Python | 117 lines | 75 code | 31 blank | 11 comment | 14 complexity | fe5610ad30b7159950024a8e12827df0 MD5 | raw file
- # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- import os
- import glob
- from distutils import log
- from distutils.extension import Extension
- from astropy_helpers import setup_helpers
- from astropy_helpers.version_helpers import get_pkg_version_module
- ERFAPKGDIR = os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
- ERFA_SRC = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ERFAPKGDIR, '..', '..', 'cextern', 'erfa'))
- SRC_FILES = glob.glob(os.path.join(ERFA_SRC, '*'))
- SRC_FILES += [os.path.join(ERFAPKGDIR, filename)
- for filename in ['core.py.templ', 'core.c.templ', 'erfa_generator.py']]
- GEN_FILES = [os.path.join(ERFAPKGDIR, 'core.py'), os.path.join(ERFAPKGDIR, 'core.c')]
- def pre_build_py_hook(cmd_obj):
- preprocess_source()
- def pre_build_ext_hook(cmd_obj):
- preprocess_source()
- def pre_sdist_hook(cmd_obj):
- preprocess_source()
- def preprocess_source():
- # Generating the ERFA wrappers should only be done if needed. This also
- # ensures that it is not done for any release tarball since those will
- # include core.py and core.c.
- if all(os.path.exists(filename) for filename in GEN_FILES):
- # Determine modification times
- erfa_mtime = max(os.path.getmtime(filename) for filename in SRC_FILES)
- gen_mtime = min(os.path.getmtime(filename) for filename in GEN_FILES)
- version = get_pkg_version_module('astropy')
- if gen_mtime > erfa_mtime:
- # If generated source is recent enough, don't update
- return
- elif version.release:
- # or, if we're on a release, issue a warning, but go ahead and use
- # the wrappers anyway
- log.warn('WARNING: The autogenerated wrappers in astropy._erfa '
- 'seem to be older than the source templates used to '
- 'create them. Because this is a release version we will '
- 'use them anyway, but this might be a sign of some sort '
- 'of version mismatch or other tampering. Or it might just '
- 'mean you moved some files around or otherwise '
- 'accidentally changed timestamps.')
- return
- # otherwise rebuild the autogenerated files
- # If jinja2 isn't present, then print a warning and use existing files
- try:
- import jinja2
- except:
- log.warn("WARNING: jinja2 could not be imported, so the existing "
- "ERFA core.py and core.c files will be used")
- return
- name = 'erfa_generator'
- filename = os.path.join(ERFAPKGDIR, 'erfa_generator.py')
- try:
- from importlib import machinery as import_machinery
- loader = import_machinery.SourceFileLoader(name, filename)
- gen = loader.load_module()
- except ImportError:
- import imp
- gen = imp.load_source(name, filename)
- gen.main(gen.DEFAULT_ERFA_LOC,
- os.path.join(ERFAPKGDIR, 'core.py'),
- verbose=False)
- def get_extensions():
- sources = [os.path.join(ERFAPKGDIR, "core.c")]
- include_dirs = ['numpy']
- libraries = []
- if setup_helpers.use_system_library('erfa'):
- libraries.append('erfa')
- else:
- # get all of the .c files in the cextern/erfa directory
- erfafns = os.listdir(ERFA_SRC)
- sources.extend(['cextern/erfa/'+fn for fn in erfafns if fn.endswith('.c')])
- include_dirs.append('cextern/erfa')
- erfa_ext = Extension(
- name="astropy._erfa._core",
- sources=sources,
- include_dirs=include_dirs,
- libraries=libraries,
- language="c",)
- return [erfa_ext]
- def get_external_libraries():
- return ['erfa']
- def requires_2to3():
- return False