https://github.com/blackberry/Erlang-OTP · Erlang · 188 lines · 104 code · 36 blank · 48 comment · 1 complexity · 156f80d0940485f34a89fd14022ce766 MD5 · raw file
- %%
- %% %CopyrightBegin%
- %%
- %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2011. All Rights Reserved.
- %%
- %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
- %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
- %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
- %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
- %%
- %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- %% under the License.
- %%
- %% %CopyrightEnd%
- %%
- -module(diameter_util).
- %%
- %% Utility functions.
- %%
- -export([consult/2,
- run/1,
- fold/3,
- foldl/3,
- scramble/1,
- write_priv/3,
- read_priv/2]).
- -define(L, atom_to_list).
- %% consult/2
- %%
- %% Extract info from the app/appup file (presumably) of the named
- %% application.
- consult(Name, Suf)
- when is_atom(Name), is_atom(Suf) ->
- case code:lib_dir(Name, ebin) of
- {error = E, Reason} ->
- {E, {Name, Reason}};
- Dir ->
- consult(filename:join([Dir, ?L(Name) ++ "." ++ ?L(Suf)]))
- end.
- consult(Path) ->
- case file:consult(Path) of
- {ok, Terms} ->
- Terms;
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, {Path, Reason}}
- end.
- %% Name/Path in the return value distinguish the errors and allow for
- %% a useful badmatch.
- %% run/1
- %%
- %% Evaluate functions in parallel and return a list of those that
- %% failed to return. The fun takes a boolean (did the function return
- %% or not), the function that was evaluated, the return value or exit
- %% reason and the prevailing accumulator.
- run(L) ->
- fold(fun cons/4, [], L).
- cons(true, _, _, Acc) ->
- Acc;
- cons(false, F, RC, Acc) ->
- [{F, RC} | Acc].
- %% fold/3
- %%
- %% Parallel fold. Results are folded in the order received.
- fold(Fun, Acc0, L)
- when is_function(Fun, 4) ->
- Ref = make_ref(),
- %% Spawn a middleman to collect down messages from processes
- %% spawned for each function so as not to assume that all DOWN
- %% messages are ours.
- MRef = run1([fun fold/4, Ref, Fun, Acc0, L], Ref),
- {Ref, RC} = down(MRef),
- RC.
- fold(Ref, Fun, Acc0, L) ->
- recv(run(Ref, L), Ref, Fun, Acc0).
- run(Ref, L) ->
- [{run1(F, Ref), F} || F <- L].
- run1(F, Ref) ->
- {_, MRef} = spawn_monitor(fun() -> exit({Ref, eval(F)}) end),
- MRef.
- recv([], _, _, Acc) ->
- Acc;
- recv(L, Ref, Fun, Acc) ->
- {MRef, R} = down(),
- {MRef, F} = lists:keyfind(MRef, 1, L),
- recv(lists:keydelete(MRef, 1, L),
- Ref,
- Fun,
- acc(R, Ref, F, Fun, Acc)).
- acc({Ref, RC}, Ref, F, Fun, Acc) ->
- Fun(true, F, RC, Acc);
- acc(Reason, _, F, Fun, Acc) ->
- Fun(false, F, Reason, Acc).
- down(MRef) ->
- receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, _, Reason} -> Reason end.
- down() ->
- receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, _, Reason} -> {MRef, Reason} end.
- %% foldl/3
- %%
- %% Parallel fold. Results are folded in order of the function list.
- foldl(Fun, Acc0, L)
- when is_function(Fun, 4) ->
- Ref = make_ref(),
- recvl(run(Ref, L), Ref, Fun, Acc0).
- recvl([], _, _, Acc) ->
- Acc;
- recvl([{MRef, F} | L], Ref, Fun, Acc) ->
- R = down(MRef),
- recvl(L, Ref, Fun, acc(R, Ref, F, Fun, Acc)).
- %% scramble/1
- %%
- %% Sort a list into random order.
- scramble(L) ->
- foldl(fun(true, _, S, false) -> S end,
- false,
- [[fun s/1, L]]).
- s(L) ->
- random:seed(now()),
- s([], L).
- s(Acc, []) ->
- Acc;
- s(Acc, L) ->
- {H, [T|Rest]} = lists:split(random:uniform(length(L)) - 1, L),
- s([T|Acc], H ++ Rest).
- %% eval/1
- eval({M,[F|A]})
- when is_atom(F) ->
- apply(M,F,A);
- eval({M,F,A}) ->
- apply(M,F,A);
- eval([F|A])
- when is_function(F) ->
- apply(F,A);
- eval(L)
- when is_list(L) ->
- run(L);
- eval(F)
- when is_function(F,0) ->
- F().
- %% write_priv/3
- write_priv(Config, Name, Term) ->
- Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
- Path = filename:join([Dir, Name]),
- ok = file:write_file(Path, term_to_binary(Term)).
- %% read_priv/2
- read_priv(Config, Name) ->
- Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
- Path = filename:join([Dir, Name]),
- {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(Path),
- binary_to_term(Bin).