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  7. <title>Environmental Data</title>
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  58. <body ng-controller="HouseCtrl">
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  66. <header id="">
  67. <h3>Map Overlays | Environmental Data</h3>
  68. <form name="myForm">
  69. Leaf area index: <input type="checkbox" ng-click="overlayLeaf()" ng-model="leaf">
  70. Flooding risk: <input type="checkbox" ng-click="overlayFlood()" ng-model="flood" >
  71. Carbon map: <input type="checkbox" ng-click="overlayCarbon()" ng-model="carbon" >
  72. Pollution: <input type="checkbox" ng-click="overlayPollution()" ng-model="pollution" > <br/>
  73. </form>
  74. </header>
  75. <header id="header">
  76. <h3>Property Search</h3>
  77. </header>
  78. <!-- SOME DUMMY content to get started -->
  79. <!-- <div class="span10">
  80. <div class="panel" ng-repeat="house in houses">
  81. <!--<span data-tooltip class="has-tip"
  82. color="#FF0000" title="Warning this house has a high risk of flooding">House ID: {{house.guid}}<br>
  83. </span>--><!--
  84. Latitude: {{house.latitude}}<br>
  85. Longitude: {{house.longitude}}<br>
  86. Bedrooms:{{house.num_bedrooms}}<br>
  87. Address: {{house.address}}<br>
  88. Price: {{house.price}}<br>
  89. <img src="{{house.thumbnail_url}}"></img><br>
  90. Flood risk: {{house.flood_risk}}<br>
  91. Green density: {{house.green_percentage}}<br>
  92. <button class="opener" ng-click="openDialog($index)">Open Dialog</button>
  93. </div>
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  96. <form>
  97. <label>Search for a property</label>
  98. <input type="text" ng-model="postCode" placeholder="Postcode"/>
  99. <div class="row">
  100. <div class="three columns">
  101. <label>Max price</label>
  102. <input type="text" ng-model="maxPrice" placeholder="£250,000"/>
  103. </div>
  104. <div class="three columns">
  105. <label>Min price</label>
  106. <input type="text" ng-model="minPrice" placeholder="£80,000"/>
  107. </div>
  108. <div class="three columns">
  109. <label>Type</label>
  110. <input type="text" ng-model="type" placeholder="House"/>
  111. </div>
  112. <div class="three columns">
  113. <label>Min Bedrooms</label>
  114. <input type="text" ng-model="minBedrooms" placeholder="2"/>
  115. </div>
  116. </div>
  117. <a ng-click="zooplaSubmit()" class="button">Submit</a>
  118. </form>
  119. </div>
  120. <div id="dialog" title="Basic dialog" ng-model="dialog_house">
  121. <img border="0" src="{{dialog_house.image_url}}" width="304" height="228">
  122. <label> <b>House Price:</b> {{dialog_house.price}} </label> <br />
  123. <label> <b>Bedrooms: </b>{{dialog_house.num_bedrooms}} </label> <br />
  124. <label> <b>Green density:</b><div class="progress large-6 {{dialog_house.green_color}} round"><span class="meter" style="width: {{dialog_house.green_percentage}}%"></span></div></label> <br />
  125. <label> <b>Flood risk:</b><div class="progress large-6 {{dialog_house.flood_color}} round"><span class="meter" style="width: {{dialog_house.flood_risk}}%"></span></div></label><br />
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