ActionScript | 1036 lines | 748 code | 206 blank | 82 comment | 94 complexity | aadc0d79243f42601602b9552a32053e MD5 | raw file
- package away3d.loaders.parsers
- {
- import away3d.animators.data.SkeletonAnimationSequence;
- import away3d.animators.data.UVAnimationFrame;
- import away3d.animators.data.UVAnimationSequence;
- import away3d.animators.skeleton.JointPose;
- import away3d.animators.skeleton.Skeleton;
- import away3d.animators.skeleton.SkeletonJoint;
- import away3d.animators.skeleton.SkeletonPose;
- import away3d.arcane;
- import away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D;
- import away3d.core.base.Geometry;
- import away3d.core.base.SkinnedSubGeometry;
- import away3d.core.base.SubGeometry;
- import away3d.entities.Mesh;
- import away3d.library.assets.BitmapDataAsset;
- import away3d.library.assets.IAsset;
- import away3d.loaders.misc.ResourceDependency;
- import away3d.loaders.parsers.utils.ParserUtil;
- import away3d.materials.BitmapMaterial;
- import away3d.materials.ColorMaterial;
- import away3d.materials.DefaultMaterialBase;
- import away3d.materials.MaterialBase;
- import flash.display.BitmapData;
- import flash.display.Loader;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.geom.Matrix;
- import flash.geom.Matrix3D;
- import flash.net.URLRequest;
- import flash.utils.ByteArray;
- import flash.utils.Endian;
- use namespace arcane;
- /**
- * AWDParser provides a parser for the AWD data type.
- */
- public class AWD2Parser extends ParserBase
- {
- private var _byteData : ByteArray;
- private var _startedParsing : Boolean;
- private var _cur_block_id : uint;
- private var _blocks : Vector.<AWDBlock>;
- private var _version : Array;
- private var _compression : uint;
- private var _streaming : Boolean;
- private var _optimized_for_accuracy : Boolean;
- private var _texture_users : Object = {};
- private var _parsed_header : Boolean;
- private var _body : ByteArray;
- private var read_float : Function;
- private var read_uint : Function;
- public static const UNCOMPRESSED : uint = 0;
- public static const DEFLATE : uint = 1;
- public static const LZMA : uint = 2;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_INT8 : uint = 1;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_INT16 : uint = 2;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_INT32 : uint = 3;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_UINT8 : uint = 4;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_UINT16 : uint = 5;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_UINT32 : uint = 6;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_FLOAT32 : uint = 7;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_FLOAT64 : uint = 8;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_BOOL : uint = 21;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_COLOR : uint = 22;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_BADDR : uint = 23;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_STRING : uint = 31;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_BYTEARRAY : uint = 32;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_VECTOR2x1 : uint = 41;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_VECTOR3x1 : uint = 42;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_VECTOR4x1 : uint = 43;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_MTX3x2 : uint = 44;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_MTX3x3 : uint = 45;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_MTX4x3 : uint = 46;
- public static const AWD_FIELD_MTX4x4 : uint = 47;
- /**
- * Creates a new AWDParser object.
- * @param uri The url or id of the data or file to be parsed.
- * @param extra The holder for extra contextual data that the parser might need.
- */
- public function AWD2Parser()
- {
- super(ParserDataFormat.BINARY);
- _blocks = new Vector.<AWDBlock>;
- _blocks[0] = new AWDBlock;
- _blocks[0].data = null; // Zero address means null in AWD
- _version = [];
- }
- /**
- * Indicates whether or not a given file extension is supported by the parser.
- * @param extension The file extension of a potential file to be parsed.
- * @return Whether or not the given file type is supported.
- */
- public static function supportsType(extension : String) : Boolean
- {
- extension = extension.toLowerCase();
- return extension == "awd";
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- override arcane function resolveDependency(resourceDependency:ResourceDependency):void
- {
- if (resourceDependency.assets.length == 1) {
- var loaded_asset : BitmapDataAsset = resourceDependency.assets[0] as BitmapDataAsset;
- if (loaded_asset) {
- var mat : BitmapMaterial;
- var users : Array;
- var stored_asset : BitmapDataAsset;
- stored_asset = _blocks[parseInt(resourceDependency.id)].data;
- stored_asset.bitmapData = loaded_asset.bitmapData;
- users = _texture_users[resourceDependency.id];
- for each (mat in users) {
- mat.bitmapData = loaded_asset.bitmapData;
- finalizeAsset(mat);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- /*override arcane function resolveDependencyFailure(resourceDependency:ResourceDependency):void
- {
- // apply system default
- //BitmapMaterial(mesh.material).bitmapData = defaultBitmapData;
- }*/
- /**
- * Tests whether a data block can be parsed by the parser.
