint8_t);
- void byte_response(uint8_t);
- void nothing_response(void);
- char gethex(void);
- void puthex(char);
- void flash_led(uint8_t);
- /* some variables */
- union address_union
- {
- uint16_t word;
- uint8_t byte[2];
- } address;
- union length_union
- {
- uint16_t word;
- uint8_t byte[2];
- } length;
- struct flags_struct
- {
- unsigned eeprom : 1;
- unsigned rampz : 1;
- } flags;
- uint8_t buff[256];
- uint8_t error_count = 0;
- uint8_t sreg;
- void (*app_start)(void) = 0x0000;
- /* main program starts here */
- int main(void)
- {
- uint8_t ch,ch2;
- uint16_t w;
- uint16_t i;
- asm volatile("nop\n\t");
- #ifdef ADABOOT // BBR/LF 10/8/2007 & 9/13/2008
- ch = MCUSR;
- MCUSR = 0;
- WDTCSR = 0;
- // Check if the WDT was used to reset, in which case we dont bootload and skip straight to the code. woot.
- if (! (ch & _BV(EXTRF))) // if its a not an external reset...
- app_start(); // skip bootloader
- #endif
- //initialize our serial port.
- UBRR0L = (uint8_t)(F_CPU/(BAUD_RATE*16L)-1);
- UBRR0H = (F_CPU/(BAUD_RATE*16L)-1) >> 8;
- UCSR0B = (1<<RXEN0) | (1<<TXEN0);
- UCSR0C = (1<<UCSZ00) | (1<<UCSZ01);
- /* Enable internal pull-up resistor on pin D0 (RX), in order
- to supress line noise that prevents the bootloader from
- timing out (DAM: 20070509) */
- DDRD &= ~_BV(PIND0);
- PORTD |= _BV(PIND0);
- /* set LED pin as output */
- LED_DDR |= _BV(LED);
- /* flash onboard LED to signal entering of bootloader */
- /* ADABOOT will do two series of flashes. first 4 - signifying ADABOOT */
- /* then a pause and another flash series signifying ADABOOT sub-version */
- flash_led(NUM_LED_FLASHES);
- #ifdef ADABOOT
- flash_led(ADABOOT_VER); // BBR 9/13/2008
- #endif
- /* forever loop */
- for (;;)
- {
- /* get character from UART */
- ch = getch();
- /* A bunch of if...else if... gives smaller code than switch...case ! */
- /* Hello is anyone home ? */
- if(ch=='0')
- nothing_response();
- /* Request programmer ID */
- /* Not using PROGMEM string due to boot block in m128 being beyond 64kB boundry */
- /* Would need to selectively manipulate RAMPZ, and it's only 9 characters anyway so who cares. */
- else if(ch=='1')
- {
- if (getch() == ' ')
- {
- putch(0x14);
- putch('A');
- putch('V');
- putch('R');
- putch(' ');
- putch('I');
- putch('S');
- putch('P');
- putch(0x10);
- }
- else
- {
- if (++error_count == MAX_ERROR_COUNT)
- app_start();
- }
- }
- /* AVR ISP/STK500 board commands DON'T CARE so default nothing_response */
- else if(ch=='@')
- {
- ch2 = getch();
- if (ch2 > 0x85)
- getch();
- nothing_response();
- }
- /* AVR ISP/STK500 board requests */
- else if(ch=='A')
- {
- ch2 = getch();
- if(ch2 == 0x80)
- byte_response(HW_VER); // Hardware version
- else if(ch2==0x81)
- byte_response(SW_MAJOR); // Software major version
- else if(ch2==0x82)
- byte_response(SW_MINOR); // Software minor version
- else if(ch2==0x98)
- byte_response(0x03); // Unknown but seems to be required by avr studio 3.56
- else
- byte_response(0x00); // Covers various unnecessary responses we don't care about
- }
- /* Device Parameters DON'T CARE, DEVICE IS FIXED */
- else if(ch=='B')
- {
- getNch(20);
- nothing_response();
- }
- /* Parallel programming stuff DON'T CARE */
- else if(ch=='E')
- {
- getNch(5);
- nothing_response();
- }
- /* Enter programming mode */
- else if(ch=='P')
- {
- nothing_response();
- }
- /* Leave programming mode */
- else if(ch=='Q')
- {
- nothing_response();
- #ifdef ADABOOT
- // autoreset via watchdog (sneaky!) BBR/LF 9/13/2008
- while (1); // 16 ms
- #endif
- }
- /* Erase device, don't care as we will erase one page at a time anyway. */
- else if(ch=='R')
- {
- nothing_response();
- }
- /* Set address, little endian. EEPROM in bytes, FLASH in words */
- /* Perhaps extra address bytes may be added in future to support > 128kB FLASH. */
- /* This might explain why little endian was used here, big endian used everywhere else. */
