https://github.com/rzezeski/rts · Erlang · 227 lines · 183 code · 33 blank · 11 comment · 0 complexity · 45b0ef0b73c3c0a81c7cd57fb4d0f863 MD5 · raw file
- %% @doc A vnode to handle get & put commands for stat data. The vnode
- %% requests will be hashed on Client and StatName and will use a
- %% coordinator to enforce N/R/W values.
- -module(rts_stat_vnode).
- -behaviour(riak_core_vnode).
- -include("rts.hrl").
- -include_lib("riak_core/include/riak_core_vnode.hrl").
- -export([start_vnode/1,
- init/1,
- terminate/2,
- handle_command/3,
- is_empty/1,
- delete/1,
- handle_handoff_command/3,
- handoff_starting/2,
- handoff_cancelled/1,
- handoff_finished/2,
- handle_handoff_data/2,
- encode_handoff_item/2,
- handle_coverage/4,
- handle_exit/3]).
- -export([
- get/3,
- set/4,
- repair/3,
- incr/3,
- incrby/4,
- append/4,
- sadd/4,
- srem/4
- ]).
- -record(state, {partition, stats, node}).
- -define(MASTER, rts_stat_vnode_master).
- -define(sync(PrefList, Command, Master),
- riak_core_vnode_master:sync_command(PrefList, Command, Master)).
- %%%===================================================================
- %%% API
- %%%===================================================================
- start_vnode(I) ->
- riak_core_vnode_master:get_vnode_pid(I, ?MODULE).
- get(Preflist, ReqID, StatName) ->
- riak_core_vnode_master:command(Preflist,
- {get, ReqID, StatName},
- {fsm, undefined, self()},
- set(Preflist, Identity, StatName, Val) ->
- riak_core_vnode_master:command(Preflist,
- {set, Identity, StatName, Val},
- %% @doc Attempt to repair -- fire and forget.
- repair(IdxNode, StatName, Obj) ->
- riak_core_vnode_master:command(IdxNode,
- {repair, undefined, StatName, Obj},
- ignore,
- %% TODO: I have to look at the Sender stuff more closely again
- incr(Preflist, Identity, StatName) ->
- riak_core_vnode_master:command(Preflist,
- {incrby, Identity, StatName, 1},
- {fsm, undefined, self()},
- incrby(Preflist, Identity, StatName, Val) ->
- riak_core_vnode_master:command(Preflist,
- {incrby, Identity, StatName, Val},
- {fsm, undefined, self()},
- append(Preflist, Identity, StatName, Val) ->
- riak_core_vnode_master:command(Preflist,
- {append, Identity, StatName, Val},
- {fsm, undefined, self()},
- sadd(Preflist, Identity, StatName, Val) ->
- riak_core_vnode_master:command(Preflist,
- {sadd, Identity, StatName, Val},
- {fsm, undefined, self()},
- srem(Preflist, Identity, StatName, Val) ->
- riak_core_vnode_master:command(Preflist,
- {srem, Identity, StatName, Val},
- {fsm, undefined, self()},
- %%%===================================================================
- %%% Callbacks
- %%%===================================================================
- init([Partition]) ->
- {ok, #state { partition=Partition, stats=dict:new(), node=node() }}.
