Python | 223 lines | 188 code | 17 blank | 18 comment | 25 complexity | ca4dc3ca5f37d86a7aea662c73b4e5c6 MD5 | raw file
- """Example usage:
- $ py.py -o thunk
- >>> from __pypy__ import thunk, lazy, become
- >>> def f():
- ... print 'computing...'
- ... return 6*7
- ...
- >>> x = thunk(f)
- >>> x
- computing...
- 42
- >>> x
- 42
- >>> y = thunk(f)
- >>> type(y)
- computing...
- <pypy type 'int'>
- >>> @lazy
- ... def g(n):
- ... print 'computing...'
- ... return n + 5
- ...
- >>> y = g(12)
- >>> y
- computing...
- 17
- """
- from pypy.objspace.proxy import patch_space_in_place
- from pypy.interpreter import gateway, baseobjspace, argument
- from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
- from pypy.interpreter.function import Method
- # __________________________________________________________________________
- # 'w_obj.w_thunkalias' points to another object that 'w_obj' has turned into
- baseobjspace.W_Root.w_thunkalias = None
- # adding a name in __slots__ after class creation doesn't "work" in Python,
- # but in this case it has the effect of telling the annotator that this
- # attribute is allowed to be moved up to this class.
- baseobjspace.W_Root.__slots__ += ('w_thunkalias',)
- class W_Thunk(baseobjspace.W_Root, object):
- def __init__(w_self, w_callable, args):
- w_self.w_callable = w_callable
- w_self.args = args
- w_self.operr = None
- # special marker to say that w_self has not been computed yet
- w_NOT_COMPUTED_THUNK = W_Thunk(None, None)
- W_Thunk.w_thunkalias = w_NOT_COMPUTED_THUNK
- def _force(space, w_self):
- w_alias = w_self.w_thunkalias
- while w_alias is not None:
- if w_alias is w_NOT_COMPUTED_THUNK:
- assert isinstance(w_self, W_Thunk)
- if w_self.operr is not None:
- raise w_self.operr
- w_callable = w_self.w_callable
- args = w_self.args
- if w_callable is None or args is None:
- raise OperationError(space.w_RuntimeError,
- space.wrap("thunk is already being computed"))
- w_self.w_callable = None
- w_self.args = None
- try:
- w_alias = space.call_args(w_callable, args)
- except OperationError, operr:
- w_self.operr = operr
- raise
- if _is_circular(w_self, w_alias):
- operr = OperationError(space.w_RuntimeError,
- space.wrap("circular thunk alias"))
- w_self.operr = operr
- raise operr
- w_self.w_thunkalias = w_alias
- # XXX do path compression?
- w_self = w_alias
- w_alias = w_self.w_thunkalias
- return w_self
- def _is_circular(w_obj, w_alias):
- assert (w_obj.w_thunkalias is None or
- w_obj.w_thunkalias is w_NOT_COMPUTED_THUNK)
- while 1:
- if w_obj is w_alias:
- return True
- w_next = w_alias.w_thunkalias
- if w_next is None:
- return False
- if w_next is w_NOT_COMPUTED_THUNK:
- return False
- w_alias = w_next
- def force(space, w_self):
- if w_self.w_thunkalias is not None:
- w_self = _force(space, w_self)
- return w_self
- def thunk(w_callable, __args__):
- """thunk(f, *args, **kwds) -> an object that behaves like the
- result of the call f(*args, **kwds). The call is performed lazily."""
- return W_Thunk(w_callable, __args__)
- app_thunk = gateway.interp2app(thunk)
- def is_thunk(space, w_obj):
- """Check if an object is a thunk that has not been computed yet."""
- while 1:
- w_alias = w_obj.w_thunkalias
- if w_alias is None:
- return space.w_False
- if w_alias is w_NOT_COMPUTED_THUNK:
- return space.w_True
- w_obj = w_alias
- app_is_thunk = gateway.interp2app(is_thunk)
- def become(space, w_target, w_source):
- """Globally replace the target object with the source one."""
- w_target = force(space, w_target)
- if not _is_circular(w_target, w_source):
- w_target.w_thunkalias = w_source
- return space.w_None
- app_become = gateway.interp2app(become)
- def lazy(space, w_callable):
- """Decorator to make a callable return its results wrapped in a thunk."""
- meth = Method(space, space.w_fn_thunk,
- w_callable, space.type(w_callable))
- return space.wrap(meth)
- app_lazy = gateway.interp2app(lazy)
- # __________________________________________________________________________
- nb_forcing_args = {}
- def setup():
- nb_forcing_args.update({
- 'setattr': 2, # instead of 3
- 'setitem': 2, # instead of 3
- 'get': 2, # instead of 3
- # ---- irregular operations ----
- 'wrap': 0,
- 'str_w': 1,
- 'int_w': 1,
- 'float_w': 1,
- 'uint_w': 1,
- 'unicode_w': 1,
- 'bigint_w': 1,
- 'interpclass_w': 1,
- 'unwrap': 1,
- 'is_true': 1,
- 'is_w': 2,
- 'newtuple': 0,
- 'newlist': 0,
- 'newdict': 0,
- 'newslice': 0,
- 'call_args': 1,
- 'marshal_w': 1,
- 'log': 1,
- })
- for opname, _, arity, _ in baseobjspace.ObjSpace.MethodTable:
- nb_forcing_args.setdefault(opname, arity)
- for opname in baseobjspace.ObjSpace.IrregularOpTable:
- assert opname in nb_forcing_args, "missing %r" % opname
- setup()
- del setup
- # __________________________________________________________________________
- def proxymaker(space, opname, parentfn):
- nb_args = nb_forcing_args[opname]
- if nb_args == 0:
- proxy = None
- elif nb_args == 1:
- def proxy(w1, *extra):
- w1 = force(space, w1)
- return parentfn(w1, *extra)
- elif nb_args == 2:
- def proxy(w1, w2, *extra):
- w1 = force(space, w1)
- w2 = force(space, w2)
- return parentfn(w1, w2, *extra)
- elif nb_args == 3:
- def proxy(w1, w2, w3, *extra):
- w1 = force(space, w1)
- w2 = force(space, w2)
- w3 = force(space, w3)
- return parentfn(w1, w2, w3, *extra)
- elif nb_args == 4:
- def proxy(w1, w2, w3, w4, *extra):
- w1 = force(space, w1)
- w2 = force(space, w2)
- w3 = force(space, w3)
- w4 = force(space, w4)
- return parentfn(w1, w2, w3, w4, *extra)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError("operation %r has arity %d" %
- (opname, nb_args))
- return proxy
- def Space(*args, **kwds):
- # for now, always make up a wrapped StdObjSpace
- from pypy.objspace import std
- space = std.Space(*args, **kwds)
- patch_space_in_place(space, 'thunk', proxymaker)
- space.resolve_target = lambda w_arg: _force(space, w_arg)
- w___pypy__ = space.getbuiltinmodule("__pypy__")
- space.w_fn_thunk = space.wrap(app_thunk)
- space.setattr(w___pypy__, space.wrap('thunk'),
- space.w_fn_thunk)
- space.setattr(w___pypy__, space.wrap('is_thunk'),
- space.wrap(app_is_thunk))
- space.setattr(w___pypy__, space.wrap('become'),
- space.wrap(app_become))
- space.setattr(w___pypy__, space.wrap('lazy'),
- space.wrap(app_lazy))
- return space