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- # About SBT Settings
- ## About sbt settings
- The sbt build script defines settings for your project. You can also define you own custom settings for your project, as described in the [[sbt documentation | https://github.com/harrah/xsbt/wiki]].
- To set a basic setting, use the `:=` operator:
- ```scala
- val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies).settings(
- confDirectory := "myConfFolder"
- )
- ```
- ## Default settings for Java applications
- Play 2.0 defines a default set of settings suitable for Java-based applications. To enable them add the `defaultJavaSettings` set of settings to your application definition:
- ```scala
- val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = JAVA)
- ```
- These default settings mostly define the default imports for generated templates. For example, it imports `java.lang.*`, so types like `Long` are the Java ones by default instead of the Scala ones. It also imports `java.util.*` so the default collection library will be the Java one.
- ## Default settings for Scala applications
- Play 2.0 defines a default set of settings suitable for Scala-based applications. To enable them add the `defaultScalaSettings` set of settings to your application definition:
- ```scala
- val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = SCALA)
- ```
- These default settings define the default imports for generated templates (such as internationalized messages, and core APIs).
- ## Play project settings with their default value
- When you define your sbt project using `PlayProject` instead of `Project`, you will get a default set of settings. Here is the default configuration:
- ```scala
- resolvers ++= Seq(
- "Maven Repository" at "http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/",
- "Typesafe Repository" at "http://repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/releases/"
- ),
- target <<= baseDirectory / "target",
- sourceDirectory in Compile <<= baseDirectory / "app",
- confDirectory <<= baseDirectory / "conf",
- scalaSource in Compile <<= baseDirectory / "app",
- javaSource in Compile <<= baseDirectory / "app",
- distDirectory <<= baseDirectory / "dist",
- libraryDependencies += "play" %% "play" % play.core.PlayVersion.current,
- sourceGenerators in Compile <+= (confDirectory, sourceManaged in Compile) map RouteFiles,
- sourceGenerators in Compile <+= (sourceDirectory in Compile, sourceManaged in Compile, templatesTypes, templatesImport) map ScalaTemplates,
- commands ++= Seq(
- playCommand, playRunCommand, playStartCommand, playHelpCommand, h2Command, classpathCommand, licenseCommand, computeDependenciesCommand
- ),
- shellPrompt := playPrompt,
- copyResources in Compile <<= (copyResources in Compile, playCopyResources) map { (r, pr) => r ++ pr },
- mainClass in (Compile, run) := Some(classOf[play.core.server.NettyServer].getName),
- compile in (Compile) <<= PostCompile,
- dist <<= distTask,
- computeDependencies <<= computeDependenciesTask,
- playCopyResources <<= playCopyResourcesTask,
- playCompileEverything <<= playCompileEverythingTask,
- playPackageEverything <<= playPackageEverythingTask,
- playReload <<= playReloadTask,
- playStage <<= playStageTask,
- cleanFiles <+= distDirectory.identity,
- resourceGenerators in Compile <+= LessCompiler,
- resourceGenerators in Compile <+= CoffeescriptCompiler,
- resourceGenerators in Compile <+= JavascriptCompiler,
- playResourceDirectories := Seq.empty[File],
- playResourceDirectories <+= baseDirectory / "conf",
- playResourceDirectories <+= baseDirectory / "public",
- templatesImport := Seq("play.api.templates._", "play.api.templates.PlayMagic._"),
- templatesTypes := {
- case "html" => ("play.api.templates.Html", "play.api.templates.HtmlFormat")
- case "txt" => ("play.api.templates.Txt", "play.api.templates.TxtFormat")
- case "xml" => ("play.api.templates.Xml", "play.api.templates.XmlFormat")
- }
- ```