Python | 251 lines | 75 code | 36 blank | 140 comment | 15 complexity | 20303ec1a9ed2d3ce93f95b718d0d373 MD5 | raw file
- import copy
- import warnings
- from astropy import convolution
- from astropy.nddata import StdDevUncertainty, VarianceUncertainty, InverseVariance
- import astropy.units as u
- from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
- from scipy.signal import medfilt
- import numpy as np
- from ..spectra import Spectrum1D
- __all__ = ['convolution_smooth', 'box_smooth', 'gaussian_smooth',
- 'trapezoid_smooth', 'median_smooth']
- def convolution_smooth(spectrum, kernel):
- """
- Apply a convolution based smoothing to the spectrum. The kernel must be one
- of the 1D kernels defined in `astropy.convolution`.
- This method can be used along but also is used by other specific methods below.
- If the spectrum uncertainty exists and is StdDevUncertainty, VarianceUncertainty or InverseVariance
- then the errors will be propagated through the convolution using a standard propagation of errors. The
- covariance is not considered, currently.
- Parameters
- ----------
- spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
- The `~specutils.Spectrum1D` object to which the smoothing will be applied.
- kernel : `astropy.convolution.Kernel1D` subclass or array.
- The convolution based smoothing kernel - anything that `astropy.convolution.convolve` accepts.
- Returns
- -------
- spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
- Output `~specutils.Spectrum1D` which is copy of the one passed in with the updated flux.
- Raises
- ------
- ValueError
- In the case that ``spectrum`` and ``kernel`` are not the correct types.
- """
- # Parameter checks
- if not isinstance(spectrum, Spectrum1D):
- raise ValueError('The spectrum parameter must be a Spectrum1D object')
- # Get the flux of the input spectrum
- flux = spectrum.flux
- # Smooth based on the input kernel
- smoothed_flux = convolution.convolve(flux, kernel)
- # Propagate the uncertainty if it exists...
- uncertainty = copy.deepcopy(spectrum.uncertainty)
- if uncertainty is not None:
- if isinstance(uncertainty, StdDevUncertainty):
- # Convert
- values = uncertainty.array
- ivar_values = 1 / values**2
- # Propagate
- prop_ivar_values = convolution.convolve(ivar_values, kernel)
- # Put back in
- uncertainty.array = 1 / np.sqrt(prop_ivar_values)
- elif isinstance(uncertainty, VarianceUncertainty):
- # Convert
- values = uncertainty.array
- ivar_values = 1 / values
- # Propagate
- prop_ivar_values = convolution.convolve(ivar_values, kernel)
- # Put back in
- uncertainty.array = 1 / prop_ivar_values
- elif isinstance(uncertainty, InverseVariance):
- # Convert
- ivar_values = uncertainty.array
- # Propagate
- prop_ivar_values = convolution.convolve(ivar_values, kernel)
- # Put back in
- uncertainty.array = prop_ivar_values
- else:
- uncertainty = None
- warnings.warn("Uncertainty is {} but convolutional error propagation is not defined for that type. Uncertainty will be dropped in the convolved spectrum.".format(type(uncertainty)),
- AstropyUserWarning)
- # Return a new object with the smoothed flux.
- return Spectrum1D(flux=u.Quantity(smoothed_flux, spectrum.unit),
- spectral_axis=u.Quantity(spectrum.spectral_axis,
- spectrum.spectral_axis_unit),
- wcs=spectrum.wcs,
- uncertainty=uncertainty,
- velocity_convention=spectrum.velocity_convention,
- rest_value=spectrum.rest_value)
- def box_smooth(spectrum, width):
- """
- Smooth a `~specutils.Spectrum1D` instance based on a `astropy.convolution.Box1DKernel` kernel.
- Parameters
- ----------
- spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
- The spectrum object to which the smoothing will be applied.
- width : number
- The width of the kernel, in pixels, as defined in `astropy.convolution.Box1DKernel`
- Returns
- -------
- spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
- Output `~specutils.Spectrum1D` which a copy of the one passed in with the updated flux.
