Python | 447 lines | 419 code | 7 blank | 21 comment | 5 complexity | 3c5b4d2d40ed87f4d8f6bae77def0ced MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import sys
- # collections.OrderedDict is not available in older
- # versions of Python. Import an OrderedDict for
- # older versions
- if (2,7) > sys.version_info:
- from ordereddict import OrderedDict
- else:
- from collections import OrderedDict
- import iniparse
- from ConfigParser import NoSectionError, \
- NoOptionError
- """
- This module provides a way of manipulating svxlink.conf.
- .. moduleauthor:: Eren Türkay <eren@pardus.org.tr>
- """
- __author__ = "Eren Türkay"
- __email__ = "eren@pardus.org.tr"
- __copyright__ = "Copyright 2011"
- __license__ = "GPLv2"
- __version__ = "0.1"
- class SvxlinkTypeContainer(object):
- def __init__(self, type_name, section_name, valid_options, data=None):
- """Type container for Svxlink Types.
- It serves as an abstract class. We need to check for valid options
- when setting sections. Instead of copying/pasting the code, this
- abstract class checks for valid options when setting an item in class.
- __dbase__ is an internal representation of key/values with an
- OrderedDict. If data is provided, __dbase__ is filled with this
- data. Otherwise, we know that the section is created from
- scratch so we add TYPE accordingly to type_name argument by
- default. "Data" is an array of tuple because it's the type that
- ConfigParser returns. For the ease of use, it's directly used in
- this way.
- Note that svxlink.conf requires UPPERCASE for options in sections.
- Section names can be arbitrary, however, options are presented
- upper-case. Whenever you set an option name, it will be converted to
- uppercase. It does not matter the way you set options. For
- example:
- f = SvxlinkTypeNet("foo")
- f["tcp_PORT" = 5220
- is converted to:
- f["TCP_PORT"] 5220
- so it's still valid to use as long as option is present in
- """
- # TODO: Implement a checker function. Now, we only check for
- # valid options, not the values themselves. Later, we would need
- # to check for values so we need to implement a function that
- # checks it. Additionally, this function will be unique to the
- # classes that extends SvxlinkTypeContainer. So it should be
- # optional in __init__()
- self._VALID_OPTIONS = valid_options
- self._TYPE_NAME = type_name
- self._SECTION_NAME = section_name
- # internal ordered dictionary for storing key/values typical to
- # section
- self.__dbase__ = OrderedDict()
- if data is None:
- self.__dbase__.update({"TYPE": type_name})
- else:
- # start adding values that are in tuple to __dict__
- for tuple_item in data:
- self.__check_item_and_update(tuple_item[0],
- tuple_item[1])
- def __check_item_and_update(self, key, val):
- """Checks the item in VALID_OPTIONS and updates __dbase__ if the
- option is valid.
- """
- if not key.upper() in self._VALID_OPTIONS:
- raise ValueError("Option '%s' is not valid for '%s'" %
- (key, self._SECTION_NAME))
- self.__dbase__.update({key.upper(): val})
- def __str__(self):
- return "<SvxlinkType%s: %s>" % (self._TYPE_NAME, self._SECTION_NAME)
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- return self.__dbase__.get(key.upper());
- def __setitem__(self, key, val):
- self.__check_item_and_update(key, val)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- # compare any object with our section name.
- return other == self._SECTION_NAME
- def get_section_name(self):
- """Returns a section name"""
- return self._SECTION_NAME
- def has_option(self, option):
- """Checks if there is an option in __dict__
- """
- return self.__dbase__.has_key(option.upper())
- def items(self):
- """Returns ConfigParser compatable output for items in this section.
- The output is an array of tuples such as:
- [(tcp_port, 5220), (type, "Net")]
- """
- # iterate over __dict__, do not take variables that start with _
- # into account.
- output = []
- for item in self.__dbase__:
- if not item.startswith("_"):
- output.append((item, self[item]))
- return output
- def is_online(self):
- """An abstract method for checking if the section is up.
- This method should be implemented in SvxlinkType objects. By
- default, it returns true. For example, for a
- SvxlinkTypeRepeater, is_online() method can check if the
- repeater is in LOGICS option in GLOBAL section. For a Local
- device, this method can check if the card is listed by ALSA and
- can be accessed without a problem.
- """
- return True
- class SvxlinkTypeNet(SvxlinkTypeContainer):
- """The class that represents TYPE=Net section
- """
- def __init__(self, section_name, data=None):
- """
- :param section_name: Name of the section.
- :param data: **(Optional)** An array of (name, value) pair. For
- example [('host', 'localhost'), ('tcp_port', '5220')]
- """
- # TODO: Add SPEEX_ENC_*, SPEEX_DEC_* options here
- super(SvxlinkTypeNet, self).__init__("Net", section_name,
- data)
- def is_online(self):
- """Checks if the host is up and running.
- """
- if not (self.has_option("TCP_PORT") and
- self.has_option("HOST")):
- raise ValueError("TCP_PORT and HOST should be set for this function to run")
- # FIXME: Maybe we should import it at top?
- import socket
- # we need 3 second delay at most, otherwise we may think that
- # host is not running.
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(0.5)
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
- socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- try:
- s.connect((self["HOST"], int(self["TCP_PORT"])))
- return True
- except:
- # FIXME: For debug purposes, we need to get what the
- # exception was
- return False
- class SvxlinkTypeMulti(SvxlinkTypeContainer):
- """The class that represents TYPE=Multi section
- """
- def __init__(self, section_name, data=None):
- """
- :param section_name: Name of the section.
