https://github.com/proclamo/txinbometro · PHP · 380 lines · 241 code · 92 blank · 47 comment · 3 complexity · b443ad606019bd5e55a07350c07fc647 MD5 · raw file
- <?php
- namespace Doctrine\Tests\ORM\Functional;
- use Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser,
- Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup,
- Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
- require_once __DIR__ . '/../../TestInit.php';
- /**
- * Basic many-to-many association tests.
- * ("Working with associations")
- *
- * @author robo
- */
- class ManyToManyBasicAssociationTest extends \Doctrine\Tests\OrmFunctionalTestCase
- {
- protected function setUp()
- {
- $this->useModelSet('cms');
- parent::setUp();
- }
- public function testUnsetManyToMany()
- {
- $user = $this->addCmsUserGblancoWithGroups(1);
- unset($user->groups[0]->users[0]); // inverse side
- unset($user->groups[0]); // owning side!
- $this->_em->flush();
- // Check that the link in the association table has been deleted
- $this->assertGblancoGroupCountIs(0);
- }
- public function testBasicManyToManyJoin()
- {
- $user = $this->addCmsUserGblancoWithGroups(1);
- $this->_em->clear();
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->_em->getUnitOfWork()->size());
- $query = $this->_em->createQuery("select u, g from Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u join u.groups g");
- $result = $query->getResult();
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->_em->getUnitOfWork()->size());
- $this->assertTrue($result[0] instanceof CmsUser);
- $this->assertEquals('Guilherme', $result[0]->name);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $result[0]->getGroups()->count());
- $groups = $result[0]->getGroups();
- $this->assertEquals('Developers_0', $groups[0]->getName());
- $this->assertEquals(\Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork::STATE_MANAGED, $this->_em->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityState($result[0]));
- $this->assertEquals(\Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork::STATE_MANAGED, $this->_em->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityState($groups[0]));
- $this->assertTrue($groups instanceof \Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection);
- $this->assertTrue($groups[0]->getUsers() instanceof \Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection);
- $groups[0]->getUsers()->clear();
- $groups->clear();
- $this->_em->flush();
- $this->_em->clear();
- $query = $this->_em->createQuery("select u, g from Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u join u.groups g");
- $this->assertEquals(0, count($query->getResult()));
- }
- public function testManyToManyAddRemove()
- {
- $user = $this->addCmsUserGblancoWithGroups(2);
- $this->_em->clear();
- $uRep = $this->_em->getRepository(get_class($user));
- // Get user
- $user = $uRep->findOneById($user->getId());
- $this->assertNotNull($user, "Has to return exactly one entry.");
- $this->assertFalse($user->getGroups()->isInitialized());
- // Check groups
- $this->assertEquals(2, $user->getGroups()->count());
- $this->assertTrue($user->getGroups()->isInitialized());
- // Remove first group
- unset($user->groups[0]);
- //$user->getGroups()->remove(0);
- $this->_em->flush();
- $this->_em->clear();
- // Reload same user
- $user2 = $uRep->findOneById($user->getId());
- // Check groups
- $this->assertEquals(1, $user2->getGroups()->count());
- }
- public function testManyToManyInverseSideIgnored()
- {
- $user = $this->addCmsUserGblancoWithGroups(0);
- $group = new CmsGroup;
- $group->name = 'Humans';
- // modify directly, addUser() would also (properly) set the owning side
- $group->users[] = $user;
- $this->_em->persist($user);
- $this->_em->persist($group);
- $this->_em->flush();
- $this->_em->clear();
- // Association should not exist
- $user2 = $this->_em->find(get_class($user), $user->getId());
- $this->assertNotNull($user2, "Has to return exactly one entry.");
- $this->assertEquals(0, $user2->getGroups()->count());
- }
- public function testManyToManyCollectionClearing()
- {
- $user = $this->addCmsUserGblancoWithGroups($groupCount = 10);
- // Check that there are indeed 10 links in the association table
- $this->assertGblancoGroupCountIs($groupCount);
- $user->groups->clear();
- $this->_em->flush();
- // Check that the links in the association table have been deleted
- $this->assertGblancoGroupCountIs(0);
- }
- public function testManyToManyCollectionClearAndAdd()
- {
- $user = $this->addCmsUserGblancoWithGroups($groupCount = 10);
- $groups = $user->groups->toArray();
- $user->groups->clear();
- foreach ($groups AS $group) {
- $user->groups[] = $group;
- }
- $this->assertInstanceOf('Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection', $user->groups);
- $this->assertTrue($user->groups->isDirty());
- $this->assertEquals($groupCount, count($user->groups), "There should be 10 groups in the collection.");
- $this->_em->flush();
- $this->assertGblancoGroupCountIs($groupCount);
- }
- /**
- * @param int $expectedGroupCount
- */
- public function assertGblancoGroupCountIs($expectedGroupCount)
- {
- $countDql = "SELECT count(g.id) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u JOIN u.groups g WHERE u.username = 'gblanco'";
- $this->assertEquals(
- $expectedGroupCount,
- $this->_em->createQuery($countDql)->getSingleScalarResult(),
- "Failed to verify that CmsUser with username 'gblanco' has a group count of 10 with a DQL count query."