- handle_command({get, ReqID, StatName}, _Sender,
- #state{stats=Stats, partition=Partition, node=Node}=State) ->
- Reply =
- case dict:find(StatName, Stats) of
- error ->
- not_found;
- {ok, Found} ->
- Found
- end,
- {reply, {ok, ReqID, {Partition,Node}, Reply}, State};
- handle_command({set, {ReqID, _}, StatName, Val}, _Sender, #state{stats=Stats0}=State) ->
- Stats = dict:store(StatName, Val, Stats0),
- {reply, {ok, ReqID}, State#state{stats=Stats}};
- handle_command({repair, undefined, StatName, Obj}, _Sender, #state{stats=Stats0}=State) ->
- error_logger:error_msg("repair performed ~p~n", [Obj]),
- Stats = dict:store(StatName, Obj, Stats0),
- {noreply, State#state{stats=Stats}};
- handle_command({incrby, {ReqID, Coordinator}, StatName, IncrBy}, _Sender, #state{stats=Stats0}=State) ->
- Obj =
- case dict:find(StatName, Stats0) of
- {ok, #rts_obj{val=#incr{total=T0, counts=C0}}=O} ->
- T = T0 + IncrBy,
- C = dict:update_counter(Coordinator, IncrBy, C0),
- Val = #incr{total=T, counts=C},
- rts_obj:update(Val, Coordinator, O);
- error ->
- Val = #incr{total=IncrBy,
- counts=dict:from_list([{Coordinator, IncrBy}])},
- VC0 = vclock:fresh(),
- VC = vclock:increment(Coordinator, VC0),
- #rts_obj{val=Val, vclock=VC}
- end,
- Stats = dict:store(StatName, Obj, Stats0),
- {reply, {ok, ReqID}, State#state{stats=Stats}};
- handle_command({append, {ReqID, _}, StatName, Val}, _Sender, #state{stats=Stats0}=State) ->
- Stats = try dict:append(StatName, Val, Stats0)
- catch _:_ -> dict:store(StatName, [Val], Stats0)
- end,
- {reply, {ok, ReqID}, State#state{stats=Stats}};
- handle_command({sadd, {ReqID, Coordinator}, StatName, Val},
- _Sender, #state{stats=Stats0}=State) ->
- SB =
- case dict:find(StatName, Stats0) of
- {ok, #rts_obj{val=SB0}=O} ->
- SB1 = statebox:modify({sets, add_element, [Val]}, SB0),
- SB2 = statebox:expire(?STATEBOX_EXPIRE, SB1),
- rts_obj:update(SB2, Coordinator, O);
- error ->
- SB0 = statebox:new(fun sets:new/0),
- SB1 = statebox:modify({sets, add_element, [Val]}, SB0),
- VC0 = vclock:fresh(),
- VC = vclock:increment(Coordinator, VC0),
- #rts_obj{val=SB1, vclock=VC}
- end,
- Stats = dict:store(StatName, SB, Stats0),
- {reply, {ok, ReqID}, State#state{stats=Stats}};
- handle_command({srem, {ReqID, Coordinator}, StatName, Val},
- _Sender, #state{stats=Stats0}=State) ->
- SB =
- case dict:find(StatName, Stats0) of
- {ok, #rts_obj{val=SB0}=O} ->
- SB1 = statebox:modify({sets, del_element, [Val]}, SB0),
- SB2 = statebox:expire(?STATEBOX_EXPIRE, SB1),
- rts_obj:update(SB2, Coordinator, O);
- error ->
- SB0 = statebox:new(fun sets:new/0),
- SB1 = statebox:modify({sets, del_element, [Val]}, SB0),
- VC0 = vclock:fresh(),
- VC = vclock:increment(Coordinator, VC0),
- #rts_obj{val=SB1, vclock=VC}
- end,
- Stats = dict:store(StatName, SB, Stats0),
- {reply, {ok, ReqID}, State#state{stats=Stats}}.
- handle_handoff_command(?FOLD_REQ{foldfun=Fun, acc0=Acc0}, _Sender, State) ->
- Acc = dict:fold(Fun, Acc0, State#state.stats),
- {reply, Acc, State};
- handle_handoff_command(Req, _Sender, State) ->
- handle_command(Req, _Sender, State).
- handoff_starting(_TargetNode, _State) ->
- {true, _State}.
- handoff_cancelled(State) ->
- {ok, State}.
- handoff_finished(_TargetNode, State) ->
- {ok, State}.
- handle_handoff_data(Data, #state{stats=Stats0}=State) ->
- {StatName, HObj} = binary_to_term(Data),
- MObj =
- case dict:find(StatName, Stats0) of
- {ok, Obj} -> rts_obj:merge([Obj,HObj]);
- error -> HObj
- end,
- Stats = dict:store(StatName, MObj, Stats0),
- {reply, ok, State#state{stats=Stats}}.
- encode_handoff_item(StatName, Val) ->
- term_to_binary({StatName,Val}).
- is_empty(State) ->
- case dict:size(State#state.stats) of
- 0 -> {true, State};
- _ -> {false, State}
- end.
- delete(State) ->
- {ok, State}.
- handle_coverage(_Req, _KeySpaces, _Sender, State) ->
- {stop, not_implemented, State}.
- handle_exit(_Pid, _Reason, _State) ->
- {noreply, _State}.
- terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
- ok.