- * @param data The data block to potentially be parsed.
- * @return Whether or not the given data is supported.
- */
- public static function supportsData(data : *) : Boolean
- {
- var bytes : ByteArray = ParserUtil.toByteArray(data);
- if (bytes) {
- var magic : String;
- bytes.position = 0;
- magic = data.readUTFBytes(3);
- bytes.position = 0;
- if (magic == 'AWD')
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- protected override function proceedParsing() : Boolean
- {
- if(!_startedParsing) {
- _byteData = getByteData();
- _startedParsing = true;
- }
- if (!_parsed_header) {
- _byteData.endian = Endian.BIG_ENDIAN;
- //TODO: Create general-purpose parseBlockRef(requiredType) (return _blocks[addr] or throw error)
- // Parse header and decompress body
- parseHeader();
- switch (_compression) {
- case DEFLATE:
- _body = new ByteArray;
- _byteData.readBytes(_body, 0, _byteData.bytesAvailable);
- _body.uncompress();
- break;
- case LZMA:
- // TODO: Decompress LZMA into _body
- dieWithError('LZMA decoding not yet supported in AWD parser.');
- break;
- _body = _byteData;
- break;
- }
- // Define which methods to use when reading floating
- // point and integer numbers respectively. This way,
- // the optimization test and ByteArray dot-lookup
- // won't have to be made every iteration in the loop.
- read_float = _optimized_for_accuracy? _body.readDouble : _body.readFloat;
- read_uint = _optimized_for_accuracy? _body.readUnsignedInt : _body.readUnsignedShort;
- _parsed_header = true;
- }
- while (_body.bytesAvailable > 0 && !parsingPaused && hasTime()) {
- parseNextBlock();
- }
- // Return complete status
- if (_body.bytesAvailable==0) {
- return PARSING_DONE;
- }
- else return MORE_TO_PARSE;
- }
- private function parseHeader() : void
- {
- var flags : uint;
- var body_len : Number;
- // Skip magic string and parse version
- _byteData.position = 3;
- _version[0] = _byteData.readUnsignedByte();
- _version[1] = _byteData.readUnsignedByte();
- // Parse bit flags and compression
- flags = _byteData.readUnsignedShort();
- _streaming = (flags & 0x1) == 0x1;
- _optimized_for_accuracy = (flags & 0x2) == 0x2;
- _compression = _byteData.readUnsignedByte();
- // Check file integrity
- body_len = _byteData.readUnsignedInt();
- if (!_streaming && body_len != _byteData.bytesAvailable) {
- dieWithError('AWD2 body length does not match header integrity field');
- }
- }
- private function parseNextBlock() : void
- {
- var assetData : IAsset;
- var ns : uint, type : uint, len : uint;
- _cur_block_id = _body.readUnsignedInt();
- ns = _body.readUnsignedByte();
- type = _body.readUnsignedByte();
- len = _body.readUnsignedInt();
- switch (type) {
- case 1:
- assetData = parseMeshData(len);
- break;
- case 22:
- assetData = parseContainer(len);
- break;
- case 24:
- assetData = parseMeshInstance(len);
- break;
- case 81:
- assetData = parseMaterial(len);
- break;
- case 82:
- assetData = parseTexture(len);
- break;
- case 101:
- assetData = parseSkeleton(len);
- break;
- case 102:
- assetData = parseSkeletonPose(len);
- break;
- case 103:
- assetData = parseSkeletonAnimation(len);
- break;
- case 121:
- assetData = parseUVAnimation(len);
- break;
- default:
- //trace('Ignoring block!');
- _body.position += len;
- break;
- }
- // Store block reference for later use
- _blocks[_cur_block_id] = new AWDBlock();
- _blocks[_cur_block_id].data = assetData;
- _blocks[_cur_block_id].id = _cur_block_id;
- }
- private function parseUVAnimation(blockLength : uint) : UVAnimationSequence
- {
- var name : String;
- var num_frames : uint;
- var frames_parsed : uint;
- var props : AWDProperties;
- var dummy : Sprite;
- var seq : UVAnimationSequence;
- name = parseVarStr();
- num_frames = _body.readUnsignedShort();
- props = parseProperties(null);
- seq = new UVAnimationSequence(name);
- frames_parsed = 0;
- dummy = new Sprite;
- while (frames_parsed < num_frames) {
