C++ | 423 lines | 289 code | 26 blank | 108 comment | 133 complexity | deb1689175a446c98fcb130ac95b18b4 MD5 | raw file
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * PROJECT: Multi Theft Auto v1.0
- * LICENSE: See LICENSE in the top level directory
- * FILE: utils/map2xml/CConfig.cpp
- * PURPOSE: Config reader class
- * DEVELOPERS: Christian Myhre Lundheim <>
- *
- * Multi Theft Auto is available from http://www.multitheftauto.com/
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- #include "CConfig.h"
- CConfig::CConfig ( const char* szFileName )
- {
- // Set the file name
- m_szFileName = new char [ strlen ( szFileName ) + 1 ];
- strcpy ( m_szFileName, szFileName );
- // Set the pointer to the file
- m_fp = fopen ( szFileName, "r" );
- }
- CConfig::~CConfig ()
- {
- // Close the pointer to the file
- if ( m_fp )
- {
- fclose ( m_fp );
- }
- // Delete the filename
- delete [] m_szFileName;
- }
- bool CConfig::GetEntry ( char* szEntry, char* szReturnText, int iInstance )
- {
- char szTemp[256];
- memset ( szTemp, '\0', 256 );
- // If the file exists
- if ( m_fp ) {
- char szInput[256];
- memset ( szInput, '\0', 256 );
- int iHits = 1;
- // Itterate the lines of the file
- while ( !feof ( m_fp ) ) {
- // Grab the current line
- if ( fgets ( szInput, 256, m_fp ) ) {
- // Check for a comment
- if ( szInput[0] == '#' ) continue;
- // Check for the new line character
- else if ( szInput[0] == '\n' ) continue;
- else {
- char szCurrentEntry[256];
- memset ( szCurrentEntry, '\0', 256 );
- int i = 0;
- // Itterate the characters of the line till the end of the line or a comment and store it in a temp variable
- while ( szInput[i] != ' ' && szInput[i] != '\0' && szInput[i] != '\n' && szInput[i] != '#' ) {
- if ( szInput[i] != ' ' && szInput[i] != '\0' && szInput[i] != '\n' && szInput[i] != '#' ) {
- szCurrentEntry[i] = szInput[i];
- }
- else {
- szCurrentEntry[i] = '\0';
- }
- i++;
- }
- // If this is one of the entries we are looking for
- if ( stricmp ( szCurrentEntry, szEntry ) == 0 ) {
- // If it is the specific entry we are looking for
- if (iHits == iInstance) {
- // Check for comments or end of line
- if ( ( szInput[i] == '\0' ) || ( szInput[i] == '\n' ) || ( szInput[i] == '#' ) ) {
- // Reset the file pointer to the start of the file
- rewind ( m_fp );
- return false;
- }
- i++;
- if ( ( szInput[i] == '\0' ) || ( szInput[i] == '\n' ) || ( szInput[i] == '#' ) ) {
- // Reset the file pointer to the start of the file
- rewind ( m_fp );
- return false;
- }
- else {
- int j = 0;
- // Copy the temp variable to our buffer
- while ( szInput[i] != '#' && szInput[i] != '\n' && szInput[i] != '\0' ) {
- szTemp[j] = szInput[i];
- i++;
- j++;
- }
- // Clear the temp variable
- szTemp[strlen ( szTemp )] = '\0';
- // Copy the buffer to the return buffer
- strcpy ( szReturnText, szTemp );
- // Reset the file pointer to the start of the file
- rewind ( m_fp );
- return true;
- }
- }
- else {
- // Increment the counter for the amount of correct entry hits
- iHits++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Reset the file pointer to the start of the file
- rewind ( m_fp );
- }
- else
- {
- // Print the file error
- perror ( m_szFileName );
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CConfig::GetPreviousEntry ( char* szEntry, char* szReturnText, int iInstance )
- {
- char szTemp[256];
- memset ( szTemp, '\0', 256 );
- // If the config file exists
- if ( m_fp ) {
- char szInput[256];
- memset ( szInput, '\0', 256 );
- int iHits = 1;
- // Itterate the lines of the config file
- while ( !feof ( m_fp ) ) {
- // Grab the current line of the file
- if ( fgets ( szInput, 256, m_fp ) ) {
- // Check for comments
- if ( szInput[0] == '#' ) continue;
- // Check for new line
- else if ( szInput[0] == '\n' ) continue;
- else {
- char szCurrentEntry[256];
- memset ( szCurrentEntry, '\0', 256 );
- int i = 0;
- // Itterate the characters of the file
- while ( szInput[i] != ' ' && szInput[i] != '\0' && szInput[i] != '\n' && szInput[i] != '#' ) {
- // Check for comments and end of line
- if ( szInput[i] != ' ' && szInput[i] != '\0' && szInput[i] != '\n' && szInput[i] != '#' ) {
- szCurrentEntry[i] = szInput[i];
- }
- else {
- szCurrentEntry[i] = '\0';
- }
- i++;
- }
- // If this an entry we are looking for
- if ( stricmp ( szCurrentEntry, szEntry ) == 0 ) {
- // If this is the specific entry we are looking for
- if ( iHits == iInstance ) {
- if ( szTemp[0] != '\0' ) {
- // Copy the result to the return buffer
- strcpy ( szReturnText, szTemp );
- break;
- }
- else {
- // Copy Unknown to the return buffer
- strcpy ( szReturnText, "Unknown" );
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- else {
- iHits++;
- }
- }
- else {
- // Clear the temp buffer
- memset ( szTemp, '\0', 256 );
- strcpy ( szTemp, szInput );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Reset the file pointer to the start of the file
- rewind ( m_fp );
- }
- else
- {
- // Print the file error
- perror( m_szFileName );
- }
- }
- int CConfig::GetNumberOfLines ()
- {
- // Set the line count to -1
