C++ | 576 lines | 394 code | 71 blank | 111 comment | 50 complexity | 5d5cb7b275aea4b3dcd283820d199bad MD5 | raw file
- /************************************************************
- iplimage.cpp -
- $Author: lsxi $
- Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Masakazu Yonekura
- ************************************************************/
- #include "iplimage.h"
- /*
- * Document-class: OpenCV::IplImage
- *
- * IPL(Intel Image Processing Library) Image class.
- *
- * IplImage is subclass of CvMat. IplImage support ROI(region of interest) and COI(color of interest).
- * Most of CvMat method support ROI, and some of CvMat method support COI.
- *
- * =What is ROI?
- * region of interest.
- *
- * =What is COI?
- * color of interest.
- */
- VALUE rb_klass;
- rb_class()
- {
- return rb_klass;
- }
- void
- define_ruby_class()
- {
- if (rb_klass)
- return;
- /*
- * opencv = rb_define_module("OpenCV");
- * cvmat = rb_define_class_under(opencv, "CvMat", rb_cObject);
- *
- * note: this comment is used by rdoc.
- */
- VALUE opencv = rb_module_opencv();
- VALUE cvmat = cCvMat::rb_class();
- rb_klass = rb_define_class_under(opencv, "IplImage", cvmat);
- rb_define_alloc_func(rb_klass, rb_allocate);
- rb_define_singleton_method(rb_klass, "load", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_load_image), -1);
- rb_define_private_method(rb_klass, "initialize", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_initialize), -1);
- rb_define_method(rb_klass, "get_roi", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_get_roi), 0);
- rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "roi", "get_roi");
- rb_define_method(rb_klass, "set_roi", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_set_roi), 1);
- rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "roi=", "set_roi");
- rb_define_method(rb_klass, "reset_roi", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_reset_roi), 0);
- rb_define_method(rb_klass, "get_coi", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_get_coi), 0);
- rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "coi", "get_coi");
- rb_define_method(rb_klass, "set_coi", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_set_coi), 1);
- rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "coi=", "set_coi");
- rb_define_method(rb_klass, "reset_coi", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_reset_coi), 0);
- rb_define_method(rb_klass, "smoothness", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_smoothness), -1);
- }
- rb_allocate(VALUE klass)
- {
- return OPENCV_OBJECT(rb_klass, 0);
- }
- /*
- * call-seq:
- * new(<i>width, height[, depth = CV_8U][, channel = 3]</i>)
- *
- * Create width * height image. Each element-value set 0.
- *
- * Each element possigle range is set by <i>depth</i>. Default is unsigned 8bit.
- *
- * Number of channel is set by <i>channel</i>. <i>channel</i> should be 1..4.
- *
- * note: width = col, height = row, on CvMat. It is noted not to make a mistake
- * because the order of argument is differenct to CvMat.
- */
- rb_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
- {
- VALUE width, height, depth, channel;
- rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "22", &width, &height, &depth, &channel);
- int _depth = CVMETHOD("DEPTH", depth, CV_8U);
- int _channel = argc < 4 ? 3 : NUM2INT(channel);
- DATA_PTR(self) = rb_cvCreateImage(cvSize(NUM2INT(width), NUM2INT(height)), cvIplDepth(_depth), _channel);
- return self;
- }
- /*
- * call-seq:
- * IplImage::load(<i>filename[,iscolor = CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR]</i>)
- *
- * Load an image from file.
- * iscolor = CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR, the loaded image is forced to be a 3-channel color image
- * iscolor = CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE, the loaded image is forced to be grayscale
- * iscolor = CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED, the loaded image will be loaded as is.
- * Currently the following file format are supported.
