Python | 141 lines | 68 code | 57 blank | 16 comment | 2 complexity | 26ace6467116ff959514efa78afcbbf5 MD5 | raw file
- '''
- Rock
- =================================='''
- from vector2d import Vector2D
- from graphics import egi, rgba
- from random import uniform, randrange
- from math import sqrt, sin, cos, pi
- from matrix33 import Matrix33
- import copy
- class Rock(object):
- """Rock object"""
- def __init__(self, world=None):
- self.world = world
- self.pos = Vector2D()
- self.vel = Vector2D()
- self.scale = Vector2D() * 30
- self.maxSpeed = uniform(5, 8)
- self.boundingRadius = uniform(25, 80)
- self.edges = randrange(7, 12)
- self.rotation = uniform(-0.05/3, 0.05/3)
- self.color = rgba('25a000')
- self.heading = Vector2D(0, 1)
- self.side = self.heading.perp()
- self.rockShape = self.getRockShape()
- # Rocks have a constant speed
- def calculateAcceleration(self, delta):
- accel = Vector2D()
- return accel
- # Calculates velocity based on our acceleration
- def calculateVelocity(self, delta):
- # new velocity
- vel = self.vel + self.acceleration * delta
- # check for limits of new velocity
- max = self.maxSpeed
- vel.truncate(max)
- return vel
- def update(self, delta):
- ''' update vehicle position and orientation '''
- self.acceleration = self.calculateAcceleration(delta)
- self.vel = self.calculateVelocity(delta)
- # update position
- self.pos += self.vel * delta
- # update heading is non-zero velocity (moving)
- if self.vel.lengthSq() > 0.00000001:
- self.heading = self.vel.get_normalised()
- self.side = self.heading.perp()
- self.world.wrap_around(self.pos)
- # Draw ourselves
- def render(self):
- egi.set_pen_color(self.color)
- renderShape = self.getRenderShape()
- egi.closed_shape(renderShape)
- # Returns our base shape, appropriately rotated and translated into world space
- def getRenderShape(self):
- matrix = Matrix33()
- matrix.rotate_update(self.rotation)
- matrix.transform_vector2d_list(self.rockShape)
- renderShape = copy.deepcopy(self.rockShape)
- matrix = Matrix33()
- matrix.translate_update(self.pos.x, self.pos.y)
- matrix.transform_vector2d_list(renderShape)
- return renderShape
- def speed(self):
- return self.vel.length()
- def speedSqrt(self):
- return sqrt(self.speed())
- # Quick collision detection
- def containsPoint(self, point):
- return self.pos.distanceSq(point) < self.boundingRadius**2
- # Returns a rocky looking shape based on our boundingRadius and edges
- def getRockShape(self):
- radius = self.boundingRadius
- edges = self.edges
- angle = 2 * pi / edges
- pts = []
- variance = 0.18
- variation = (1 - variance, 1 + variance)
- for i in range(edges):
- v = Vector2D(cos(i * angle), sin(i * angle)) * radius
- v.x *= uniform(variation[0],variation[1])
- v.y *= uniform(variation[0],variation[1])
- pts.append(v)
- return pts