- else if(ch=='U')
- {
- address.byte[0] = getch();
- address.byte[1] = getch();
- nothing_response();
- }
- /* Universal SPI programming command, disabled. Would be used for fuses and lock bits. */
- else if(ch=='V')
- {
- getNch(4);
- byte_response(0x00);
- }
- /* Write memory, length is big endian and is in bytes */
- else if(ch=='d')
- {
- length.byte[1] = getch();
- length.byte[0] = getch();
- flags.eeprom = 0;
- if (getch() == 'E')
- flags.eeprom = 1;
- for (i=0; i<PAGE_SIZE; i++)
- buff[i] = 0;
- for (w = 0; w < length.word; w++)
- {
- // Store data in buffer, can't keep up with serial data stream whilst programming pages
- buff[w] = getch();
- }
- if (getch() == ' ')
- {
- if (flags.eeprom)
- {
- //Write to EEPROM one byte at a time
- for(w=0;w<length.word;w++)
- {
- while(EECR & (1<<EEPE));
- EEAR = (uint16_t)(void *)address.word;
- EEDR = buff[w];
- EECR |= (1<<EEMPE);
- EECR |= (1<<EEPE);
- address.word++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //address * 2 -> byte location
- address.word = address.word << 1;
- //Even up an odd number of bytes
- if ((length.byte[0] & 0x01))
- length.word++;
- // HACKME: EEPE used to be EEWE
- //Wait for previous EEPROM writes to complete
- //while(bit_is_set(EECR,EEPE));
- while(EECR & (1<<EEPE));
- asm volatile(
- "clr r17 \n\t" //page_word_count
- "lds r30,address \n\t" //Address of FLASH location (in bytes)
- "lds r31,address+1 \n\t"
- "ldi r28,lo8(buff) \n\t" //Start of buffer array in RAM
- "ldi r29,hi8(buff) \n\t"
- "lds r24,length \n\t" //Length of data to be written (in bytes)
- "lds r25,length+1 \n\t"
- "length_loop: \n\t" //Main loop, repeat for number of words in block
- "cpi r17,0x00 \n\t" //If page_word_count=0 then erase page
- "brne no_page_erase \n\t"
- "wait_spm1: \n\t"
- "lds r16,%0 \n\t" //Wait for previous spm to complete
- "andi r16,1 \n\t"
- "cpi r16,1 \n\t"
- "breq wait_spm1 \n\t"
- "ldi r16,0x03 \n\t" //Erase page pointed to by Z
- "sts %0,r16 \n\t"
- "spm \n\t"
- "wait_spm2: \n\t"
- "lds r16,%0 \n\t" //Wait for previous spm to complete
- "andi r16,1 \n\t"
- "cpi r16,1 \n\t"
- "breq wait_spm2 \n\t"
- "ldi r16,0x11 \n\t" //Re-enable RWW section
- "sts %0,r16 \n\t"
- "spm \n\t"
- "no_page_erase: \n\t"
- "ld r0,Y+ \n\t" //Write 2 bytes into page buffer
- "ld r1,Y+ \n\t"
- "wait_spm3: \n\t"
- "lds r16,%0 \n\t" //Wait for previous spm to complete
- "andi r16,1 \n\t"
- "cpi r16,1 \n\t"
- "breq wait_spm3 \n\t"
- "ldi r16,0x01 \n\t" //Load r0,r1 into FLASH page buffer
- "sts %0,r16 \n\t"
- "spm \n\t"
- "inc r17 \n\t" //page_word_count++
- "cpi r17,%1 \n\t"
- "brlo same_page \n\t" //Still same page in FLASH
- "write_page: \n\t"
- "clr r17 \n\t" //New page, write current one first
- "wait_spm4: \n\t"
- "lds r16,%0 \n\t" //Wait for previous spm to complete
- "andi r16,1 \n\t"
- "cpi r16,1 \n\t"
- "breq wait_spm4 \n\t"
- "ldi r16,0x05 \n\t" //Write page pointed to by Z
- "sts %0,r16 \n\t"
- "spm \n\t"
- "wait_spm5: \n\t"
- "lds r16,%0 \n\t" //Wait for previous spm to complete
- "andi r16,1 \n\t"
- "cpi r16,1 \n\t"
- "breq wait_spm5 \n\t"
- "ldi r16,0x11 \n\t" //Re-enable RWW section
- "sts %0,r16 \n\t"
- "spm \n\t"
- "same_page: \n\t"
- "adiw r30,2 \n\t" //Next word in FLASH
- "sbiw r24,2 \n\t" //length-2
- "breq final_write \n\t" //Finished
- "rjmp length_loop \n\t"
- "final_write: \n\t"
- "cpi r17,0 \n\t"
- "breq block_done \n\t"
- "adiw r24,2 \n\t" //length+2, fool above check on length after short page write
- "rjmp write_page \n\t"
- "block_done: \n\t"
- "clr __zero_reg__ \n\t" //restore zero register
- : "=m" (SPMCSR) : "M" (PAGE_SIZE) : "r0","r16","r17","r24","r25","r28","r29","r30","r31"
- );
- }
- putch(0x14);
- putch(0x10);
- }
- else
- {
- if (++error_count == MAX_ERROR_COUNT)
- app_start();
- }
- }
- /* Read memory block mode, length is big endian. */
- else if(ch=='t')