- var mtx : Matrix;
- var frame_dur : uint;
- var frame : UVAnimationFrame;
- // TODO: Replace this with some reliable way to decompose a 2d matrix
- mtx = parseMatrix2D();
- mtx.scale(100, 100);
- dummy.transform.matrix = mtx;
- frame_dur = _body.readUnsignedShort();
- frame = new UVAnimationFrame(dummy.x*0.01, dummy.y*0.01, dummy.scaleX/100, dummy.scaleY/100, dummy.rotation);
- seq.addFrame(frame, frame_dur);
- frames_parsed++;
- }
- // Ignore for now
- parseUserAttributes();
- finalizeAsset(seq, name);
- return seq;
- }
- private function parseMaterial(blockLength : uint) : MaterialBase
- {
- var name : String;
- var type : uint;
- var props : AWDProperties;
- var mat : DefaultMaterialBase;
- var attributes : Object;
- var finalize : Boolean;
- var num_methods : uint;
- var methods_parsed : uint;
- name = parseVarStr();
- type = _body.readUnsignedByte();
- num_methods = _body.readUnsignedByte();
- // Read material numerical properties
- // (1=color, 2=bitmap url, 11=alpha_blending, 12=alpha_threshold, 13=repeat)
- props = parseProperties({ 1:AWD_FIELD_INT32, 2:AWD_FIELD_BADDR,
- methods_parsed = 0;
- while (methods_parsed < num_methods) {
- var method_type : uint;
- method_type = _body.readUnsignedShort();
- parseProperties(null);
- parseUserAttributes();
- }
- attributes = parseUserAttributes();
- if (type == 1) { // Color material
- var color : uint;
- color = props.get(1, 0xcccccc);
- mat = new ColorMaterial(color);
- }
- else if (type == 2) { // Bitmap material
- var bmp : BitmapData;
- var bmp_asset : BitmapDataAsset;
- var tex_addr : uint;
- tex_addr = props.get(2, 0);
- bmp_asset = _blocks[tex_addr].data;
- // If bitmap asset has already been loaded
- if (bmp_asset && bmp_asset.bitmapData) {
- bmp = bmp_asset.bitmapData;
- mat = new BitmapMaterial(bmp);
- BitmapMaterial(mat).alphaBlending = props.get(11, false);
- finalize = true;
- }
- else {
- // No bitmap available yet. Material will be finalized
- // when texture finishes loading.
- mat = new BitmapMaterial(null);
- if (tex_addr > 0)
- _texture_users[tex_addr.toString()].push(mat);
- finalize = false;
- }
- }
- mat.extra = attributes;
- mat.alphaThreshold = props.get(12, 0.0);
- mat.repeat = props.get(13, false);
- if (finalize) {
- finalizeAsset(mat, name);
- }
- return mat;
- }
- private function parseTexture(blockLength : uint) : BitmapDataAsset
- {
- var name : String;
- var type : uint;
- var data_len : uint;
- var asset : BitmapDataAsset;
- name = parseVarStr();
- type = _body.readUnsignedByte();
- data_len = _body.readUnsignedInt();
- _texture_users[_cur_block_id.toString()] = [];
- // External
- if (type == 0) {
- var url : String;
- url = _body.readUTFBytes(data_len);
- addDependency(_cur_block_id.toString(), new URLRequest(url));
- }
- else {
- var data : ByteArray;
- var loader : Loader;
- data = new ByteArray();
- _body.readBytes(data, 0, data_len);
- addDependency(_cur_block_id.toString(), null, false, data);
- }
- // Ignore for now
- parseProperties(null);
- parseUserAttributes();
- // TODO: Don't do this. Get texture properly
- asset = new BitmapDataAsset();
- /*
- finalizeAsset(asset, name);
- */
- pauseAndRetrieveDependencies();
- return asset
- }
- private function parseSkeleton(blockLength : uint) : Skeleton
- {
- var name : String;
- var num_joints : uint;
- var joints_parsed : uint;
- var skeleton : Skeleton;
- name = parseVarStr();
- num_joints = _body.readUnsignedShort();
- skeleton = new Skeleton();
- // Discard properties for now
- parseProperties(null);
- joints_parsed = 0;
- while (joints_parsed < num_joints) {
- var parent_id : uint;
- var joint_name : String;
- var joint : SkeletonJoint;
- var ibp : Matrix3D;
- // Ignore joint id
- _body.readUnsignedInt();
- joint = new SkeletonJoint();
- joint.parentIndex = _body.readUnsignedInt() -1; // 0=null in AWD
- joint.name = parseVarStr();
- ibp = parseMatrix3D();
