Python | 1341 lines | 1012 code | 221 blank | 108 comment | 163 complexity | e540121d78cc9dec8cecfca5ee42130b MD5 | raw file
- from math import ceil
- import struct
- import atoms
- from atoms import read_fcc, read_ulong, read_ulonglong
- def write_uchar(fobj, n):
- fobj.write(struct.pack('>B', n))
- def write_ulong(fobj, n):
- fobj.write(struct.pack('>L', n))
- def write_ulonglong(fobj, n):
- fobj.write(struct.pack('>Q', n))
- def write_fcc(fobj, fcc_str):
- # print '[wfcc]: @%d %r' % (fobj.tell(), fcc_str)
- fobj.write('%-4.4s' % fcc_str)
- def takeby(seq, n, force_tuples=False):
- if n == 1 and not force_tuples:
- return seq
- return [tuple(seq[i:i + n]) for i in xrange(0, len(seq), n)]
- def read_table(f, row_spec, entries, spec_prefix='>'):
- """Read a continuous region of file and unpack it into a list of
- tuples using the given struct specification of a single row.
- @param row_spec: spec describing single row of table using same
- syntax as in L{struct} module.
- @type row_spec: str
- @param entries: number of rows to read
- @type entries: int
- @param spec_prefix: optional specification that will be used for
- the whole table
- @type spec_prefix: str
- """
- if entries == 0:
- return []
- row_bytes = struct.calcsize('%s%s' % (spec_prefix, row_spec))
- data = f.read(row_bytes * entries)
- try:
- l = struct.unpack('%s%s' % (spec_prefix, row_spec * entries), data)
- except struct.error:
- raise RuntimeError('Not enough data: requested %d, read %d' %
- (row_bytes * entries, len(data)))
- per_row = len(l) / entries
- return takeby(l, per_row)
- class UnsuportedVersion(Exception):
- pass
- class FormatError(Exception):
- pass
- class CannotSelect(Exception):
- pass
- class AttribInitializer(type):
- def __new__(meta, classname, bases, classdict):
- if '_fields' in classdict:
- fields = classdict['_fields']
- orig_init = classdict.pop('__init__', None)
- def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
- f_dict = {}
- for f in fields:
- f_dict[f] = kw.pop(f, None)
- if orig_init:
- self.__dict__.update(f_dict)
- orig_init(self, *a, **kw)
- elif bases and bases[0] != object:
- super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*a, **kw)
- self.__dict__.update(f_dict)
- classdict['__init__'] = __init__
- if '__repr__' not in classdict:
- def __repr__(self):
- r = '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__,
- ', '.join(['%s=%r' % (n, getattr(self, n))
- for n in fields]))
- return r
- classdict['__repr__'] = __repr__
- return type.__new__(meta, classname, bases, classdict)
- class Box(object):
- __metaclass__ = AttribInitializer
- def __init__(self, atom):
- self._atom = atom
- def get_size(self):
- # should be overriden in the boxes we want to be able to modify
- return self._atom.get_size()
- def get_offset(self):
- return self._atom.get_offset()
- def copy(self, *a, **kw):
- cls = self.__class__
- if getattr(self, '_fields', None):
- attribs = dict([(k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self._fields])
- attribs.update(dict([(k, kw[k]) for k in self._fields if k in kw]))
- else:
- attribs = {}
- return cls(self._atom, **attribs)
- def write(self, fobj):
- # print '[ b] writing:', self
- self._atom.write(fobj)
- def write_head(self, fobj):
- # assuming 'short' sizes for now - FIXME!
- # print '[ b] writing head:', self._atom
- a = self._atom
- write_ulong(fobj, self.get_size())
- write_fcc(fobj, a.type)
- if (a.extended_type):
- fobj.write(a.extended_type)
- class FullBox(Box):
- def tabled_size(self, body_size, loop_size):
- # TODO: move to a separate TableFullBox subclass?