- {
- length.byte[1] = getch();
- length.byte[0] = getch();
- if (getch() == 'E')
- flags.eeprom = 1;
- else
- {
- flags.eeprom = 0;
- address.word = address.word << 1; // address * 2 -> byte location
- }
- // Command terminator
- if (getch() == ' ')
- {
- putch(0x14);
- for (w=0; w<length.word; w++)
- {
- // Can handle odd and even lengths okay
- if (flags.eeprom)
- {
- // Byte access EEPROM read
- while(EECR & (1<<EEPE));
- EEAR = (uint16_t)(void *)address.word;
- EECR |= (1<<EERE);
- putch(EEDR);
- address.word++;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!flags.rampz)
- putch(pgm_read_byte_near(address.word));
- address.word++;
- }
- }
- putch(0x10);
- }
- }
- /* Get device signature bytes */
- else if(ch=='u')
- {
- if (getch() == ' ')
- {
- putch(0x14);
- putch(SIG1);
- putch(SIG2);
- putch(SIG3);
- putch(0x10);
- }
- else
- {
- if (++error_count == MAX_ERROR_COUNT)
- app_start();
- }
- }
- /* Read oscillator calibration byte */
- else if(ch=='v')
- byte_response(0x00);
- else if (++error_count == MAX_ERROR_COUNT)
- app_start();
- }
- /* end of forever loop */
- }
- char gethex(void)
- {
- char ah,al;
- ah = getch();
- putch(ah);
- al = getch();
- putch(al);
- if(ah >= 'a')
- ah = ah - 'a' + 0x0a;
- else if(ah >= '0')
- ah -= '0';
- if(al >= 'a')
- al = al - 'a' + 0x0a;
- else if(al >= '0')
- al -= '0';
- return (ah << 4) + al;
- }
- void puthex(char ch)
- {
- char ah,al;
- ah = (ch & 0xf0) >> 4;
- if(ah >= 0x0a)
- ah = ah - 0x0a + 'a';
- else
- ah += '0';
- al = (ch & 0x0f);
- if(al >= 0x0a)
- al = al - 0x0a + 'a';
- else
- al += '0';
- putch(ah);
- putch(al);
- }
- void putch(char ch)
- {
- while (!(UCSR0A & _BV(UDRE0)));
- UDR0 = ch;
- }
- char getch(void)
- {
- uint32_t count = 0;
- #ifdef ADABOOT
- LED_PORT &= ~_BV(LED); // toggle LED to show activity - BBR/LF 10/3/2007 & 9/13/2008
- #endif
- while(!(UCSR0A & _BV(RXC0)))
- {
- /* 20060803 DojoCorp:: Addon coming from the previous Bootloader*/
- /* HACKME:: here is a good place to count times*/
- count++;
- if (count > MAX_TIME_COUNT)
- app_start();
- }
- #ifdef ADABOOT
- LED_PORT |= _BV(LED); // toggle LED to show activity - BBR/LF 10/3/2007 & 9/13/2008
- #endif
- return UDR0;
- }
- void getNch(uint8_t count)
- {
- uint8_t i;
- for(i=0;i<count;i++)
- {
- while(!(UCSR0A & _BV(RXC0)));
- UDR0;
- }
- }
- void byte_response(uint8_t val)
- {
- if (getch() == ' ')
- {
- putch(0x14);
- putch(val);
- putch(0x10);
- }
- else
- {
- if (++error_count == MAX_ERROR_COUNT)
- app_start();
- }
- }
- void nothing_response(void)
- {
- if (getch() == ' ')
- {
- putch(0x14);
- putch(0x10);
- }
- else
- {
- if (++error_count == MAX_ERROR_COUNT)
- app_start();
- }
- }
- #ifdef ADABOOT
- void flash_led(uint8_t count)
- {
- /* flash onboard LED count times to signal entering of bootloader */
- /* l needs to be volatile or the delay loops below might get */
- /* optimized away if compiling with optimizations (DAM). */
- volatile uint32_t l;
- if (count == 0) {
- count = ADABOOT;
- }
- int8_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- LED_PORT |= _BV(LED); // LED on
- for(l = 0; l < (F_CPU / 1000); ++l); // delay NGvalue was 1000 for both loops - BBR
- LED_PORT &= ~_BV(LED); // LED off
- for(l = 0; l < (F_CPU / 250); ++l); // delay asymmteric for ADA BOOT BBR
- }
- for(l = 0; l < (F_CPU / 100); ++l); // pause ADA BOOT BBR
- }
- #else
- void flash_led(uint8_t count)
- {
- /* flash onboard LED three times to signal entering of bootloader */
- /* l needs to be volatile or the delay loops below might get
- optimized away if compiling with optimizations (DAM). */
- volatile uint32_t l;
- if (count == 0) {
- count = 3;
- }
- int8_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- for(l = 0; l < (F_CPU / 1000); ++l);
- LED_PORT &= ~_BV(LED);
- for(l = 0; l < (F_CPU / 1000); ++l);
- }
- }
- #endif
- /* end of file ATmegaBOOT.c */