- Raises
- ------
- ValueError
- In the case that ``width`` is not the correct type or value.
- """
- # Parameter checks
- if not isinstance(width, (int, float)) or width <= 0:
- raise ValueError('The width parameter, {}, must be a number greater than 0'.format(
- width))
- # Create the gaussian kernel
- box1d_kernel = convolution.Box1DKernel(width)
- # Call and return the convolution smoothing.
- return convolution_smooth(spectrum, box1d_kernel)
- def gaussian_smooth(spectrum, stddev):
- """
- Smooth a `~specutils.Spectrum1D` instance based on a `astropy.convolution.Gaussian1DKernel`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
- The spectrum object to which the smoothing will be applied.
- stddev : number
- The stddev of the kernel, in pixels, as defined in `astropy.convolution.Gaussian1DKernel`
- Returns
- -------
- spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
- Output `~specutils.Spectrum1D` which is copy of the one passed in with the updated flux.
- Raises
- ------
- ValueError
- In the case that ``stddev`` is not the correct type or value.
- """
- # Parameter checks
- if not isinstance(stddev, (int, float)) or stddev <= 0:
- raise ValueError('The stddev parameter, {}, must be a number greater than 0'.format(
- stddev))
- # Create the gaussian kernel
- gaussian_kernel = convolution.Gaussian1DKernel(stddev)
- # Call and return the convolution smoothing.
- return convolution_smooth(spectrum, gaussian_kernel)
- def trapezoid_smooth(spectrum, width):
- """
- Smoothing based on a `astropy.convolution.Trapezoid1DKernel` kernel.
- Parameters
- ----------
- spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
- The `~specutils.Spectrum1D` object to which the smoothing will be applied.
- width : number
- The width of the kernel, in pixels, as defined in `astropy.convolution.Trapezoid1DKernel`
- Returns
- -------
- spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
- Output `~specutils.Spectrum1D` which is copy of the one passed in with the updated flux.
- Raises
- ------
- ValueError
- In the case that ``width`` is not the correct type or value.
- """
- # Parameter checks
- if not isinstance(width, (int, float)) or width <= 0:
- raise ValueError('The stddev parameter, {}, must be a number greater than 0'.format(
- width))
- # Create the gaussian kernel
- trapezoid_kernel = convolution.Trapezoid1DKernel(width)
- # Call and return the convolution smoothing.
- return convolution_smooth(spectrum, trapezoid_kernel)
- def median_smooth(spectrum, width):
- """
- Smoothing based on a median filter. The median filter smoothing
- is implemented using the `scipy.signal.medfilt` function.
- Parameters
- ----------
- spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
- The `~specutils.Spectrum1D` object to which the smoothing will be applied.
- width : number
- The width of the median filter in pixels.
- Returns
- -------
- spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
- Output `~specutils.Spectrum1D` which is copy of the one passed in with the updated flux.
- Raises
- ------
- ValueError
- In the case that ``spectrum`` or ``width`` are not the correct type or value.
- """
- # Parameter checks
- if not isinstance(spectrum, Spectrum1D):
- raise ValueError('The spectrum parameter must be a Spectrum1D object')
- if not isinstance(width, (int, float)) or width <= 0:
- raise ValueError('The stddev parameter, {}, must be a number greater than 0'.format(
- width))
- # Get the flux of the input spectrum
- flux = spectrum.flux
- # Smooth based on the input kernel
- smoothed_flux = medfilt(flux, width)
- # Return a new object with the smoothed flux.
- return Spectrum1D(flux=u.Quantity(smoothed_flux, spectrum.unit),
- spectral_axis=u.Quantity(spectrum.spectral_axis,
- spectrum.spectral_axis_unit),
- wcs=spectrum.wcs,
- velocity_convention=spectrum.velocity_convention,
- rest_value=spectrum.rest_value)