- return (self._atom.head_size_ext() + body_size +
- len(self.table) * loop_size)
- def write_head(self, fobj):
- Box.write_head(self, fobj)
- a = self._atom
- write_ulong(fobj, (a.v & 0xff) << 24 | (a.flags & 0xffffff))
- class ContainerBox(Box):
- def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
- Box.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
- self._extra_children = []
- def get_size(self):
- # print '[>] getting size: %r' % self._atom
- fields = getattr(self, '_fields', [])
- cd = self._atom.get_children_dict()
- size = self._atom.head_size_ext()
- for k, v in cd.items():
- if k in fields:
- v = getattr(self, k)
- if not isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
- if v is None:
- v = []
- else:
- v = [v]
- # print 'size for %r = %r' % (sum([a.get_size() for a in v]), v)
- size += sum([a.get_size() for a in v])
- size += sum([a.get_size() for a in self._extra_children])
- # print '[<] getting size: %r = %r' % (self._atom, size)
- return size
- def write(self, fobj):
- self.write_head(fobj)
- fields = getattr(self, '_fields', [])
- cd = self._atom.get_children_dict()
- to_write = []
- for k, v in cd.items():
- if k in fields:
- v = getattr(self, k)
- if not isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
- if v is None:
- v = []
- else:
- v = [v]
- to_write.extend(v)
- def _get_offset(a):
- return a.get_offset()
- to_write.sort(key=_get_offset)
- to_write.extend(self._extra_children)
- # print '[ ] going to write:', \
- # ([(isinstance(a, Box) and a._atom.type or a.type)
- # for a in to_write])
- for ca in to_write:
- # print '[cb] writing:', ca
- ca.write(fobj)
- def add_extra_children(self, al):
- self._extra_children.extend(al)
- def fullboxread(f):
- def _with_full_atom_read_wrapper(cls, a):
- return f(cls, atoms.full(a))
- return _with_full_atom_read_wrapper
- def containerboxread(f):
- def _with_container_atom_read_wrapper(cls, a):
- return f(cls, atoms.container(a))
- return _with_container_atom_read_wrapper
- def ver_skip(atom, sizes):
- if atom.v > len(sizes) or atom.v < 0:
- raise UnsuportedVersion('version requested: %d' % atom.v)
- atom.skip(sizes[atom.v])
- def ver_read(atom, readers):
- if atom.v > len(readers) or atom.v < 0:
- raise UnsuportedVersion('version requested: %d' % atom.v)
- return readers[atom.v](atom.f)
- def maybe_build_atoms(atype, alist):
- cls = globals().get(atype)
- if cls and issubclass(cls, Box):
- return map(cls.read, alist)
- return alist
- def select_children_atoms(a, *selection):
- return select_atoms(a.get_children_dict(), *selection)
- def select_atoms(ad, *selection):
- """ad: atom dict
- selection: [(type, min_required, max_required), ...]"""
- selected = []
- for atype, req_min, req_max in selection:
- alist = ad.get(atype, [])
- found = len(alist)
- if ((req_min is not None and found < req_min) or
- (req_max is not None and found > req_max)):
- raise CannotSelect('requested number of atoms %r: in [%s; %s],'
- ' found: %d (all children: %r)' %
- (atype, req_min, req_max, found, ad))
- alist = maybe_build_atoms(atype, alist)
- if req_max == 1:
- if found == 0:
- selected.append(None)
- else:
- selected.append(alist[0])
- else:
- selected.append(alist)
- return selected
- def find_atom(alist, type):
- return [a.type for a in alist].index(type)
- def write_atoms(alist, f):
- # alist - list of Atoms or Boxes
- for a in alist:
- a.write(f)
- def find_samplenum_stts(stts, mt):
- "stts - table of the 'stts' atom; mt - media time"
- ctime = 0
- samples = 1
- i, n = 0, len(stts)
- while i < n:
- # print 'fsstts:', mt, ctime, stts[i], samples, ctime
- if mt == ctime:
- break
- count, delta = stts[i]
- cdelta = count * delta
- if mt < ctime + cdelta:
- samples += int(ceil((mt - ctime) / float(delta)))
- break
- ctime += cdelta
- samples += count
- i += 1
- return samples
- def find_mediatime_stts(stts, sample):
- ctime = 0
- samples = 1
- i, n = 0, len(stts)
- while i < n:
- count, delta = stts[i]
- if samples + count >= sample:
- return ctime + (sample - samples) * delta
- ctime += count * delta
- samples += count
- i += 1
- return ctime
- def find_mediatimes(stts, samples):
- ctime = 0
- total_samples = 1
- ret = []
- i, n = 0, len(stts)
- j, m = 0, len(samples)
- while i < n and j < m:
- count, delta = stts[i]
- sample = samples[j]
- if total_samples + count >= sample:
- ret.append(ctime + (sample - total_samples) * delta)
- j += 1
- continue
- ctime += count * delta
- total_samples += count
- i += 1
- return ret
- def find_chunknum_stsc(stsc, sample_num):
- current = 1 # 1-based indices!
- per_chunk = 0
- samples = 1
- i, n = 0, len(stsc)
- while i < n:
- # print 'fcnstsc:', sample_num, current, stsc[i], samples, per_chunk
- next, next_per_chunk, _sdidx = stsc[i]
- samples_here = (next - current) * per_chunk
- if samples + samples_here > sample_num:
- break
- samples += samples_here
- current, per_chunk = next, next_per_chunk
- i += 1
- return int((sample_num - samples) // per_chunk + current)
- def get_chunk_offset(stco64, chunk_num):
- # 1-based indices!
- return stco64[chunk_num - 1]
- class uuid(FullBox):
- _extended_type = None
- @classmethod
- def read(cls, a):
- # TODO implement a lookup of child classes based on _extended_type?
