ActionScript | 204 lines | 158 code | 32 blank | 14 comment | 17 complexity | ea7c2eb63b56372f020197e3a8e5e153 MD5 | raw file
- /*******************************************************************************
- * PushButton Engine
- * Copyright (C) 2009 PushButton Labs, LLC
- * For more information see http://www.pushbuttonengine.com
- *
- * This file is licensed under the terms of the MIT license, which is included
- * in the License.html file at the root directory of this SDK.
- ******************************************************************************/
- package com.pblabs.box2D
- {
- import Box2D.Dynamics.b2DebugDraw;
- import com.pblabs.engine.debug.Logger;
- import com.pblabs.rendering2D.DisplayObjectRenderer;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- /**
- * Helper component to visualize Box2D debug state. Properties let you
- * toggle what is drawn.
- */
- public class Box2DDebugComponent extends DisplayObjectRenderer
- {
- public function get spatialManager():Box2DManagerComponent
- {
- return _manager;
- }
- public function set spatialManager(value:Box2DManagerComponent):void
- {
- _manager = value;
- }
- public function get manager():Box2DManagerComponent
- {
- Logger.warn(this, "get manager", "manager is deprecated; switch to spatialManager.");
- return spatialManager;
- }
- public function set manager(value:Box2DManagerComponent):void
- {
- spatialManager = value;
- Logger.warn(this, "set manager", "manager is deprecated; switch to spatialManager.");
- }
- override public function get layerIndex():int
- {
- // Always draw last.
- if(scene && scene.layerCount)
- return scene.layerCount - 1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- override protected function onAdd():void
- {
- super.onAdd();
- displayObject = new Sprite();
- _zIndex = 30000;
- _drawer.m_sprite = displayObject as Sprite;
- _drawer.m_fillAlpha = 0.3;
- _drawer.m_lineThickness = 1.0;
- applyDebugFlags();
- }
- override protected function onRemove():void
- {
- // Suppress auto-registration behavior.
- super.onRemove();
- }
- override protected function onReset():void
- {
- if (spatialManager)
- spatialManager.setDebugDrawer(_drawer);
- }
- public function get drawShapes():Boolean
- {
- return _drawShapes;
- }
- public function set drawShapes(value:Boolean):void
- {
- _drawShapes = value;
- applyDebugFlags();
- }
- public function get drawJoints():Boolean
- {
- return _drawJoints;
- }
- public function set drawJoints(value:Boolean):void
- {
- _drawJoints = value;
- applyDebugFlags();
- }
- public function get drawCoreShapes():Boolean
- {
- return _drawCoreShapes;
- }
- public function set drawCoreShapes(value:Boolean):void
- {
- _drawCoreShapes = value;
- applyDebugFlags();
- }
- public function get drawAABB():Boolean
- {
- return _drawAABB;
- }
- public function set drawAABB(value:Boolean):void
- {
- _drawAABB = value;
- applyDebugFlags();
- }
- public function get drawOBB():Boolean
- {
- return _drawOBB;
- }
- public function set drawOBB(value:Boolean):void
- {
- _drawOBB = value;
- applyDebugFlags();
- }
- public function get drawPairs():Boolean
- {
- return _drawPairs;
- }
- public function set drawPairs(value:Boolean):void
- {
- _drawPairs = value;
- applyDebugFlags();
- }
- public function get drawCenterOfMass():Boolean
- {
- return _drawCenterOfMass;
- }
- public function set drawCenterOfMass(value:Boolean):void
- {
- _drawCenterOfMass = value;
- applyDebugFlags();
- }
- public function applyDebugFlags():void
- {
- if (_drawShapes)
- _drawer.AppendFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_shapeBit);
- else
- _drawer.ClearFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_shapeBit);
- if (_drawJoints)
- _drawer.AppendFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_jointBit);
- else
- _drawer.ClearFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_jointBit);
- if (_drawCoreShapes)
- _drawer.AppendFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_coreShapeBit);
- else
- _drawer.ClearFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_coreShapeBit);
- if (_drawAABB)
- _drawer.AppendFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_aabbBit);
- else
- _drawer.ClearFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_aabbBit);
- if (_drawOBB)
- _drawer.AppendFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_obbBit);
- else
- _drawer.ClearFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_obbBit);
- if (_drawPairs)
- _drawer.AppendFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_pairBit);
- else
- _drawer.ClearFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_pairBit);
- if (_drawCenterOfMass)
- _drawer.AppendFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_centerOfMassBit);
- else
- _drawer.ClearFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_centerOfMassBit);
- }
- private var _manager:Box2DManagerComponent = null;
- protected var _drawer:b2DebugDraw = new b2DebugDraw();
- protected var _drawShapes:Boolean = true;
- protected var _drawJoints:Boolean = true;
- protected var _drawCoreShapes:Boolean = false;
- protected var _drawAABB:Boolean = false;
- protected var _drawOBB:Boolean = false;
- protected var _drawPairs:Boolean = false;
- protected var _drawCenterOfMass:Boolean = false;
- }
- }