https://github.com/bretambrose/CCGOnlinePublic · C Header · 274 lines · 193 code · 61 blank · 20 comment · 33 complexity · bd8ab774935c11839de3f0eacebbd7fc MD5 · raw file
- /**********************************************************************************************************************
- (c) Copyright 2012, Bret Ambrose (mailto:bretambrose@gmail.com).
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
- #pragma once
- #include "Interfaces/CompoundDatabaseTaskBatchInterface.h"
- #include "Interfaces/DatabaseTaskBaseInterface.h"
- #include "DatabaseCallContext.h"
- #include "DatabaseTaskBatchUtilities.h"
- #include "IPShared/Logging/LogInterface.h"
- namespace IP
- {
- namespace Db
- {
- class ICompoundDatabaseTask;
- template< typename T >
- class TCompoundDatabaseTaskBatch : public ICompoundDatabaseTaskBatch
- {
- public:
- using BASECLASS = ICompoundDatabaseTaskBatch;
- TCompoundDatabaseTaskBatch( void ) :
- ChildOrdering(),
- ChildCallContexts(),
- PendingTasks(),
- TaskName( typeid( T ).name() )
- {
- T::Register_Child_Tasks( this );
- }
- virtual ~TCompoundDatabaseTaskBatch()
- {
- FATAL_ASSERT( PendingTasks.empty() );
- std::for_each( ChildCallContexts.begin(), ChildCallContexts.end(), []( ChildCallContextPair &pair ){ delete pair.second; } );
- ChildCallContexts.clear();
- ChildOrdering.clear();
- }
- virtual Loki::TypeInfo Get_Task_Type_Info( void ) const
- {
- return Loki::TypeInfo( typeid( T ) );
- }
- virtual void Add_Task( IDatabaseTask * /*task*/ ) { FATAL_ASSERT( false ); }
- virtual void Add_Task( ICompoundDatabaseTask *task ) { PendingTasks.push_back( static_cast< ICompoundDatabaseTask* >( task ) ); }
- virtual void Execute_Tasks( IDatabaseConnection *connection, DBTaskBaseListType &successful_tasks, DBTaskBaseListType &failed_tasks )
- {
- successful_tasks.clear();
- failed_tasks.clear();
- if ( PendingTasks.empty() )
- {
- return;
- }
- LOG( IP::Logging::ELogLevel::LL_LOW, "CompoundDatabaseTaskBatch " << TaskName.c_str() << " - TaskCount: " << PendingTasks.size() );
- while ( !PendingTasks.empty() )
- {
- DBCompoundTaskListType sub_list;
- auto splice_iter = PendingTasks.begin();
- std::advance( splice_iter, std::min( static_cast< uint32_t >( PendingTasks.size() ), T::CompoundTaskBatchSize ) );
- sub_list.splice( sub_list.end(), PendingTasks, PendingTasks.begin(), splice_iter );
- Process_Parent_Task_List( connection, sub_list, successful_tasks, failed_tasks );
- }
- LOG( IP::Logging::ELogLevel::LL_LOW, "CompoundDatabaseTaskBatch " << TaskName.c_str() << " - Successes: " << successful_tasks.size() << ", Failures: " << failed_tasks.size() );
- }
- virtual void Register_Child_Variable_Sets( const Loki::TypeInfo &type_info, IDatabaseCallContext *child_call_context )
- {
- FATAL_ASSERT( ChildCallContexts.find( type_info ) == ChildCallContexts.end() );
- ChildOrdering.push_back( type_info );
- ChildCallContexts[ type_info ] = child_call_context;
- }
- private:
- void Process_Parent_Task_List( IDatabaseConnection *connection, DBCompoundTaskListType &sub_list, DBTaskBaseListType &successful_tasks, DBTaskBaseListType &failed_tasks )
- {
- while ( !sub_list.empty() )
- {
- std::for_each( sub_list.cbegin(), sub_list.cend(), []( ICompoundDatabaseTask *task ) { task->Clear_Child_Tasks(); task->Seed_Child_Tasks(); } );
- EDatabaseTaskIDType bad_task = EDatabaseTaskIDType::INVALID;
- EExecuteDBTaskListResult process_child_result = EExecuteDBTaskListResult::SUCCESS;
- for ( auto tt_iter = ChildOrdering.cbegin(), end = ChildOrdering.cend(); tt_iter != end; ++tt_iter )
- {
- DBTaskListType child_list;
- std::for_each( sub_list.cbegin(), sub_list.cend(), [ &tt_iter, &child_list ]( ICompoundDatabaseTask *task ) { task->Get_Child_Tasks_Of_Type( *tt_iter, child_list ); } );
- if( child_list.empty() )
- {
- continue;
- }
- LOG( IP::Logging::ELogLevel::LL_LOW, "CompoundDatabaseTaskBatch " << TaskName.c_str() << ", ChildTask " << tt_iter->name() << " - TaskCount: " << child_list.size() );
- auto context_iter = ChildCallContexts.find( *tt_iter );
- FATAL_ASSERT( context_iter != ChildCallContexts.end() );
- IDatabaseCallContext *call_context = context_iter->second;
- process_child_result = Process_Child_Task_List( call_context, connection, child_list, bad_task );
- if ( process_child_result != EExecuteDBTaskListResult::SUCCESS )
- {
- break;
- }
- std::for_each( sub_list.begin(), sub_list.end(), [&tt_iter] ( ICompoundDatabaseTask *task ) { task->On_Child_Task_Success( *tt_iter );});
- }
- // commit/rollback etc...
