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- <h1> Using F# Interactive in Visual Studio</h1>
- <p>
- If you use Visual Studio 2008 or Visual Studio 2010 (including the
- freely available <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?familyid=40646580-97FA-4698-B65F-620D4B4B1ED7&displaylang=en">Visual Studio 2008 Shell</a> and
- the <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?familyid=8E5AA7B6-8436-43F0-B778-00C3BCA733D3&displaylang=en">Visual Studio 2010 Integrated Shell</a>),
- you can use 'F# Interactive' as a tool window! </p>
- <h4>Starting F# Interactive</h4>
- <p> To start the session, go to the View -> Other Windows and select 'F# Interactive'. You can also start a session
- simply using <tt>Alt-Return</tt> in an F# source document, or using the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+F.</p>
- <h4>Editing and Evaluating a Script</h4>
- <p>You create a script file using File -> New File -> Script -> F# Script File.</p>
- <p> The normal mode of operation is to edit an F# script file and send fragments for execution in the tool window. In
- this mode, your fragments are typechecked as you type, and you are actively working towards a completed
- file that can act as the finished product of your explorative programming. The tool window is then
- just used for displaying data.</p>
- <p>In the script file, you should use <tt>#r</tt> and <tt>#I</tt> to reference assemblies
- and augment your assembly include path.</p>
- <p>The session is global to the instance of Visual Studio and text can be sent from any
- F# source code file (.fs, .fsi, .fsx, .ml, .mli).
- Use the <tt>Alt-Return</tt> combination to evaluate
- selected text. For example, highlight <tt>printfn "Hello World"</tt> and use this key combination - the code will then
- execute. </p>
- <h4>Execution Context for Scripts</h4>
- <p>The F# Interactive session executes only those code fragments you direct it to. If you select a fragment from
- half-way through your script, earlier portions of the script will not be executed implicitly. </p>
- <p>When sending text from a file, file names are resolved relative to the scripts containing the reference. Visual F# Interactive sets the
- line and directory context of the session each time an entry is sent from Visual Studio, though it doesn't
- adjust the value of <tt>System.Environment.CurrentDirectory</tt>. It can be useful to add </p>
- <pre>
- System.Environment.CurrentDirectory <- __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
- </pre>
- <p>to your script. <tt>__SOURCE_DIRECTORY</tt> can be used in any F# source file and is expanded to the directory
- containing the file.</p>
- <h4>Organizing Your Scripts</h4>
- <p> Although scripts can be authored without a project, it can be useful to create an F# Project to hold a group of related scripts.
- You can do this with <tt>New Project</tt> or by making a copy of one of the projects in
- the F# Samples directory. You can also use <tt>#load</tt> to load both signature and implementation files as
- if they have been compiled as compilation units by the command-line compiler.</p>
- <h4>Controlling the Evaluation Session</h4>
- <p>In the tool window, <tt>#quit;;</tt> will quit and Ctrl+C will cancel execution.
- The context menu in the tool window includes
- "Reset Session" and "Cancel Evaluation" commands.
- If you do type into the tool window, history is available with the up/down arrows. </p>
- <p> To troubleshoot, see README-fsharp.html</p>
- <p>Please contact fsbugs@microsoft.com with feedback on this documentation.</p>
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