Python | 310 lines | 137 code | 48 blank | 125 comment | 19 complexity | 01e27435642562fdd98458f14fd8cfd5 MD5 | raw file
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the (LGPL) GNU Lesser General Public License as
- # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
- # License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU Library Lesser General Public License for more details at
- # ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html ).
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- # written by: Jeff Ortel ( jortel@redhat.com )
- """
- Provides appender classes for I{marshalling}.
- """
- from logging import getLogger
- from suds import *
- from suds.mx import *
- from suds.sudsobject import footprint
- from suds.sudsobject import Object, Property
- from suds.sax.element import Element
- from suds.sax.text import Text
- from copy import deepcopy
- log = getLogger(__name__)
- class Matcher:
- """
- Appender matcher.
- @ivar cls: A class object.
- @type cls: I{classobj}
- """
- def __init__(self, cls):
- """
- @param cls: A class object.
- @type cls: I{classobj}
- """
- self.cls = cls
- def __eq__(self, x):
- if self.cls is None:
- return ( x is None )
- else:
- return isinstance(x, self.cls)
- class ContentAppender:
- """
- Appender used to add content to marshalled objects.
- @ivar default: The default appender.
- @type default: L{Appender}
- @ivar appenders: A I{table} of appenders mapped by class.
- @type appenders: I{table}
- """
- def __init__(self, marshaller):
- """
- @param marshaller: A marshaller.
- @type marshaller: L{suds.mx.core.Core}
- """
- self.default = PrimativeAppender(marshaller)
- self.appenders = (
- (Matcher(None),
- NoneAppender(marshaller)),
- (Matcher(null),
- NoneAppender(marshaller)),
- (Matcher(Property),
- PropertyAppender(marshaller)),
- (Matcher(Object),
- ObjectAppender(marshaller)),
- (Matcher(Element),
- ElementAppender(marshaller)),
- (Matcher(Text),
- TextAppender(marshaller)),
- (Matcher(list),
- ListAppender(marshaller)),
- (Matcher(tuple),
- ListAppender(marshaller)),
- (Matcher(dict),
- DictAppender(marshaller)),
- )
- def append(self, parent, content):
- """
- Select an appender and append the content to parent.
- @param parent: A parent node.
- @type parent: L{Element}
- @param content: The content to append.
- @type content: L{Content}
- """
- appender = self.default
- for a in self.appenders:
- if a[0] == content.value:
- appender = a[1]
- break
- appender.append(parent, content)
- class Appender:
- """
- An appender used by the marshaller to append content.
- @ivar marshaller: A marshaller.
- @type marshaller: L{suds.mx.core.Core}
- """
- def __init__(self, marshaller):
- """
- @param marshaller: A marshaller.
- @type marshaller: L{suds.mx.core.Core}
- """
- self.marshaller = marshaller
- def node(self, content):
- """
- Create and return an XML node that is qualified
- using the I{type}. Also, make sure all referenced namespace
- prefixes are declared.
- @param content: The content for which proccessing has ended.
- @type content: L{Object}
- @return: A new node.
- @rtype: L{Element}
- """
- return self.marshaller.node(content)
- def setnil(self, node, content):
- """
- Set the value of the I{node} to nill.
- @param node: A I{nil} node.
- @type node: L{Element}
- @param content: The content for which proccessing has ended.
- @type content: L{Object}
- """
- self.marshaller.setnil(node, content)
- def setdefault(self, node, content):
- """
- Set the value of the I{node} to a default value.
- @param node: A I{nil} node.
- @type node: L{Element}
- @param content: The content for which proccessing has ended.
- @type content: L{Object}
- @return: The default.
- """
- return self.marshaller.setdefault(node, content)
- def optional(self, content):
- """
- Get whether the specified content is optional.
- @param content: The content which to check.
- @type content: L{Content}
- """
- return self.marshaller.optional(content)
- def suspend(self, content):
- """
- Notify I{marshaller} that appending this content has suspended.
- @param content: The content for which proccessing has been suspended.
- @type content: L{Object}
- """
- self.marshaller.suspend(content)
- def resume(self, content):
- """
- Notify I{marshaller} that appending this content has resumed.
- @param content: The content for which proccessing has been resumed.
- @type content: L{Object}
- """
- self.marshaller.resume(content)
- def append(self, parent, content):
- """
- Append the specified L{content} to the I{parent}.
- @param content: The content to append.
- @type content: L{Object}
- """
- self.marshaller.append(parent, content)
- class PrimativeAppender(Appender):
- """
- An appender for python I{primative} types.
- """
- def append(self, parent, content):
- if content.tag.startswith('_'):
- attr = content.tag[1:]
- value = tostr(content.value)
- if value is not None and len(value):
- parent.set(attr, value)
- else:
- child = self.node(content)
- child.setText(tostr(content.value))
- parent.append(child)
- class NoneAppender(Appender):
- """
- An appender for I{None} values.
- """
- def append(self, parent, content):
- child = self.node(content)
- default = self.setdefault(child, content)
- if default is None:
- self.setnil(child, content)
- parent.append(child)
- class PropertyAppender(Appender):
- """
- A L{Property} appender.
- """
- def append(self, parent, content):
- p = content.value
- child = self.node(content)
- child.setText(p.get())
- parent.append(child)
- for item in p.items():
- cont = Content(tag=item[0], value=item[1])
- Appender.append(self, child, cont)
- class ObjectAppender(Appender):
- """
- An L{Object} appender.
- """
- def append(self, parent, content):
- object = content.value
- if self.optional(content) and footprint(object) == 0:
- return
- child = self.node(content)
- parent.append(child)
- for item in object:
- cont = Content(tag=item[0], value=item[1])
- Appender.append(self, child, cont)
- class DictAppender(Appender):
- """
- An python I{dict} appender.
- """
- def append(self, parent, content):
- d = content.value
- if self.optional(content) and len(d) == 0:
- return
- child = self.node(content)
- parent.append(child)
- for item in d.items():
- cont = Content(tag=item[0], value=item[1])
- Appender.append(self, child, cont)
- class ElementWrapper(Element):
- """
- Element wrapper.
- """
- def __init__(self, content):
- Element.__init__(self, content.name, content.parent)
- self.__content = content
- def str(self, indent=0):
- return self.__content.str(indent)
- class ElementAppender(Appender):
- """
- An appender for I{Element} types.
- """
- def append(self, parent, content):
- if content.tag.startswith('_'):
- raise Exception('raw XML not valid as attribute value')
- child = ElementWrapper(content.value)
- parent.append(child)
- class ListAppender(Appender):
- """
- A list/tuple appender.
- """
- def append(self, parent, content):
- collection = content.value
- if len(collection):
- self.suspend(content)
- for item in collection:
- cont = Content(tag=content.tag, value=item)
- Appender.append(self, parent, cont)
- self.resume(content)
- class TextAppender(Appender):
- """
- An appender for I{Text} values.
- """
- def append(self, parent, content):
- child = self.node(content)
- child.setText(content.value)
- parent.append(child)