- raise Exception("not implemented yet")
- class uuid_sscurrent(uuid):
- _fields = ('timestamp', 'duration')
- _extended_type = "\x6d\x1d\x9b\x05\x42\xd5\x44\xe6\x80\xe2\x14\x1d\xaf\xf7\x57\xb2"
- def write(self, fobj):
- self.write_head(fobj)
- write_ulonglong(fobj, self.timestamp)
- write_ulonglong(fobj, self.duration)
- def get_size(self):
- size = self._atom.head_size_ext()
- size += 2 * 8
- return size
- @classmethod
- def read(cls, a):
- raise Exception("not implemented yet")
- @classmethod
- def make(cls, timestamp, duration):
- a = atoms.FullAtom(0, "uuid", 0, 1, 0, None, extended_type=cls._extended_type)
- s = cls(a)
- s.timestamp = timestamp
- s.duration = duration
- return s
- class uuid_ssnext(FullBox):
- _fields = ('entries')
- _extended_type = "\xd4\x80\x7e\xf2\xca\x39\x46\x95\x8e\x54\x26\xcb\x9e\x46\xa7\x9f"
- def write(self, fobj):
- self.write_head(fobj)
- write_uchar(fobj, len(self.entries))
- for ts, duration in self.entries:
- write_ulonglong(fobj, ts)
- write_ulonglong(fobj, duration)
- def get_size(self):
- size = self._atom.head_size_ext()
- size += 1 + (2 * 8) * len(self.entries)
- return size
- @classmethod
- def read(cls, a):
- raise Exception("not implemented yet")
- @classmethod
- def make(cls, entries):
- a = atoms.FullAtom(0, "uuid", 0, 1, 0, None, extended_type=cls._extended_type)
- s = cls(a)
- s.entries = entries
- return s
- class mvhd(FullBox):
- _fields = (
- # 'creation_time', 'modification_time',
- 'timescale', 'duration',
- # 'rate', 'volume', 'matrix', 'next_track_ID'
- )
- @classmethod
- @fullboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- ver_skip(a, (8, 16))
- ts = read_ulong(a.f)
- d = ver_read(a, (read_ulong, read_ulonglong))
- return cls(a, timescale=ts, duration=d)
- def write(self, fobj):
- self.write_head(fobj)
- a = self._atom
- a.seek_to_start()
- a.skip(a.head_size_ext())
- if a.v == 0:
- fobj.write(a.read_bytes(8))
- write_ulong(fobj, self.timescale)
- write_ulong(fobj, self.duration)
- a.skip(8)
- elif a.v == 1:
- fobj.write(a.read_bytes(16))
- write_ulong(fobj, self.timescale)
- write_ulonglong(fobj, self.duration)
- a.skip(12)
- else:
- raise RuntimeError()
- fobj.write(a.read_bytes(80))
- class tkhd(FullBox):
- _fields = ('duration', 'id')
- @classmethod
- @fullboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- ver_skip(a, (8, 16))
- id = read_ulong(a.f)
- a.skip(4)
- d = ver_read(a, (read_ulong, read_ulonglong))
- return cls(a, duration=d, id=id)
- def write(self, fobj):
- self.write_head(fobj)
- a = self._atom
- a.seek_to_start()
- a.skip(a.head_size_ext())
- if a.v == 0:
- fobj.write(a.read_bytes(8))
- write_ulong(fobj, self.id)
- a.skip(4)
- fobj.write(a.read_bytes(4))
- write_ulong(fobj, self.duration)
- a.skip(4)
- elif a.v == 1:
- fobj.write(a.read_bytes(16))
- write_ulong(fobj, self.id)
- a.skip(4)
- fobj.write(a.read_bytes(4))
- write_ulonglong(fobj, self.duration)
- a.skip(8)
- else:
- raise RuntimeError()
- fobj.write(a.read_bytes(60))
- class mdhd(FullBox):
- _fields = ('timescale', 'duration')
- @classmethod
- @fullboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- ver_skip(a, (8, 16))
- ts = read_ulong(a.f)
- d = ver_read(a, (read_ulong, read_ulonglong))
- return cls(a, timescale=ts, duration=d)
- def write(self, fobj):
- self.write_head(fobj)
- a = self._atom
- a.seek_to_start()
- a.skip(a.head_size_ext())
- if a.v == 0:
- fobj.write(a.read_bytes(8))
- write_ulong(fobj, self.timescale)
- write_ulong(fobj, self.duration)
- a.skip(8)
- elif a.v == 1:
- fobj.write(a.read_bytes(16))
- write_ulong(fobj, self.timescale)
- write_ulonglong(fobj, self.duration)
- a.skip(12)
- else:
- raise RuntimeError()
- fobj.write(a.read_bytes(4))
- class stts(FullBox):
- _fields = ('table',)
- @classmethod
- @fullboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- entries = read_ulong(a.f)
- t = read_table(a.f, 'LL', entries)
- return cls(a, table=t)
- def get_size(self):
- return self.tabled_size(4, 8)
- def write(self, fobj):
- self.write_head(fobj)
- write_ulong(fobj, len(self.table))
- for elt in self.table:
- write_ulong(fobj, elt[0])
- write_ulong(fobj, elt[1])
- class ctts(FullBox):
- _fields = ('table',)
- @classmethod
- @fullboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- entries = read_ulong(a.f)
- t = read_table(a.f, 'LL', entries)
- return cls(a, table=t)
- def get_size(self):
- return self.tabled_size(4, 8)
- def write(self, fobj):
- self.write_head(fobj)
- write_ulong(fobj, len(self.table))
- for elt in self.table:
- write_ulong(fobj, elt[0])
- write_ulong(fobj, elt[1])
- class stss(FullBox):
- _fields = ('table',)
- @classmethod
- @fullboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- entries = read_ulong(a.f)
- t = read_table(a.f, 'L', entries)
- return cls(a, table=t)
- def get_size(self):
- return self.tabled_size(4, 4)
- def write(self, fobj):
