PHP | 480 lines | 436 code | 21 blank | 23 comment | 35 complexity | bfc70930ad2b5ff0bc93b280ef9b172f MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- /*
- homepage: ARC or plugin homepage
- license: http://arc.semsol.org/license
- class: ARC2 SPARQLScript Processor
- author:
- version: 2008-10-08 (Tweak: GET/POST placeholders have to be uppercase now)
- */
- ARC2::inc('Class');
- class ARC2_SPARQLScriptProcessor extends ARC2_Class {
- function __construct($a = '', &$caller) {
- parent::__construct($a, $caller);
- }
- function ARC2_SPARQLScriptProcessor ($a = '', &$caller) {
- $this->__construct($a, $caller);
- }
- function __init() {
- parent::__init();
- $this->max_operations = $this->v('sparqlscript_max_operations', 0, $this->a);
- $this->max_queries = $this->v('sparqlscript_max_queries', 0, $this->a);
- $this->env = array(
- 'endpoint' => '',
- 'vars' => array(),
- 'output' => '',
- 'operation_count' => 0,
- 'query_count' => 0,
- 'query_log' => array()
- );
- }
- function reset() {
- $this->__init();
- }
- /* */
- function processScript($s) {
- $r = array();
- $parser = $this->getParser();
- $parser->parse($s);
- $blocks = $parser->getScriptBlocks();
- if ($parser->getErrors()) return 0;
- foreach ($blocks as $block) {
- $sub_r = $this->processBlock($block);
- if ($this->getErrors()) return 0;
- }
- }
- /* */
- function getParser() {
- ARC2::inc('SPARQLScriptParser');
- return new ARC2_SPARQLScriptParser($this->a, $this);
- }
- /* */
- function setVar($name, $val, $type = 'literal') {
- $this->env['vars'][$name] = array('value_type' => $type, 'value' => $val);
- }
- /* */
- function replacePlaceholders($val, $context = '') {
- do {
- $old_val = $val;
- if (preg_match_all('/(\{(?:[^{}]+|(?R))*\})/', $val, $m)) {
- foreach ($m[1] as $match) {
- if (strpos($val, '$' . $match) === false) {/* just some container brackets, recurse */
- $val = str_replace($match, '{' . $this->replacePlaceholders(substr($match, 1, -1), $context) . '}', $val);
- }
- else {
- $ph = substr($match, 1, -1);
- $sub_val = $this->getPlaceholderValue($ph);
- if (is_array($sub_val)) $sub_val = $this->getArraySerialization($sub_val, $context);
- $val = str_replace('${' . $ph . '}', $sub_val, $val);
- }
- }
- }
- } while ($old_val != $val);
- return $val;
- }
- function getPlaceholderValue($ph) {
- /* simple vars */
- if (isset($this->env['vars'][$ph])) return $this->env['vars'][$ph]['value'];
- /* GET/POST */
- if (preg_match('/^(GET|POST)\.([^\.]+)(.*)$/', $ph, $m)) {
- $vals = strtoupper($m[1]) == 'GET' ? $_GET : $POST;
- $r = isset($vals[$m[2]]) ? $vals[$m[2]] : '';
- return $m[3] ? $this->getPropertyValue(array('value' => $r, 'value_type' => '?'), ltrim($m[3], '.')) : $r;
- }
- /* NOW */
- if (preg_match('/^NOW(.*)$/', $ph, $m)) {
- /* may have sub-phs */
- $m[1] = $this->replacePlaceholders($m[1]);
- $r = array(
- 'y' => date('Y'),
- 'mo' => date('m'),
- 'd' => date('d'),
- 'h' => date('H'),
- 'mi' => date('i'),
- 's' => date('s')
- );
- if (preg_match('/(\+|\-)\s*([0-9]+)(y|mo|d|h|mi|s)/is', trim($m[1]), $m2)) {
- eval('$r[$m2[3]] ' . $m2[1] . '= (int)' . $m2[2] . ';');
- }
- $uts = mktime($r['h'], $r['mi'], $r['s'], $r['mo'], $r['d'], $r['y']);
- $uts -= date('Z', $uts); /* timezone offset */
- return date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $uts);
- }
- /* property */
- if (preg_match('/^([^\.]+)\.(.+)$/', $ph, $m)) {
- list($var, $path) = array($m[1], $m[2]);
- if (isset($this->env['vars'][$var])) {
- return $this->getPropertyValue($this->env['vars'][$var], $path);
- }
- }
- return '';
- }
- function getPropertyValue($obj, $path) {
- $val = $obj['value'];
- /* reserved */
- if ($path == 'size') {
- if ($obj['value_type'] == 'rows') return count($val);
- if ($obj['value_type'] == 'literal') return strlen($val);
- }