- joint.inverseBindPose = ibp.rawData;
- // Ignore joint props/attributes for now
- parseProperties(null);
- parseUserAttributes();
- skeleton.joints.push(joint);
- joints_parsed++;
- }
- // Discard attributes for now
- parseUserAttributes();
- finalizeAsset(skeleton, name);
- return skeleton;
- }
- private function parseSkeletonPose(blockLength : uint) : SkeletonPose
- {
- var name : String;
- var pose : SkeletonPose;
- var num_joints : uint;
- var joints_parsed : uint;
- name = parseVarStr();
- num_joints = _body.readUnsignedShort();
- // Ignore properties for now
- parseProperties(null);
- pose = new SkeletonPose();
- joints_parsed = 0;
- while (joints_parsed < num_joints) {
- var joint_pose : JointPose;
- var has_transform : uint;
- joint_pose = new JointPose();
- has_transform = _body.readUnsignedByte();
- if (has_transform == 1) {
- var mtx0 : Matrix3D;
- var mtx_data : Vector.<Number> = parseMatrixRawData();
- var mtx : Matrix3D = new Matrix3D(mtx_data);
- joint_pose.orientation.fromMatrix(mtx);
- joint_pose.translation.copyFrom(mtx.position);
- pose.jointPoses[joints_parsed] = joint_pose;
- }
- joints_parsed++;
- }
- // Skip attributes for now
- parseUserAttributes();
- finalizeAsset(pose, name);
- return pose;
- }
- private function parseSkeletonAnimation(blockLength : uint) : SkeletonAnimationSequence
- {
- var name : String;
- var num_frames : uint;
- var frames_parsed : uint;
- var frame_rate : uint;
- var frame_dur : Number;
- var animation : SkeletonAnimationSequence;
- name = parseVarStr();
- animation = new SkeletonAnimationSequence(name);
- num_frames = _body.readUnsignedShort();
- // Ignore properties for now (none in spec)
- parseProperties(null);
- frames_parsed = 0;
- while (frames_parsed < num_frames) {
- var pose_addr : uint;
- //TODO: Check for null?
- pose_addr = _body.readUnsignedInt();
- frame_dur = _body.readUnsignedShort();
- animation.addFrame(_blocks[pose_addr].data as SkeletonPose, frame_dur);
- frames_parsed++;
- }
- // Ignore attributes for now
- parseUserAttributes();
- finalizeAsset(animation, name);
- return animation;
- }
- private function parseContainer(blockLength : uint) : ObjectContainer3D
- {
- var name : String;
- var par_id : uint;
- var mtx : Matrix3D;
- var ctr : ObjectContainer3D;
- var parent : ObjectContainer3D;
- par_id = _body.readUnsignedInt();
- mtx = parseMatrix3D();
- name = parseVarStr();
- ctr = new ObjectContainer3D();
- ctr.transform = mtx;
- parent = _blocks[par_id].data as ObjectContainer3D;
- if (parent) {
- parent.addChild(ctr);
- }
- parseProperties(null);
- ctr.extra = parseUserAttributes();
- finalizeAsset(ctr, name);
- return ctr;
- }
- private function parseMeshInstance(blockLength : uint) : Mesh
- {
- var name : String;
- var mesh : Mesh, geom : Geometry;
- var par_id : uint, data_id : uint;
- var mtx : Matrix3D;
- var materials : Vector.<MaterialBase>;
- var num_materials : uint;
- var materials_parsed : uint;
- var parent : ObjectContainer3D;
- par_id = _body.readUnsignedInt();
- mtx = parseMatrix3D();
- name = parseVarStr();
- data_id = _body.readUnsignedInt();
- geom = _blocks[data_id].data as Geometry;
- materials = new Vector.<MaterialBase>;
- num_materials = _body.readUnsignedShort();
- materials_parsed = 0;
- while (materials_parsed < num_materials) {
- var mat_id : uint;
- mat_id = _body.readUnsignedInt();
- materials.push(_blocks[mat_id].data);
- materials_parsed++;
- }
- mesh = new Mesh(null, geom);
- mesh.transform = mtx;
- // Add to parent if one exists
- parent = _blocks[par_id].data as ObjectContainer3D;
- if (parent) {
- parent.addChild(mesh);
- }
- if (materials.length >= 1 && mesh.subMeshes.length == 1) {
- mesh.material = materials[0];
- }
- else if (materials.length > 1) {
- var i : uint;
- // Assign each sub-mesh in the mesh a material from the list. If more sub-meshes
- // than materials, repeat the last material for all remaining sub-meshes.