- :param data: **(Optional)** An array of (name, value) pair. For
- example [('transmitters', 'Istanbul,Ankara')]
- """
- super(SvxlinkTypeMulti, self).__init__("Multi", section_name,
- data)
- class SvxlinkTypeVoter(SvxlinkTypeContainer):
- """The class that represents TYPE=Voter section
- """
- def __init__(self, section_name, data=None):
- """
- :param section_name: Name of the section.
- :param data: **(Optional)** An array of (name, value) pair. For
- example [('receivers', 'Istanbul,Ankara')]
- """
- super(SvxlinkTypeVoter, self).__init__("Voter", section_name,
- data)
- class SvxlinkTypeLocal(SvxlinkTypeContainer):
- """The class that represents TYPE=Local section
- """
- def __init__(self, section_name, data=None):
- """
- :param section_name: Name of the section.
- :param data: **(Optional)** An array of (name, value) pair. For
- example [('audio_dev', 'alsa:plughw:0'), ('audio_channel', 0)]
- """
- # FIXME: These are not all valid options. I use only these
- # options so I added them for rapid development. Will add other
- # options as well
- super(SvxlinkTypeLocal, self).__init__("Local", section_name,
- data)
- class SvxlinkConf():
- """Main class
- """
- def __init__(self, config_file="/etc/svxlink/svxlink.conf"):
- """Initialize the class.
- Initializes the class. Be sure that the file exists before
- using this class as we do not control whether the file exists or
- not
- This is an abstraction layer over ConfigParser. If you feel that
- this class lacks some support for manipulating configuration
- files, SvxlinkConf.parser can be used. This is an instance of
- iniparser.ConfigParser().
- :param config_file: Config file to read or manipulate ** (default:
- /etc/svxlink/svxlink.conf)**
- :type config_file: string
- """
- parser = iniparse.ConfigParser()
- parser.read(config_file)
- self.config_file = config_file
- self.config = parser
- # mappers to be used in get_section() method. We define here
- # what class should be used accordingly to TYPE= variable.
- self._TYPES = {"Net": SvxlinkTypeNet,
- "Voter": SvxlinkTypeVoter,
- "Local": SvxlinkTypeLocal,
- "Multi": SvxlinkTypeMulti}
- def is_item_present_in_pair(self, item, data):
- """Checks if there is an item in an array of (key, value) pair.
- :param data: An array of (key, value) pair. For example:
- [('type', 'Voter'), ('receivers', 'Rx1,Local'), ('voting_delay',
- '200')]
- :type data: Array
- :returns: True or False
- :rtype: Boolean
- """
- for i in data:
- if i[0] == item:
- return True
- else:
- continue
- return False
- def get_remote_nodes(self):
- """Lists nodes that are TYPE=Net
- Iterate over TYPE=Net section and list the remote nodes as
- SvxlinkTypeNet object.
- :returns: An array of SvxlinkTypeNet object.
- :rtype: array
- """
- sections = self.config.sections()
- # Get sections which have "TYPE" option. GLOBAL for example does
- # not have this option so we would get NoOptionError exception.
- # Additionally, filter only Net type
- remote_nodes = filter(lambda x: (self.config.has_option(x, "TYPE") and
- self.config.get(x, "TYPE") == "Net"), sections)
- return map(lambda x: SvxlinkTypeNet(x, self.config.items(x)), remote_nodes)
- def add_section(self, sectionObj):
- """Adds a section to main svxlink.conf.
- :param sectionObj: An object to add
- :type sectionObj: One of the SvxlinkType* objects.
- """
- section_name = sectionObj.get_section_name()
- self.config.add_section(section_name)
- for item in sectionObj.items():
- self.config.set(section_name, item[0], item[1])
- def update_section(self, sectionObj):
- """Updates the section accordingly to one of the SvxlinkType
- objects.
- Note that the section should be present before updating.
- :param sectionObjy: sectionObj: One of SvxlinkType objects
- """
- # check if section is present
- section_name = sectionObj.get_section_name()
- if not section_name in self.config.sections():
- raise NoSectionError(section_name)
- # remote the section first
- self.config.remove_section(section_name)
- # add it
- self.add_section(sectionObj)
- def get_section(self, section_name):
- """Returns one of the SvxlinkType objects accordingly to TYPE=
- value of the section.
- If there are no SvxlinkType classes associated with the value,
- an array of (key, value) pair is returned.
- :param section_name: Name of the section to get
- :type section_name: String.
- """
- # check if section is present in config
- if not section_name in self.config.sections():
- raise NoSectionError(section_name)
- # TODO: We would want to handle different sections, so remember
- # this line that even if TYPE is not present, we would want to
- # handle it differently instead of returning items
- # check if option is present. If TYPE is not present, just
- # return items
- if not self.is_item_present_in_pair("type",
- self.config.items(section_name)):
- return self.config.items(section_name)
- # now we know TYPE is present, try to find associated class.
- type_name = self.config.get(section_name, "TYPE")
- if not type_name in self._TYPES:
- # nothing to return as an object, return items
- return self.config.items(section_name)
- else:
- obj = self._TYPES[type_name]
- return obj(section_name, self.config.items(section_name))
- def write(self, file_name=None, mode="w+"):
- """Save changes in the configuration file
- :param file_name: File name to write to
- :type file_name: String
- :param mode: Mode that is used to open the file. **(Default: a)**
- :type mode: String
- """
- if not file_name:
- file_name = self.config_file
- fp = open(file_name, mode)
- self.config.write(fp)
- fp.close()
- def foo(self):
- #f = SvxlinkTypeNet("ErenTurkay", [("tcp_port", "5220"), ("auth_key", "testtest")])
- f = self.get_section("Rx1")
- print f
- print f.is_online()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- f = SvxlinkConf("etc/svxlink.conf")
- # for remote in f.get_remote_nodes():
- # print "%s" % remote
- f.foo()