https://github.com/arokem/dipy · Python · 96 lines · 80 code · 12 blank · 4 comment · 8 complexity · b523fa82957a35953d471e7c52e28a63 MD5 · raw file
- import warnings
- import numpy as np
- import numpy.testing as npt
- from dipy.data import default_sphere, get_isbi2013_2shell_gtab, get_3shell_gtab
- from dipy.reconst.shore import ShoreModel, shore_matrix
- from dipy.reconst.shm import sh_to_sf, descoteaux07_legacy_msg
- from dipy.direction.peaks import peak_directions
- from dipy.reconst.odf import gfa
- from dipy.sims.voxel import sticks_and_ball
- from dipy.core.subdivide_octahedron import create_unit_sphere
- from dipy.core.sphere_stats import angular_similarity
- from dipy.reconst.tests.test_dsi import sticks_and_ball_dummies
- def test_shore_odf():
- gtab = get_isbi2013_2shell_gtab()
- # load repulsion 724 sphere
- sphere = default_sphere
- # load icosahedron sphere
- sphere2 = create_unit_sphere(5)
- data, golden_directions = sticks_and_ball(gtab, d=0.0015, S0=100,
- angles=[(0, 0), (90, 0)],
- fractions=[50, 50], snr=None)
- asm = ShoreModel(gtab, radial_order=6,
- zeta=700, lambdaN=1e-8, lambdaL=1e-8)
- # repulsion724
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- warnings.filterwarnings(
- "ignore", message=descoteaux07_legacy_msg,
- category=PendingDeprecationWarning)
- asmfit = asm.fit(data)
- odf = asmfit.odf(sphere)
- odf_sh = asmfit.odf_sh()
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- warnings.filterwarnings(
- "ignore", message=descoteaux07_legacy_msg,
- category=PendingDeprecationWarning)
- odf_from_sh = sh_to_sf(odf_sh, sphere, 6, basis_type=None,
- legacy=True)
- npt.assert_almost_equal(odf, odf_from_sh, 10)
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- warnings.filterwarnings(
- "ignore", message=descoteaux07_legacy_msg,
- category=PendingDeprecationWarning)
- expected_phi = shore_matrix(radial_order=6, zeta=700, gtab=gtab)
- npt.assert_array_almost_equal(np.dot(expected_phi, asmfit.shore_coeff),
- asmfit.fitted_signal())
- directions, _, _ = peak_directions(odf, sphere, .35, 25)
- npt.assert_equal(len(directions), 2)
- npt.assert_almost_equal(
- angular_similarity(directions, golden_directions), 2, 1)
- # 5 subdivisions
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- warnings.filterwarnings(
- "ignore", message=descoteaux07_legacy_msg,
- category=PendingDeprecationWarning)
- odf = asmfit.odf(sphere2)
- directions, _, _ = peak_directions(odf, sphere2, .35, 25)
- npt.assert_equal(len(directions), 2)
- npt.assert_almost_equal(
- angular_similarity(directions, golden_directions), 2, 1)
- sb_dummies = sticks_and_ball_dummies(gtab)
- for sbd in sb_dummies:
- data, golden_directions = sb_dummies[sbd]
- asmfit = asm.fit(data)
- odf = asmfit.odf(sphere2)
- directions, _, _ = peak_directions(odf, sphere2, .35, 25)
- if len(directions) <= 3:
- npt.assert_equal(len(directions), len(golden_directions))
- if len(directions) > 3:
- npt.assert_equal(gfa(odf) < 0.1, True)
- def test_multivox_shore():
- gtab = get_3shell_gtab()
- data = np.random.random([20, 30, 1, gtab.gradients.shape[0]])
- radial_order = 4
- zeta = 700
- asm = ShoreModel(gtab, radial_order=radial_order,
- zeta=zeta, lambdaN=1e-8, lambdaL=1e-8)
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- warnings.filterwarnings(
- "ignore", message=descoteaux07_legacy_msg,
- category=PendingDeprecationWarning)
- asmfit = asm.fit(data)
- c_shore = asmfit.shore_coeff
- npt.assert_equal(c_shore.shape[0:3], data.shape[0:3])
- npt.assert_equal(np.alltrue(np.isreal(c_shore)), True)