Java | 151 lines | 140 code | 5 blank | 6 comment | 57 complexity | df678b98a6dca4c8f187455d87e9b31d MD5 | raw file
- package com.bukkit.BallisticBuddha.GoldStandard;
- import java.util.logging.Logger;
- import org.bukkit.Material;
- import org.bukkit.block.Chest;
- import org.bukkit.block.ContainerBlock;
- import org.bukkit.block.Dispenser;
- import org.bukkit.block.Furnace;
- import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
- import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockDamageEvent;
- import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockListener;
- import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
- import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
- import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
- import com.bukkit.BallisticBuddha.GoldStandard.Transactions.*;
- import gnu.trove.map.hash.TIntIntHashMap;
- import gnu.trove.map.hash.TIntShortHashMap;
- /** A very, very, very ugly listener that sells & buys items from container blocks
- *
- * @author BallisticBuddha
- *
- */
- public class GSBlockListener extends BlockListener{
- private static GoldStandard plugin = null;
- public GSBlockListener(GoldStandard instance){
- plugin = instance;
- }
- public void onBlockDamage(BlockDamageEvent event) {
- if (!(event.getPlayer() instanceof Player))
- return;
- if ((event.getBlock().getTypeId() == Material.FURNACE.getId()
- || event.getBlock().getTypeId() == Material.BURNING_FURNACE.getId()) && plugin.furnaceMode())
- sellIt(event, "Furnace");
- else if (event.getBlock().getTypeId() == Material.CHEST.getId() && plugin.chestMode())
- sellIt(event, "Chest");
- else if (event.getBlock().getTypeId() == Material.DISPENSER.getId() && plugin.dispenserMode())
- sellIt(event, "Dispenser");
- }
- private void sellIt(BlockDamageEvent event, String SellObject){
- Player player = event.getPlayer();
- if (player.getItemInHand().getTypeId() == plugin.getSellTool()){
- Inventory stuff = null;
- GSTransaction action;
- if (SellObject.equalsIgnoreCase("Furnace"))
- stuff = ((Furnace) ((ContainerBlock) event.getBlock().getState())).getInventory();
- else if (SellObject.equalsIgnoreCase("Chest"))
- stuff = ((Chest) ((ContainerBlock) event.getBlock().getState())).getInventory();
- else if (SellObject.equalsIgnoreCase("Dispenser"))
- stuff = ((Dispenser) ((ContainerBlock) event.getBlock().getState())).getInventory();
- else
- return;
- if (stuff == null)
- return;
- if (isEmpty(stuff)){
- long timeSinceLast = plugin.getCalc().timeSinceBought(player);
- if (timeSinceLast < plugin.getBuyCooldown()){
- if ((plugin.getBuyCooldown()-timeSinceLast) >= 1000)
- player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED.toString() +"You must wait "+
- (plugin.getBuyCooldown()-timeSinceLast)/1000 +" seconds before you may buy again");
- else
- player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED.toString() +"You must wait "+
- (plugin.getBuyCooldown()-timeSinceLast) +" miliseconds before you may buy again");
- return;
- }
- GSPlayer gsp = plugin.getCalc().getPlayer(player.getName());
- if ((gsp.getBuyItem() <= 0) || (gsp.getBuyQty()) <= 0){
- player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED.toString() +"You must first set an item and quantity to buy with /gsset.");
- return;
- }
- if (!plugin.validBuy(player))
- return;
- action = new BuyProcedure(plugin,player,stuff);
- action.execute(gsp.getBuyItem(), gsp.getBuyQty());
- return;
- }
- long timeSinceLast = plugin.getCalc().timeSinceSold(player);
- if (timeSinceLast < plugin.getSellCooldown()){
- if ((plugin.getSellCooldown()-timeSinceLast) >= 1000)
- player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED.toString() +"You must wait "+
- (plugin.getSellCooldown()-timeSinceLast)/1000 +" seconds before you may sell again");
- else
- player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED.toString() +"You must wait "+
- (plugin.getSellCooldown()-timeSinceLast) +" miliseconds before you may sell again");
- return;
- }
- if (containsAGSItem(player,stuff)){
- if (!plugin.hasPermissions(player, "goldstandard.sell")){
- player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED.toString() +"You do not have permission to sell.");
- return;
- }
- if (!plugin.getProtection().canSellFrom(player, event.getBlock())){
- player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED.toString() +"You do not have access to this "+SellObject+".");
- return;
- }
- //start selling
- TIntIntHashMap itemsSold = new TIntIntHashMap();
- TIntShortHashMap blockOptions = new TIntShortHashMap();
- GSPlayer gsp = plugin.getCalc().getPlayer(player.getName());
- if (gsp == null){
- Logger.getLogger("Minecraft").info("[GoldStandard] Null player tried to sell!");
- return;
- }
- for (ItemStack is : stuff.getContents()){
- if (is != null){
- if (gsp.isInSellList(is.getTypeId())){
- if (!plugin.validSale(player, is.getTypeId()))
- continue;
- itemsSold.putIfAbsent(is.getTypeId(), 0);
- itemsSold.adjustValue(is.getTypeId(),is.getAmount());
- blockOptions.putIfAbsent(is.getTypeId(), (short) 0);
- }
- else if (gsp.itemCanBeBlock(GSItem.reverseGetBlock(is.getTypeId()))){
- if (!plugin.validSale(player, GSItem.reverseGetBlock(is.getTypeId())))
- continue;
- if (!plugin.getGSItem(GSItem.reverseGetBlock(is.getTypeId())).blockAllowed())
- continue;
- itemsSold.putIfAbsent(GSItem.reverseGetBlock(is.getTypeId()), 0);
- itemsSold.adjustValue(GSItem.reverseGetBlock(is.getTypeId()),is.getAmount()*9);
- blockOptions.putIfAbsent(GSItem.reverseGetBlock(is.getTypeId()), (short) 1);
- }
- }
- }
- for (int i : blockOptions.keys()){
- new SellProcedure(plugin,player,stuff,blockOptions.get(i)!=0,false).execute(i, itemsSold.get(i));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private boolean isEmpty(Inventory i){
- for (ItemStack is : i.getContents())
- if (is != null)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- private boolean containsAGSItem(Player player, Inventory i){
- for (ItemStack is : i.getContents()){
- if (is == null)
- continue;
- else if (plugin.getItems().containsKey(is.getTypeId()))
- return true;
- else if (plugin.getItems().containsKey(GSItem.reverseGetBlock(is.getTypeId())))
- if (plugin.getGSItem(GSItem.reverseGetBlock(is.getTypeId())).blockAllowed())
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }