https://github.com/ashneyderman/lss · Erlang · 73 lines · 26 code · 8 blank · 39 comment · 0 complexity · fa84d96c6643954bded26072060f6f00 MD5 · raw file
- % @author Alex Shneyderman <a.shneyderman@gmail.com>
- % @copyright (C) 2011, Alex Shneyderman
- % @since May 26, 2011
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------
- % @doc
- % Helper module that contains routines that parse a binary stream
- % and produce messages (tuples) to be consumed by LSS. The operation
- % can work in reverse as well - given a tuple a binary could be
- % produced.
- % @end
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------
- -module(lss_parse_utils).
- -export([parse_messages/1,create_messages/1]).
- -define(START_MSG_MARKER,<<16#FF,16#FF,16#FF,16#FF,16#FF,16#FF,16#FF,16#FF>>).
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------
- % @doc
- % Parsing messages out of the chunks of binaries that arrived on the socket.
- % The function returns a list of messages taht were parsed and left over binary
- % chunks.
- %
- % @spec parse_messages(Binaries) -> { Messages } |
- % { Messages, LeftOver }
- % Binaries = [binary()]
- % Messages = [term()]
- % LeftOver = binary()
- %
- % @end
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------
- parse_messages( Binaries ) ->
- consume_binary( list_to_binary( lists:reverse( Binaries ) ) ).
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------
- % @doc
- % Takes a term or a list of terms and converts them into a list
- % of binaries that can be sent out via the wire. Terms are separates
- % by the START_MSG_MARKER, which is appended to the end of each term.
- %
- % @spec create_messages(Term|Terms) -> { Messages }
- % Term = term()
- % Terms = [term()]
- % Messages = [binary()]
- % @end
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------
- create_messages([]) -> [];
- create_messages([Term|Terms]) -> lists:append( create_messages(Term), create_messages(Terms) );
- create_messages(Term) when is_tuple(Term)-> [term_to_binary(Term), ?START_MSG_MARKER].
- % module functions
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------
- consume_binary( <<>> ) -> { [] };
- consume_binary( Binary ) ->
- BinChunks = binary:split( Binary, ?START_MSG_MARKER, [ global ] ),
- Messages = produce_msgs( [], BinChunks ),
- case lists:last( BinChunks ) of
- <<>> ->
- { Messages };
- Other ->
- { Messages, Other }
- end.
- produce_msgs( SoFar, [] ) -> SoFar;
- produce_msgs( SoFar, [BinTerm,<<>> | Tail] ) -> % <<>> stands for the message separator, so BinTerm represents a full message
- case produce_msg( BinTerm ) of
- undefined -> produce_msgs( SoFar, Tail );
- Term -> produce_msgs( lists:append( SoFar, [Term] ), Tail )
- end.
- produce_msg( <<>> ) -> undefined;
- produce_msg( BinTerm ) -> binary_to_term( BinTerm ).