https://bitbucket.org/Nitesh_Rajpurohit/app-engine · Python · 493 lines · 401 code · 46 blank · 46 comment · 25 complexity · 18f136c91bde1c1d237e27ee5356ae51 MD5 · raw file
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # Worksheet - A class for writing Excel Worksheets.
- #
- # Copyright 2013, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org
- #
- import re
- import sys
- from warnings import warn
- COL_NAMES = {}
- range_parts = re.compile(r'(\$?)([A-Z]{1,3})(\$?)(\d+)')
- def xl_rowcol_to_cell(row, col, row_abs=0, col_abs=0):
- """
- TODO. Add Utility.py docs.
- """
- row += 1 # Change to 1-index.
- row_abs = '$' if row_abs else ''
- col_abs = '$' if col_abs else ''
- col_str = xl_col_to_name(col, col_abs)
- return col_str + row_abs + str(row)
- def xl_rowcol_to_cell_fast(row, col):
- """
- Optimised version of the xl_rowcol_to_cell function.
- """
- if col in COL_NAMES:
- col_str = COL_NAMES[col]
- else:
- col_str = xl_col_to_name(col)
- COL_NAMES[col] = col_str
- return col_str + str(row + 1)
- def xl_col_to_name(col_num, col_abs=0):
- """
- TODO. Add Utility.py docs.
- """
- col_num += 1 # Change to 1-index.
- col_str = ''
- col_abs = '$' if col_abs else ''
- while col_num:
- # Set remainder from 1 .. 26
- remainder = col_num % 26
- if remainder == 0:
- remainder = 26
- # Convert the remainder to a character.
- col_letter = chr(ord('A') + remainder - 1)
- # Accumulate the column letters, right to left.
- col_str = col_letter + col_str
- # Get the next order of magnitude.
- col_num = int((col_num - 1) / 26)
- return col_abs + col_str
- def xl_cell_to_rowcol(cell_str):
- """
- TODO. Add Utility.py docs.
- """
- if not cell_str:
- return (0, 0)
- match = range_parts.match(cell_str)
- col_str = match.group(2)
- row_str = match.group(4)
- # Convert base26 column string to number.
- expn = 0
- col = 0
- for char in reversed(col_str):
- col += (ord(char) - ord('A') + 1) * (26 ** expn)
- expn += 1
- # Convert 1-index to zero-index
- row = int(row_str) - 1
- col -= 1
- return row, col
- def xl_cell_to_rowcol_abs(cell_str):
- """
- TODO. Add Utility.py docs.
- """
- if not cell_str:
- return (0, 0, 0, 0)
- match = range_parts.match(cell_str)
- col_abs = match.group(1)
- col_str = match.group(2)
- row_abs = match.group(3)
- row_str = match.group(4)
- if col_abs:
- col_abs = 1
- else:
- col_abs = 0
- if row_abs:
- row_abs = 1
- else:
- row_abs = 0
- # Convert base26 column string to number.
- expn = 0
- col = 0
- for char in reversed(col_str):
- col += (ord(char) - ord('A') + 1) * (26 ** expn)
- expn += 1
- # Convert 1-index to zero-index
- row = int(row_str) - 1
- col -= 1
- return row, col, row_abs, col_abs
- def xl_range(first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col):
- """
- TODO. Add Utility.py docs.
- """
- range1 = xl_rowcol_to_cell(first_row, first_col)
- range2 = xl_rowcol_to_cell(last_row, last_col)
- return range1 + ':' + range2
- def xl_color(color):
- # Used in conjunction with the XlsxWriter *color() methods to convert
- # a colour name into an RGB formatted string. These colours are for
- # backward compatibility with older versions of Excel.
- named_colors = {
- 'black': '#000000',
- 'blue': '#0000FF',
- 'brown': '#800000',
- 'cyan': '#00FFFF',
- 'gray': '#808080',
- 'green': '#008000',
- 'lime': '#00FF00',
- 'magenta': '#FF00FF',
- 'navy': '#000080',
- 'orange': '#FF6600',
- 'pink': '#FF00FF',
- 'purple': '#800080',
- 'red': '#FF0000',
- 'silver': '#C0C0C0',
- 'white': '#FFFFFF',
- 'yellow': '#FFFF00',
- }
- if color in named_colors:
- color = named_colors[color]
- if not re.match('#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}', color):
- warn("Color '%s' isn't a valid Excel color" % color)
- # Convert the RGB color to the Excel ARGB format.