- if(process_child_result == EExecuteDBTaskListResult::SUCCESS)
- {
- connection->End_Transaction( true );
- // can't use splice due to type difference
- std::for_each( sub_list.begin(), sub_list.end(), [ &successful_tasks ]( ICompoundDatabaseTask *task ){ successful_tasks.push_back( task ); } );
- sub_list.clear();
- }
- else
- {
- connection->End_Transaction( false );
- if ( sub_list.size() == 1 )
- {
- failed_tasks.push_back( *( sub_list.begin() ) );
- sub_list.clear();
- return;
- }
- if ( bad_task != EDatabaseTaskIDType::INVALID )
- {
- auto find_iter = std::find_if( sub_list.begin(), sub_list.end(), [bad_task]( ICompoundDatabaseTask *task ){ return task->Get_ID() == bad_task; } );
- if ( find_iter != sub_list.end() )
- {
- failed_tasks.push_back( *find_iter );
- sub_list.erase( find_iter );
- }
- else
- {
- bad_task = EDatabaseTaskIDType::INVALID;
- }
- }
- if ( bad_task == EDatabaseTaskIDType::INVALID )
- {
- for ( auto iter = sub_list.begin(); iter != sub_list.end(); ++iter )
- {
- DBCompoundTaskListType new_sub_list;
- new_sub_list.push_back( *iter );
- Process_Parent_Task_List( connection, new_sub_list, successful_tasks, failed_tasks );
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- EExecuteDBTaskListResult Process_Child_Task_List( IDatabaseCallContext *call_context, IDatabaseConnection *connection, const DBTaskListType &child_list, EDatabaseTaskIDType &bad_task_id )
- {
- if ( child_list.empty() )
- {
- return EExecuteDBTaskListResult::SUCCESS;
- }
- if ( call_context->Get_Statement_Text().size() == 0 )
- {
- IDatabaseTask *first_task = *child_list.begin();
- FATAL_ASSERT( connection->Validate_Input_Output_Signatures( first_task, call_context->Get_Param_Rows(), call_context->Get_Result_Rows() ) );
- std::wstring statement_text;
- connection->Construct_Statement_Text( first_task, call_context->Get_Param_Rows(), statement_text );
- call_context->Set_Statement_Text( statement_text );
- }
- IDatabaseStatement *statement = connection->Allocate_Statement( call_context->Get_Statement_Text() );
- FATAL_ASSERT( statement != nullptr );
- if ( statement->Needs_Binding() )
- {
- statement->Bind_Input( call_context->Get_Param_Rows(), call_context->Get_Sizeof_Param_Type() );
- statement->Bind_Output( call_context->Get_Result_Rows(), call_context->Get_Sizeof_Result_Type(), call_context->Get_Result_Row_Count() );
- }
- FATAL_ASSERT( statement->Is_Ready_For_Use() );
- DBTaskListType child_list_copy;
- std::copy( child_list.begin(), child_list.end(), back_inserter(child_list_copy) );
- while ( !child_list_copy.empty() )
- {
- DBTaskListType sub_list;
- auto end_of_splice_iter = child_list_copy.begin();
- std::advance( end_of_splice_iter, std::min( static_cast<uint32_t>(child_list_copy.size()), call_context->Get_Param_Row_Count() ) );
- sub_list.splice( sub_list.end(), child_list_copy, child_list_copy.begin(), end_of_splice_iter );
- EExecuteDBTaskListResult result = EExecuteDBTaskListResult::SUCCESS;
- DBTaskListType::const_iterator failure_iter = sub_list.end();
- Execute_Task_List( call_context, statement, sub_list, result, failure_iter );
- if ( result != EExecuteDBTaskListResult::SUCCESS )
- {
- if ( result == EExecuteDBTaskListResult::FAILED_SPECIFIC_TASK )
- {
- bad_task_id = ( *failure_iter )->Get_ID();
- }
- return result;
- }
- }
- FATAL_ASSERT( statement->Is_Ready_For_Use() );
- connection->Release_Statement( statement );
- return EExecuteDBTaskListResult::SUCCESS;
- }
- using ChildTypeVector = std::vector< Loki::TypeInfo >;
- using ChildCallContextTable = std::unordered_map< Loki::TypeInfo, IDatabaseCallContext *, STypeInfoContainerHelper >;
- using ChildCallContextPair = std::pair< const Loki::TypeInfo, IDatabaseCallContext * >;
- ChildTypeVector ChildOrdering;
- ChildCallContextTable ChildCallContexts;
- DBCompoundTaskListType PendingTasks;
- std::string TaskName;
- };
- template< typename T >
- void Register_Database_Child_Task_Type( ICompoundDatabaseTaskBatch *compound_batch )
- {
- IDatabaseCallContext *child_call_context = new CDatabaseCallContext< T::InputParametersType, T::InputParameterBatchSize, T::ResultSetType, T::ResultSetBatchSize >();
- compound_batch->Register_Child_Variable_Sets( Loki::TypeInfo( typeid( T ) ), child_call_context );
- }
- } // namespace Db
- } // namespace IP