Python | 448 lines | 277 code | 35 blank | 136 comment | 14 complexity | 7df1d6e67b456a0d0eac418637537afd MD5 | raw file
- """
- Solution of equations using dense matrices.
- The dense matrix is stored as a list of lists.
- """
- import copy
- from sympy.core.power import isqrt
- from sympy.core.symbol import symbols
- from sympy.matrices.densetools import (
- augment, col, conjugate_transpose, eye, rowadd, rowmul)
- from sympy.utilities.exceptions import SymPyDeprecationWarning
- SymPyDeprecationWarning(
- feature="densesolve",
- issue=12695,
- deprecated_since_version="1.1").warn()
- def row_echelon(matlist, K):
- """
- Returns the row echelon form of a matrix with diagonal elements
- reduced to 1.
- Examples
- ========
- >>> from sympy.matrices.densesolve import row_echelon
- >>> from sympy import QQ
- >>> a = [
- ... [QQ(3), QQ(7), QQ(4)],
- ... [QQ(2), QQ(4), QQ(5)],
- ... [QQ(6), QQ(2), QQ(3)]]
- >>> row_echelon(a, QQ)
- [[1, 7/3, 4/3], [0, 1, -7/2], [0, 0, 1]]
- See Also
- ========
- rref
- """
- result_matlist = copy.deepcopy(matlist)
- nrow = len(result_matlist)
- for i in range(nrow):
- if (result_matlist[i][i] != 1 and result_matlist[i][i] != 0):
- rowmul(result_matlist, i, 1/result_matlist[i][i], K)
- for j in range(i + 1, nrow):
- if (result_matlist[j][i] != 0):
- rowadd(result_matlist, j, i, -result_matlist[j][i], K)
- return result_matlist
- def rref(matlist, K):
- """
- Returns the reduced row echelon form of a Matrix.
- Examples
- ========
- >>> from sympy.matrices.densesolve import rref
- >>> from sympy import QQ
- >>> a = [
- ... [QQ(1), QQ(2), QQ(1)],
- ... [QQ(-2), QQ(-3), QQ(1)],
- ... [QQ(3), QQ(5), QQ(0)]]
- >>> rref(a, QQ)
- [[1, 0, -5], [0, 1, 3], [0, 0, 0]]
- See Also
- ========
- row_echelon
- """
- result_matlist = copy.deepcopy(matlist)
- result_matlist = row_echelon(result_matlist, K)
- nrow = len(result_matlist)
- for i in range(nrow):
- if result_matlist[i][i] == 1:
- for j in range(i):
- rowadd(result_matlist, j, i, -result_matlist[j][i], K)
- return result_matlist
- def LU(matlist, K, reverse = 0):
- """
- It computes the LU decomposition of a matrix and returns L and U
- matrices.
- Examples
- ========
- >>> from sympy.matrices.densesolve import LU
- >>> from sympy import QQ
- >>> a = [
- ... [QQ(1), QQ(2), QQ(3)],
- ... [QQ(2), QQ(-4), QQ(6)],
- ... [QQ(3), QQ(-9), QQ(-3)]]
- >>> LU(a, QQ)
- ([[1, 0, 0], [2, 1, 0], [3, 15/8, 1]], [[1, 2, 3], [0, -8, 0], [0, 0, -12]])
- See Also
- ========
- upper_triangle
- lower_triangle
- """
- nrow = len(matlist)
- new_matlist1, new_matlist2 = eye(nrow, K), copy.deepcopy(matlist)
- for i in range(nrow):
- for j in range(i + 1, nrow):
- if (new_matlist2[j][i] != 0):
- new_matlist1[j][i] = new_matlist2[j][i]/new_matlist2[i][i]
- rowadd(new_matlist2, j, i, -new_matlist2[j][i]/new_matlist2[i][i], K)
- return new_matlist1, new_matlist2
- def cholesky(matlist, K):
- """
- Performs the cholesky decomposition of a Hermitian matrix and
- returns L and it's conjugate transpose.
- Examples
- ========
- >>> from sympy.matrices.densesolve import cholesky
- >>> from sympy import QQ
- >>> cholesky([[QQ(25), QQ(15), QQ(-5)], [QQ(15), QQ(18), QQ(0)], [QQ(-5), QQ(0), QQ(11)]], QQ)
- ([[5, 0, 0], [3, 3, 0], [-1, 1, 3]], [[5, 3, -1], [0, 3, 1], [0, 0, 3]])
- See Also
- ========
- cholesky_solve
- """
- new_matlist = copy.deepcopy(matlist)
- nrow = len(new_matlist)
- L = eye(nrow, K)
- for i in range(nrow):
- for j in range(i + 1):
- a = K.zero
- for k in range(j):
- a += L[i][k]*L[j][k]
- if i == j:
- L[i][j] = isqrt(new_matlist[i][j] - a)
- else:
- L[i][j] = (new_matlist[i][j] - a)/L[j][j]
- return L, conjugate_transpose(L, K)
- def LDL(matlist, K):
- """
- Performs the LDL decomposition of a hermitian matrix and returns L, D and
- transpose of L. Only applicable to rational entries.
