https://github.com/mkedwards/android_cts · Java · 431 lines · 334 code · 57 blank · 40 comment · 6 complexity · bf44d8557d82d615c9b86a8b84d46b84 MD5 · raw file
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
- * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
- package android.content.cts;
- import dalvik.annotation.TestLevel;
- import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetClass;
- import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetNew;
- import dalvik.annotation.TestTargets;
- import dalvik.annotation.ToBeFixed;
- import android.content.ContentQueryMap;
- import android.content.ContentResolver;
- import android.content.ContentValues;
- import android.database.Cursor;
- import android.os.Handler;
- import android.os.HandlerThread;
- import android.os.Looper;
- import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Observable;
- import java.util.Observer;
- /**
- * Test {@link ContentQueryMap}.
- */
- @TestTargetClass(ContentQueryMap.class)
- public class ContentQueryMapTest extends AndroidTestCase {
- private static final int TEST_TIME_OUT = 5000;
- private static final String NAME0 = "name0";
- private static final String VALUE0 = "value0";
- private static final String NAME1 = "name1";
- private static final String VALUE1 = "value1";
- private static final String NAME2 = "name2";
- private static final String VALUE2 = "value2";
- private static final String NAME3 = "name3";
- private static final String VALUE3 = "value3";
- private static final String[] PROJECTIONS = new String[] {
- DummyProvider.NAME, DummyProvider.VALUE};
- private static final int ORIGINAL_ROW_COUNT = 2;
- private ContentResolver mResolver;
- private Cursor mCursor;
- private ContentQueryMap mContentQueryMap;
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- mResolver = mContext.getContentResolver();
- ContentValues values0 = new ContentValues();
- values0.put(DummyProvider.NAME, NAME0);
- values0.put(DummyProvider.VALUE, VALUE0);
- mResolver.insert(DummyProvider.CONTENT_URI, values0);
- ContentValues values1 = new ContentValues();
- values1.put(DummyProvider.NAME, NAME1);
- values1.put(DummyProvider.VALUE, VALUE1);
- mResolver.insert(DummyProvider.CONTENT_URI, values1);
- mCursor = mResolver.query(DummyProvider.CONTENT_URI, PROJECTIONS, null, null, null);
- assertNotNull(mCursor);
- }
- @Override
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- if (mContentQueryMap != null) {
- mContentQueryMap.close();
- mContentQueryMap = null;
- }
- if (mCursor != null) {
- mCursor.close();
- mCursor = null;
- }
- mResolver.delete(DummyProvider.CONTENT_URI, null, null);
- super.tearDown();
- }
- @TestTargetNew(
- level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
- method = "ContentQueryMap",
- args = {android.database.Cursor.class, java.lang.String.class, boolean.class,
- android.os.Handler.class}
- )
- @ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "should add @throws clause into javadoc of "
- + "constructor when param cursor or columnNameOfKey is null")
- public void testConstructor() {
- new ContentQueryMap(mCursor, DummyProvider.NAME, true, null);
- new ContentQueryMap(mCursor, DummyProvider.VALUE, false, new Handler());
- try {
- new ContentQueryMap(mCursor, null, false, new Handler());
- fail("Should throw NullPointerException if param columnNameOfKey is null");
- } catch (NullPointerException e) {
- }
- try {
- new ContentQueryMap(null, DummyProvider.NAME, false, new Handler());
- fail("Should throw NullPointerException if param cursor is null");
- } catch (NullPointerException e) {
- }
- }
- @TestTargets({
- @TestTargetNew(
- level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
- method = "getRows",
- args = {}
- ),
- @TestTargetNew(
- level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
- method = "close",
- args = {}
- )
- })
- public void testGetRows() {
- // handler can be null
- mContentQueryMap = new ContentQueryMap(mCursor, DummyProvider.NAME, true, null);
- Map<String, ContentValues> rows = mContentQueryMap.getRows();
- assertEquals(ORIGINAL_ROW_COUNT, rows.size());
- assertTrue(rows.containsKey(NAME0));
- assertEquals(VALUE0, rows.get(NAME0).getAsString(DummyProvider.VALUE));
- assertTrue(rows.containsKey(NAME1));
- assertEquals(VALUE1, rows.get(NAME1).getAsString(DummyProvider.VALUE));
- mContentQueryMap.close();
- // the mCursor has been close
- mContentQueryMap = new ContentQueryMap(mCursor, DummyProvider.NAME, false, new Handler());
- rows = mContentQueryMap.getRows();
- assertFalse(rows.containsKey(NAME0));
- mContentQueryMap.requery();
- rows = mContentQueryMap.getRows();
- assertFalse(rows.containsKey(NAME0));
- }
- @TestTargets({