- );
- }
- public function testRetrieveManyToManyAndAddMore()
- {
- $user = $this->addCmsUserGblancoWithGroups(2);
- $group = new CmsGroup();
- $group->name = 'Developers_Fresh';
- $this->_em->persist($group);
- $this->_em->flush();
- $this->_em->clear();
- /* @var $freshUser CmsUser */
- $freshUser = $this->_em->find('Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser', $user->getId());
- $newGroup = new CmsGroup();
- $newGroup->setName('12Monkeys');
- $freshUser->addGroup($newGroup);
- $this->assertFalse($freshUser->groups->isInitialized(), "CmsUser::groups Collection has to be uninitialized for this test.");
- $this->_em->flush();
- $this->assertFalse($freshUser->groups->isInitialized(), "CmsUser::groups Collection has to be uninitialized for this test.");
- $this->assertEquals(3, count($freshUser->getGroups()));
- $this->assertEquals(3, count($freshUser->getGroups()->getSnapshot()), "Snapshot of CmsUser::groups should contain 3 entries.");
- $this->_em->clear();
- $freshUser = $this->_em->find('Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser', $user->getId());
- $this->assertEquals(3, count($freshUser->getGroups()));
- }
- /**
- * @group DDC-130
- */
- public function testRemoveUserWithManyGroups()
- {
- $user = $this->addCmsUserGblancoWithGroups(2);
- $userId = $user->getId();
- $this->_em->remove($user);
- $this->_em->flush();
- $newUser = $this->_em->find(get_class($user), $userId);
- $this->assertNull($newUser);
- }
- /**
- * @group DDC-130
- */
- public function testRemoveGroupWithUser()
- {
- $user = $this->addCmsUserGblancoWithGroups(2);
- foreach ($user->getGroups() AS $group) {
- $this->_em->remove($group);
- }
- $this->_em->flush();
- $this->_em->clear();
- $newUser = $this->_em->find(get_class($user), $user->getId());
- $this->assertEquals(0, count($newUser->getGroups()));
- }
- public function testDereferenceCollectionDelete()
- {
- $user = $this->addCmsUserGblancoWithGroups(2);
- $user->groups = null;
- $this->_em->flush();
- $this->_em->clear();
- $newUser = $this->_em->find(get_class($user), $user->getId());
- $this->assertEquals(0, count($newUser->getGroups()));
- }
- /**
- * @group DDC-839
- */
- public function testWorkWithDqlHydratedEmptyCollection()
- {
- $user = $this->addCmsUserGblancoWithGroups(0);
- $group = new CmsGroup();
- $group->name = "Developers0";
- $this->_em->persist($group);
- $this->_em->flush();
- $this->_em->clear();
- $newUser = $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT u, g FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u LEFT JOIN u.groups g WHERE u.id = ?1')
- ->setParameter(1, $user->getId())
- ->getSingleResult();
- $this->assertEquals(0, count($newUser->groups));
- $this->assertInternalType('array', $newUser->groups->getMapping());
- $newUser->addGroup($group);
- $this->_em->flush();
- $this->_em->clear();
- $newUser = $this->_em->find(get_class($user), $user->getId());
- $this->assertEquals(1, count($newUser->groups));
- }
- /**
- * @param int $groupCount
- * @return CmsUser
- */
- public function addCmsUserGblancoWithGroups($groupCount = 1)
- {
- $user = new CmsUser;
- $user->name = 'Guilherme';
- $user->username = 'gblanco';
- $user->status = 'developer';
- for ($i=0; $i < $groupCount; ++$i) {
- $group = new CmsGroup;
- $group->name = 'Developers_' . $i;
- $user->addGroup($group);
- }
- $this->_em->persist($user);
- $this->_em->flush();
- $this->assertNotNull($user->getId(), "User 'gblanco' should have an ID assigned after the persist()/flush() operation.");
- return $user;
- }
- /**
- * @group DDC-980
- */
- public function testUpdateDeleteSizeSubselectQueries()
- {
- $this->_em->createQuery("DELETE Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE SIZE(u.groups) = 10")->execute();
- $this->_em->createQuery("UPDATE Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u SET u.status = 'inactive' WHERE SIZE(u.groups) = 10")->execute();
- }
- /**
- * @group DDC-978
- */
- public function testClearAndResetCollection()
- {
- $user = $this->addCmsUserGblancoWithGroups(2);
- $group1 = new CmsGroup;
- $group1->name = 'Developers_New1';
- $group2 = new CmsGroup;
- $group2->name = 'Developers_New2';
- $this->_em->persist($group1);
- $this->_em->persist($group2);
- $this->_em->flush();
- $this->_em->clear();
- $user = $this->_em->find(get_class($user), $user->id);
- $coll = new ArrayCollection(array($group1, $group2));
- $user->groups = $coll;
- $this->_em->flush();
- $this->assertInstanceOf('Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection', $user->groups,
- "UnitOfWork should have replaced ArrayCollection with PersistentCollection.");
- $this->_em->flush();
- $this->_em->clear();
- $user = $this->_em->find(get_class($user), $user->id);
- $this->assertEquals(2, count($user->groups));
- $this->assertEquals('Developers_New1', $user->groups[0]->name);
- $this->assertEquals('Developers_New2', $user->groups[1]->name);
- }
- /**
- * @group DDC-733
- */
- public function testInitializePersistentCollection()
- {
- $user = $this->addCmsUserGblancoWithGroups(2);
- $this->_em->clear();
- $user = $this->_em->find(get_class($user), $user->id);
- $this->assertFalse($user->groups->isInitialized(), "Pre-condition: lazy collection");
- $this->_em->getUnitOfWork()->initializeObject($user->groups);
- $this->assertTrue($user->groups->isInitialized(), "Collection should be initialized after calling UnitOfWork::initializeObject()");
- }
- /**
- * @group DDC-1189
- * @group DDC-956
- */
- public function testClearBeforeLazyLoad()
- {
- $user = $this->addCmsUserGblancoWithGroups(4);
- $this->_em->clear();
- $user = $this->_em->find(get_class($user), $user->id);
- $user->groups->clear();
- $this->assertEquals(0, count($user->groups));
- $this->_em->flush();
- $user = $this->_em->find(get_class($user), $user->id);
- $this->assertEquals(0, count($user->groups));
- }
- }