Ruby | 326 lines | 272 code | 51 blank | 3 comment | 32 complexity | 0381c9798dda196176d5ae47003c067c MD5 | raw file
- require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper'
- require 'instance_methods'
- require 'logger'
- module Solr; end
- require 'solr/xml'
- require 'solr/field'
- require 'solr/document'
- require 'solr_instance'
- require 'erb'
- require 'ostruct'
- class InstanceMethodsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- context "With a Solr record instance" do
- setup do
- @instance = SolrInstance.new
- end
- context "when checking whether indexing is disabled" do
- setup do
- @instance.configuration = {:if => true}
- end
- should "return true if the specified proc returns true " do
- @instance.configuration[:offline] = proc {|record| true}
- assert @instance.indexing_disabled?
- end
- should "return false if the specified proc returns false" do
- @instance.configuration[:offline] = proc {|record| false}
- assert !@instance.indexing_disabled?
- end
- should "return true if no valid offline option was specified" do
- @instance.configuration[:offline] = nil
- @instance.configuration[:if] = proc {true}
- assert !@instance.indexing_disabled?
- end
- end
- context "when validating the boost" do
- setup do
- @instance.solr_configuration = {:default_boost => 10.0}
- @instance.configuration = {:if => true}
- end
- should "accept and evaluate a block" do
- @instance.configuration[:boost] = proc {|record| record.boost_rate}
- assert_equal 10.0, @instance.send(:validate_boost, @instance.configuration[:boost])
- end
- should "accept and return a float" do
- @instance.configuration[:boost] = 9.0
- assert_equal 9.0, @instance.send(:validate_boost, @instance.configuration[:boost])
- end
- should "return the default float when the specified is negative" do
- @instance.configuration[:boost] = -1.0
- assert_equal 10.0, @instance.send(:validate_boost, @instance.configuration[:boost])
- end
- should "execute the according method when value is a symbol" do
- @instance.configuration[:boost] = :irate
- assert_equal 8.0, @instance.send(:validate_boost, @instance.configuration[:boost])
- end
- should "return the default boost when there is no valid boost" do
- @instance.configuration[:boost] = "boost!"
- assert_equal 10.0, @instance.send(:validate_boost, @instance.configuration[:boost])
- end
- end
- context "when determining the solr document id" do
- should "combine class name and id" do
- assert_equal "SolrInstance:10", @instance.solr_id
- end
- end
- context "when saving the instance to solr" do
- context "with indexing disabled" do
- setup do
- @instance.configuration = {:fields => [:name], :if => nil}
- end
- should "just return and do nothing" do
- @instance.expects(:solr_add).never
- @instance.expects(:solr_destroy).never
- assert @instance.solr_save
- end
- end
- context "with indexing enabled" do
- setup do
- @instance.configuration = {:fields => [:name], :if => "true", :auto_commit => true}
- @instance.stubs(:solr_commit)
- @instance.stubs(:solr_add)
- @instance.stubs(:to_solr_doc).returns("My test document")
- end
- should "add the solr document" do
- @instance.expects(:solr_add).with("My test document").once
- @instance.solr_save
- end
- should "commit to solr" do
- @instance.expects(:solr_commit).once
- @instance.solr_save
- end
- should "not commit if auto_commit is disabled" do
- @instance.configuration.merge!(:auto_commit => false)
- @instance.expects(:solr_commit).never
- @instance.solr_save
- end
- should "destroy the document if :if clause is false" do
- @instance.configuration.merge!(:if => "false")
- @instance.expects(:solr_destroy).once
- @instance.solr_save
- end
- end
- end
- context "when destroying an instance in solr" do
- setup do
- @instance.configuration = {:if => true, :auto_commit => true}
- @instance.stubs(:solr_commit)
- @instance.stubs(:solr_delete)
- end
- should "delete the instance" do
- @instance.expects(:solr_delete).with("SolrInstance:10")
- @instance.solr_destroy
- end
- should "commit to solr" do
- @instance.expects(:solr_commit)
- @instance.solr_destroy
- end
- should "not commit if auto_commit is disabled" do
- @instance.configuration.merge!(:auto_commit => false)
- @instance.expects(:solr_commit).never
- @instance.solr_destroy
- end
- context "with indexing disabled" do
- should "not contact solr" do
- @instance.configuration.merge!(:offline => true, :if => nil)
- @instance.expects(:solr_delete).never
- @instance.solr_destroy
- end
- end
- end
- context "when converting an instance to a solr document" do
- setup do
- @instance.configuration = {:if => true, :auto_commit => true, :solr_fields => {:name => {:boost => 9.0}}, :boost => 10.0}
- @instance.solr_configuration = {:type_field => "type", :primary_key_field => "pk_id", :default_boost => 25.0}
- end
- should "add a document boost" do
- assert_equal 10, @instance.to_solr_doc.boost
- end
- should "set the solr id" do
- assert_equal "SolrInstance:10", @instance.to_solr_doc[:id]
- end
- should "set the type field" do
- assert_equal "SolrInstance", @instance.to_solr_doc[:type]
- end
- should "set the primary key fields" do
- assert_equal("10", @instance.to_solr_doc[:pk_id])
- end
- should "add the includes if they were configured" do
- @instance.configuration.merge! :include => [:author]
- @instance.expects(:add_includes)
- @instance.to_solr_doc
- end
- context "with indexed fields" do
- should "add fields with type" do
