https://github.com/nvbn/djang0byte · Python · 366 lines · 330 code · 20 blank · 16 comment · 19 complexity · d4078179a9fd432fed09305a4843e327 MD5 · raw file
- from django.test import TestCase
- from django.contrib.auth.models import User
- from tools.exceptions import (
- AlreadyRatedError, InvalidRateSignError,
- RateDisabledError, AlreadyRemovedError,
- NotRemovedError,
- )
- from blogging.models import (
- Blog, Post, Quiz, Answer, Comment,
- Section,
- )
- from blogging.exceptions import (
- AlreadySubscribedError, NotSubscribedError,
- AlreadyStarredError, NotStarredError,
- AlreadyAnsweredError, NotSeveralQuizError,
- AlreadyIgnoredError, VoteForIgnoredError,
- IgnoreForVotedError, NotQuestionError,
- SolutionAlreadyExistError, SoulutionDoesNotExistError,
- WrongSolutionHolderError,
- )
- from blogging.forms import (
- PostForm, PostOptionsForm, CommentForm,
- BlogForm,
- )
- from accounts.middleware import _thread_locals
- class ModelsTest(TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.root = User.objects.create(
- username='root',
- is_staff=True,
- is_superuser=True,
- )
- def test_rating(self):
- """Check ratins"""
- blog = Blog.objects.create(
- name='blog', description='description',
- author=self.root,
- )
- self.assertEqual(blog.is_rated(self.root), False)
- with self.assertRaises(InvalidRateSignError):
- blog.set_rate(-15, self.root)
- blog.set_rate(+1, self.root)
- self.assertEqual(blog.is_rated(self.root), True)
- with self.assertRaises(AlreadyRatedError):
- blog.set_rate(-1, self.root)
- blog2 = Blog.objects.create(
- name='blog', description='description',
- author=self.root, is_rate_enabled=False,
- )
- with self.assertRaises(RateDisabledError):
- blog2.set_rate(-1, self.root)
- def test_removing(self):
- """Check removing"""
- post = Post.objects.create(
- title='asd', preview='fsd',
- content='esd', author=self.root,
- )
- self.assertEqual(post.is_removed, False)
- post.remove()
- self.assertEqual(post.is_removed, True)
- with self.assertRaises(AlreadyRemovedError):
- post.remove()
- def test_restore(self):
- """Check restoring"""
- post = Post.objects.create(
- title='asd', preview='fsd',
- content='esd', author=self.root,
- )
- with self.assertRaises(NotRemovedError):
- post.restore()
- post.remove()
- self.assertEqual(post.is_removed, True)
- post.restore()
- self.assertEqual(post.is_removed, False)
- def test_subscriptions(self):
- """Check subscriptions"""
- post = Post.objects.create(
- title='asd', preview='fsd',
- content='esd', author=self.root,
- )
- self.assertEqual(post.is_subscribed(self.root), False)
- post.subscribe(self.root)
- self.assertEqual(post.is_subscribed(self.root), True)
- with self.assertRaises(AlreadySubscribedError):
- post.subscribe(self.root)
- post.unsubscribe(self.root)
- self.assertEqual(post.is_subscribed(self.root), False)
- with self.assertRaises(NotSubscribedError):
- post.unsubscribe(self.root)
- def test_stars(self):
- """Check stars"""
- post = Post.objects.create(
- title='asd', preview='fsd',
- content='esd', author=self.root,
- )
- self.assertEqual(post.is_starred(self.root), False)
- post.star(self.root)
- self.assertEqual(post.is_starred(self.root), True)
- with self.assertRaises(AlreadyStarredError):
- post.star(self.root)
- post.unstar(self.root)
- self.assertEqual(post.is_starred(self.root), False)
- with self.assertRaises(NotStarredError):
- post.unstar(self.root)
- def test_vote_quiz(self):
- """Test vote for quiz"""
- post = Post.objects.create(
- title='asd', preview='fsd',
- content='esd', author=self.root,
- )
- quiz = Quiz.objects.create(
- name='qqqq', is_several=False,
- post=post,
- )
- answer = Answer.objects.create(
- name='answer', quiz=quiz,
- )
- answer1 = Answer.objects.create(
- name='answer1', quiz=quiz,
- )
- self.assertEqual(quiz.is_voted(self.root), False)
- with self.assertRaises(NotSeveralQuizError):
- quiz.vote(self.root, [answer, answer1])
- quiz.vote(self.root, answer)
- self.assertEqual(quiz.is_voted(self.root), True)
- with self.assertRaises(AlreadyAnsweredError):
- quiz.vote(self.root, answer1)
- with self.assertRaises(IgnoreForVotedError):
- quiz.ignore(self.root)
- def test_ignore_quiz(self):
- """Test ignore for quiz"""
- post = Post.objects.create(
- title='asd', preview='fsd',
- content='esd', author=self.root,
- )
- quiz = Quiz.objects.create(
- name='qqqq', is_several=False,
- post=post,
- )
- answer = Answer.objects.create(
- name='answer', quiz=quiz,
- )
- answer1 = Answer.objects.create(
- name='answer1', quiz=quiz,
- )
- self.assertEqual(quiz.is_ignored(self.root), False)
- quiz.ignore(self.root)
- self.assertEqual(quiz.is_ignored(self.root), True)
- with self.assertRaises(AlreadyIgnoredError):
- quiz.ignore(self.root)
- with self.assertRaises(VoteForIgnoredError):
- quiz.vote(self.root, answer)
- def test_solution(self):
- """Test question sulution"""
- post = Post.objects.create(
- title='asd', preview='fsd',
- content='esd', author=self.root,
- )
- comment = Comment.objects.create(
- post=post, author=self.root,
