Python | 403 lines | 349 code | 38 blank | 16 comment | 37 complexity | ab315d4aa47720ee6580ba711eaadeff MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- from __future__ import print_function
- import os
- import sys
- import pdb
- import json
- import glob
- import logging
- import inspect
- import argparse
- import traceback
- import importlib
- import six
- import datetime as dt
- from billy.core import db
- from billy.core import settings, base_arg_parser
- from billy.scrape import ScrapeError, get_scraper, check_sessions
- from billy.utils import term_for_session
- from billy.scrape.validator import DatetimeValidator
- def _clear_scraped_data(output_dir, scraper_type=''):
- # make or clear directory for this type
- path = os.path.join(output_dir, scraper_type)
- try:
- os.makedirs(path)
- except OSError as e:
- if e.errno != 17:
- raise e
- else:
- for f in glob.glob(path + '/*.json'):
- os.remove(f)
- def _get_configured_scraper(scraper_type, options, metadata):
- try:
- ScraperClass = get_scraper(options.module, scraper_type)
- except ScrapeError as e:
- # silence error only when alldata is present
- if 'alldata' in options.types and ('no %s scraper found in' % scraper_type) in str(e):
- return None
- else:
- raise e
- return ScraperClass(metadata,
- output_dir=options.output_dir,
- strict_validation=options.strict,
- fastmode=options.fastmode)
- def _is_old_scrape(f):
- argspec = inspect.getargspec(f)
- return 'chamber' in argspec.args
- def _run_scraper(scraper_type, options, metadata):
- """
- scraper_type: bills, legislators, committees, votes
- """
- _clear_scraped_data(options.output_dir, scraper_type)
- scraper = _get_configured_scraper(scraper_type, options, metadata)
- ua_email = os.environ.get('BILLY_UA_EMAIL')
- if ua_email and scraper:
- scraper.user_agent += ' ({})'.format(ua_email)
- if not scraper:
- return [{
- "type": scraper_type,
- "start_time": dt.datetime.utcnow(),
- "noscraper": True,
- "end_time": dt.datetime.utcnow()
- }]
- runs = []
- # Removed from the inner loop due to non-bicameral scrapers
- scrape = {
- "type": scraper_type
- }
- scrape['start_time'] = dt.datetime.utcnow()
- if scraper_type in ('bills', 'votes', 'events'):
- times = options.sessions
- for time in times:
- scraper.validate_session(time, scraper.latest_only)
- elif scraper_type in ('committees', 'legislators'):
- times = options.terms
- for time in times:
- scraper.validate_term(time, scraper.latest_only)
- # run scraper against year/session/term
- for time in times:
- # old style
- chambers = options.chambers
- if scraper_type == 'events' and len(options.chambers) == 2:
- chambers.append('other')
- if _is_old_scrape(scraper.scrape):
- for chamber in chambers:
- scraper.scrape(chamber, time)
- else:
- scraper.scrape(time, chambers=chambers)
- # error out if events or votes don't scrape anything
- if not scraper.object_count and scraper_type not in ('events',
- 'votes'):
- raise ScrapeError("%s scraper didn't save any objects" %
- scraper_type)
- scrape['end_time'] = dt.datetime.utcnow()
- runs.append(scrape)
- return runs
- def _scrape_solo_bills(options, metadata):
- _clear_scraped_data(options.output_dir, 'bills')
- scraper = _get_configured_scraper('bills', options, metadata)
- if len(options.chambers) == 1:
- chamber = options.chambers[0]
- else:
- raise ScrapeError('must specify --chamber when providing a --bill')
- if len(options.sessions):
- session = list(options.sessions)[0]
- else:
- raise ScrapeError('must specify --session when providing a --bill')
- for bill_id in options.solo_bills:
- scraper.scrape_bill(chamber, session, bill_id)
- def _do_imports(abbrev, args):
- # do imports here so that scrape doesn't depend on mongo
- from billy.importers.metadata import import_metadata
- from billy.importers.bills import import_bills
- from billy.importers.legislators import import_legislators
- from billy.importers.committees import import_committees
- from billy.importers.events import import_events
- # always import metadata and districts
- import_metadata(abbrev)
- report = {}
- if 'legislators' in args.types:
- report['legislators'] = \
- import_legislators(abbrev, settings.BILLY_DATA_DIR)
- if 'bills' in args.types:
- report['bills'] = import_bills(abbrev, settings.BILLY_DATA_DIR)
- if 'committees' in args.types:
- report['committees'] = \
- import_committees(abbrev, settings.BILLY_DATA_DIR)
- return report
- def main():
- try:
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description='update billy data',
- parents=[base_arg_parser],
- )
- what = parser.add_argument_group(
- 'what to scrape', 'flags that help select what data to scrape')
- scrape = parser.add_argument_group('scraper config',
- 'settings for the scraper')
- parser.add_argument('module', type=str, help='scraper module (eg. nc)')
- parser.add_argument('--pdb', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='invoke PDB when exception is raised')
- parser.add_argument('--ipdb', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='invoke PDB when exception is raised')
- parser.add_argument('--pudb', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='invoke PUDB when exception is raised')
- what.add_argument('-s', '--session', action='append',
- dest='sessions', default=[],
- help='session(s) to scrape')
- what.add_argument('-t', '--term', action='append', dest='terms',
- help='term(s) to scrape', default=[])
- for arg in ('upper', 'lower'):
- what.add_argument('--' + arg, action='append_const',
- dest='chambers', const=arg)
- for arg in ('bills', 'legislators', 'committees',
- 'votes', 'events',):
- what.add_argument('--' + arg, action='append_const', dest='types',
- const=arg)
- for arg in ('scrape', 'import', 'report', 'session-list'):