- for (i=0; i<mesh.subMeshes.length; i++) {
- mesh.subMeshes[i].material = materials[Math.min(materials.length-1, i)];
- }
- }
- // Ignore for now
- parseProperties(null);
- mesh.extra = parseUserAttributes();
- finalizeAsset(mesh, name);
- return mesh;
- }
- private function parseMeshData(blockLength : uint) : Geometry
- {
- var name : String;
- var geom : Geometry;
- var num_subs : uint;
- var subs_parsed : uint;
- var props : AWDProperties;
- var bsm : Matrix3D;
- // Read name and sub count
- name = parseVarStr();
- num_subs = _body.readUnsignedShort();
- // Read optional properties
- props = parseProperties({ 1:AWD_FIELD_MTX4x4 });
- var mtx : Matrix3D;
- var bsm_data : Array = props.get(1, null);
- if (bsm_data) {
- bsm = new Matrix3D(Vector.<Number>(bsm_data));
- }
- geom = new Geometry();
- // Loop through sub meshes
- subs_parsed = 0;
- while (subs_parsed < num_subs) {
- var mat_id : uint, sm_len : uint, sm_end : uint;
- var sub_geom : SubGeometry;
- var skinned_sub_geom : SkinnedSubGeometry;
- var w_indices : Vector.<Number>;
- var weights : Vector.<Number>;
- sub_geom = new SubGeometry();
- sm_len = _body.readUnsignedInt();
- sm_end = _body.position + sm_len;
- // Ignore for now
- parseProperties(null);
- // Loop through data streams
- while (_body.position < sm_end) {
- var idx : uint = 0;
- var str_type : uint, str_len : uint, str_end : uint;
- str_type = _body.readUnsignedByte();
- str_len = _body.readUnsignedInt();
- str_end = _body.position + str_len;
- var x:Number, y:Number, z:Number;
- if (str_type == 1) {
- var verts : Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>;
- while (_body.position < str_end) {
- x = read_float();
- y = read_float();
- z = read_float();
- verts[idx++] = x;
- verts[idx++] = y;
- verts[idx++] = z;
- }
- sub_geom.updateVertexData(verts);
- }
- else if (str_type == 2) {
- var indices : Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>;
- while (_body.position < str_end) {
- indices[idx++] = read_uint();
- }
- sub_geom.updateIndexData(indices);
- }
- else if (str_type == 3) {
- var uvs : Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>;
- while (_body.position < str_end) {
- uvs[idx++] = read_float();
- }
- sub_geom.updateUVData(uvs);
- }
- else if (str_type == 4) {
- var normals : Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>;
- while (_body.position < str_end) {
- normals[idx++] = read_float();
- }
- sub_geom.updateVertexNormalData(normals);
- }
- else if (str_type == 6) {
- w_indices = new Vector.<Number>;
- while (_body.position < str_end) {
- w_indices[idx++] = read_uint()*3;
- }
- }
- else if (str_type == 7) {
- weights = new Vector.<Number>;
- while (_body.position < str_end) {
- weights[idx++] = read_float();
- }
- }
- else {
- _body.position = str_end;
- }
- }
- // Ignore sub-mesh attributes for now
- parseUserAttributes();
- // If there were weights and joint indices defined, this
- // is a skinned mesh and needs to be built from skinned
- // sub-geometries, so copy data across.