- self.write_head(fobj)
- write_ulong(fobj, len(self.table))
- for elt in self.table:
- write_ulong(fobj, elt)
- class stsz(FullBox):
- _fields = ('sample_size', 'table')
- @classmethod
- @fullboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- ss = read_ulong(a.f)
- entries = read_ulong(a.f)
- if ss == 0:
- t = read_table(a.f, 'L', entries)
- else:
- t = []
- return cls(a, sample_size=ss, table=t)
- def get_size(self):
- if self.sample_size != 0:
- return self._atom.head_size_ext() + 8
- return self.tabled_size(8, 4)
- def write(self, fobj):
- self.write_head(fobj)
- write_ulong(fobj, self.sample_size)
- write_ulong(fobj, len(self.table))
- if self.sample_size == 0:
- for elt in self.table:
- write_ulong(fobj, elt)
- class stsc(FullBox):
- _fields = ('table',)
- @classmethod
- @fullboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- entries = read_ulong(a.f)
- t = read_table(a.f, 'LLL', entries)
- return cls(a, table=t)
- def get_size(self):
- return self.tabled_size(4, 12)
- def write(self, fobj):
- self.write_head(fobj)
- write_ulong(fobj, len(self.table))
- for elt in self.table:
- write_ulong(fobj, elt[0])
- write_ulong(fobj, elt[1])
- write_ulong(fobj, elt[2])
- class stco(FullBox):
- _fields = ('table',)
- @classmethod
- @fullboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- entries = read_ulong(a.f)
- t = read_table(a.f, 'L', entries)
- return cls(a, table=t)
- def get_size(self):
- return self.tabled_size(4, 4)
- def write(self, fobj):
- self.write_head(fobj)
- write_ulong(fobj, len(self.table))
- for elt in self.table:
- write_ulong(fobj, elt)
- class co64(FullBox):
- _fields = ('table',)
- @classmethod
- @fullboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- entries = read_ulong(a.f)
- t = read_table(a.f, 'Q', entries)
- return cls(a, table=t)
- def get_size(self):
- return self.tabled_size(4, 8)
- def write(self, fobj):
- self.write_head(fobj)
- write_ulong(fobj, len(self.table))
- for elt in self.table:
- write_ulonglong(fobj, elt)
- class stz2(FullBox):
- _fields = ('field_size', 'table')
- @classmethod
- @fullboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- field_size = read_ulong(a.f) & 0xff
- entries = read_ulong(a.f)
- def read_2u4(f):
- b = read_bytes(f, 1)
- return (b >> 4) & 0x0f, b & 0x0f
- def flatten(l):
- ret = []
- for elt in l:
- ret.extend(elt)
- return ret
- if field_size == 16:
- t = read_table(a.f, 'H', entries)
- elif field_size == 8:
- t = read_table(a.f, 'B', entries)
- elif field_size == 4:
- t = flatten([read_2u4(a.f) for _ in xrange((entries + 1) / 2)])
- else:
- raise FormatError()
- return cls(a, field_size=field_size, table=t)
- def get_size(self):
- fs = self.field_size / 8.0
- return int(self.tabled_size(8, fs))
- def write(self, fobj):
- self.write_head(fobj)
- write_ulong(fobj, self.field_size & 0xff)
- write_ulong(fobj, len(self.table))
- def write_u16(f, n):
- fobj.write(struct.pack('>H', n))
- def write_u8(f, n):
- fobj.write(struct.pack('B', n))
- def write_2u4(f, n, m):
- fobj.write(struct.pack('B', ((n & 0x0f) << 4) | (m & 0x0f)))
- if field_size == 16:
- for elt in self.table:
- write_u16(fobj, elt)
- elif field_size == 8:
- for elt in self.table:
- write_u8(fobj, elt)
- elif field_size == 4:
- for elt in takeby(self.table, 2):
- write_2u4(fobj, *elt)
- else:
- raise FormatError()
- class btrt(Box):
- _fields = ('bufferSize', 'maxBitrate', 'avgBitrate')
- @classmethod
- def read(cls, a):
- a.seek_to_data()
- bufferSize = atoms.read_ulong(a.f)
- maxBitrate = atoms.read_ulong(a.f)
- avgBitrate = atoms.read_ulong(a.f)
- return cls(a, bufferSize=bufferSize, maxBitrate=maxBitrate,
- avgBitrate=avgBitrate)
- # from gst and mp4split, which all seem to be from ffmpeg
- def read_desc_len(f):
- bytes = 0
- len = 0
- while True:
- c = atoms.read_uchar(f)
- len <<= 7
- len |= c & 0x7f
- bytes += 1
- if (bytes == 4):
- break
- if not (c & 0x80):
- break
- return len
- class esds(FullBox):
- _fields = ('object_type_id', 'maxBitrate', 'avgBitrate', 'data')
- @classmethod
- @fullboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- # from mp4split
- esdesc = atoms.read_uchar(a.f)
- len = read_desc_len(a.f)
- stream_id = atoms.read_ushort(a.f)
- prio = atoms.read_uchar(a.f)
- else:
- stream_id = atoms.read_ushort(a.f)
- tag = atoms.read_uchar(a.f)
- len = read_desc_len(a.f)
- raise FormatError("can't parse esds")
- object_type_id = atoms.read_uchar(a.f)
- stream_type = atoms.read_uchar(a.f)
- buffer_size_db = a.read_bytes(3)
- maxBitrate = atoms.read_ulong(a.f)
- avgBitrate = atoms.read_ulong(a.f)
- tag = atoms.read_uchar(a.f)
- len = read_desc_len(a.f)
- raise FormatError("can't parse esd")
- data = a.read_bytes(len)
- return cls(a, object_type_id=object_type_id,
- maxBitrate=maxBitrate, avgBitrate=avgBitrate, data=data)
- class mp4a(Box):
- # TODO: base class for SampleEntry, AudioSampleEntry...