- if (preg_match('/^replace\([\'\"](\/.*\/[a-z]*)[\'\"],\s*[\'\"](.*)[\'\"]\)$/is', $path, $m)) {
- return @preg_replace($m[1], str_replace('$', '\\', $m[2]), $val);
- }
- if (preg_match('/^match\([\'\"](\/.*\/[a-z]*)[\'\"]\)$/is', $path, $m)) {
- return @preg_match($m[1], $val, $m) ? $m : '';
- }
- if (preg_match('/^urlencode\([\'\"]?(get|post|.*)[\'\"]?\)$/is', $path, $m)) {
- return (strtolower($m[1]) == 'post') ? rawurlencode($val) : urlencode($val);
- }
- if ($path == 'wiki2html') {
- $conf = array_merge($this->a, array('m4sh_item' => $val));
- $item = Trice::getObject('M4SH_Item', $conf, $this);
- return $item->getHTML();
- }
- /* struct */
- if (is_array($val)) {
- if (isset($val[$path])) return $val[$path];
- if (preg_match('/^([^\.]+)\.(.+)$/', $path, $m)) {
- list($var, $path) = array($m[1], $m[2]);
- if (isset($val[$var])) {
- return $this->getPropertyValue(array('value' => $val[$var]), $path);
- }
- return '';
- }
- }
- return '';
- }
- function getArraySerialization($v, $context) {
- $v_type = ARC2::getStructType($v);/* string|array|triples|index */
- $pf = ARC2::getPreferredFormat();
- /* string */
- if ($v_type == 'string') return $v;
- /* simple array (e.g. from SELECT) */
- if ($v_type == 'array') {
- $m = method_exists($this, 'toLegacy' . $pf) ? 'toLegacy' . $pf : 'toLegacyXML';
- }
- /* rdf */
- if (($v_type == 'triples') || ($v_type == 'index')) {
- $m = method_exists($this, 'to' . $pf) ? 'to' . $pf : ($context == 'query' ? 'toNTriples' : 'toRDFXML');
- }
- return $this->$m($v);
- }
- /* */
- function processBlock($block) {
- if ($this->max_operations && ($this->env['operation_count'] >= $this->max_operations)) return $this->addError('Number of ' . $this->max_operations . ' allowed operations exceeded.');
- $this->env['operation_count']++;
- $type = $block['type'];
- $m = 'process' . $this->camelCase($type) . 'Block';
- if (method_exists($this, $m)) {
- return $this->$m($block);
- }
- return $this->addError('Unsupported block type "' . $type . '"');
- }
- /* */
- function processEndpointDeclBlock($block) {
- $this->env['endpoint'] = $block['endpoint'];
- return $this->env;
- }
- /* */
- function processQueryBlock($block) {
- if ($this->max_queries && ($this->env['query_count'] >= $this->max_queries)) return $this->addError('Number of ' . $this->max_queries . ' allowed queries exceeded.');
- $this->env['query_count']++;
- $ep_uri = $this->replacePlaceholders($this->env['endpoint'], 'endpoint');
- /* q */
- $q = 'BASE <' . $block['base']. '>';
- $ns = isset($this->a['ns']) ? array_merge($this->a['ns'], $block['prefixes']) : $block['prefixes'];
- $added_prefixes = array();
- foreach ($ns as $k => $v) {
- $k = rtrim($k, ':');
- if (in_array($k, $added_prefixes)) continue;
- $q .= (strpos($block['query'], $k . ':') !== false) ? "\n" . 'PREFIX ' . $k . ': <' . $v . '>' : '';
- $added_prefixes[] = $k;
- }
- $q .= "\n" . $block['query'];
- /* placeholders */
- $q = $this->replacePlaceholders($q, 'query');
- $this->env['query_log'][] = '(' . $ep_uri . ') ' . $q;
- if ($store = $this->getStore($ep_uri)) {
- $sub_r = $this->v('is_remote', '', $store) ? $store->query($q, '', $ep_uri) : $store->query($q);
- /* ignore socket errors */
- if (($errs = $this->getErrors()) && preg_match('/socket/', $errs[0])) {
- $this->warnings[] = $errs[0];
- $this->errors = array();
- $sub_r = array();
- }
- return $sub_r;
- }
- else {
- return $this->addError("no store");
- }
- }
- function getStore($ep_uri) {
- /* local store */
- if ((!$ep_uri || $ep_uri == ARC2::getScriptURI()) && ($this->v('sparqlscript_default_endpoint', '', $this->a) == 'local')) {
- if (!isset($this->local_store)) $this->local_store = ARC2::getStore($this->a);/* @@todo error checking */
- return $this->local_store;
- }
- elseif ($ep_uri) {
- ARC2::inc('RemoteStore');