- return "FF" + color.lstrip('#').upper()
- def get_sparkline_style(style_id):
- styles = [
- {'series': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "5"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'first': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'last': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'high': {'theme': "4"},
- 'low': {'theme': "4"},
- }, # 0
- {'series': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "5"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'first': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'last': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'high': {'theme': "4"},
- 'low': {'theme': "4"},
- }, # 1
- {'series': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "6"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'first': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'last': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'high': {'theme': "5"},
- 'low': {'theme': "5"},
- }, # 2
- {'series': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "7"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'first': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'last': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'high': {'theme': "6"},
- 'low': {'theme': "6"},
- }, # 3
- {'series': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "8"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'first': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'last': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'high': {'theme': "7"},
- 'low': {'theme': "7"},
- }, # 4
- {'series': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "9"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'first': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'last': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'high': {'theme': "8"},
- 'low': {'theme': "8"},
- }, # 5
- {'series': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "4"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'first': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'last': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'high': {'theme': "9"},
- 'low': {'theme': "9"},
- }, # 6
- {'series': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "5"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'first': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'low': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- }, # 7
- {'series': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "6"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'first': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'low': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- }, # 8
- {'series': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "7"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'first': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'low': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- }, # 9
- {'series': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "8"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'first': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'low': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- }, # 10
- {'series': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "9"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'first': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'low': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- }, # 11
- {'series': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "4"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'first': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'low': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- }, # 12
- {'series': {'theme': "4"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "5"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'first': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'low': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- }, # 13
- {'series': {'theme': "5"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "6"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'first': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'low': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- }, # 14
- {'series': {'theme': "6"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "7"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'first': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'low': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- }, # 15
- {'series': {'theme': "7"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "8"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'first': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'low': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- }, # 16
- {'series': {'theme': "8"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "9"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'first': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'low': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- }, # 17
- {'series': {'theme': "9"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "4"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'first': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'low': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- }, # 18
- {'series': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "0.79998168889431442"},
- 'first': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'low': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- }, # 19
- {'series': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "0.79998168889431442"},
- 'first': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'low': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- }, # 20
- {'series': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "0.79998168889431442"},
- 'first': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'low': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- }, # 21
- {'series': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "0.79998168889431442"},
- 'first': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'low': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- }, # 22
- {'series': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "0.79998168889431442"},
- 'first': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'low': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- }, # 23
- {'series': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "0.79998168889431442"},
- 'first': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- 'low': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
- }, # 24
- {'series': {'theme': "1", 'tint': "0.499984740745262"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "1", 'tint': "0.249977111117893"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "1", 'tint': "0.249977111117893"},
- 'first': {'theme': "1", 'tint': "0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "1", 'tint': "0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "1", 'tint': "0.249977111117893"},
- 'low': {'theme': "1", 'tint': "0.249977111117893"},
- }, # 25
- {'series': {'theme': "1", 'tint': "0.34998626667073579"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'first': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'last': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'high': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- 'low': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
- }, # 26
- {'series': {'rgb': "FF323232"},
- 'negative': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
- 'markers': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
- 'first': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
- 'last': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
- 'high': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
- 'low': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
- }, # 27
- {'series': {'rgb': "FF000000"},
- 'negative': {'rgb': "FF0070C0"},
- 'markers': {'rgb': "FF0070C0"},
- 'first': {'rgb': "FF0070C0"},
- 'last': {'rgb': "FF0070C0"},
- 'high': {'rgb': "FF0070C0"},
- 'low': {'rgb': "FF0070C0"},
- }, # 28
- {'series': {'rgb': "FF376092"},
- 'negative': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
- 'markers': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
- 'first': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
- 'last': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
- 'high': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
- 'low': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
- }, # 29
- {'series': {'rgb': "FF0070C0"},
- 'negative': {'rgb': "FF000000"},
- 'markers': {'rgb': "FF000000"},
- 'first': {'rgb': "FF000000"},
- 'last': {'rgb': "FF000000"},
- 'high': {'rgb': "FF000000"},
- 'low': {'rgb': "FF000000"},
- }, # 30
- {'series': {'rgb': "FF5F5F5F"},
- 'negative': {'rgb': "FFFFB620"},
- 'markers': {'rgb': "FFD70077"},
- 'first': {'rgb': "FF5687C2"},
- 'last': {'rgb': "FF359CEB"},
- 'high': {'rgb': "FF56BE79"},
- 'low': {'rgb': "FFFF5055"},
- }, # 31
- {'series': {'rgb': "FF5687C2"},
- 'negative': {'rgb': "FFFFB620"},
- 'markers': {'rgb': "FFD70077"},
- 'first': {'rgb': "FF777777"},
- 'last': {'rgb': "FF359CEB"},
- 'high': {'rgb': "FF56BE79"},
- 'low': {'rgb': "FFFF5055"},
- }, # 32
- {'series': {'rgb': "FFC6EFCE"},
- 'negative': {'rgb': "FFFFC7CE"},
- 'markers': {'rgb': "FF8CADD6"},
- 'first': {'rgb': "FFFFDC47"},
- 'last': {'rgb': "FFFFEB9C"},
- 'high': {'rgb': "FF60D276"},
- 'low': {'rgb': "FFFF5367"},
- }, # 33
- {'series': {'rgb': "FF00B050"},
- 'negative': {'rgb': "FFFF0000"},
- 'markers': {'rgb': "FF0070C0"},
- 'first': {'rgb': "FFFFC000"},
- 'last': {'rgb': "FFFFC000"},
- 'high': {'rgb': "FF00B050"},
- 'low': {'rgb': "FFFF0000"},
- }, # 34
- {'series': {'theme': "3"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "9"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "8"},
- 'first': {'theme': "4"},
- 'last': {'theme': "5"},
- 'high': {'theme': "6"},
- 'low': {'theme': "7"},
- }, # 35
- {'series': {'theme': "1"},
- 'negative': {'theme': "9"},
- 'markers': {'theme': "8"},
- 'first': {'theme': "4"},
- 'last': {'theme': "5"},
- 'high': {'theme': "6"},
- 'low': {'theme': "7"},
- }, # 36
- ]
- return styles[style_id]
- def encode_utf8(string):
- """
- Encode any strings passed by the user to UTF8 in Python 2.
- """
- if string is None or sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
- return string
- else:
- return string.encode('utf-8')