- _fields = ('index', 'channelcount', 'samplesize', 'sampleratehi', 'sampleratelo', 'extra')
- @classmethod
- def read(cls, a):
- a.seek_to_data()
- a.skip(6) # reserved
- idx = atoms.read_ushort(a.f)
- version = atoms.read_ushort(a.f)
- a.skip(4 + 2) # reserved
- channelcount = atoms.read_ushort(a.f)
- if channelcount == 3:
- channelcount = 6 # from mp4split
- samplesize = atoms.read_ushort(a.f)
- a.skip(4)
- sampleratehi = atoms.read_ushort(a.f)
- sampleratelo = atoms.read_ushort(a.f)
- # FIXME: parse version != 0 samples_per_packet etc..
- # optional boxes follow
- extra = list(atoms.read_atoms(a.f, a.size - 36))
- a.seek_to_data()
- a.skip(36)
- extra = map(lambda a: maybe_build_atoms(a.type, [a])[0], extra)
- return cls(a, index=idx, channelcount=channelcount, samplesize=samplesize,
- sampleratehi=sampleratehi, sampleratelo=sampleratelo,
- extra=extra)
- class avcC(Box):
- _fields = ('version', 'profile', 'level', 'data')
- @classmethod
- def read(cls, a):
- a.seek_to_data()
- data = a.read_bytes(a.size - 8)
- version = data[0]
- profile = data[1]
- level = data[3]
- return cls(a, version=version, profile=profile, level=level, data=data)
- class avc1(Box):
- # TODO: base class for SampleEntry, VideoSampleEntry...
- _fields = ('index', 'width', 'height', 'comp', 'extra')
- @classmethod
- def read(cls, a):
- a.seek_to_data()
- a.skip(6)
- idx = atoms.read_ushort(a.f)
- a.skip(4 * 4)
- width = atoms.read_ushort(a.f)
- height = atoms.read_ushort(a.f)
- hr = a.read_bytes(4)
- vr = a.read_bytes(4)
- reserved = atoms.read_ulong(a.f)
- fc = atoms.read_ushort(a.f)
- comp = a.read_bytes(32)
- depth = atoms.read_ushort(a.f)
- minusone = atoms.read_short(a.f)
- if (minusone != -1):
- raise FormatError()
- # optional boxes follow
- extra = list(atoms.read_atoms(a.f, a.size - 86))
- a.seek_to_data()
- a.skip(86)
- extra = map(lambda a: maybe_build_atoms(a.type, [a])[0], extra)
- return cls(a, index=idx, width=width, height=height, comp=comp, extra=extra)
- class stsd(FullBox):
- _fields = ('count','entries')
- @classmethod
- @fullboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- count = read_ulong(a.f)
- entries = []
- while count > 0:
- b = atoms.read_atom(a.f)
- entries.append(b)
- count = count - 1
- entries = map(lambda a: maybe_build_atoms(a.type, [a])[0], entries)
- return cls(a, count=count, entries=entries)
- class stbl(ContainerBox):
- _fields = ('stss', 'stsz', 'stz2', 'stco', 'co64', 'stts', 'ctts', 'stsc', 'stsd')
- @classmethod
- @containerboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- (astss, astsz, astz2, astco, aco64, astts, actts, astsc, stsd) = \
- select_children_atoms(a, ('stss', 0, 1), ('stsz', 0, 1),
- ('stz2', 0, 1), ('stco', 0, 1),
- ('co64', 0, 1), ('stts', 1, 1),
- ('ctts', 0, 1), ('stsc', 1, 1),
- ('stsd', 0, 1))
- return cls(a, stss=astss, stsz=astsz, stz2=astz2, stco=astco,
- co64=aco64, stts=astts, ctts=actts, stsc=astsc,
- stsd=stsd)
- class minf(ContainerBox):
- _fields = ('stbl',)
- @classmethod
- @containerboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- (astbl,) = select_children_atoms(a, ('stbl', 1, 1))
- return cls(a, stbl=astbl)
- class mdia(ContainerBox):
- _fields = ('mdhd', 'minf')
- @classmethod
- @containerboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- (amdhd, aminf) = select_children_atoms(a, ('mdhd', 1, 1),
- ('minf', 1, 1))
- return cls(a, mdhd=amdhd, minf=aminf)
- class trak(ContainerBox):
- _fields = ('tkhd', 'mdia')
- @classmethod
- @containerboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- (atkhd, amdia) = select_children_atoms(a, ('tkhd', 1, 1),
- ('mdia', 1, 1))
- return cls(a, tkhd=atkhd, mdia=amdia)
- class moov(ContainerBox):
- _fields = ('mvhd', 'trak')
- @classmethod
- @containerboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- (amvhd, traks) = select_children_atoms(a, ('mvhd', 1, 1),
- ('trak', 1, None))
- return cls(a, mvhd=amvhd, trak=traks)
- class ftyp(Box):
- _fields = ('brand', 'version')
- @classmethod
- def read(cls, a):
- a.seek_to_data()
- brand = read_fcc(a.f)