- $conf = array_merge($this->a, array('remote_store_endpoint' => $ep_uri));
- $store =& new ARC2_RemoteStore($conf, $this);
- return $store;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* */
- function processAssignmentBlock($block) {
- $sub_type = $block['sub_type'];
- $m = 'process' . $this->camelCase($sub_type) . 'AssignmentBlock';
- if (!method_exists($this, $m)) return $this->addError('Unknown method "' . $m . '"');
- return $this->$m($block);
- }
- function processQueryAssignmentBlock($block) {
- $qr = $this->processQueryBlock($block['query']);
- if ($this->getErrors() || !isset($qr['query_type'])) return 0;
- $qt = $qr['query_type'];
- $vts = array('ask' => 'bool', 'select' => 'rows', 'desribe' => 'doc', 'construct' => 'doc');
- $r = array(
- 'value_type' => isset($vts[$qt]) ? $vts[$qt] : $qt . ' result',
- 'value' => ($qt == 'select') ? $qr['result']['rows'] : $qr['result'],
- );
- $this->env['vars'][$block['var']['value']] = $r;
- }
- function processStringAssignmentBlock($block) {
- $r = array('value_type' => 'literal', 'value' => $this->replacePlaceholders($block['string']['value']));
- $this->env['vars'][$block['var']['value']] = $r;
- }
- function processVarAssignmentBlock($block) {
- if (isset($this->env['vars'][$block['var2']['value']])) {
- $this->env['vars'][$block['var']['value']] = $this->env['vars'][$block['var2']['value']];
- }
- else {
- $this->env['vars'][$block['var']['value']] = array('value_type' => 'undefined', 'value' => '');
- }
- }
- function processPlaceholderAssignmentBlock($block) {
- $ph_val = $this->getPlaceholderValue($block['placeholder']['value']);
- $this->env['vars'][$block['var']['value']] = array('value_type' => 'undefined', 'value' => $ph_val);
- }
- function processVarMergeAssignmentBlock($block) {
- $val1 = isset($this->env['vars'][$block['var2']['value']]) ? $this->env['vars'][$block['var2']['value']] : array('value_type' => 'undefined', 'value' => '');
- $val2 = isset($this->env['vars'][$block['var3']['value']]) ? $this->env['vars'][$block['var3']['value']] : array('value_type' => 'undefined', 'value' => '');
- if (is_array($val1) && is_array($val2)) {
- $this->env['vars'][$block['var']['value']] = array('value_type' => $val2['value_type'], 'value' => array_merge($val1['value'], $val2['value']));
- }
- elseif (is_numeric($val1) && is_numeric($val2)) {
- $this->env['vars'][$block['var']['value']] = $val1 + $val2;
- }
- }
- function processFunctionCallAssignmentBlock($block) {
- $sub_r = $this->processFunctionCallBlock($block['function_call']);
- if ($this->getErrors()) return 0;
- $this->env['vars'][$block['var']['value']] = $sub_r;
- }
- /* */
- function processIfblockBlock($block) {
- if ($this->testCondition($block['condition'])) {
- $blocks = $block['blocks'];
- }
- else {
- $blocks = $block['else_blocks'];
- }
- foreach ($blocks as $block) {
- $sub_r = $this->processBlock($block);
- if ($this->getErrors()) return 0;
- }
- }
- function testCondition($cond) {
- $m = 'test' . $this->camelCase($cond['type']) . 'Condition';
- if (!method_exists($this, $m)) return $this->addError('Unknown method "' . $m . '"');
- return $this->$m($cond);
- }
- function testVarCondition($cond) {
- $r = 0;
- $vn = $cond['value'];
- if (isset($this->env['vars'][$vn])) $r = $this->env['vars'][$vn]['value'];
- $op = $this->v('operator', '', $cond);
- if ($op == '!') $r = !$r;
- return $r ? true : false;
- }
- function testPlaceholderCondition($cond) {
- $val = $this->getPlaceholderValue($cond['value']);
- $r = $val ? true : false;
- $op = $this->v('operator', '', $cond);
- if ($op == '!') $r = !$r;
- return $r;
- }
- function testExpressionCondition($cond) {
- $m = 'test' . $this->camelCase($cond['sub_type']) . 'ExpressionCondition';