- * * Windows bitmaps - BMP,DIB
- * * JPEG files - JPEG,JPG,JPE
- * * Portable Network Graphics - PNG
- * * Portable image format - PBM,PGM,PPM
- * * Sun rasters - SR,RAS
- * * TIFF files - TIFF,TIF
- */
- rb_load_image(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
- {
- VALUE filename, iscolor;
- rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &filename, &iscolor);
- Check_Type(filename, T_STRING);
- int _iscolor;
- if (TYPE(iscolor) == T_NIL) {
- _iscolor = CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR;
- }
- else {
- Check_Type(iscolor, T_FIXNUM);
- _iscolor = FIX2INT(iscolor);
- }
- IplImage *image;
- if ((image = cvLoadImage(StringValueCStr(filename), _iscolor)) == NULL) {
- rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, "file does not exist or invalid format image.");
- }
- return OPENCV_OBJECT(rb_klass, image);
- }
- /*
- * Get ROI as CvRect.
- */
- rb_get_roi(VALUE self)
- {
- CvRect rect;
- try {
- rect = cvGetImageROI(IPLIMAGE(self));
- }
- catch (cv::Exception& e) {
- raise_cverror(e);
- }
- return cCvRect::new_object(rect);
- }
- /*
- * call-seq:
- * set_roi(<i>rect</i>)
- * set_roi(<i>rect</i>){|image| ...}
- *
- * Set ROI. <i>rect</i> should be CvRect or compatible object.
- * Return self.
- */
- rb_set_roi(VALUE self, VALUE roi)
- {
- VALUE block = rb_block_given_p() ? rb_block_proc() : 0;
- try {
- if (block) {
- CvRect prev_roi = cvGetImageROI(IPLIMAGE(self));
- cvSetImageROI(IPLIMAGE(self), VALUE_TO_CVRECT(roi));
- rb_yield_values(1, self);
- cvSetImageROI(IPLIMAGE(self), prev_roi);
- }
- else {
- cvSetImageROI(IPLIMAGE(self), VALUE_TO_CVRECT(roi));
- }
- }
- catch (cv::Exception& e) {
- raise_cverror(e);
- }
- return self;
- }
- /*
- * Reset ROI setting. Same as IplImage#roi = nil. Return self.
- */
- rb_reset_roi(VALUE self)
- {
- try {
- cvResetImageROI(IPLIMAGE(self));
- }
- catch (cv::Exception& e) {
- raise_cverror(e);
- }
- return self;
- }
- /*
- * Return COI as Fixnum.
- */
- rb_get_coi(VALUE self)
- {
- int coi = 0;
- try {
- coi = cvGetImageCOI(IPLIMAGE(self));
- }
- catch (cv::Exception& e) {
- raise_cverror(e);
- }
- return INT2FIX(coi);
- }
- /*
- * call-seq:
- * set_coi(<i>coi</i>)
- * set_coi(<i>coi</i>){|image| ...}
- *
- * Set COI. <i>coi</i> should be Fixnum.
- * Return self.
- */
- rb_set_coi(VALUE self, VALUE coi)
- {
- VALUE block = rb_block_given_p() ? rb_block_proc() : 0;
- try {
- if (block) {
- int prev_coi = cvGetImageCOI(IPLIMAGE(self));
- cvSetImageCOI(IPLIMAGE(self), NUM2INT(coi));
- rb_yield_values(1, self);
- cvSetImageCOI(IPLIMAGE(self), prev_coi);
- }
- else {
- cvSetImageCOI(IPLIMAGE(self), NUM2INT(coi));
- }
- }
- catch (cv::Exception& e) {
- raise_cverror(e);
- }
- return self;
- }
- /*
- * Reset COI setting. Same as IplImage#coi = 0. Return self.
- */
- rb_reset_coi(VALUE self)
- {
- try {
- cvSetImageCOI(IPLIMAGE(self), 0);
- }
- catch (cv::Exception& e) {
- raise_cverror(e);
- }
- return self;
- }
- /*
- * call-seq:
- * IplImage.smoothness(<i>lowFreqRatio, blankDensity, messyDensity, highFreqRatio</i>) -> [ symbol, float, float ]
- *
- * Determines if the image's smoothness is either, :smooth, :messy, or :blank.
