C Header | 327 lines | 268 code | 49 blank | 10 comment | 27 complexity | 8cbbcb4f9a3437b4dad9f6cbe49a14d7 MD5 | raw file
- #ifndef __cxxtest__X11Gui_h__
- #define __cxxtest__X11Gui_h__
- //
- // X11Gui displays a simple progress bar using X11
- //
- // It accepts the following command-line arguments:
- // -title <title> - Sets the application title
- // -fn or -font <font> - Sets the font
- // -bg or -background <color> - Sets the background color (default=Grey)
- // -fg or -foreground <color> - Sets the text color (default=Black)
- // -green/-yellow/-red <color> - Sets the colors of the bar
- //
- #include <cxxtest/Gui.h>
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <X11/Xutil.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- namespace CxxTest
- {
- class X11Gui : public GuiListener
- {
- public:
- void enterGui( int &argc, char **argv )
- {
- parseCommandLine( argc, argv );
- }
- void enterWorld( const WorldDescription &wd )
- {
- openDisplay();
- if ( _display ) {
- createColors();
- createWindow();
- createGc();
- createFont();
- centerWindow();
- initializeEvents();
- initializeBar( wd );
- processEvents();
- }
- }
- void guiEnterTest( const char *suiteName, const char *testName )
- {
- if ( _display ) {
- ++ _testsDone;
- setWindowName( suiteName, testName );
- redraw();
- }
- }
- void yellowBar()
- {
- if ( _display ) {
- _barColor = getColor( _yellowName );
- getTotalTests();
- processEvents();
- }
- }
- void redBar()
- {
- if ( _display ) {
- _barColor = getColor( _redName );
- getTotalTests();
- processEvents();
- }
- }
- void leaveGui()
- {
- if ( _display ) {
- freeFontInfo();
- destroyGc();
- destroyWindow();
- closeDisplay();
- }
- }
- private:
- const char *_programName;
- Display *_display;
- Window _window;
- unsigned _numTotalTests, _testsDone;
- char _strTotalTests[WorldDescription::MAX_STRLEN_TOTAL_TESTS];
- const char *_foregroundName, *_backgroundName;
- const char *_greenName, *_yellowName, *_redName;
- unsigned long _foreground, _background, _barColor;
- int _width, _height;
- GC _gc;
- const char *_fontName;
- XID _fontId;
- XFontStruct *_fontInfo;
- int _textHeight, _textDescent;
- long _eventMask;
- Colormap _colormap;
- void parseCommandLine( int &argc, char **argv )
- {
- _programName = argv[0];
- _fontName = 0;
- _foregroundName = "Black";
- _backgroundName = "Grey";
- _greenName = "Green";
- _yellowName = "Yellow";
- _redName = "Red";
- for ( int i = 1; i + 1 < argc; ++ i ) {
- if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-title" ) )
- _programName = argv[++ i];
- else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-fn" ) || !strcmp( argv[i], "-font" ) )
- _fontName = argv[++ i];
- else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-fg" ) || !strcmp( argv[i], "-foreground" ) )
- _foregroundName = argv[++ i];
- else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-bg" ) || !strcmp( argv[i], "-background" ) )
- _backgroundName = argv[++ i];
- else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-green" ) )
- _greenName = argv[++ i];
- else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-yellow" ) )
- _yellowName = argv[++ i];
- else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-red" ) )
- _redName = argv[++ i];
- }
- }
- void openDisplay()
- {
- _display = XOpenDisplay( NULL );
- }
- void createColors()
- {
- _colormap = DefaultColormap( _display, 0 );
- _foreground = getColor( _foregroundName );
- _background = getColor( _backgroundName );
- }
- unsigned long getColor( const char *colorName )
- {
- XColor color;
- XParseColor( _display, _colormap, colorName, &color );
- XAllocColor( _display, _colormap, &color );
- return color.pixel;
- }
- void createWindow()
- {
