https://github.com/busaway/FoOlSlide · PHP · 343 lines · 221 code · 51 blank · 71 comment · 45 complexity · 5ff52cbd3ebf87244c4124c38862381b MD5 · raw file
- <?php
- if (!defined('BASEPATH'))
- exit('No direct script access allowed');
- class Content extends MY_Controller
- {
- function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- // If the balancer master URL is not set, this is not a balancer
- if (!get_setting('fs_balancer_master_url'))
- {
- show_404();
- }
- }
- /**
- * PHP implementation of lastIndexOf
- *
- * @param string $string
- * @param string $item
- * @return string
- */
- public function _lastIndexOf($string, $item)
- {
- $index = strpos(strrev($string), strrev($item));
- if ($index)
- {
- $index = strlen($string) - strlen($item) - $index;
- return $index;
- }
- else
- return -1;
- }
- /**
- * Grabs the failed tries to get to the comics, and if this Slide is active
- * as a load balancer, it will fetch data from the master Slide, copy and
- * serve it.
- *
- * @author Woxxy
- */
- public function comics()
- {
- // grab the urls
- $this->comic_dir = $this->uri->segment(3);
- $this->chapter_dir = $this->uri->segment(4);
- $this->filename = $this->uri->segment(5);
- // check that $comic is actually the interesting kind of foldername
- // get the divider index
- if (($comic_split = $this->_lastIndexOf($this->comic_dir, '_')) == -1)
- {
- show_404();
- }
- // check that $chapter is actually the interesting kind of foldername
- // get the divider index
- if (($chapter_split = $this->_lastIndexOf($this->chapter_dir, '_')) == -1)
- {
- show_404();
- }
- if (!$this->filename)
- {
- show_404();
- }
- // separate stub and uniqid from both folders
- $this->comic_stub = substr($this->comic_dir, 0, $comic_split);
- $this->comic_uniqid = substr($this->comic_dir, $comic_split + 1);
- $this->chapter_stub = substr($this->chapter_dir, 0, $chapter_split);
- $this->chapter_uniqid = substr($this->chapter_dir, $chapter_split + 1);
- // flag that forces updating the data for this chapter
- $this->update = FALSE;
- // flat that allows us not to send an image, used if we're at least cleaning up
- $this->give_404 = FALSE;
- // check that the comic exists in the database
- $this->comic = new Comic();
- $this->comic->where('stub', $this->comic_stub)->where('uniqid', $this->comic_uniqid)->limit(1)->get();
- // if there's a result, let's check if there's the chapter available
- if ($this->comic->result_count() == 1)
- {
- // we got the comic! let's see if we got the chapter
- $this->chapter = new Chapter();
- $this->chapter->where('stub', $this->chapter_stub)->where('uniqid', $this->chapter_uniqid)->limit(1)->get();
- if ($this->chapter->result_count() == 1)
- {
- // we got the chapter! let's see if we're lucky and we already have its page data
- $this->page = new Page();
- $this->page->where('chapter_id', $this->chapter->id)->where('filename', $this->filename)->get();
- if ($this->page->result_count() == 1)
- {
- // we got its pagedata! let's grab the image
- if ($this->_grab_page())
- {
- $this->output
- ->set_content_type($this->page->mime)
- ->set_output($this->file);
- // good end
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // we will need the url to the master Slide anyway
- $this->url = get_setting('fs_balancer_master_url');
- // we want it always with a trailing slash
- if (substr($this->url, -1, 0) != '/')
- {
- $this->url = $this->url . '/';
- }
- $this->load->library('curl');
- // first of all, does the image even exist? Since we're going to grab
- // the image anyway if it exists, lets get ahead and grab it first
- // uri_string starts with a slash, so we have to remove it
- echo $this->file = $this->curl->simple_get($this->url . 'content/comics/' . $this->comic_stub . '_' . $this->comic_uniqid . '/' . $this->chapter_stub . '_' . $this->chapter_uniqid . '/' . $this->filename);
- // if the file doesn't exist, let's not go through the rest of the mess
- if (!$this->file)
- {
- show_404();
- }
- // oh no, this chapter might not be up to date! let's grab the comic data
- // /api/reader/comic gives us the comic data and all its chapters!
- // form the get request and decode the result
- // if the master server works it should be trustable
- $request_url = $this->url . 'api/reader/comic/stub/' . $this->comic_stub . '/uniqid/' . $this->comic_uniqid . '/chapter_stub/' . $this->chapter_stub . '/chapter_uniqid/' . $this->chapter_uniqid . '/format/json';
- $result = $this->curl->simple_get($request_url);
- $result = json_decode($result, TRUE);
- // if there's PHP errors in the $result, the json_decode might fail
- // and return NULL, show a 404.
