https://github.com/GunioRobot/fuzed · Erlang · 102 lines · 88 code · 10 blank · 4 comment · 0 complexity · 9a64fd91976d69d672b5818ead3ee819 MD5 · raw file
- -module(port_wrapper).
- -export([wrap/1, wrap/2, wrap_link/1, wrap_link/2, send/2, shutdown/1, rpc/2, pure_send/2]).
- -author('Dave Fayram').
- wrap(Command) ->
- spawn(fun() -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), Port = create_port(Command), loop(Port, infinity, Command) end).
- wrap(Command, Timeout) ->
- spawn(fun() -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), Port = create_port(Command), loop(Port, Timeout, Command) end).
- wrap_link(Command) ->
- spawn_link(fun() -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), Port = create_port(Command), link(Port), loop(Port, infinity, Command) end).
- wrap_link(Command, Timeout) ->
- spawn_link(fun() -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), Port = create_port(Command), link(Port), loop(Port, Timeout, Command) end).
- rpc(WrappedPort, Message) ->
- send(WrappedPort, Message),
- receive
- {WrappedPort, Result} -> Result
- after 15000 ->
- {WrappedPort, timed_out}
- end.
- send(WrappedPort, Message) ->
- WrappedPort ! {self(), {command, term_to_binary(Message)}},
- WrappedPort.
- pure_send(WrappedPort, Message) ->
- WrappedPort ! {self(), {just_send_a_command, term_to_binary(Message)}},
- WrappedPort.
- shutdown(WrappedPort) ->
- WrappedPort ! shutdown,
- true.
- create_port(Command) ->
- open_port({spawn, Command}, [{packet, 4}, nouse_stdio, exit_status, binary]).
- loop(Port, Timeout, Command) ->
- receive
- noose ->
- port_close(Port),
- noose;
- shutdown ->
- port_close(Port),
- exit(shutdown);
- {Source, host} ->
- Source ! {Port, node()},
- loop(Port,Timeout,Command);
- {Source, heat} ->
- Port ! {self(), {command, term_to_binary(ping)}},
- Hot = term_to_binary(pong),
- receive
- {Port, {data, Hot}} ->
- Source ! {self(), hot}
- end,
- loop(Port, Timeout, Command);
- {Source, api} ->
- Port ! {self(), {command, term_to_binary(api)}},
- receive
- {Port, {data, Result}} ->
- {result, Api} = binary_to_term(Result),
- Source ! {self(), tuple_to_list(Api)}
- end,
- loop(Port,Timeout,Command);
- {Source, {command, Message}} ->
- Port ! {self(), {command, Message}},
- receive
- {Port, {data, Result}} ->
- DB = binary_to_term(Result),
- case DB of
- {last_result, X} ->
- Source ! {self(), {result, X}},
- port_close(Port),
- exit(last_result);
- Z ->
- Source ! {self(), Z}
- end
- after Timeout ->
- error_logger:error_msg("Port Wrapper ~p timed out in mid operation (~p)!~n", [self(),Message]),
- % We timed out, which means we need to close and then restart the port
- port_close(Port), % Should SIGPIPE the child.
- exit(timed_out)
- end,
- loop(Port,Timeout,Command);
- {_Source, {just_send_a_command, Message}} ->
- Port ! {self(), {command, Message}},
- loop(Port,Timeout,Command);
- {Port, {exit_status, _Code}} ->
- % Hard and Unanticipated Crash
- error_logger:error_msg( "Port closed! ~p~n", [Port] ),
- exit({error, _Code});
- {'EXIT',_Pid,shutdown} ->
- port_close(Port),
- exit(shutdown);
- Any ->
- error_logger:warning_msg("PortWrapper ~p got unexpected message: ~p~n", [self(), Any]),
- loop(Port, Timeout, Command)
- end.
- % Local API
- % TODO: Add retry detection