- Examples
- ========
- >>> from sympy.matrices.densesolve import LDL
- >>> from sympy import QQ
- >>> a = [
- ... [QQ(4), QQ(12), QQ(-16)],
- ... [QQ(12), QQ(37), QQ(-43)],
- ... [QQ(-16), QQ(-43), QQ(98)]]
- >>> LDL(a, QQ)
- ([[1, 0, 0], [3, 1, 0], [-4, 5, 1]], [[4, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 9]], [[1, 3, -4], [0, 1, 5], [0, 0, 1]])
- """
- new_matlist = copy.deepcopy(matlist)
- nrow = len(new_matlist)
- L, D = eye(nrow, K), eye(nrow, K)
- for i in range(nrow):
- for j in range(i + 1):
- a = K.zero
- for k in range(j):
- a += L[i][k]*L[j][k]*D[k][k]
- if i == j:
- D[j][j] = new_matlist[j][j] - a
- else:
- L[i][j] = (new_matlist[i][j] - a)/D[j][j]
- return L, D, conjugate_transpose(L, K)
- def upper_triangle(matlist, K):
- """
- Transforms a given matrix to an upper triangle matrix by performing
- row operations on it.
- Examples
- ========
- >>> from sympy.matrices.densesolve import upper_triangle
- >>> from sympy import QQ
- >>> a = [
- ... [QQ(4,1), QQ(12,1), QQ(-16,1)],
- ... [QQ(12,1), QQ(37,1), QQ(-43,1)],
- ... [QQ(-16,1), QQ(-43,1), QQ(98,1)]]
- >>> upper_triangle(a, QQ)
- [[4, 12, -16], [0, 1, 5], [0, 0, 9]]
- See Also
- ========
- LU
- """
- copy_matlist = copy.deepcopy(matlist)
- lower_triangle, upper_triangle = LU(copy_matlist, K)
- return upper_triangle
- def lower_triangle(matlist, K):
- """
- Transforms a given matrix to a lower triangle matrix by performing
- row operations on it.
- Examples
- ========
- >>> from sympy.matrices.densesolve import lower_triangle
- >>> from sympy import QQ
- >>> a = [
- ... [QQ(4,1), QQ(12,1), QQ(-16)],
- ... [QQ(12,1), QQ(37,1), QQ(-43,1)],
- ... [QQ(-16,1), QQ(-43,1), QQ(98,1)]]
- >>> lower_triangle(a, QQ)
- [[1, 0, 0], [3, 1, 0], [-4, 5, 1]]
- See Also
- ========
- LU
- """
- copy_matlist = copy.deepcopy(matlist)
- lower_triangle, upper_triangle = LU(copy_matlist, K, reverse = 1)
- return lower_triangle
- def rref_solve(matlist, variable, constant, K):
- """
- Solves a system of equations using reduced row echelon form given
- a matrix of coefficients, a vector of variables and a vector of constants.
- Examples
- ========
- >>> from sympy.matrices.densesolve import rref_solve
- >>> from sympy import QQ
- >>> from sympy import Dummy
- >>> x, y, z = Dummy('x'), Dummy('y'), Dummy('z')
- >>> coefficients = [
- ... [QQ(25), QQ(15), QQ(-5)],
- ... [QQ(15), QQ(18), QQ(0)],
- ... [QQ(-5), QQ(0), QQ(11)]]
- >>> constants = [
- ... [QQ(2)],
- ... [QQ(3)],
- ... [QQ(1)]]
- >>> variables = [
- ... [x],
- ... [y],
- ... [z]]
- >>> rref_solve(coefficients, variables, constants, QQ)
- [[-1/225], [23/135], [4/45]]
- See Also
- ========
- row_echelon
- augment
- """
- new_matlist = copy.deepcopy(matlist)
- augmented = augment(new_matlist, constant, K)
- solution = rref(augmented, K)
- return col(solution, -1)
- def LU_solve(matlist, variable, constant, K):
- """
- Solves a system of equations using LU decomposition given a matrix
- of coefficients, a vector of variables and a vector of constants.