- _window = XCreateSimpleWindow( _display, RootWindow( _display, 0 ), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, _background );
- }
- void createGc()
- {
- _gc = XCreateGC( _display, _window, 0, 0 );
- }
- void createFont()
- {
- if ( !loadFont() )
- useDefaultFont();
- getFontInfo();
- _textHeight = _fontInfo->ascent + _fontInfo->descent;
- _textDescent = _fontInfo->descent;
- }
- bool loadFont()
- {
- if ( !_fontName )
- return false;
- _fontId = XLoadFont( _display, _fontName );
- return (XSetFont( _display, _gc, _fontId ) == Success);
- }
- void useDefaultFont()
- {
- _fontId = XGContextFromGC( _gc );
- }
- void getFontInfo()
- {
- _fontInfo = XQueryFont( _display, _fontId );
- }
- void freeFontInfo()
- {
- XFreeFontInfo( NULL, _fontInfo, 1 );
- }
- void initializeEvents()
- {
- _eventMask = ExposureMask;
- XSelectInput( _display, _window, _eventMask );
- }
- void initializeBar( const WorldDescription &wd )
- {
- getTotalTests( wd );
- _testsDone = 0;
- _barColor = getColor( _greenName );
- }
- void getTotalTests()
- {
- getTotalTests( tracker().world() );
- }
- void getTotalTests( const WorldDescription &wd )
- {
- _numTotalTests = wd.numTotalTests();
- wd.strTotalTests( _strTotalTests );
- }
- void centerWindow()
- {
- XMapWindow( _display, _window );
- Screen *screen = XDefaultScreenOfDisplay( _display );
- int screenWidth = WidthOfScreen( screen );
- int screenHeight = HeightOfScreen( screen );
- int xCenter = screenWidth / 2;
- int yCenter = screenHeight / 2;
- _width = (screenWidth * 4) / 5;
- _height = screenHeight / 14;
- XMoveResizeWindow( _display, _window, xCenter - (_width / 2), yCenter - (_height / 2), _width, _height );
- }
- void processEvents()
- {
- redraw();
- XEvent event;
- while( XCheckMaskEvent( _display, _eventMask, &event ) )
- redraw();
- }
- void setWindowName( const char *suiteName, const char *testName )
- {
- unsigned length = strlen( _programName ) + strlen( suiteName ) + strlen( testName ) + sizeof( " - ::()" );
- char *name = (char *)malloc( length );
- sprintf( name, "%s - %s::%s()", _programName, suiteName, testName );
- XSetStandardProperties( _display, _window, name, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
- free( name );
- }
- void redraw()
- {
- getWindowSize();
- drawSolidBar();
- drawDividers();
- drawPercentage();
- flush();
- }
- void getWindowSize()
- {
- XWindowAttributes attributes;
- XGetWindowAttributes( _display, _window, &attributes );
- _width = attributes.width;
- _height = attributes.height;
- }
- void drawSolidBar()
- {
- unsigned barWidth = (_width * _testsDone) / _numTotalTests;
- XSetForeground( _display, _gc, _barColor );
- XFillRectangle( _display, _window, _gc, 0, 0, barWidth, _height );
- XSetForeground( _display, _gc, _background );
- XFillRectangle( _display, _window, _gc, barWidth, 0, _width + 1 - barWidth, _height );
- }
- void drawDividers()
- {
- if(_width / _numTotalTests < 5)
- return;
- for ( unsigned i = 1; i < _testsDone; ++ i ) {
- int x = (_width * i) / _numTotalTests;
- XDrawLine( _display, _window, _gc, x, 0, x, _height);
- }
- }
- void drawPercentage()
- {
- XSetForeground( _display, _gc, _foreground );
- char str[sizeof("1000000000 of ") + sizeof(_strTotalTests) + sizeof(" (100%)")];
- sprintf( str, "%u of %s (%u%%)", _testsDone, _strTotalTests, (_testsDone * 100) / _numTotalTests );
- unsigned len = strlen( str );
- int textWidth = XTextWidth( _fontInfo, str, len );
- XDrawString( _display, _window, _gc,
- (_width - textWidth) / 2, ((_height + _textHeight) / 2) - _textDescent,
- str, len );
- }
- void flush()
- {
- XFlush( _display );
- }
- void destroyGc()
- {
- XFreeGC( _display, _gc );
- }
- void destroyWindow()
- {
- XDestroyWindow( _display, _window );
- }
- void closeDisplay()
- {
- XCloseDisplay( _display );
- }
- };
- };
- #endif //__cxxtest__X11Gui_h__