- @TestTargetNew(
- level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
- method = "requery",
- args = {}
- ),
- @TestTargetNew(
- level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
- method = "getValues",
- args = {java.lang.String.class}
- )
- })
- public void testRequery() {
- // Disable the keepUpdated to make sure requery() will not be called
- // from somewhere else
- mContentQueryMap = new ContentQueryMap(mCursor, DummyProvider.NAME, false, null);
- ContentValues contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME0);
- assertNotNull(contentValues);
- assertEquals(VALUE0, contentValues.getAsString(DummyProvider.VALUE));
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME1);
- assertNotNull(contentValues);
- assertEquals(VALUE1, contentValues.getAsString(DummyProvider.VALUE));
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME2);
- assertNull(contentValues);
- // update NAME0 and VALUE0
- ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
- values.put(DummyProvider.NAME, NAME2);
- values.put(DummyProvider.VALUE, VALUE2);
- mResolver.update(DummyProvider.CONTENT_URI, values,
- DummyProvider.NAME + " = '" + NAME0 + "'", null);
- mContentQueryMap.requery();
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME0);
- assertNull(contentValues);
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME1);
- assertNotNull(contentValues);
- assertEquals(VALUE1, contentValues.getAsString(DummyProvider.VALUE));
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME2);
- assertNotNull(contentValues);
- assertEquals(VALUE2, contentValues.getAsString(DummyProvider.VALUE));
- }
- @TestTargets({
- @TestTargetNew(
- level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
- method = "setKeepUpdated",
- args = {boolean.class}
- ),
- @TestTargetNew(
- level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
- method = "getValues",
- args = {java.lang.String.class}
- ),
- @TestTargetNew(
- level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
- method = "requery",
- args = {}
- )
- })
- public void testSetKeepUpdated() throws InterruptedException {
- MockObserver observer = new MockObserver();
- // keepUpdated is false
- mContentQueryMap = new ContentQueryMap(mCursor, DummyProvider.NAME, false, null);
- mContentQueryMap.addObserver(observer);
- assertFalse(observer.hadUpdated(0));
- ContentValues contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME0);
- assertNotNull(contentValues);
- assertEquals(VALUE0, contentValues.getAsString(DummyProvider.VALUE));
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME2);
- assertNull(contentValues);
- // update NAME0 and VALUE0
- ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
- values.put(DummyProvider.NAME, NAME2);
- values.put(DummyProvider.VALUE, VALUE2);
- mResolver.update(DummyProvider.CONTENT_URI, values,
- DummyProvider.NAME + " = '" + NAME0 + "'", null);
- // values have not been updated
- assertFalse(observer.hadUpdated(0));
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME0);
- assertNotNull(contentValues);
- assertEquals(VALUE0, contentValues.getAsString(DummyProvider.VALUE));
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME2);
- assertNull(contentValues);
- // have to update manually
- mContentQueryMap.requery();
- assertTrue(observer.hadUpdated(0));
- assertSame(mContentQueryMap, observer.getObservable());
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME0);
- assertNull(contentValues);
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME2);
- assertNotNull(contentValues);
- assertEquals(VALUE2, contentValues.getAsString(DummyProvider.VALUE));
- observer.reset();
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME3);
- assertNull(contentValues);
- new Thread(new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- Looper.prepare();
- mContentQueryMap.setKeepUpdated(true);
- Looper.loop();
- }
- }).start();
- // insert NAME3 and VALUE3
- values = new ContentValues();
- values.put(DummyProvider.NAME, NAME3);
- values.put(DummyProvider.VALUE, VALUE3);
- mResolver.insert(DummyProvider.CONTENT_URI, values);
- // should be updated automatically
- assertTrue(observer.hadUpdated(TEST_TIME_OUT));
- assertSame(mContentQueryMap, observer.getObservable());
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME3);
- assertNotNull(contentValues);
- assertEquals(VALUE3, contentValues.getAsString(DummyProvider.VALUE));
- observer.reset();
- new Thread(new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- Looper.prepare();
- mContentQueryMap.setKeepUpdated(false);
- Looper.loop();
- }
- }).start();
- // update NAME3 and VALUE3
- values = new ContentValues();
