Python | 50 lines | 28 code | 12 blank | 10 comment | 2 complexity | 6a1a0a977b31675a5a50c8ebb63907e1 MD5 | raw file
- #! /usr/bin/env python
- '''Start the program. Load segments of the program that need to be started and
- run them.'''
- import sys
- import time
- import libs.globals
- print(libs.globals.global_vars['anon+']['banner'] %
- (libs.globals.global_vars['anon+']['VERSION'],
- libs.globals.global_vars['anon+']['BUILD']))
- import libs.threadmanager
- import libs.events
- import libs.logs
- import libs.config
- ## Startup
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # Create the console. Later to be replaced with an extenal app
- from libs.console import console
- consoleO = console()
- libs.threadmanager.register(consoleO)
- consoleO.start()
- # Load and prepare our list of friends
- import libs.friends as friends
- friends.load_friends()
- # Load connection handlers and start
- import tunnels.directudp
- tunnels.directudp.start()
- # Start the web interface
- import uis.web.manager
- uis.web.manager.start()
- ## main loop
- while libs.globals.global_vars['running']:
- time.sleep(0.5)
- ## cleanup
- libs.threadmanager.killall()
- friends.save_friends()
- libs.config.save_config()
- libs.globals.global_vars['running'] = False
- exit()