https://github.com/Hackwar/joomla-cms · PHP · 148 lines · 75 code · 18 blank · 55 comment · 0 complexity · 457b80e0a5c906486e28b407e70341d4 MD5 · raw file
- <?php
- /**
- * @package Joomla.Tests
- * @subpackage Api.tests
- *
- * @copyright (C) 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org>
- * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
- */
- use Codeception\Util\HttpCode;
- /**
- * Class ContentCest.
- *
- * Basic com_content (article) tests.
- *
- * @since 4.0.0
- */
- class ContentCest
- {
- /**
- * Api test before running.
- *
- * @param mixed ApiTester $I Api tester
- *
- * @return void
- *
- * @since 4.0.0
- */
- public function _before(ApiTester $I)
- {
- // TODO: Improve this to retrieve a specific ID to replace with a known ID
- $desiredUserId = 3;
- $I->updateInDatabase('users', ['id' => 3], []);
- $I->updateInDatabase('user_usergroup_map', ['user_id' => 3], []);
- $enabledData = ['user_id' => $desiredUserId, 'profile_key' => 'joomlatoken.enabled', 'profile_value' => 1];
- $tokenData = ['user_id' => $desiredUserId, 'profile_key' => 'joomlatoken.token', 'profile_value' => 'dOi2m1NRrnBHlhaWK/WWxh3B5tqq1INbdf4DhUmYTI4='];
- $I->haveInDatabase('user_profiles', $enabledData);
- $I->haveInDatabase('user_profiles', $tokenData);
- }
- /**
- * Api test after running.
- *
- * @param mixed ApiTester $I Api tester
- *
- * @return void
- *
- * @since 4.0.0
- */
- public function _after(ApiTester $I)
- {
- }
- /**
- * Test the article crud endpoints of com_content from the API.
- *
- * @param mixed ApiTester $I Api tester
- *
- * @return void
- *
- * @since 4.0.0
- *
- * @TODO: Make these separate tests but requires sample data being installed so there are existing articles
- */
- public function testCrudOnArticle(ApiTester $I)
- {
- $I->amBearerAuthenticated('c2hhMjU2OjM6ZTJmMjJlYTNlNTU0NmM1MDJhYTIzYzMwN2MxYzAwZTQ5NzJhMWRmOTUyNjY5MTk2YjE5ODJmZWMwZTcxNzgwMQ==');
- $I->haveHttpHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- $I->haveHttpHeader('Accept', 'application/vnd.api+json');
- $testarticle = [
- 'title' => 'Just for you',
- 'catid' => 2,
- 'articletext' => 'A dummy article to save to the database',
- 'language' => '*',
- 'alias' => 'tobias'
- ];
- $I->sendPOST('/content/articles', $testarticle);
- $I->seeResponseCodeIs(HttpCode::OK);
- $I->amBearerAuthenticated('c2hhMjU2OjM6ZTJmMjJlYTNlNTU0NmM1MDJhYTIzYzMwN2MxYzAwZTQ5NzJhMWRmOTUyNjY5MTk2YjE5ODJmZWMwZTcxNzgwMQ==');
- $I->haveHttpHeader('Accept', 'application/vnd.api+json');
- $I->sendGET('/content/articles/1');
- $I->seeResponseCodeIs(HttpCode::OK);
- $I->amBearerAuthenticated('c2hhMjU2OjM6ZTJmMjJlYTNlNTU0NmM1MDJhYTIzYzMwN2MxYzAwZTQ5NzJhMWRmOTUyNjY5MTk2YjE5ODJmZWMwZTcxNzgwMQ==');
- $I->haveHttpHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- $I->haveHttpHeader('Accept', 'application/vnd.api+json');
- $I->sendPATCH('/content/articles/1', ['title' => 'Another Title', 'state' => -2, 'catid' => 2]);
- $I->seeResponseCodeIs(HttpCode::OK);
- $I->amBearerAuthenticated('c2hhMjU2OjM6ZTJmMjJlYTNlNTU0NmM1MDJhYTIzYzMwN2MxYzAwZTQ5NzJhMWRmOTUyNjY5MTk2YjE5ODJmZWMwZTcxNzgwMQ==');
- $I->haveHttpHeader('Accept', 'application/vnd.api+json');
- $I->sendDELETE('/content/articles/1');
- $I->seeResponseCodeIs(HttpCode::NO_CONTENT);
- }
- /**
- * Test the category crud endpoints of com_content from the API.
- *
- * @param mixed ApiTester $I Api tester
- *
- * @return void
- *
- * @since 4.0.0
- *
- * @TODO: Make these separate tests but requires sample data being installed so there are existing categories
- */
- public function testCrudOnCategory(ApiTester $I)
- {
- $I->amBearerAuthenticated('c2hhMjU2OjM6ZTJmMjJlYTNlNTU0NmM1MDJhYTIzYzMwN2MxYzAwZTQ5NzJhMWRmOTUyNjY5MTk2YjE5ODJmZWMwZTcxNzgwMQ==');
- $I->haveHttpHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- $I->haveHttpHeader('Accept', 'application/vnd.api+json');
- $testarticle = [
- 'title' => 'A test category',
- 'parent_id' => 2,
- 'params' => [
- 'workflow_id' => 'inherit'
- ]
- ];
- $I->sendPOST('/content/categories', $testarticle);
- $I->seeResponseCodeIs(HttpCode::OK);
- $categoryId = $I->grabDataFromResponseByJsonPath('$.data.id')[0];
- $I->amBearerAuthenticated('c2hhMjU2OjM6ZTJmMjJlYTNlNTU0NmM1MDJhYTIzYzMwN2MxYzAwZTQ5NzJhMWRmOTUyNjY5MTk2YjE5ODJmZWMwZTcxNzgwMQ==');
- $I->haveHttpHeader('Accept', 'application/vnd.api+json');
- $I->sendGET('/content/categories/' . $categoryId);
- $I->seeResponseCodeIs(HttpCode::OK);
- $I->amBearerAuthenticated('c2hhMjU2OjM6ZTJmMjJlYTNlNTU0NmM1MDJhYTIzYzMwN2MxYzAwZTQ5NzJhMWRmOTUyNjY5MTk2YjE5ODJmZWMwZTcxNzgwMQ==');
- $I->haveHttpHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- $I->haveHttpHeader('Accept', 'application/vnd.api+json');
- $I->sendPATCH('/content/categories/' . $categoryId, ['title' => 'Another Title', 'params' => ['workflow_id' => 'inherit'], 'published' => -2]);
- $I->seeResponseCodeIs(HttpCode::OK);
- $I->amBearerAuthenticated('c2hhMjU2OjM6ZTJmMjJlYTNlNTU0NmM1MDJhYTIzYzMwN2MxYzAwZTQ5NzJhMWRmOTUyNjY5MTk2YjE5ODJmZWMwZTcxNzgwMQ==');
- $I->haveHttpHeader('Accept', 'application/vnd.api+json');
- $I->sendDELETE('/content/categories/' . $categoryId);
- $I->seeResponseCodeIs(HttpCode::NO_CONTENT);
- }
- }