Python | 121 lines | 79 code | 25 blank | 17 comment | 13 complexity | ae981f9a1edac5bfb3a797437c583236 MD5 | raw file
- #
- # Script that loads in a data set and creates a series of plots
- # that compare the effect of different running difference algorithms
- import os
- from copy import deepcopy
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import matplotlib.cm as cm
- import mapcube_tools
- import swave_study as sws
- import aware_utils
- filepath = '~/eitwave/img/difference_comparison.png'
- # Summing of the simulated observations in the time direction
- temporal_summing = sws.temporal_summing
- # Summing of the simulated observations in the spatial directions
- spatial_summing = sws.spatial_summing
- wave_names = ['longetal2014_figure8a', 'longetal2014_figure8e', 'longetal2014_figure4']
- differencing_types = ['RDP', 'RD', 'PBD']
- info = {'longetal2014_figure8a': 20,
- 'longetal2014_figure8e': 20,
- 'longetal2014_figure4': 20}
- fontsize = 8
- maps = {}
- figure_type = 2
- #
- # Set up the matplotlib plot
- #
- plt.close('all')
- fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, len(wave_names), figsize=(9, 9))
- # Go through each wave
- for i, wave_name in enumerate(wave_names):
- index = info[wave_name]
- # Load observational data from file
- euv_wave_data = aware_utils.create_input_to_aware_for_test_observational_data(wave_name)
- #
- print('Accumulating AIA data.')
- mc = euv_wave_data['finalmaps']
- mc = mapcube_tools.accumulate(mapcube_tools.superpixel(mc, spatial_summing), temporal_summing)
- for differencing_type in differencing_types:
- if differencing_type == 'RD':
- # running difference
- print('Calculating the running difference.')
- mc_rd = mapcube_tools.running_difference(mc)
- new = deepcopy(mc_rd[index])
- new.plot_settings['cmap'] = cm.RdGy
- if differencing_type == 'PBD':
- # fraction base difference
- print('Calculating the base difference.')
- mc_pbd = mapcube_tools.base_difference(mc, fraction=True)
- new = deepcopy(mc_pbd[index+1])
- new.plot_settings['norm'].vmax = 0.5
- new.plot_settings['norm'].vmin = -0.5
- new.plot_settings['cmap'] = cm.RdGy
- if differencing_type == 'RDP':
- # running difference persistence images
- print('Calculating the running difference persistence images.')
- mc_rdp = mapcube_tools.running_difference(mapcube_tools.persistence(mc))
- new = deepcopy(mc_rdp[index])
- new.plot_settings['cmap'] = cm.gray_r
- maps[differencing_type] = new
- rd_all_vmax = np.max([maps['RD'].data.max(), maps['RDP'].data.max()])
- maps['RD'].plot_settings['norm'].vmax = rd_all_vmax
- maps['RDP'].plot_settings['norm'].vmax = rd_all_vmax
- # Go through each differencing type
- for j, differencing_type in enumerate(differencing_types):
- tm = maps[differencing_type]
- ta = axes[j, i]
- # Just use the built in map plotting
- if figure_type == 1:
- if j == 0:
- tm.plot(axes=ta, title=differencing_type + '\n' + tm.date.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))
- else:
- tm.plot(axes=ta, title=differencing_type)
- tm.draw_limb(color='black')
- ta.set_xlabel('x (arcsec)', fontsize=fontsize)
- xtl = ta.axes.xaxis.get_majorticklabels()
- for l in range(0, len(xtl)):
- xtl[l].set_fontsize(0.67*fontsize)
- ta.set_ylabel('y (arcsec)', fontsize=fontsize)
- ytl = ta.axes.yaxis.get_majorticklabels()
- for l in range(0, len(ytl)):
- ytl[l].set_fontsize(0.67*fontsize)
- ta.axes.yaxis.set_visible(False)
- ta.axes.xaxis.set_visible(False)
- # Show the image data itself.
- if figure_type == 2:
- ta.imshow(tm.data)
- ta.set_axis_off()
- if i == 0:
- fig.text(0.05, 0.2 + i*0.33, differencing_type)
- plt.tight_layout(pad=0.0, h_pad=0.0, w_pad=0.0, rect=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0))
- plt.savefig(os.path.expanduser(filepath))
- plt.close('all')
- fig.text(0, 0.2, 'RD')
- fig.text(0, 0.2 + 0.33, 'PD')
- fig.text(0, 0.2 + 0.66, 'RDP')