https://github.com/pfugiel/dm-proxy2 · Java · 249 lines · 163 code · 46 blank · 40 comment · 2 complexity · e632a95e39eb903e5122774bef7a912e MD5 · raw file
- package com.googlecode.htmlcompressor.analyzer;
- /*
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- import java.text.NumberFormat;
- import java.util.Formatter;
- import com.googlecode.htmlcompressor.compressor.ClosureJavaScriptCompressor;
- import com.googlecode.htmlcompressor.compressor.HtmlCompressor;
- /**
- * Class that compresses provided source with different compression
- * settings and displays page size gains in a report
- *
- * @author <a href="mailto:serg472@gmail.com">Sergiy Kovalchuk</a>
- */
- public class HtmlAnalyzer {
- private String jsCompressor = HtmlCompressor.JS_COMPRESSOR_YUI;
- public HtmlAnalyzer() {
- }
- public HtmlAnalyzer(String jsCompressor) {
- this.jsCompressor = jsCompressor;
- }
- public void analyze(String source) {
- int originalSize = source.length();
- HtmlCompressor compressor = getCleanCompressor();
- String compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- printHeader();
- System.out.println(formatLine("Compression disabled", originalSize, originalSize, originalSize));
- int prevSize = originalSize;
- //spaces inside tags
- System.out.println(formatLine("All settings disabled", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- //remove comments
- compressor.setRemoveComments(true);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("Comments removed", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- //remove mulispaces
- compressor.setRemoveMultiSpaces(true);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("Multiple spaces removed", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- //remove intertag spaces
- compressor.setRemoveIntertagSpaces(true);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("No spaces between tags", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- //remove min surrounding spaces
- compressor.setRemoveSurroundingSpaces(HtmlCompressor.BLOCK_TAGS_MIN);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("No surround spaces (min)", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- //remove max surrounding spaces
- compressor.setRemoveSurroundingSpaces(HtmlCompressor.BLOCK_TAGS_MAX);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("No surround spaces (max)", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- //remove all surrounding spaces
- compressor.setRemoveSurroundingSpaces(HtmlCompressor.ALL_TAGS);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("No surround spaces (all)", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- //remove quotes
- compressor.setRemoveQuotes(true);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("Quotes removed from tags", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- //link attrib
- compressor.setRemoveLinkAttributes(true);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("<link> attr. removed", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- //style attrib
- compressor.setRemoveStyleAttributes(true);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("<style> attr. removed", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- //script attrib
- compressor.setRemoveScriptAttributes(true);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("<script> attr. removed", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- //form attrib
- compressor.setRemoveFormAttributes(true);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("<form> attr. removed", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- //input attrib
- compressor.setRemoveInputAttributes(true);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("<input> attr. removed", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- //simple bool
- compressor.setSimpleBooleanAttributes(true);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("Simple boolean attributes", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- //simple doctype
- compressor.setSimpleDoctype(true);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("Simple doctype", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- //js protocol
- compressor.setRemoveJavaScriptProtocol(true);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("Remove js pseudo-protocol", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- //http protocol
- compressor.setRemoveHttpProtocol(true);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("Remove http protocol", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- //https protocol
- compressor.setRemoveHttpsProtocol(true);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("Remove https protocol", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- //inline css
- try {
- compressor.setCompressCss(true);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("Compress inline CSS (YUI)", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e){
- System.out.println(formatEmptyLine("Compress inline CSS (YUI)"));
- }
- if(jsCompressor.equals(HtmlCompressor.JS_COMPRESSOR_YUI)) {
- //inline js yui
- try {
- compressor.setCompressJavaScript(true);
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("Compress inline JS (YUI)", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e){
- System.out.println(formatEmptyLine("Compress inline JS (YUI)"));
- }
- } else {
- //inline js yui
- try {
- compressor.setCompressJavaScript(true);
- compressor.setJavaScriptCompressor(new ClosureJavaScriptCompressor());
- compResult = compressor.compress(source);
- System.out.println(formatLine("Compress JS (Closure)", originalSize, compResult.length(), prevSize));
- prevSize = compResult.length();
- } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e){
- System.out.println(formatEmptyLine("Compress JS (Closure)"));
- }
- }
- printFooter();
- }
- private HtmlCompressor getCleanCompressor() {
- HtmlCompressor compressor = new HtmlCompressor();
- compressor.setRemoveComments(false);
- compressor.setRemoveMultiSpaces(false);
- return compressor;
- }
- private String formatLine(String descr, int originalSize, int compressedSize, int prevSize) {
- Formatter fmt = new Formatter();
- fmt.format("%-25s | %16s | %16s | %12s |", descr, formatDecrease(prevSize, compressedSize), formatDecrease(originalSize, compressedSize), formatSize(compressedSize));
- return fmt.toString();
- }
- private String formatEmptyLine(String descr) {
- Formatter fmt = new Formatter();
- fmt.format("%-25s | %16s | %16s | %12s |", descr, "-", "-", "-");
- return fmt.toString();
- }
- private void printHeader() {
- System.out.println();
- System.out.println("================================================================================");
- System.out.format("%-25s | %-16s | %-16s | %-12s |", " Setting", "Incremental Gain", " Total Gain", " Page Size");
- System.out.println();
- System.out.println("================================================================================");
- }
- private void printFooter() {
- System.out.println("================================================================================");
- System.out.println();
- System.out.println("Each consecutive compressor setting is applied on top of previous ones.");
- System.out.println("In order to see JS and CSS compression results, YUI jar file must be present.");
- System.out.println("All sizes are in bytes.");
- }
- private String formatDecrease(int originalSize, int compressedSize) {
- NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
- nf.setGroupingUsed(true);
- nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(1);
- nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(1);
- return formatSize(originalSize - compressedSize) + " (" + nf.format(1 - (double) compressedSize / originalSize) + ")";
- }
- private String formatSize(int size) {
- NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();
- nf.setGroupingUsed(true);
- nf.setParseIntegerOnly(true);
- return nf.format(size);
- }
- }