Python | 27 lines | 16 code | 8 blank | 3 comment | 2 complexity | de87c871bc9865363e56166cc46d4fff MD5 | raw file
- import logging
- from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIRequest
- from django.http import HttpResponseForbidden, HttpResponse
- # This is a decorator that can be used to create a custom admin action that
- # doesn't require selecting any objects. Specify a list of actions that can be used
- # that don't need any objects passed to it.
- class allowEmptyQuerySetForActions():
- def __init__(self, actions):
- self.actions = actions
- def __call__(self, original_class):
- def changelist_view(self, request, **kwargs):
- if( '_selected_action' not in request.POST and
- 'action' in request.POST and request.POST['action'] in self.actions ):
- new_query_dict = request.POST.copy()
- new_query_dict.__setitem__('_selected_action', '0')
- request._post = new_query_dict
- return super(type(self), self).changelist_view(request, **kwargs)
- original_class.changelist_view = changelist_view
- return original_class