JavaScript | 188 lines | 141 code | 20 blank | 27 comment | 15 complexity | c3e826f03086edf3c513493aba107a24 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * Ample SDK - JavaScript GUI Framework
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Sergey Ilinsky
- * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
- * See: http://www.amplesdk.com/about/licensing/
- *
- */
- var cChartElement_radar = function(){};
- cChartElement_radar.prototype = new cChartElement("radar");
- cChartElement_radar.handlers = {
- 'DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument': function(oEvent) {
- this.refresh();
- }
- };
- cChartElement_radar.prototype.refresh = function() {
- // Draw Grid
- var d = [];
- // circles
- for (var n = 0, l = 5; n < l; n++) {
- d.push( "M150," + (150 - 100 * (n + 1) / l) +
- "A" + 100 * (n + 1) / l + "," + 100 * (n + 1) / l + " 0 0,0 150," + (150 + 100 * (n + 1) / l) +
- "A" + 100 * (n + 1) / l + "," + 100 * (n + 1) / l + " 0 0,0 150," + (150 - 100 * (n + 1) / l) +
- "z");
- }
- // lines
- for (var n = 0, l = 5; n < l; n++)
- d.push( "M150,150" +
- "L" + (150 - 100 * Math.cos(Math.PI / 2 + 2 * Math.PI * n / l)) + "," + (150 - 100 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 2 + 2 * Math.PI * n / l))+
- "z");
- cChartElement.setPath(this.$getContainer("grid"), d.join(''));
- // marks
- var d = [];
- for (var n = 0, l = 5; n < l; n++)
- d.push( "M" + (150 - 100 * Math.cos(Math.PI / 2 + 2 * Math.PI * n / l)) + "," + (150 - 100 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 2 + 2 * Math.PI * n / l))+
- "L" + (150 -(100 + 5) * Math.cos(Math.PI / 2 + 2 * Math.PI * n / l)) + "," + (150 -(100 + 5) * Math.sin(Math.PI / 2 + 2 * Math.PI * n / l))+
- "z");
- cChartElement.setPath(this.$getContainer("rAxisMarks"), d.join(''));
- // Draw values
- var nSize = 3;
- for (var nGroup = 0, nGroups = this.childNodes.length, oGroup; oGroup = this.childNodes[nGroup]; nGroup++) {
- d = [];
- for (var nItem = 0, nItems = oGroup.childNodes.length, oItem; oItem = oGroup.childNodes[nItem]; nItem++) {
- var nValue = oItem.getAttribute("value") * 1 * 2,
- nX = (150 - nValue * Math.cos(Math.PI / 2 + 2 * Math.PI * nItem / nItems)),
- nY = (150 - nValue * Math.sin(Math.PI / 2 + 2 * Math.PI * nItem / nItems));
- // Set point
- cChartElement.setPath(oItem.$getContainer("path"), "M" + (nX - nSize) + "," + nY +
- "a" + nSize + "," + nSize + " 0 0,0 " + nSize * 2 + ",0 " +
- "a" + nSize + "," + nSize + " 0 0,0-" + nSize * 2 + ",0 " +
- "z");
- //
- d.push((nItem ? "L" : "M") + nX + "," + nY);
- }
- cChartElement.setPath(oGroup.$getContainer("line"), d.join(" ") + "z");
- cChartElement.setPath(oGroup.$getContainer("shadow"), d.join(" ") + "z");
- cChartElement.setPath(oGroup.$getContainer("area"), d.join(" ") + "z");
- // Draw legend
- var nXPath = 280,
- nYPath =(50 + (nGroups - nGroup) * 20);
- cChartElement.setPath(oGroup.$getContainer("path"), "M" + (nXPath - 5) + "," + (nYPath - 5) + "h10 v10 h-10 v-10 z");
- cChartElement.setTextPosition(oGroup.$getContainer("label"),
- nXPath + 20, nYPath + 5);
- }
- };
- if (!cChartElement.useVML) {
- cChartElement_radar.prototype.$getTagOpen = function() {
- return '<div class="c-radar' +(this.hasAttribute("class") ? ' ' + this.getAttribute("class") : '')+ '" style="' + this.getAttribute("style") + '">\
- <svg:svg class="c-radar--canvas" viewBox="0 0 400 300" style="width:inherit;height:inherit" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">\
- <svg:text class="c-radar--title" y="30" x="150">' + this.getAttribute("title")+ '</svg:text>\
- <svg:rect x="260" y="50" width="120" height="120" rx="10" class="c-legend"/>\
- <svg:path class="c-grid c-radar--grid"/>\
- <svg:g class="c-rAxis">\
- <svg:path class="c-radar--rAxis" d="m150,150 v-100" style="fill:none"/>\
- <svg:path id="r' + this.uniqueID + '" d="M140,150 v-150" style="fill:none;stroke:none"/>\
- <svg:text class="c-rAxis--label c-radar--rAxisLabel"><svg:textPath xlink:href="#r' + this.uniqueID + '">' + this.getAttribute("rAxisLabel")+ '</svg:textPath></svg:text>\
- <svg:path class="c-rAxis--marks c-radar--rAxisMarks" />\
- </svg:g>\
- <svg:g class="c-radar--gateway">';
- };
- cChartElement_radar.prototype.$getTagClose = function() {
- return ' </svg:g>\
- </svg:svg>\
- </div>';
- };
- }
- else {
- // Redefine handlers
- (function() {
- // DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument
