Scala | 87 lines | 75 code | 12 blank | 0 comment | 1 complexity | eb35dbb720d3d96da466c15e522db0c0 MD5 | raw file
- package traktor.movies
- import akka.actor.{ActorRef, Actor}
- import traktor.util.{DBCollection, Logging}
- import akka.pattern.pipe
- import com.mongodb.DBObject
- import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST.{JObject, JArray, JValue}
- import com.mongodb.casbah.Implicits._
- import org.bson.types.ObjectId
- import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject
- import scala.concurrent.Future
- case object AllMovies
- case object PendingMovies
- case class ApplySearchResult(obj: JValue, watched: Boolean)
- case class AddMovies(movies: List[String])
- case class AddMoviesToDB(movies: List[JObject])
- case class DeleteMovies(movies: List[String])
- case class DeleteMoviesFromDB(movies: List[String])
- class MovieActor(discoveryActor: ActorRef) extends Actor with DBCollection with Logging {
- val collection = db("movies")
- def receive = {
- case AllMovies => Future { listAll } pipeTo sender
- case PendingMovies => Future { listAllPending } pipeTo sender
- case ApplySearchResult(obj, watched) => Future { applySearchResult(obj, watched) } pipeTo sender
- case AddMovies(ms) => Future { addMovies(ms) } pipeTo sender
- case AddMoviesToDB(ms) => Future { addMoviesToDB(ms) } onFailure { case e => e.printStackTrace() }
- case DeleteMovies(ms) => Future { removeMovies(ms) } pipeTo sender
- case DeleteMoviesFromDB(ms) => Future { removeMoviesFromDB(ms) } onFailure { case e => e.printStackTrace() }
- }
- def listAll(implicit dbObject2JObject: DBObject => JValue) =
- JArray(collection.find().toList.map(db => dbObject2JObject(db)))
- def listAllPending(implicit dbObject2JObject: DBObject => JValue) =
- JArray(collection.find("results" $exists true).toList.map(db => dbObject2JObject(db)))
- def applySearchResult(obj: JValue, watched: Boolean)(implicit jValue2DBObject: JValue => DBObject) = {
- val result = jValue2DBObject(obj)
- collection.findOneByID(new ObjectId(result.removeField("movie_id").asInstanceOf[String])) match {
- case Some(movie) =>
- movie.removeField("results")
- result.foreach {
- case (key, value) => movie.put(key, value)
- }
- discoveryActor ! MovieCollectionAdd(movie.toString, watched)
- collection.save(movie)
- true
- case None => false
- }
- }
- def addMovies(ms: List[String]) = {
- try {
- val displayNames = ms.map(m => (m, m.substring(m.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, m.lastIndexOf('.'))))
- discoveryActor ! MovieSearch(displayNames)
- true
- } catch {
- case e: IndexOutOfBoundsException => false
- }
- }
- def removeMovies(ms: List[String]) = {
- try
- {
- val forRemoval = ms.map(m => collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("filename" -> m))).filter(m => {
- m.isDefined && !m.get.containsField("results")
- }).map(_.get.toString)
- discoveryActor ! MovieCollectionRemove(forRemoval)
- self ! DeleteMoviesFromDB(ms)
- true
- } catch {
- case _ : Throwable => false
- }
- }
- def addMoviesToDB(ms: List[JObject])(implicit jValue2DBObject: JValue => DBObject) {
- collection.insert(ms.map(jValue2DBObject):_*)
- }
- def removeMoviesFromDB(ms: List[String]) {
- ms.foreach(m => collection.remove(MongoDBObject("filename" -> m)))
- }
- }