- if (w_indices && weights) {
- skinned_sub_geom = new SkinnedSubGeometry(weights.length / sub_geom.numVertices);
- skinned_sub_geom.updateVertexData(sub_geom.vertexData);
- skinned_sub_geom.updateIndexData(sub_geom.indexData);
- skinned_sub_geom.updateUVData(sub_geom.UVData);
- skinned_sub_geom.updateVertexNormalData(sub_geom.vertexNormalData);
- skinned_sub_geom.updateJointIndexData(w_indices);
- skinned_sub_geom.updateJointWeightsData(weights);
- sub_geom = skinned_sub_geom;
- }
- subs_parsed++;
- geom.addSubGeometry(sub_geom);
- }
- parseUserAttributes();
- finalizeAsset(geom, name);
- return geom;
- }
- private function parseVarStr() : String
- {
- var len : uint;
- len = _body.readUnsignedShort();
- return _body.readUTFBytes(len);
- }
- // TODO: Improve this by having some sort of key=type dictionary
- private function parseProperties(expected : Object) : AWDProperties
- {
- var list_end : uint;
- var list_len : uint;
- var props : AWDProperties;
- props = new AWDProperties();
- list_len = _body.readUnsignedInt();
- list_end = _body.position + list_len;
- if (expected) {
- while (_body.position < list_end) {
- var len : uint;
- var key : uint;
- var type : uint;
- key = _body.readUnsignedShort();
- len = _body.readUnsignedShort();
- if (expected.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- type = expected[key];
- props.set(key, parseAttrValue(type, len));
- }
- else {
- _body.position += len;
- }
- }
- }
- return props;
- }
- private function parseUserAttributes() : Object
- {
- var attributes : Object;
- var list_len : uint;
- list_len = _body.readUnsignedInt();
- if (list_len > 0) {
- var list_end : uint;
- attributes = {};
- list_end = _body.position + list_len;
- while (_body.position < list_end) {
- var ns_id : uint;
- var attr_key : String;
- var attr_type : uint;
- var attr_len : uint;
- var attr_val : *;
- // TODO: Properly tend to namespaces in attributes
- ns_id = _body.readUnsignedByte();
- attr_key = parseVarStr();
- attr_type = _body.readUnsignedByte();
- attr_len = _body.readUnsignedShort();
- switch (attr_type) {
- attr_val = _body.readUTFBytes(attr_len);
- break;
- default:
- attr_val = 'unimplemented attribute type '+attr_type;
- _body.position += attr_len;
- break;
- }
- attributes[attr_key] = attr_val;
- }
- }
- return attributes;
- }
- private function parseAttrValue(type : uint, len : uint) : *
- {
- var elem_len : uint;
- var read_func : Function;
- switch (type) {
- case AWD_FIELD_INT8:
- elem_len = 1;
- read_func = _body.readByte;
- break;
- case AWD_FIELD_INT16:
- elem_len = 2;
- read_func = _body.readShort;
- break;
- case AWD_FIELD_INT32:
- elem_len = 4;
- read_func = _body.readInt;
- break;
- elem_len = 1;
- read_func = _body.readUnsignedByte;
- break;
- case AWD_FIELD_UINT16:
- elem_len = 2;
- read_func = _body.readUnsignedShort;
- break;
- case AWD_FIELD_UINT32:
- elem_len = 4;
- read_func = _body.readUnsignedInt;
- break;
- elem_len = 4;
- read_func = _body.readFloat;
- break;
- elem_len = 8;
- read_func = _body.readDouble;
- break;
- case AWD_FIELD_MTX3x2:
- case AWD_FIELD_MTX3x3:
- case AWD_FIELD_MTX4x3:
- case AWD_FIELD_MTX4x4:
- elem_len = 8;
- read_func = _body.readDouble;
- break;
- }
- if (elem_len < len) {
- var list : Array;
- var num_read : uint;
- var num_elems : uint;
- list = [];
- num_read = 0;
- num_elems = len / elem_len;
- while (num_read < num_elems) {
- list.push(read_func());
- num_read++;
- }
- return list;
- }
- else {
- var val : *;
- val = read_func();
- return val;
- }
- }
- private function parseMatrix2D() : Matrix
- {
- var mtx : Matrix;
- var mtx_raw : Vector.<Number> = parseMatrixRawData(6);
- mtx = new Matrix(mtx_raw[0], mtx_raw[1], mtx_raw[2], mtx_raw[3], mtx_raw[4], mtx_raw[5]);
- return mtx;
- }
- private function parseMatrix3D() : Matrix3D
- {
- var mtx : Matrix3D = new Matrix3D(parseMatrixRawData());
- return mtx;
- }
- private function parseMatrixRawData(len : uint = 16) : Vector.<Number>
- {
- var i : uint;
- var mtx_raw : Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>;
- for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
- mtx_raw[i] = read_float();
- }
- return mtx_raw;
- }
- }
- }
- internal class AWDBlock
- {
- public var id : uint;
- public var data : *;
- }
- internal dynamic class AWDProperties
- {
- public function set(key : uint, value : *) : void
- {
- this[key.toString()] = value;
- }
- public function get(key : uint, fallback : *) : *
- {
- if (this.hasOwnProperty(key.toString()))
- return this[key.toString()];
- else return fallback;
- }
- }