- v = read_ulong(a.f)
- return cls(a, brand=brand, version=v)
- class tfhd(FullBox):
- _fields = ('track_id', )
- @classmethod
- @fullboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- track_id = read_ulong(a.f)
- return cls(a, track_id=track_id)
- class traf(ContainerBox):
- _fields = ('tfhd', 'trun', 'sdtp', 'uuid')
- @classmethod
- @containerboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- (tfhd, trun, sdtp) = select_children_atoms(a, ('tfhd', 1, 1),
- ('trun', 1, 1),
- ('sdtp', 0, 1))
- uuid = []
- return cls(a, tfhd=tfhd, trun=trun, sdtp=sdtp, uuid=uuid)
- class moof(ContainerBox):
- _fields = ('mfhd', 'traf')
- @classmethod
- @containerboxread
- def read(cls, a):
- (mfhd, traf) = select_children_atoms(a, ('mfhd', 1, 1),
- ('traf', 1, 1))
- return cls(a, mfhd=mfhd, traf=traf)
- def read_iso_file(fobj):
- fobj.seek(0)
- al = list(atoms.read_atoms(fobj))
- ad = atoms.atoms_dict(al)
- aftyp, amoov, mdat = select_atoms(ad, ('ftyp', 1, 1), ('moov', 1, 1),
- ('mdat', 1, None))
- # print '(first mdat offset: %d)' % mdat[0].offset
- return aftyp, amoov, al
- def find_cut_trak_info(atrak, t):
- ts = atrak.mdia.mdhd.timescale
- stbl = atrak.mdia.minf.stbl
- mt = int(round(t * ts))
- # print 'media time:', mt, t, ts, t * ts
- # print ('finding cut for trak %r @ time %r (%r/%r)' %
- # (atrak._atom, t, mt, ts))
- sample = find_samplenum_stts(stbl.stts.table, mt)
- chunk = find_chunknum_stsc(stbl.stsc.table, sample)
- # print ('found sample: %d and chunk: %d/%r' %
- # (sample, chunk, stbl.stsc.table[-1]))
- stco64 = stbl.stco or stbl.co64
- chunk_offset = get_chunk_offset(stco64.table, chunk)
- zero_offset = get_chunk_offset(stco64.table, 1)
- # print 'found chunk offsets:', chunk_offset, zero_offset
- return sample, chunk, zero_offset, chunk_offset
- def cut_stco64(stco64, chunk_num, offset_change, first_chunk_delta=0):
- new_table = [offset - offset_change for offset in stco64[chunk_num - 1:]]
- if new_table and first_chunk_delta:
- new_table[0] = new_table[0] + first_chunk_delta
- return new_table
- def cut_stco64_stsc(stco64, stsc, stsz2, chunk_num, sample_num, offset_change):
- new_stsc = None
- i, n = 0, len(stsc)
- current, per_chunk, sdidx = 1, 0, None
- samples = 1
- while i < n:
- next, next_per_chunk, next_sdidx = stsc[i]
- if next > chunk_num:
- offset = chunk_num - 1
- new_stsc = ([(1, per_chunk, sdidx)]
- + [(c - offset, p_c, j)
- for (c, p_c, j) in stsc[i:]])
- break
- samples += (next - current) * per_chunk
- current, per_chunk, sdidx = next, next_per_chunk, next_sdidx
- i += 1
- if new_stsc is None:
- new_stsc = [(1, per_chunk, sdidx)]
- lead_samples = (sample_num - samples) % per_chunk
- bytes_offset = 0
- if lead_samples > 0:
- bytes_offset = sum(stsz2[sample_num - 1 - lead_samples :
- sample_num - 1])
- # print 'lead_samples:', lead_samples, 'bytes_offset:', bytes_offset
- if lead_samples > 0:
- fstsc = new_stsc[0]
- new_fstsc = (1, fstsc[1] - lead_samples, fstsc[2])
- # print 'old stsc', new_stsc
- if len(new_stsc) > 1 and new_stsc[1][0] == 2:
- new_stsc[0] = new_fstsc
- else:
- new_stsc[0:1] = [new_fstsc, (2, fstsc[1], fstsc[2])]
- # print 'new stsc', new_stsc
- return (cut_stco64(stco64, chunk_num, offset_change, bytes_offset),
- new_stsc)
- def cut_sctts(sctts, sample):
- samples = 1
- i, n = 0, len(sctts)
- while i < n:
- count, delta = sctts[i]
- if samples + count > sample:
- return [(samples + count - sample, delta)] + sctts[i+1:]
- samples += count
- i += 1
- return [] # ? :/
- def cut_stss(stss, sample):
- i, n = 0, len(stss)
- while i < n:
- snum = stss[i]
- # print 'cut_stss:', snum, sample
- if snum >= sample:
- return [s - sample + 1 for s in stss[i:]]
- i += 1
- return []
- def cut_stsz2(stsz2, sample):
- if not stsz2:
- return []
- return stsz2[sample - 1:]
- def cut_trak(atrak, sample, data_offset_change):
- stbl = atrak.mdia.minf.stbl
- chunk = find_chunknum_stsc(stbl.stsc.table, sample)
- # print ('cutting trak: %r @ sample %d [chnk %d]' %
- # (atrak._atom, sample, chunk))