- if (!method_exists($this, $m)) return $this->addError('Unknown method "' . $m . '"');
- return $this->$m($cond);
- }
- function testRelationalExpressionCondition($cond) {
- $op = $cond['operator'];
- if ($op == '=') $op = '==';
- $val1 = $this->getPatternValue($cond['patterns'][0]);
- $val2 = $this->getPatternValue($cond['patterns'][1]);
- eval('$result = ($val1 ' . $op . ' $val2) ? 1 : 0;');
- return $result;
- }
- function testAndExpressionCondition($cond) {
- foreach ($cond['patterns'] as $pattern) {
- if (!$this->testCondition($pattern)) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- function getPatternValue($pattern) {
- $m = 'get' . $this->camelCase($pattern['type']) . 'PatternValue';
- if (!method_exists($this, $m)) return '';
- return $this->$m($pattern);
- }
- function getLiteralPatternValue($pattern) {
- return $pattern['value'];
- }
- function getPlaceholderPatternValue($pattern) {
- return $this->getPlaceholderValue($pattern['value']);
- }
- /* */
- function processForblockBlock($block) {
- $set = $this->v($block['set'], array('value' => array()), $this->env['vars']);
- $entries = $set['value'];
- $iterator = $block['iterator'];
- $blocks = $block['blocks'];
- if (!is_array($entries)) return 0;
- foreach ($entries as $entry) {
- $this->env['vars'][$iterator] = array('value' => $entry, 'value_type' => $set['value_type'] . ' entry');
- foreach ($blocks as $block) {
- $this->processBlock($block);
- if ($this->getErrors()) return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- /* */
- function processLiteralBlock($block) {
- $this->env['output'] .= $this->replacePlaceholders($block['value'], 'output');
- }
- /* */
- function processFunctionCallBlock($block) {
- $f_uri = $block['uri'];
- /* sparqlscript built-ins */
- if (strpos($f_uri, 'http://semsol.org/ns/sparqlscript#') === 0) {
- $fnc = str_replace('http://semsol.org/ns/sparqlscript#', '', $f_uri);
- if (preg_match('/^(get|post)$/i', $fnc, $m)) {
- return $this->processHTTPCall($block, strtoupper($m[1]));
- }
- }
- }
- function processHTTPCall($block, $mthd) {
- ARC2::inc('Reader');
- $reader =& new ARC2_Reader($this->a, $this);
- $url = $block['args'][0]['value'];
- $url = $this->replacePlaceholders($url, 'function_call');
- if ($mthd != 'GET') {
- $reader->setHTTPMethod($mthd);
- $reader->setCustomHeaders("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
- }
- $to = $this->v('remote_call_timeout', 0, $this->a);
- $reader->activate($url, '', 0, $to);
- $format = $reader->getFormat();
- $resp = '';
- while ($d = $reader->readStream()) {
- $resp .= $d;
- }
- $reader->closeStream();
- return array('value_type' => 'http_response', 'value' => $resp);
- }
- /* */
- function extractVars($pattern, $input = '') {
- $vars = array();
- /* replace PHs, track ()s */
- $regex = $pattern;
- $vars = array();
- if (preg_match_all('/([\?\$]\{([^\}]+)\}|\([^\)]+\))/', $regex, $m)) {
- $matches = $m[1];
- $pre_vars = $m[2];
- foreach ($matches as $i => $match) {
- $vars[] = $pre_vars[$i];
- if ($pre_vars[$i]) {/* placeholder */
- $regex = str_replace($match, '(.+)', $regex);
- }
- else {/* parentheses, but may contain placeholders */
- $sub_regex = $match;
- while (preg_match('/([\?\$]\{([^\}]+)\})/', $sub_regex, $m)) {
- $sub_regex = str_replace($m[1], '(.+)', $sub_regex);
- $vars[] = $m[2];
- }
- $regex = str_replace($match, $sub_regex, $regex);
- }
- }
- /* eval regex */
- if (@preg_match('/' . $regex . '/is', $input, $m)) {
- $vals = $m;
- }
- else {
- return 0;
- }
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($vars); $i++) {
- if ($vars[$i]) {
- $this->setVar($vars[$i], isset($vals[$i + 1]) ? $vals[$i + 1] : '');
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /* no placeholders */
- return ($pattern == $input) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- /* */
- }