- var fHandlerInserted = cChartElement_radar.handlers['DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument'];
- cChartElement_radar.handlers['DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument'] = function(oEvent) {
- if (fHandlerInserted)
- fHandlerInserted.call(this, oEvent);
- //
- cChartElement_radar.recalcCSS(this);
- if (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE ([0-9.]+)/) && RegExp.$1 * 1 == 8)
- cChartElement_radar.resize(this);
- //
- this.$getContainer().attachEvent("onresize", cChartElement_radar.onresize);
- };
- // DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument
- var fHandlerRemoved = cChartElement_radar.handlers['DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument'];
- cChartElement_radar.handlers['DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument'] = function(oEvent) {
- if (fHandlerRemoved)
- fHandlerRemoved.call(this, oEvent);
- //
- this.$getContainer().detachEvent("onresize", cChartElement_radar.onresize);
- };
- })();
- cChartElement_radar.resize = function(oInstance) {
- //
- var oElement= oInstance.$getContainer(),
- oCanvas = oInstance.$getContainer("canvas"),
- oRect = oElement.getBoundingClientRect(),
- nWidth = oRect.right - oRect.left - (parseInt(oElement.currentStyle.borderWidth) || 0) * 2,
- nHeight = Math.round(nWidth * 3 / 4);
- oCanvas.style.display = "none";
- oCanvas.style.width = nWidth + "px";
- oCanvas.style.height = nHeight + "px";
- // oElement.style.width = nWidth + "px";
- oElement.style.height = nHeight + "px";
- // TODO: recalc relevant CSS recursively (font-size, stroke-width)
- // IE8 performance bug
- setTimeout(function(){
- oCanvas.style.display = "";
- }, 0);
- };
- cChartElement_radar.onresize = function(oEvent) {
- var oElement;
- if ((oElement = ample.$instance(oEvent.srcElement)) && oElement instanceof cChartElement)
- cChartElement_radar.resize(oElement);
- };
- cChartElement_radar.recalcCSS = function(oElement) {
- cChartElement.applyCSS(oElement.$getContainer("title"));
- cChartElement.applyCSS(oElement.$getContainer("legend"));
- cChartElement.applyCSS(oElement.$getContainer("grid"));
- cChartElement.applyCSS(oElement.$getContainer("rAxis"));
- cChartElement.applyCSS(oElement.$getContainer("rAxisMarks"));
- cChartElement.applyCSS(oElement.$getContainer("rAxisLabel"));
- };
- cChartElement_radar.prototype.$getTagOpen = function() {
- return '<div class="c-radar' +(this.hasAttribute("class") ? ' ' + this.getAttribute("class") : '')+ '" style="overflow:hidden;' + this.getAttribute("style") + '">\
- <chart2vml:group class="c-radar--canvas" style="position:absolute;display:none;" coordOrigin="0 0" coordSize="400 300">\
- <chart2vml:shape class="c-radar--title" path="m0,0 l300,0" fillcolor="black" stroked="false" allowoverlap="true" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;top:30px;xleft:150px">\
- <chart2vml:path textpathok="true" />\
- <chart2vml:textpath on="true" string="' + this.getAttribute("title")+ '" style="v-text-align:center"/>\
- </chart2vml:shape>\
- <chart2vml:shape path="' + cChartElement.roundRectPath(260, 50, 120, 120, 10, 10) + '" class="c-legend c-radar--legend" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%"/>\
- <chart2vml:shape class="c-grid c-radar--grid" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%" fillcolor="black"/>\
- <chart2vml:group class="c-rAxis" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%">\
- <chart2vml:shape class="c-radar--rAxis" path="m150,150 v-100" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%"/>\
- <chart2vml:shape class="c-rAxis--label c-radar--rAxisLabel" path="m140,150 r0,-100 e" fillcolor="black" stroked="false" allowoverlap="true" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%">\
- <chart2vml:path textpathok="true" />\
- <chart2vml:textpath on="true" string="' + this.getAttribute("rAxisLabel")+ '" style="v-text-align:right"/>\
- </chart2vml:shape>\
- <chart2vml:shape class="c-rAxis--marks c-radar--rAxisMarks" stroked="true" filled="false" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%" />\
- </chart2vml:group>\
- <chart2vml:group class="c-radar--gateway" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%">';
- };
- cChartElement_radar.prototype.$getTagClose = function() {
- return ' </chart2vml:group>\
- </chart2vml:group>\
- </div>';
- };
- }
- // Register Element
- ample.extend(cChartElement_radar);