Python | 57 lines | 53 code | 3 blank | 1 comment | 2 complexity | f346bd963628dc48261b4abb91ae2edb MD5 | raw file
- import PyOrgMode
- import copy
- try:
- import unittest2 as unittest
- except ImportError:
- import unittest
- def Get_Scheduled_Elements(element, data=[]):
- """
- Grab the data from all scheduled elements for all the tree defined by 'element' recursively.
- Returns all the elements as an array.
- """
- if hasattr(element,"content"):
- for child in element.content:
- if hasattr(child,"TYPE"):
- if child.TYPE == "SCHEDULE_ELEMENT":
- # This element is scheduled, we are creating a copy of it
- data.append(copy.deepcopy(child.parent))
- Get_Scheduled_Elements(child,data)
- return data
- class TestAgenda(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_agenda(self):
- # Creating the input and output files data structures
- input_file = PyOrgMode.OrgDataStructure()
- output_file = PyOrgMode.OrgDataStructure()
- # Loading from agenda.org file
- input_file.load_from_file("agenda.org")
- # Get the scheduled elements (those with SCHEDULE, DEADLINE in them, not in the node name)
- scheduled_elements = Get_Scheduled_Elements(input_file.root)
- # Assign these element to the root (reparent each elements recursively, relevel them cleanly)
- output_file.root.append_clean(scheduled_elements)
- output_file.save_to_file("test_scheduled_output.org")
- saved = open("test_scheduled_output.org").readlines()
- self.assertEqual(saved, ['* Element 1\n',
- ' SCHEDULED: <2011-02-08>\n',
- '* Element 3\n',
- ' DEADLINE: <2011-02-08>\n',
- '** Test\n',
- '** Element 4\n',
- ' SCHEDULED: <2011-02-08>\n',
- '*** Couic\n',
- '* Element 4\n',
- ' SCHEDULED: <2011-02-08>\n',
- '** Couic\n'])
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()