https://bitbucket.org/dreamriks/gift · PHP · 307 lines · 235 code · 37 blank · 35 comment · 53 complexity · b61440f8cd78ee5244f9ffa1bab03129 MD5 · raw file
- <?php
- // no direct access
- defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
- /**
- * JomGenius classes
- *
- * @package JomGenius
- * @version 5
- * @license GNU/GPL
- * @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Brandon IT Consulting. All rights reserved.
- */
- class JomGeniusClassContent extends JomGeniusParent {
- var $Itemid;
- var $view;
- var $option;
- var $category_id;
- var $section_id;
- var $layout;
- var $task;
- var $id;
- function __construct() {
- $this->Itemid = JRequest::getVar('Itemid');
- $this->view = JRequest::getWord('view');
- $this->option = JRequest::getVar('option');
- $this->category_id = JRequest::getVar('category_id');
- $this->section_id = JRequest::getVar('section_id');
- $this->layout = JRequest::getVar('layout');
- $this->task = JRequest::getVar('task');
- $this->id = JRequest::getVar('id');
- }
- function shouldInstantiate() {
- return true;
- // we allow instantiation even if we are not viewing a com_content page,
- // as there are some things we can query without being on that page.
- //( $this->option == 'com_content' );
- }
- /* particular methods for this component */
- /**
- * A generic function that knows how to get lots of different info about the current article, category or section.
- */
- function info( $type ) {
- // some special handling, that need not hit the database
- switch( $type ) {
- case 'category_id': return $this->categoryId();
- case 'section_id' : return $this->sectionId();
- case 'pagetype':
- case 'page_type' : return $this->pageType();
- case 'page_number':
- case 'pagenumber' : return $this->pageNumber(); // pagination control, 0 is 1st page
- default:
- }
- if ( $this->option != 'com_content' ) return null;
- // from here on, only serves info relating to com_content pages that we are on now.
- // everything else requires the database
- if ( $this->view == 'article' ) {
- $row = $this->_infoForArticleId( $this->id );
- } else if ( $this->view == 'category' ) {
- $row = $this->_infoForCategoryId( $this->id );
- } else if ( $this->view == 'section' ) {
- $row = $this->_infoForSectionId( $this->id );
- }
- switch( $type ) {
- case 'article_id':
- case 'article_title':
- case 'article_alias':
- case 'article_hits':
- case 'article_version':
- case 'article_created_by':
- case 'article_modified_by':
- case 'article_introtext':
- case 'article_fulltext':
- case 'article_created':
- case 'article_modified':
- case 'article_publishup':
- case 'article_publishdown':
- case 'article_metakeywords':
- case 'article_metadescription':
- case 'article_created_age':
- case 'article_modified_age':
- case 'article_frontpage':
- case 'category_id':
- case 'category_title':
- case 'category_alias':
- case 'category_count':
- case 'section_id':
- case 'section_title':
- case 'section_alias':
- case 'section_count':
- return @$row->$type;
- default:
- }
- // are there some more things that we might need to calculate?
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * pageNumber() gives pagination information. 0 = 1st page of pagination; index increases from there.
- */
- function pageNumber() {
- if ( $this->option != 'com_content' ) return null;
- if ( $this->view == 'article' ) {
- return JRequest::getInt( 'limitstart', 0 );
- }
- $limitstart = JRequest::getInt( 'limitstart', 0 );
- $limit = JRequest::getInt( 'limit', 0 ); // provided by Joomla, not in the URL itself. # items per page.
- if ( $limit == 0 ) return 0; // we're not on a paginated page?
- return (int)( $limit / $limitstart );
- }
- function pageType() {
- if ( $this->option != 'com_content' ) return null;
- switch ( $this->view ) {
- case 'frontpage':
- return 'frontpage';
- case 'article':
- if ($this->task == 'edit') return 'articleedit';
- if ($this->layout == 'form') return 'articlesubmit';
- return 'article';
- case 'section':
- if ($this->layout == 'blog' ) return 'sectionblog';
- return 'sectionlist';
- case 'category':
- if ($this->layout == 'blog' ) return 'categoryblog';
- return 'categorylist';
- case 'archive':
- return 'archive';
- }
- if ( $this->task == 'new' ) return "articlesubmit";
- return '';
- }
- /* returns the category id of the list, or the item being displayed.
- * If the list: this is taken from the URL
- * If the item: if a category id was in the URL then this is used. Otherwise,
- * the category of the item is used.