- if (is_null($result))
- {
- log_message('error', 'content:comics() json_decode failed');
- show_404();
- }
- // just show 404 if the API gives a formal error
- if (isset($result["error"]))
- {
- log_message('error', 'content:comics() json had an error: ' . $result["error"]);
- show_404();
- }
- // search for the value of the chapter, so we don't bother anymore
- // if it doesn't exist in database - though it should
- $found = FALSE;
- foreach ($result["chapters"] as $key => $item)
- {
- if ($item["chapter"]["stub"] == $this->chapter_stub && $item["chapter"]["uniqid"] == $this->chapter_uniqid)
- {
- // update the comic in the database
- $comic = new Comic($result["comic"]["id"]);
- // the comic array fits just right, an update costs nearly nothing
- $comic->from_array($result["comic"]);
- if ($comic->result_count() == 0)
- {
- $comic->save_as_new();
- }
- else
- {
- $comic->save();
- }
- // remove remainants of deleted or updated chapters
- // we need an array of chapters
- $chapter_objects = array();
- foreach ($result["chapters"] as $k => $i)
- {
- $chapter_objects[] = $i["chapter"];
- }
- $this->_clean_comic($result["comic"]["id"], $chapter_objects);
- $this->_clean_chapter($item["chapter"]["id"], $item["chapter"]["pages"]);
- $found = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!$found)
- {
- log_message('error', 'content:comics() chapter was not in the json array');
- show_404();
- }
- $this->_grab_page();
- }
- /**
- * Saves the image, when found. Ignorant of thumb_, it will do those too.
- *
- * @return String file
- */
- public function _grab_page()
- {
- // we will need the url to the master Slide anyway
- $url = get_setting('fs_balancer_master_url');
- // we want it always with a trailing slash
- if (substr($url, -1, 0) != '/')
- {
- $url = $url . '/';
- }
- $this->load->library('curl');
- // maybe we already have the file, in that case just use it
- if (!isset($this->file))
- $this->file = $this->curl->simple_get($url . 'content/comics/' . $this->comic->directory() . '/' . $this->chapter->directory() . '/' . $this->filename);
- if (!$this->file)
- {
- log_message('error', '_grab_page(): file not found');
- return FALSE;
- }
- // make sure
- if(!is_dir('content/comics/' . $this->comic->directory()))
- @mkdir('content/comics/' . $this->comic->directory());
- if(!is_dir('content/comics/' . $this->comic->directory() . '/' . $this->chapter->directory()))
- @mkdir('content/comics/' . $this->comic->directory() . '/' . $this->chapter->directory());
- file_put_contents('content/comics/' . $this->comic->directory() . '/' . $this->chapter->directory() . '/' . $this->filename, $this->file);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /**
- * When missing chapters are found, this cleans up and adds new chapters
- *
- * @param int $comic_id
- * @param array $new_chapters_array
- */
- public function _clean_comic($comic_id, $new_chapters_array)
- {
- // found, let's get all chapters for this comic
- $chapters = new Chapter();
- $chapters->where('comic_id', $comic_id)->get();
- $chapters = $chapters->all_to_array();
- foreach ($new_chapters_array as $key => $item)
- {
- foreach ($chapters as $k => $i)
- {
- if ($item["id"] == $i["id"])
- {
- if ($item["stub"] != $i["stub"] || $item["uniqid"] != $i["uniqid"])
- {
- $chapter = new Chapter($item["id"]);
- $chapter->remove();
- unset($chapters[$k]);
- break;
- }
- unset($chapters[$k]);
- unset($new_chapters_array[$key]);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- foreach ($new_chapters_array as $key => $item)
- {
- $chapter = new Chapter();
- $chapter->from_array($item);
- $chapter->save_as_new();
- }
- foreach ($chapters as $key => $item)
- {
- $chapter = new Chapter($item["id"]);
- $chapter->remove();
- }
- }
- /**
- * When you pages are added, this cleans up the chapter and adds new pages
- *
- * @param int $chapter_id
- * @param array $new_pages_array
- */
- public function _clean_chapter($chapter_id, $new_pages_array)
- {
- // found, let's get all chapters for this comic
- $pages = new Page();
- $pages->where('chapter_id', $chapter_id)->get();
- $pages = $pages->all_to_array();
- foreach ($new_pages_array as $key => $item)
- {
- foreach ($pages as $k => $i)
- {
- if ($item["id"] == $i["id"])
- {
- if ($item["filename"] != $i["filename"] || $item["size"] != $i["size"])
- {
- $page = new Page($item["id"]);
- $page->remove_page();
- unset($pages[$k]);
- break;
- }
- unset($pages[$k]);
- unset($new_pages_array[$key]);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- foreach ($new_pages_array as $key => $item)
- {
- $page = new Page();
- $page->from_array($item);
- $page->save_as_new();
- }
- foreach ($pages as $key => $item)
- {
- $page = new Page();
- $page->remove_page();
- }
- }
- }