- *
- * Original Author: yuhanz@gmail.com
- */
- rb_smoothness(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
- {
- VALUE lowFreqRatio, blankDensity, messyDensity, highFreqRatio;
- rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "04", &lowFreqRatio, &blankDensity, &messyDensity, &highFreqRatio);
- double f_lowFreqRatio, f_blankDensity, f_messyDensity, f_highFreqRatio;
- double outLowDensity, outHighDensity;
- if (TYPE(lowFreqRatio) == T_NIL) {
- f_lowFreqRatio = 10 / 128.0f;
- }
- else {
- Check_Type(lowFreqRatio, T_FLOAT);
- f_lowFreqRatio = NUM2DBL(lowFreqRatio);
- }
- if (TYPE(blankDensity) == T_NIL) {
- f_blankDensity = 1.2f;
- }
- else {
- Check_Type(blankDensity, T_FLOAT);
- f_blankDensity = NUM2DBL(blankDensity);
- }
- if (TYPE(messyDensity) == T_NIL) {
- f_messyDensity = 0.151f;
- }
- else {
- Check_Type(messyDensity, T_FLOAT);
- f_messyDensity = NUM2DBL(messyDensity);
- }
- if (TYPE(highFreqRatio) == T_NIL) {
- f_highFreqRatio = 5 / 128.0f;
- }
- else {
- Check_Type(highFreqRatio, T_FLOAT);
- f_highFreqRatio = NUM2DBL(highFreqRatio);
- }
- IplImage *pFourierImage;
- IplImage *p64DepthImage;
- // the image is required to be in depth of 64
- if (IPLIMAGE(self)->depth == 64) {
- p64DepthImage = NULL;
- pFourierImage = create_fourier_image(IPLIMAGE(self));
- }
- else {
- p64DepthImage = rb_cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(IPLIMAGE(self)), IPL_DEPTH_64F, 1);
- cvConvertScale(CVARR(self), p64DepthImage, 1.0, 0.0);
- pFourierImage = create_fourier_image(p64DepthImage);
- }
- Smoothness result = compute_smoothness(pFourierImage, f_lowFreqRatio, f_blankDensity, f_messyDensity,
- f_highFreqRatio, outLowDensity, outHighDensity);
- cvReleaseImage(&pFourierImage);
- if (p64DepthImage != NULL)
- cvReleaseImage(&p64DepthImage);
- switch(result) {
- case SMOOTH:
- return rb_ary_new3(3, ID2SYM(rb_intern("smooth")), rb_float_new(outLowDensity), rb_float_new(outHighDensity));
- case MESSY:
- return rb_ary_new3(3, ID2SYM(rb_intern("messy")), rb_float_new(outLowDensity), rb_float_new(outHighDensity));
- case BLANK:
- return rb_ary_new3(3, ID2SYM(rb_intern("blank")), rb_float_new(outLowDensity), rb_float_new(outHighDensity));
- default:
- return rb_ary_new3(3, NULL, rb_float_new(outLowDensity), rb_float_new(outHighDensity));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Note: if lowDensity < blankDensityThreshold -> blank;
- * else if highDensity > messyDensityThreshold -> messy;
- * else -> good;
- */
- Smoothness
- compute_smoothness(const IplImage *pFourierImage, const double lowFreqRatio, const double blankDensity,
- const double messyDensity, const double highFreqRatio, double &outLowDensity,
- double &outHighDensity)
- {
- int low, high;
- IplImage *filteredFourierImage;
- int totalIntensity;
- double sum, den, totalArea;
- CvScalar scalar;
- if (!(pFourierImage->nChannels == 1 && pFourierImage->depth == 64) ) {
- cvError(CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "compute_smoothness", "input image must contain only 1 channel and a depth of 64",
- __FILE__, __LINE__ );
- }
- high_pass_range(pFourierImage, lowFreqRatio, low, high );