- media_time_diff = find_mediatime_stts(stbl.stts.table, sample) # - 0
- new_media_duration = atrak.mdia.mdhd.duration - media_time_diff
- """
- cut_stco64()
- cut_stsc()
- cut_stsz2()
- cut_sctts(stts)
- cut_sctts(ctts)
- cut_stss()
- """
- stco64 = stbl.stco or stbl.co64
- stsz2 = stbl.stsz or stbl.stz2
- new_stco64_t, new_stsc_t = cut_stco64_stsc(stco64.table, stbl.stsc.table,
- stsz2.table, chunk, sample,
- data_offset_change)
- new_stco64 = stco64.copy(table=new_stco64_t)
- new_stsc = stbl.stsc.copy(table=new_stsc_t)
- new_stsz2 = stsz2.copy(table=cut_stsz2(stsz2.table, sample))
- new_stts = stbl.stts.copy(table=cut_sctts(stbl.stts.table, sample))
- new_ctts = None
- if stbl.ctts:
- new_ctts = stbl.ctts.copy(table=cut_sctts(stbl.ctts.table, sample))
- new_stss = None
- if stbl.stss:
- new_stss = stbl.stss.copy(table=cut_stss(stbl.stss.table, sample))
- """
- new_mdhd = atrak.mdia.mdhd.copy()
- new_minf = atrak.mdia.minf.copy()
- new_mdia = atrak.mdia.copy()
- new_trak = atrak.copy()
- """
- stbl_attribs = dict(stts=new_stts, stsc=new_stsc)
- stbl_attribs[stbl.stco and 'stco' or 'co64'] = new_stco64
- stbl_attribs[stbl.stsz and 'stsz' or 'stz2'] = new_stsz2
- if new_ctts:
- stbl_attribs['ctts'] = new_ctts
- if new_stss:
- stbl_attribs['stss'] = new_stss
- new_stbl = stbl.copy(**stbl_attribs)
- new_minf = atrak.mdia.minf.copy(stbl=new_stbl)
- new_mdhd = atrak.mdia.mdhd.copy(duration=new_media_duration)
- new_mdia = atrak.mdia.copy(mdhd=new_mdhd, minf=new_minf)
- new_tkhd = atrak.tkhd.copy()
- new_trak = atrak.copy(tkhd=new_tkhd, mdia=new_mdia)
- # print 'old trak:'
- # print atrak
- return new_trak
- def update_offsets(atrak, data_offset_change):
- """
- cut_stco64(stco64, 1, ...) # again, after calculating new size of moov
- atrak.mdia.mdhd.duration = new_duration
- """
- # print 'offset updates:'
- # print atrak
- stbl = atrak.mdia.minf.stbl
- stco64 = stbl.stco or stbl.co64
- stco64.table = cut_stco64(stco64.table, 1, data_offset_change)
- # print atrak
- # print
- def cut_moov(amoov, t):
- ts = amoov.mvhd.timescale
- duration = amoov.mvhd.duration
- if t * ts >= duration:
- raise RuntimeError('Exceeded file duration: %r' %
- (duration / float(ts)))
- traks = amoov.trak
- # print 'movie timescale: %d, num tracks: %d' % (ts, len(traks))
- # print
- cut_info = map(lambda a: find_cut_trak_info(a, t), traks)
- # print 'cut_info:', cut_info
- new_data_offset = min([ci[3] for ci in cut_info])
- zero_offset = min([ci[2] for ci in cut_info])
- # print 'new offset: %d, delta: %d' % (new_data_offset,
- # new_data_offset - zero_offset)
- new_traks = map(lambda a, ci: cut_trak(a, ci[0],
- new_data_offset - zero_offset),
- traks, cut_info)
- new_moov = amoov.copy(mvhd=amoov.mvhd.copy(), trak=new_traks)
- moov_size_diff = amoov.get_size() - new_moov.get_size()
- # print ('moov_size_diff', moov_size_diff, amoov.get_size(),
- # new_moov.get_size())
- # print 'real moov sizes', amoov._atom.size, new_moov._atom.size
- # print 'new mdat start', zero_offset - moov_size_diff - 8
- def update_trak_duration(atrak):
- amdhd = atrak.mdia.mdhd
- new_duration = amdhd.duration * ts // amdhd.timescale # ... different
- # rounding? :/
- atrak.tkhd.duration = new_duration
- # print
- map(update_trak_duration, new_traks)
- map(lambda a: update_offsets(a, moov_size_diff), new_traks)
- return new_moov, new_data_offset - zero_offset, new_data_offset
- def split_atoms(f, out_f, t):
- aftype, amoov, alist = read_iso_file(f)
- t = find_nearest_syncpoint(amoov, t)
- # print 'nearest syncpoint:', t
- nmoov, delta, new_offset = cut_moov(amoov, t)
- write_split_header(out_f, nmoov, alist, delta)
- return new_offset
- def update_mdat_atoms(alist, size_delta):
- updated = []
- to_remove = size_delta
- pos = alist[0].offset
- for a in alist:
- data_size = a.size - a.head_size()
- size_change = min(data_size, to_remove)
- if size_change > 0:
- to_remove -= size_change
- new_size = real_size = a.size - size_change
- if a.real_size == 1:
- real_size = 1
- updated.append(atoms.Atom(new_size, 'mdat', pos, a.f,
- real_size=real_size))