- content='asdfg',
- )
- with self.assertRaises(NotQuestionError):
- post.set_solution(comment)
- post.type = Post.TYPE_QUESTION
- with self.assertRaises(SoulutionDoesNotExistError):
- post.get_solution()
- self.assertEqual(post.has_solution(), False)
- post.set_solution(comment)
- self.assertEqual(post.has_solution(), True)
- self.assertEqual(post.get_solution(), comment)
- comment2 = Comment.objects.create(
- post=post, author=self.root,
- content='asdfg',
- )
- with self.assertRaises(SolutionAlreadyExistError):
- post.set_solution(comment2)
- post2 = Post.objects.create(
- title='asd', preview='fsd', author=self.root,
- content='esd', type=Post.TYPE_QUESTION,
- )
- with self.assertRaises(WrongSolutionHolderError):
- post2.set_solution(comment2)
- def test_remove_solution(self):
- """Test remove solution"""
- post = Post.objects.create(
- title='asd', preview='fsd', author=self.root,
- content='esd', type=Post.TYPE_QUESTION,
- )
- comment = Comment.objects.create(
- post=post, author=self.root,
- content='asdfg',
- )
- with self.assertRaises(SoulutionDoesNotExistError):
- post.unset_solution()
- post.set_solution(comment)
- self.assertEqual(post.has_solution(), True)
- post.unset_solution()
- self.assertEqual(post.has_solution(), False)
- def test_posts_from_section(self):
- """Test posts from section"""
- blogs = map(lambda i: Blog.objects.create(
- name=str(i), author=self.root,
- ), range(10))
- posts = map(lambda i: Post.objects.create(
- title=str(i), preview='fsd', author=self.root,
- content='esd', blog=blogs[i],
- ), range(10))
- section_1 = Section.objects.create(
- name='1',
- )
- section_1.included_blogs.add(blogs[0])
- section_1.included_blogs.add(blogs[1])
- self.assertEqual(
- list(section_1.get_posts()),
- [posts[1], posts[0]],
- )
- section_2 = Section.objects.create(
- name='2',
- )
- section_2.excluded_blogs.add(blogs[2])
- section_2.excluded_blogs.add(blogs[3])
- self.assertEqual(
- list(section_2.get_posts()),
- [
- posts[9], posts[8], posts[7], posts[6],
- posts[5], posts[4], posts[1], posts[0],
- ],
- )
- section_3 = Section.objects.create(
- name='3',
- )
- section_3.included_blogs.add(blogs[5])
- section_3.included_blogs.add(blogs[6])
- section_3.excluded_blogs.add(blogs[6])
- self.assertEqual(
- list(section_3.get_posts()),
- [posts[5]],
- )
- class FormsTest(TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.root = User.objects.create(
- username='root',
- is_staff=True,
- is_superuser=True,
- )
- _thread_locals.user = self.root
- def test_post_creating(self):
- """Test post creating"""
- form = PostForm({
- 'title': 'ok',
- 'content': 'ok',
- 'type': Post.TYPE_POST,
- })
- self.assertEqual(form.is_valid(), True)
- post = form.save()
- self.assertEqual(post.title, 'ok')
- form = PostForm({
- 'title': 'ok',
- 'content': 'ok',
- 'type': Post.TYPE_LINK,
- })
- self.assertEqual(form.is_valid(), False)
- form = PostForm({
- 'title': 'ok',
- 'content': 'ok',
- 'type': Post.TYPE_LINK,
- 'related_url': 'http://welinux.ru/',
- })
- form.is_valid()
- self.assertEqual(form.is_valid(), True)
- def test_post_updating(self):
- """Test post updating"""
- post = Post.objects.create(
- title='asd', preview='fsd',
- content='esd', author=self.root,
- )
- form = PostForm({
- 'title': '12345',
- 'content': 'ok',
- 'type': Post.TYPE_POST,
- }, instance=post)
- form.is_valid()
- self.assertEqual(form.is_valid(), True)
- post = form.save()
- self.assertEqual(post.title, '12345')
- def test_comment_create(self):
- """Test comment creating"""
- post = Post.objects.create(
- title='asd', preview='fsd',
- content='esd', author=self.root,
- )
- form = CommentForm({
- 'content': 'okok',
- 'post': post.id,
- })
- self.assertEqual(form.is_valid(), True)
- comment = form.save()
- self.assertEqual(comment.content, 'okok')
- form = CommentForm({
- 'content': 'eee',
- 'parent': comment.id,
- 'post': post.id,
- })
- self.assertEqual(form.is_valid(), True)
- child = form.save()
- self.assertEqual(child.parent.id, comment.id)
- def test_comment_update(self):
- """Test comment updating"""
- post = Post.objects.create(
- title='asd', preview='fsd',
- content='esd', author=self.root,
- )
- comment = Comment.objects.create(
- content='okok', post=post,
- author=self.root,
- )
- form = CommentForm({
- 'content': '12345',
- 'post': post.id,
- }, instance=comment)
- self.assertEqual(form.is_valid(), True)
- comment = form.save()
- self.assertEqual(comment.content, '12345')
- def test_blog_create(self):
- """Test blog creating"""
- form = BlogForm({
- 'name': 'okok',
- 'description': 'yeee',
- })
- self.assertEqual(form.is_valid(), True)
- blog = form.save()
- self.assertEqual(blog.name, 'okok')
- def test_blog_updating(self):
- """Test blog updating"""
- blog = Blog.objects.create(
- author=self.root, name='okok',
- description='yeeee',
- )
- form = BlogForm({
- 'name': '12345',
- 'description': 'yeee',
- }, instance=blog)
- self.assertEqual(form.is_valid(), True)
- blog = form.save()
- self.assertEqual(blog.name, '12345')