- totalArea = M_PI * (high * high - low * low);
- filteredFourierImage = create_frequency_filtered_image(pFourierImage, low, high);
- scalar = cvSum(filteredFourierImage);
- totalIntensity = scalar.val[0];
- cvReleaseImage(&filteredFourierImage);
- outLowDensity = den = totalIntensity / totalArea;
- if (den <= blankDensity) {
- return BLANK;
- }
- low = (int)(high * (1.0 - highFreqRatio));
- filteredFourierImage = create_frequency_filtered_image(pFourierImage, low, high);
- scalar = cvSum(filteredFourierImage);
- totalIntensity = scalar.val[0];
- cvReleaseImage(&filteredFourierImage);
- outHighDensity = den = totalIntensity / totalArea;
- if (den >= messyDensity) {
- return MESSY;
- }
- return SMOOTH;
- }
- // Rearrange the quadrants of Fourier image so that the origin is at
- // the image center
- // src & dst arrays of equal size & type
- void
- cvShiftDFT(CvArr *src_arr, CvArr *dst_arr )
- {
- CvMat *tmp = NULL;
- CvMat q1stub, q2stub;
- CvMat q3stub, q4stub;
- CvMat d1stub, d2stub;
- CvMat d3stub, d4stub;
- CvMat *q1, *q2, *q3, *q4;
- CvMat *d1, *d2, *d3, *d4;
- CvSize size = cvGetSize(src_arr);
- CvSize dst_size = cvGetSize(dst_arr);
- int cx, cy;
- if (dst_size.width != size.width ||
- dst_size.height != size.height) {
- cvError( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "cvShiftDFT", "Source and Destination arrays must have equal sizes",
- __FILE__, __LINE__ );
- }
- if (src_arr == dst_arr) {
- tmp = rb_cvCreateMat(size.height / 2, size.width / 2, cvGetElemType(src_arr));
- }
- cx = size.width / 2;
- cy = size.height / 2; // image center
- q1 = cvGetSubRect(src_arr, &q1stub, cvRect(0,0,cx, cy));
- q2 = cvGetSubRect(src_arr, &q2stub, cvRect(cx,0,cx,cy));
- q3 = cvGetSubRect(src_arr, &q3stub, cvRect(cx,cy,cx,cy));
- q4 = cvGetSubRect(src_arr, &q4stub, cvRect(0,cy,cx,cy));
- d1 = cvGetSubRect(src_arr, &d1stub, cvRect(0,0,cx,cy));
- d2 = cvGetSubRect(src_arr, &d2stub, cvRect(cx,0,cx,cy));
- d3 = cvGetSubRect(src_arr, &d3stub, cvRect(cx,cy,cx,cy));
- d4 = cvGetSubRect(src_arr, &d4stub, cvRect(0,cy,cx,cy));
- if (src_arr != dst_arr) {
- if (!CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ(q1, d1)) {
- cvError(CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "cvShiftDFT", "Source and Destination arrays must have the same format",
- __FILE__, __LINE__ );
- }
- cvCopy(q3, d1, 0);
- cvCopy(q4, d2, 0);
- cvCopy(q1, d3, 0);
- cvCopy(q2, d4, 0);
- }
- else {
- cvCopy(q3, tmp, 0);
- cvCopy(q1, q3, 0);
- cvCopy(tmp, q1, 0);
- cvCopy(q4, tmp, 0);
- cvCopy(q2, q4, 0);
- cvCopy(tmp, q2, 0);
- }
- if (tmp != NULL) {
- cvReleaseMat(&tmp);
- }
- }
- IplImage*
- create_fourier_image(const IplImage *im)
- {
- IplImage *realInput;
- IplImage *imaginaryInput;
- IplImage *complexInput;
- int dft_M, dft_N;
- CvMat *dft_A, tmp;
- IplImage *image_Re;
- IplImage *image_Im;
- realInput = rb_cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(im), IPL_DEPTH_64F, 1);
- imaginaryInput = rb_cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(im), IPL_DEPTH_64F, 1);
- complexInput = rb_cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(im), IPL_DEPTH_64F, 2);