- if to_remove == 0:
- break
- pos += new_size
- return updated
- def write_split_header(out_f, amoov, alist, size_delta):
- moov_idx = find_atom(alist, 'moov')
- mdat_idx = find_atom(alist, 'mdat')
- mdat = alist[mdat_idx]
- cut_offset = mdat.offset + mdat.head_size() + size_delta
- to_update = [a for a in alist[mdat_idx:] if a.offset < cut_offset]
- if [a for a in to_update if a.type != 'mdat']:
- raise FormatError('"mdat" and non-"mdat" (to-update) atoms mixed')
- updated_mdats = update_mdat_atoms(to_update, size_delta)
- alist[moov_idx] = amoov
- write_atoms(alist[:mdat_idx], out_f)
- for a in updated_mdats:
- write_ulong(out_f, a.real_size)
- write_fcc(out_f, a.type)
- if a.real_size == 1:
- write_ulonglong(out_f, a.size)
- def split(f, t, out_f=None):
- wf = out_f
- if wf is None:
- from cStringIO import StringIO
- wf = StringIO()
- new_offset = split_atoms(f, wf, t)
- return wf, new_offset
- def split_and_write(in_f, out_f, t):
- header_f, new_offset = split(in_f, t)
- header_f.seek(0)
- out_f.write(header_f.read())
- in_f.seek(new_offset)
- out_f.write(in_f.read())
- def main(f, t):
- split_and_write(f, file('/tmp/t.mp4', 'w'), t)
- def find_sync_points(amoov):
- ts = amoov.mvhd.timescale
- traks = amoov.trak
- def find_sync_samples(a):
- stbl = a.mdia.minf.stbl
- if not stbl.stss:
- return []
- stss = stbl.stss
- stts = stbl.stts.table
- ts = float(a.mdia.mdhd.timescale)
- return map(lambda mt: mt / ts, find_mediatimes(stts, stss.table))
- sync_tables = [t for t in map(find_sync_samples, traks) if t]
- if sync_tables:
- # ideally there should be only one sync table (from a video
- # trak) - an arbitrary one will be taken otherwise...
- return sync_tables[0]
- return []
- def find_nearest_syncpoint(amoov, t):
- syncs = find_sync_points(amoov)
- if not syncs:
- # hardcoding duration - 0.1 sec as the farthest seek pos for now...
- max_ts = amoov.mvhd.duration / float(amoov.mvhd.timescale) - 0.1
- return max(0, min(t, max_ts))
- found = 0
- other = 0
- for ss in syncs:
- if ss > t:
- other = ss
- break
- found = ss
- if (abs(t - found) < abs(other - t)):
- return found
- return other
- def get_nearest_syncpoint(f, t):
- aftyp, amoov, alist = read_iso_file(f)
- print find_nearest_syncpoint(amoov, t)
- def get_sync_points(f):
- aftyp, amoov, alist = read_iso_file(f)
- return find_sync_points(amoov)
- def get_debugging(f):
- aftyp, amoov, alist = read_iso_file(f)
- ts = amoov.mvhd.timescale
- print aftyp
- traks = amoov.trak
- from pprint import pprint
- pprint(map(lambda a: a.mdia.minf.stbl.stco, traks))
- def change_chunk_offsets(amoov, data_offset):
- """
- @param data_offset: number of bytes to add to chunk offsets in all
- traks of amoov
- @type data_offset: int
- """
- # FIXME: make the offset direction sane in update_offsets...?
- map(lambda a: update_offsets(a, - data_offset), amoov.trak)
- def move_header_to_front(f):
- aftype, amoov, alist = read_iso_file(f)
- moov_idx = find_atom(alist, 'moov')
- mdat_idx = find_atom(alist, 'mdat')
- if moov_idx < mdat_idx:
- # nothing to be done
- return None
- adict = atoms.atoms_dict(alist)
- mdat = alist[mdat_idx]
- new_moov_idx = mdat_idx
- if 'wide' in adict:
- # if 'wide' atom preceeds 'mdat', let's keep it that way
- for wide in adict['wide']:
- if wide.offset + wide.size == mdat.offset:
- new_moov_idx -= 1
- break
- # for the moment assuming rewriting offsets in moov won't change
- # the atoms sizes - could happen if:
- # 2**32 - 1 - last_chunk_offset < moov.size
- data_offset = amoov.get_size()
- change_chunk_offsets(amoov, data_offset)
- del alist[moov_idx]
- alist[new_moov_idx:new_moov_idx] = [amoov]
- return alist
- def move_header_and_write(in_f, out_f):
- alist = move_header_to_front(in_f)
- if alist:
- write_atoms(alist, out_f)
- return True
- return False
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- import sys
- f = file(sys.argv[1])
- if len(sys.argv) > 2:
- t = float(sys.argv[2])
- main(f, t)
- # get_nearest_syncpoint(f, t)
- else:
- print get_sync_points(f)
- # get_debugging(f)