- parser.add_argument('--' + arg, dest='actions',
- action="append_const", const=arg,
- help='only run %s step' % arg)
- # special modes for debugging
- scrape.add_argument('--nonstrict', action='store_false', dest='strict',
- default=True, help="don't fail immediately when"
- " encountering validation warning")
- scrape.add_argument('--fastmode', help="scrape in fast mode",
- action="store_true", default=False)
- # scrapelib overrides
- scrape.add_argument('-r', '--rpm', action='store', type=int,
- scrape.add_argument('--timeout', action='store', type=int,
- scrape.add_argument('--retries', type=int,
- scrape.add_argument('--retry_wait', type=int,
- args = parser.parse_args()
- if args.pdb or args.pudb or args.ipdb:
- _debugger = pdb
- if args.pudb:
- try:
- import pudb
- _debugger = pudb
- except ImportError:
- pass
- if args.ipdb:
- try:
- import ipdb
- _debugger = ipdb
- except ImportError:
- pass
- # turn on PDB-on-error mode
- # stolen from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1237379/
- # if this causes problems in interactive mode check that page
- def _tb_info(type, value, tb):
- traceback.print_exception(type, value, tb)
- _debugger.pm()
- sys.excepthook = _tb_info
- # inject scraper paths so scraper module can be found
- for newpath in settings.SCRAPER_PATHS:
- sys.path.insert(0, newpath)
- # get metadata
- module = importlib.import_module(args.module)
- metadata = module.metadata
- module_settings = getattr(module, 'settings', {})
- abbrev = metadata['abbreviation']
- # load module settings, then command line settings
- settings.update(module_settings)
- settings.update(args)
- # make output dir
- args.output_dir = os.path.join(settings.BILLY_DATA_DIR, abbrev)
- # if terms aren't set, use latest
- if not args.terms:
- if args.sessions:
- for session in args.sessions:
- args.terms.append(
- term_for_session(metadata['abbreviation'], session,
- metadata))
- args.terms = list(set(args.terms or []))
- else:
- latest_term = metadata['terms'][-1]['name']
- args.terms = [latest_term]
- # only set sessions from terms if sessions weren't set
- elif not args.sessions:
- for term in metadata['terms']:
- if term['name'] in args.terms:
- args.sessions.extend(term['sessions'])
- # dedup sessions
- args.sessions = list(set(args.sessions or []))
- if not args.sessions:
- args.sessions = [metadata['terms'][-1]['sessions'][-1]]
- # determine chambers
- if not args.chambers:
- args.chambers = ['upper', 'lower']
- if not args.actions:
- args.actions = ['scrape', 'import', 'report']
- if not args.types:
- args.types = ['bills', 'legislators', 'votes', 'committees',
- 'alldata']
- plan = """billy-update abbr=%s
- actions=%s
- types=%s
- sessions=%s
- terms=%s""" % (args.module, ','.join(args.actions), ','.join(args.types),
- ','.join(args.sessions), ','.join(args.terms))
- logging.getLogger('billy').info(plan)
- scrape_data = {}
- if 'scrape' in args.actions:
- _clear_scraped_data(args.output_dir)
- # validate then write metadata
- if hasattr(module, 'session_list'):
- session_list = module.session_list()
- else:
- session_list = []
- check_sessions(metadata, session_list)
- try:
- schema_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0],
- '../schemas/metadata.json')
- schema = json.load(open(schema_path))
- validator = DatetimeValidator()
- validator.validate(metadata, schema)
- except ValueError as e:
- logging.getLogger('billy').warning(
- 'metadata validation error: ' + str(e))
- run_record = []
- exec_record = {
- "run_record": run_record,
- "args": sys.argv,
- }
- lex = None
- exc_traceback = None
- # start to run scrapers
- exec_start = dt.datetime.utcnow()
- # scraper order matters
- order = ('legislators', 'committees', 'votes', 'bills', 'events')
- _traceback = None
- try:
- for stype in order:
- if stype in args.types:
- run_record += _run_scraper(stype, args, metadata)
- except Exception as e:
- _traceback = _, _, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
- run_record += [{"exception": e, "type": stype}]
- lex = e
- exec_end = dt.datetime.utcnow()
- exec_record['started'] = exec_start
- exec_record['ended'] = exec_end
- scrape_data['scraped'] = exec_record
- scrape_data['abbr'] = abbrev
- for record in run_record:
- if "exception" in record:
- ex = record['exception']
- fb = traceback.format_exception(*_traceback)
- trace = ""
- for t in fb:
- trace += t
- record['exception'] = {
- "type": ex.__class__.__name__,
- "message": ex.message,
- 'traceback': trace
- }
- scrape_data['failure'] = True
- if lex:
- if 'import' in args.actions:
- try:
- db.billy_runs.save(scrape_data, safe=True)
- except Exception as e:
- print('mongo error:', e)
- six.reraise(lex, None, exc_traceback)
- # XXX: This should *NEVER* happen, but it has
- # in the past, so we're going to catch any errors
- # writing # to pymongo, and raise the original
- # exception rather then let it look like Mongo's fault.
- # Thanks for catching this, Thom.
- #
- # We lose the stack trace, but the Exception is the
- # same in every other way.
- # -- paultag
- raise
- # imports
- if 'import' in args.actions:
- import_report = _do_imports(abbrev, args)
- scrape_data['imported'] = import_report
- # We're tying the run-logging into the import stage - since import
- # already writes to the DB, we might as well throw this in too.
- db.billy_runs.save(scrape_data, safe=True)
- if 'session-list' in args.actions:
- if hasattr(module, 'session_list'):
- print("\n".join(module.session_list()))
- else:
- raise ScrapeError('session_list() is not defined')
- except ScrapeError as e:
- logging.getLogger('billy').critical('Error: %s', e)
- sys.exit(1)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()