- values.put(DummyProvider.NAME, NAME0);
- values.put(DummyProvider.VALUE, VALUE0);
- mResolver.update(DummyProvider.CONTENT_URI, values,
- DummyProvider.NAME + " = '" + NAME3 + "'", null);
- // values have not been updated
- assertFalse(observer.hadUpdated(TEST_TIME_OUT));
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME3);
- assertNotNull(contentValues);
- assertEquals(VALUE3, contentValues.getAsString(DummyProvider.VALUE));
- }
- @TestTargets({
- @TestTargetNew(
- level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
- method = "setKeepUpdated",
- args = {boolean.class}
- ),
- @TestTargetNew(
- level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
- method = "getValues",
- args = {java.lang.String.class}
- )
- })
- public void testSetKeepUpdatedWithHandler() throws InterruptedException {
- MockObserver observer = new MockObserver();
- HandlerThread thread = new HandlerThread("testSetKeepUpdatedWithHandler");
- thread.start();
- Handler handler = new Handler(thread.getLooper());
- // keepUpdated is false
- mContentQueryMap = new ContentQueryMap(mCursor, DummyProvider.NAME, false, handler);
- mContentQueryMap.addObserver(observer);
- assertFalse(observer.hadUpdated(0));
- ContentValues contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME0);
- assertNotNull(contentValues);
- assertEquals(VALUE0, contentValues.getAsString(DummyProvider.VALUE));
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME2);
- assertNull(contentValues);
- // update NAME0 and VALUE0
- ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
- values.put(DummyProvider.NAME, NAME2);
- values.put(DummyProvider.VALUE, VALUE2);
- mResolver.update(DummyProvider.CONTENT_URI, values,
- DummyProvider.NAME + " = '" + NAME0 + "'", null);
- // values have not been updated
- assertFalse(observer.hadUpdated(TEST_TIME_OUT));
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME0);
- assertNotNull(contentValues);
- assertEquals(VALUE0, contentValues.getAsString(DummyProvider.VALUE));
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME2);
- assertNull(contentValues);
- // have to update manually
- mContentQueryMap.requery();
- assertTrue(observer.hadUpdated(0));
- assertSame(mContentQueryMap, observer.getObservable());
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME0);
- assertNull(contentValues);
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME2);
- assertNotNull(contentValues);
- assertEquals(VALUE2, contentValues.getAsString(DummyProvider.VALUE));
- observer.reset();
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME3);
- assertNull(contentValues);
- mContentQueryMap.setKeepUpdated(true);
- // insert NAME3 and VALUE3
- values = new ContentValues();
- values.put(DummyProvider.NAME, NAME3);
- values.put(DummyProvider.VALUE, VALUE3);
- mResolver.insert(DummyProvider.CONTENT_URI, values);
- // should be updated automatically
- assertTrue(observer.hadUpdated(TEST_TIME_OUT));
- assertSame(mContentQueryMap, observer.getObservable());
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME3);
- assertNotNull(contentValues);
- assertEquals(VALUE3, contentValues.getAsString(DummyProvider.VALUE));
- observer.reset();
- mContentQueryMap.setKeepUpdated(false);
- // update NAME3 and VALUE3
- values = new ContentValues();
- values.put(DummyProvider.NAME, NAME0);
- values.put(DummyProvider.VALUE, VALUE0);
- mResolver.update(DummyProvider.CONTENT_URI, values,
- DummyProvider.NAME + " = '" + NAME3 + "'", null);
- // values have not been updated
- assertFalse(observer.hadUpdated(TEST_TIME_OUT));
- contentValues = mContentQueryMap.getValues(NAME3);
- assertNotNull(contentValues);
- assertEquals(VALUE3, contentValues.getAsString(DummyProvider.VALUE));
- }
- @TestTargetNew(
- level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
- method = "getValues",
- args = {java.lang.String.class}
- )
- public void testGetValuesBoundary() {
- mContentQueryMap = new ContentQueryMap(mCursor, DummyProvider.NAME, false, null);
- assertNull(mContentQueryMap.getValues(null));
- assertNull(mContentQueryMap.getValues(""));
- }
- private static final class MockObserver implements Observer {
- private boolean mHadUpdated = false;
- private Observable mObservable;
- public void reset() {
- mHadUpdated = false;
- mObservable = null;
- }
- public synchronized void update(Observable observable, Object data) {
- mObservable = observable;
- mHadUpdated = true;
- notify();
- }
- public Observable getObservable() {
- return mObservable;
- }
- public synchronized boolean hadUpdated(long timeout) throws InterruptedException {
- // do not wait if timeout is 0
- if (timeout > 0 && !mHadUpdated) {
- wait(timeout);
- }
- return mHadUpdated;
- }
- }
- }