- assert_equal "Chunky bacon!", @instance.to_solr_doc[:name_s]
- end
- should "add the field boost" do
- field = @instance.to_solr_doc.fields.find {|f| f.name.to_s == "name_s"}
- assert_equal 9.0, field.boost
- end
- should "set the default boost for the field, if none is configured" do
- @instance.configuration[:solr_fields][:name][:boost] = nil
- field = @instance.to_solr_doc.fields.find {|f| f.name.to_s == "name_s"}
- assert_equal 25.0, field.boost
- end
- should "not overwrite the type or id field" do
- @instance.configuration[:solr_fields] = {:type => {}, :id => {}}
- doc = @instance.to_solr_doc
- assert_not_equal "humbug", doc[:type]
- assert_not_equal "bogus", doc[:id]
- end
- should "set the default value if field value is nil" do
- @instance.name = nil
- @instance.expects(:set_value_if_nil).with('s')
- @instance.to_solr_doc
- end
- should "not include nil values" do
- @instance.name = ""
- @instance.stubs(:set_value_if_nil).returns ""
- assert_nil @instance.to_solr_doc[:name_s]
- end
- should "escape the contents" do
- @instance.name = "<script>malicious()</script>"
- assert_equal "<script>malicious()</script>", @instance.to_solr_doc[:name_s]
- end
- should "use an alternate field name if specified in options" do
- @instance.stubs(:nickname_for_solr).returns('Nick')
- @instance.configuration[:solr_fields].merge! :nickname => {:as => :alias}
- doc = @instance.to_solr_doc
- assert_not_nil @instance.to_solr_doc.fields.find {|f| f.name.to_s == "alias_s"}
- assert_nil @instance.to_solr_doc.fields.find {|f| f.name.to_s == "nickname_s"}
- end
- context "when associations are included" do
- setup do
- class AssocLabel < String
- @@singular = {'people' => 'person'}
- def to_s
- self
- end
- def singularize
- @@singular[self]
- end
- end
- @assoc = AssocLabel.new('people')
- person = {:name => 'Hank Venture', :address => 'Venture Compound'}
- @people = [OpenStruct.new(person.merge(:attributes => person))]
- @instance.stubs(:people).returns(@people)
- @reflection = OpenStruct.new(:macro => :has_many)
- @instance.class.stubs(:reflect_on_association).returns(@reflection)
- @instance.configuration[:solr_includes] = {@assoc => {}}
- @instance.solr_configuration.merge! :default_boost => 35.0
- end
- should "set the default name for the include, if none is configured" do
- @instance.configuration[:solr_includes] = {@assoc => {:type => :text}}
- doc = @instance.to_solr_doc
- assert_not_nil doc.fields.find {|f| f.name.to_s == "person_s"}
- end
- should "add the include alias" do
- @instance.configuration[:solr_includes] = {@assoc => {:as => :human, :type => :text}}
- doc = @instance.to_solr_doc
- assert_not_nil doc.fields.find {|f| f.name.to_s == "human_s"}
- assert_nil doc.fields.find {|f| f.name.to_s == "person_s"}
- end
- should "add the include type" do
- @instance.configuration[:solr_includes] = {@assoc => {:type => :date}}
- @instance.expects(:get_solr_field_type).with(){|v| true}.at_least_once.returns('s')
- @instance.expects(:get_solr_field_type).with(:date).once.returns('d')
- doc = @instance.to_solr_doc
- end
- should "set the default boost for the include, if none is configured" do
- # @instance.configuration[:solr_includes] = {@assoc => {}}
- field = @instance.to_solr_doc.fields.find {|f| f.name.to_s == "person_s"}
- assert_equal 35.0, field.boost
- end
- should "add the include boost" do
- @instance.configuration[:solr_includes] = {@assoc => {:boost => 10.0}}
- field = @instance.to_solr_doc.fields.find {|f| f.name.to_s == "person_s"}
- assert_equal 10.0, field.boost
- end
- should "default to a field value with all association attributes" do
- # @instance.configuration[:solr_includes] = {@assoc => {}}
- field = @instance.to_solr_doc.fields.find {|f| f.name.to_s == "person_s"}
- @people.first.attributes.each do |attr, value|
- assert_match /#{attr}=#{value}/, field.value
- end
- end
- should "use a field value from an association method, if one is configured" do
- @instance.configuration[:solr_includes] = {@assoc => {:using => :name}}
- field = @instance.to_solr_doc.fields.find {|f| f.name.to_s == "person_s"}
- assert_equal @people.first.name, field.value
- end
- should "use a field value from a proc, if one is configured" do
- @instance.configuration[:solr_includes] = {@assoc => {:using => lambda{|r| r.name.reverse}}}
- field = @instance.to_solr_doc.fields.find {|f| f.name.to_s == "person_s"}
- assert_equal @people.first.name.reverse, field.value
- end
- should "join multiple values into a single field unless the :multivalued options is specified" do
- @instance.configuration[:solr_includes] = {@assoc => {:multivalued => :true}}
- second_person = {:name => 'Dean Venture', :address => 'Venture Compound'}
- @people << OpenStruct.new(second_person.merge(:attributes => second_person))
- fields = @instance.to_solr_doc.fields.select {|f| f.name.to_s == "person_s"}
- assert_equal @people.size, fields.size
- end
- should "include multiple values separately if the :multivalued options is specified" do
- # @instance.configuration[:solr_includes] = {@assoc => {}}
- second_person = {:name => 'Dean Venture', :address => 'Venture Compound'}
- @people << OpenStruct.new(second_person.merge(:attributes => second_person))
- fields = @instance.to_solr_doc.fields.select {|f| f.name.to_s == "person_s"}
- assert_not_equal @people.size, fields.size
- assert_equal 1, fields.size
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end