- int iLines = -1;
- // If the file exists
- if ( m_fp ) {
- // Set the line count to 0
- iLines++;
- char szInput[128] = { '\0' };
- // Itterate the lines of the file
- while ( !feof ( m_fp ) ) {
- // Grab the line of the file
- fgets ( szInput, 128, m_fp );
- // Increment the line counter
- iLines++;
- }
- // Reset the file pointer to the start of the file
- rewind ( m_fp );
- }
- else
- {
- // Print the file error
- perror ( m_szFileName );
- }
- // Return the number of lines found
- return iLines;
- }
- int CConfig::GetNumberOfEntries ()
- {
- // Set the number of entries to -1
- int iEntries = -1;
- // If the file exists
- if ( m_fp ) {
- // Set the number of entries to 0
- iEntries++;
- char szInput[128] = { '\0' };
- // Itterate the lines of the file
- while ( !feof ( m_fp ) ) {
- // Grab the current line
- fgets ( szInput, 128, m_fp );
- // If this is not a comment or a new line
- if ( ( szInput[0] != '#' ) && ( szInput[0] != '\n' ) ) {
- // Increment the entry counter
- iEntries++;
- }
- }
- // Reset the file pointer to the start of the file
- rewind ( m_fp );
- }
- else
- {
- // Print the file error
- perror ( m_szFileName );
- }
- // Return the number of entries
- return iEntries;
- }
- int CConfig::GetNumberOfSpecificEntries ( char* szEntry )
- {
- // Set the number of specific entries to -1
- int iEntries = -1;
- // If the file exists
- if ( m_fp ) {
- // Set the number of specific entries to 0
- iEntries++;
- char szInput[128] = { '\0' };
- // Itterate the lines of the file
- while ( !feof ( m_fp ) ) {
- // Grab the current line
- fgets ( szInput, 128, m_fp );
- // Check for comments or new lines
- if ( ( szInput[0] != '#' ) && ( szInput[0] != '\n' ) ) {
- char* szCurrentEntry = strtok ( szInput, " " );
- // If this is an entry we are looking for
- if ( stricmp ( szCurrentEntry, szEntry ) == 0 ) {
- // Increment the number of specific entries counter
- iEntries++;
- }
- }
- }
- // Reset the file pointer to the start of the file
- rewind ( m_fp );
- }
- else
- {
- // Print the file error
- perror ( m_szFileName );
- }
- // Return the number of specific entries
- return iEntries;
- }
- int CConfig::GetNumberOfEntryProperties ( char* szEntry, int iInstance )
- {
- // Set the number of specific entry properties to 0
- int iProperties = 0;
- // If the file exists
- if ( m_fp ) {
- char szInput[256] = { '\0' };
- int iHits = 1;
- // Itterate the lines of the file
- while ( !feof ( m_fp ) ) {
- // Grab the current line
- if ( fgets ( szInput, 256, m_fp ) ) {
- // Check for comments
- if ( szInput[0] == '#' ) continue;
- // Check for a new line
- else if ( szInput[0] == '\n' ) continue;
- else {
- char* szCurrentEntry = strtok(szInput, " ");
- // If this is an entry we are looking for
- if ( stricmp ( szCurrentEntry, szEntry ) == 0 ) {
- // If this is the specific entry we are looking for
- if ( iHits == iInstance ) {
- char* szNextToken = strtok(NULL, " ");
- // Check there are some properties
- if ( szNextToken != NULL ) {
- iProperties++;
- // Itterate the properties
- while ( szNextToken != NULL ) {
- szNextToken = strtok ( NULL, " " );
- if ( szNextToken != NULL ) {
- // Check for comments
- if ( szNextToken[0] == '#' ) break;
- else {
- // Increment the property counter
- iProperties++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- else {
- // Increment the hits counter
- iHits++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Reset the file pointer to the start of the file
- rewind ( m_fp );
- }
- else
- {
- // Print the file error
- perror ( m_szFileName );
- }
- // Return the number of properties
- return iProperties;
- }
- void CConfig::GetLine ( int iLines, char* szReturnText )
- {
- int i = 0;
- // If the file exists
- if ( m_fp ) {
- i++;
- char szInput[256];
- memset ( szInput, '\0', 256 );
- // Itterate the lines of the file
- while ( !feof ( m_fp ) ) {
- // Grab the current line
- if ( fgets ( szInput, 256, m_fp ) ) {
- // If this is the line we are looking for
- if ( i == iLines )
- {
- // Copy the line to the return buffer
- strcpy ( szReturnText, szInput );
- break;
- }
- // Increment the line counter
- i++;
- }
- }
- // Reset the file pointer to the start of the file
- rewind ( m_fp );
- }
- else
- {
- // Print the file error
- perror ( m_szFileName );
- }
- }
- int CConfig::WriteToConfig ( char* szInput )
- {
- // Set the file pointer to write mode
- m_fp = freopen ( m_szFileName, "at", m_fp );
- // If the file exists
- if ( m_fp ) {
- // Print a new line
- fprintf ( m_fp, "\n" );
- // Print the line to the end of the file
- fprintf ( m_fp, szInput );
- }
- else
- {
- // Print the file error
- perror ( m_szFileName );
- }
- // Set the file pointer to read mode for the rest of the object
- m_fp = freopen ( m_szFileName, "r", m_fp );
- return 0;
- }
- void CConfig::SetFileName ( char* szFileName )
- {
- strcpy ( m_szFileName, szFileName );
- }
- void CConfig::GetFileName (char* szFileName )
- {
- strcpy ( szFileName, m_szFileName );
- }
- bool CConfig::DoesFileExist ()
- {
- // Check the file exists
- return m_fp != NULL;
- }