- cvScale(im, realInput, 1.0, 0.0);
- cvZero(imaginaryInput);
- cvMerge(realInput, imaginaryInput, NULL, NULL, complexInput);
- dft_M = cvGetOptimalDFTSize(im->height - 1);
- dft_N = cvGetOptimalDFTSize(im->width - 1);
- dft_A = rb_cvCreateMat(dft_M, dft_N, CV_64FC2);
- image_Re = rb_cvCreateImage(cvSize(dft_N, dft_M), IPL_DEPTH_64F, 1);
- image_Im = rb_cvCreateImage(cvSize(dft_N, dft_M), IPL_DEPTH_64F, 1);
- // copy A to dft_A and pad dft_A with zeros
- cvGetSubRect(dft_A, &tmp, cvRect(0,0, im->width, im->height));
- cvCopy(complexInput, &tmp, NULL);
- if (dft_A->cols > im->width) {
- cvGetSubRect(dft_A, &tmp, cvRect(im->width,0, dft_A->cols - im->width, im->height));
- cvZero(&tmp);
- }
- // no need to pad bottom part of dft_A with zeros because of
- // use nonzero_rows parameter in cvDFT() call below
- cvDFT(dft_A, dft_A, CV_DXT_FORWARD, complexInput->height);
- // Split Fourier in real and imaginary parts
- cvSplit(dft_A, image_Re, image_Im, 0, 0);
- // Compute the magnitude of the spectrum Mag = sqrt(Re^2 + Im^2)
- cvPow(image_Re, image_Re, 2.0);
- cvPow(image_Im, image_Im, 2.0);
- cvAdd(image_Re, image_Im, image_Re, NULL);
- cvPow(image_Re, image_Re, 0.5);
- // Compute log(1 + Mag)
- cvAddS(image_Re, cvScalarAll(1.0), image_Re, NULL); // 1 + Mag
- cvLog(image_Re, image_Re); // log(1 + Mag)
- // Rearrange the quadrants of Fourier image so that the origin is at
- // the image center
- cvShiftDFT(image_Re, image_Re);
- cvReleaseImage(&realInput);
- cvReleaseImage(&imaginaryInput);
- cvReleaseImage(&complexInput);
- cvReleaseImage(&image_Im);
- cvReleaseMat(&dft_A);
- return image_Re;
- }
- IplImage*
- create_frequency_filtered_image(const IplImage *pImage, int low, int high)
- {
- CvPoint2D32f center;
- center.x = pImage->width / 2;
- center.y = pImage->height / 2;
- CvBox2D box;
- box.center = center;
- box.size.width = high;
- box.size.height = high;
- IplImage *pFilterMask = rb_cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(pImage), IPL_DEPTH_64F, 1);
- IplImage *pFiltered = rb_cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(pImage), IPL_DEPTH_64F, 1);
- cvZero(pFilterMask);
- cvZero(pFiltered);
- if (high > 0)
- cvEllipseBox(pFilterMask, box, cvScalar(255, 255, 255, 255), CV_FILLED, 8, 0);
- box.size.width = low;
- box.size.height = low;
- if (low > 0)
- cvEllipseBox(pFilterMask, box, cvScalar(0, 0, 0, 0), CV_FILLED, 8, 0);
- cvAnd(pImage, pFilterMask, pFiltered, NULL);
- cvReleaseImage(&pFilterMask);
- return pFiltered;
- }
- void
- high_pass_range(const IplImage *pImage, float lostPercentage, int &outLow, int &outHigh)
- {
- if (lostPercentage > 1.0f) {
- lostPercentage = 1;
- }
- else if (lostPercentage < 0.0f) {
- lostPercentage = 0;
- }
- outHigh = (int)MIN(pImage->width, pImage->height);
- outLow = (int)(lostPercentage * outHigh);
- }
- new_object(int width, int height, int type)
- {
- return OPENCV_OBJECT(rb_klass, rb_cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), cvIplDepth(type), CV_MAT_CN(type)));
- }
- new_object(CvSize size, int type)
- {
- return OPENCV_OBJECT(rb_klass, rb_cvCreateImage(size, cvIplDepth(type), CV_MAT_CN(type)));
- }