- Examples
- ========
- >>> from sympy.matrices.densesolve import LU_solve
- >>> from sympy import QQ
- >>> from sympy import Dummy
- >>> x, y, z = Dummy('x'), Dummy('y'), Dummy('z')
- >>> coefficients = [
- ... [QQ(2), QQ(-1), QQ(-2)],
- ... [QQ(-4), QQ(6), QQ(3)],
- ... [QQ(-4), QQ(-2), QQ(8)]]
- >>> variables = [
- ... [x],
- ... [y],
- ... [z]]
- >>> constants = [
- ... [QQ(-1)],
- ... [QQ(13)],
- ... [QQ(-6)]]
- >>> LU_solve(coefficients, variables, constants, QQ)
- [[2], [3], [1]]
- See Also
- ========
- LU
- forward_substitution
- backward_substitution
- """
- new_matlist = copy.deepcopy(matlist)
- nrow = len(new_matlist)
- L, U = LU(new_matlist, K)
- y = [[i] for i in symbols('y:%i' % nrow)]
- forward_substitution(L, y, constant, K)
- backward_substitution(U, variable, y, K)
- return variable
- def cholesky_solve(matlist, variable, constant, K):
- """
- Solves a system of equations using Cholesky decomposition given
- a matrix of coefficients, a vector of variables and a vector of constants.
- Examples
- ========
- >>> from sympy.matrices.densesolve import cholesky_solve
- >>> from sympy import QQ
- >>> from sympy import Dummy
- >>> x, y, z = Dummy('x'), Dummy('y'), Dummy('z')
- >>> coefficients = [
- ... [QQ(25), QQ(15), QQ(-5)],
- ... [QQ(15), QQ(18), QQ(0)],
- ... [QQ(-5), QQ(0), QQ(11)]]
- >>> variables = [
- ... [x],
- ... [y],
- ... [z]]
- >>> coefficients = [
- ... [QQ(2)],
- ... [QQ(3)],
- ... [QQ(1)]]
- >>> cholesky_solve([[QQ(25), QQ(15), QQ(-5)], [QQ(15), QQ(18), QQ(0)], [QQ(-5), QQ(0), QQ(11)]], [[x], [y], [z]], [[QQ(2)], [QQ(3)], [QQ(1)]], QQ)
- [[-1/225], [23/135], [4/45]]
- See Also
- ========
- cholesky
- forward_substitution
- backward_substitution
- """
- new_matlist = copy.deepcopy(matlist)
- nrow = len(new_matlist)
- L, Lstar = cholesky(new_matlist, K)
- y = [[i] for i in symbols('y:%i' % nrow)]
- forward_substitution(L, y, constant, K)
- backward_substitution(Lstar, variable, y, K)
- return variable
- def forward_substitution(lower_triangle, variable, constant, K):
- """
- Performs forward substitution given a lower triangular matrix, a
- vector of variables and a vector of constants.
- Examples
- ========
- >>> from sympy.matrices.densesolve import forward_substitution
- >>> from sympy import QQ
- >>> from sympy import Dummy
- >>> x, y, z = Dummy('x'), Dummy('y'), Dummy('z')
- >>> a = [
- ... [QQ(1), QQ(0), QQ(0)],
- ... [QQ(-2), QQ(1), QQ(0)],
- ... [QQ(-2), QQ(-1), QQ(1)]]
- >>> variables = [
- ... [x],
- ... [y],
- ... [z]]
- >>> constants = [
- ... [QQ(-1)],
- ... [QQ(13)],
- ... [QQ(-6)]]
- >>> forward_substitution(a, variables, constants, QQ)
- [[-1], [11], [3]]
- See Also
- ========
- LU_solve
- cholesky_solve
- """
- copy_lower_triangle = copy.deepcopy(lower_triangle)
- nrow = len(copy_lower_triangle)
- for i in range(nrow):
- a = K.zero
- for j in range(i):
- a += copy_lower_triangle[i][j]*variable[j][0]
- variable[i][0] = (constant[i][0] - a)/copy_lower_triangle[i][i]
- return variable
- def backward_substitution(upper_triangle, variable, constant, K):
- """
- Performs forward substitution given a lower triangular matrix,
- a vector of variables and a vector constants.
- Examples
- ========
- >>> from sympy.matrices.densesolve import backward_substitution
- >>> from sympy import QQ
- >>> from sympy import Dummy
- >>> x, y, z = Dummy('x'), Dummy('y'), Dummy('z')
- >>> a = [
- ... [QQ(2), QQ(-1), QQ(-2)],
- ... [QQ(0), QQ(4), QQ(-1)],
- ... [QQ(0), QQ(0), QQ(3)]]
- >>> variables = [
- ... [x],
- ... [y],
- ... [z]]
- >>> constants = [
- ... [QQ(-1)],
- ... [QQ(11)],
- ... [QQ(3)]]
- >>> backward_substitution(a, variables, constants, QQ)
- [[2], [3], [1]]
- See Also
- ========
- LU_solve
- cholesky_solve
- """
- copy_upper_triangle = copy.deepcopy(upper_triangle)
- nrow = len(copy_upper_triangle)
- for i in reversed(range(nrow)):
- a = K.zero
- for j in reversed(range(i + 1, nrow)):
- a += copy_upper_triangle[i][j]*variable[j][0]
- variable[i][0] = (constant[i][0] - a)/copy_upper_triangle[i][i]
- return variable