- */
- function categoryId() {
- if ( $this->option != 'com_content' ) return null;
- $category_id = null;
- if ( $this->view == "category" ) {
- /* category list pages (blog or list style) */
- $category_id = (int)$this->id;
- } else if (array_key_exists("catid",$_REQUEST)) {
- /* if the category id is in the URL */
- $category_id = (int)JRequest::getInt("catid",0);
- }
- if ( $category_id === null && $this->view == "article" ) {
- /* if it's an article page without the catid mentioned in the url */
- $row = $this->_infoForArticleId( $this->id );
- $category_id = (int)@$row->category_id;
- }
- return $category_id;
- }
- function sectionId() {
- if ( $this->option != 'com_content' ) return null;
- $section_id = null;
- if ( $this->view == "section" ) {
- /* section list pages (blog or list style) */
- $section_id = (int)$this->id;
- } else if (array_key_exists("sectionid",$_REQUEST)) {
- /* if the section id is in the URL */
- $section_id = (int)JRequest::getInt("sectionid",0);
- }
- if ( $section_id === null && $this->view == "article" ) {
- /* if it's an article page without the sectionid mentioned in the url */
- $row = $this->_infoForArticleId( $this->id );
- $section_id = (int)@$row->section_id;
- }
- if ( $section_id === null && $this->view == "category" ) {
- /* if it's an category page without the sectionid mentioned in the url */
- $row = $this->_infoForCategoryId( (int)$this->id );
- $section_id = (int)@$row->section_id;
- }
- return $section_id;
- }
- function _infoForArticleId( $id ) {
- static $rows = array();
- if ( !array_key_exists( $id, $rows ) ) {
- $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
- $nullDate = $db->Quote( $db->getNullDate() );
- $my_id = $db->Quote( $db->getEscaped( (int)$id ) );
- $jnow =& JFactory::getDate();
- $now = $db->Quote( $db->getEscaped( $jnow->toMySQL() ) );
- $query = "SELECT
- a.id as article_id,
- a.title as article_title,
- a.alias as article_alias,
- a.hits as article_hits,
- a.version as article_version,
- a.created_by as article_created_by,
- a.modified_by as article_modified_by,
- a.introtext as article_introtext,
- a.fulltext as article_fulltext,
- a.created as article_created,
- a.modified as article_modified,
- a.publish_up as article_publishup,
- a.publish_down as article_publishdown,
- a.metakey as article_metakeywords,
- a.metadesc as article_metadescription,
- floor(time_to_sec(timediff(now(),a.created))/60) as article_created_age,
- floor(time_to_sec(timediff(now(),a.modified))/60) as article_modified_age,
- a.catid as category_id,
- c.title as category_title,
- c.alias as category_alias,
- c.count as category_count,
- s.id as section_id,
- s.title as section_title,
- s.alias as section_alias,
- s.count as section_count,
- (f.content_id is not null) as article_frontpage
- FROM #__content a
- LEFT JOIN #__categories c ON a.catid = c.id
- LEFT JOIN #__sections s ON a.sectionid = s.id
- LEFT JOIN #__content_frontpage f ON a.id = f.content_id
- WHERE a.id = $my_id AND a.state = 1
- AND ( a.publish_up = $nullDate OR a.publish_up <= $now )
- AND ( a.publish_down = $nullDate OR a.publish_down >= $now )
- ";
- $db->setQuery( $query, 0, 1 );
- $row = $db->loadObject();
- $rows[$id] = $row;
- }
- return @$rows[$id];
- }
- function _infoForCategoryId( $id ) {
- static $rows = array();
- if ( !array_key_exists( $id, $rows ) ) {
- $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
- $nullDate = $db->Quote( $db->getNullDate() );
- $my_id = $db->Quote( $db->getEscaped( (int)$id ) );
- $query = "SELECT
- c.id as category_id,
- c.title as category_title,
- c.alias as category_alias,
- c.count as category_count,
- c.description as category_description,
- s.id as section_id,
- s.title as section_title,
- s.alias as section_alias,
- s.count as section_count,
- s.description as section_description
- FROM #__categories c
- LEFT JOIN #__sections s ON c.section = s.id
- WHERE c.id = $my_id AND c.published = 1
- ";
- $db->setQuery( $query, 0, 1 );
- $row = $db->loadObject();
- $rows[$id] = $row;
- }
- return @$rows[$id];
- }
- function _infoForSectionId( $id ) {
- static $rows = array();
- if ( !array_key_exists( $id, $rows ) ) {
- $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
- $nullDate = $db->Quote( $db->getNullDate() );
- $my_id = $db->Quote( $db->getEscaped( (int)$id ) );
- $query = "SELECT
- s.id as section_id,
- s.title as section_title,
- s.alias as section_alias,
- s.count as section_count,
- s.description as section_description
- FROM #__sections s
- WHERE s.id = $my_id AND s.published = 1
- ";
- $db->setQuery( $query, 0, 1 );
- $row = $db->loadObject();
- $rows[$id] = $row;
- }
- return @$rows[$id];
- }
- }