ActionScript | 144 lines | 71 code | 14 blank | 59 comment | 12 complexity | 2c454b20433ae0653b5751abe6e544e4 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- Copyright aswing.org, see the LICENCE.txt.
- */
- package org.aswing.border{
- import org.aswing.graphics.Graphics2D;
- import org.aswing.Border;
- import org.aswing.geom.IntRectangle;
- import org.aswing.Component;
- import org.aswing.Insets;
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import org.aswing.error.ImpMissError;
- /**
- * DecorateBorder make your border can represented as many border arounded.
- * DecorateBorder is a abstract class, you need to inherit it to implement your
- * real decrator border.
- * <p>
- * <b>Note:You should only need to override:</b>
- * <ul>
- * <li><code>getDisplayImp</code></li>
- * <li><code>updateBorderImp</code></li>
- * <li><code>getBorderInsetsImp</code></li>
- * </ul>
- * methods in sub-class.
- * </p>
- * @author iiley
- */
- public class DecorateBorder implements Border{
- private var interior:Border;
- private var disContainer:Sprite;
- public function DecorateBorder(interior:Border){
- this.interior = interior;
- }
- /**
- * Sets new interior border.
- * @param interior the new interior border
- */
- public function setInterior(interior:Border):void {
- this.interior = interior;
- }
- /**
- * Returns current interior border.
- * @return current interior border
- */
- public function getInterior():Border {
- return interior;
- }
- /**
- * Override this method in sub-class to return the display object if needed.
- * @return a display object, or null, do not need a display object.
- */
- public function getDisplayImp():DisplayObject{
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Override this method in sub-class to draw border on the specified mc.
- * @param c the component for which this border is being painted
- * @param g the paint graphics
- * @param bounds the bounds of border
- */
- public function updateBorderImp(com:Component, g:Graphics2D, bounds:IntRectangle):void{
- throw new ImpMissError();
- }
- /**
- * You should override this method to count this border's insets.
- * @see #getBorderInsets
- */
- public function getBorderInsetsImp(c:Component, bounds:IntRectangle):Insets{
- throw new ImpMissError();
- return new Insets();
- }
- /**
- * You should override this method to return the display object.
- * @see #getDisplayImp()
- */
- final public function getDisplay(c:Component):DisplayObject
- {
- var inter:Border = getInterior();
- if(inter != null){
- var interDis:DisplayObject = inter.getDisplay(c);
- var selfDis:DisplayObject = getDisplayImp();
- if(interDis == null){
- return selfDis;
- }else if(selfDis == null){
- return interDis;
- }else{
- if(disContainer == null){
- disContainer = new Sprite();
- disContainer.mouseEnabled = false;
- disContainer.addChild(selfDis);
- disContainer.addChild(interDis);
- }
- return disContainer;
- }
- }else{
- return getDisplayImp();
- }
- }
- /**
- * call <code>super.paintBorder</code> paint the border first and then
- * paint the interior border on the interior bounds.
- * <br>
- * Note:subclass should not override this method, should override paintBorderImp.
- * @see #paintBorderImp
- */
- final public function updateBorder(c:Component, g:Graphics2D, bounds:IntRectangle):void{
- updateBorderImp(c, g, bounds);
- //then paint interior border
- if(getInterior() != null){
- var interiorBounds:IntRectangle = getBorderInsetsImp(c, bounds).getInsideBounds(bounds);
- getInterior().updateBorder(c, g, interiorBounds);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the insets of the border.<br>
- * Note:subclass should not override this method, should override getBorderInsetsImp.
- * @see #getBorderInsetsImp
- * @param c the component for which this border insets value applies
- * @param bounds the bounds of the border would paint in.
- */
- final public function getBorderInsets(c:Component, bounds:IntRectangle):Insets{
- var insets:Insets = getBorderInsetsImp(c, bounds);
- if(getInterior() != null){
- var interiorBounds:IntRectangle = insets.getInsideBounds(bounds);
- insets.addInsets(getInterior().getBorderInsets(c, interiorBounds));
- }
- return insets;
- }
- }
- }