ActionScript | 121 lines | 92 code | 14 blank | 15 comment | 0 complexity | d7e7458e699a92afbbc6c9b035f2c300 MD5 | raw file
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) 2011 the original author or authors. All Rights Reserved.
- //
- // NOTICE: You are permitted to use, modify, and distribute this file
- // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- package org.robotlegs.v2.view.impl
- {
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import mx.core.UIComponent;
- import org.fluint.uiImpersonation.UIImpersonator;
- import org.hamcrest.assertThat;
- import org.hamcrest.object.equalTo;
- import org.robotlegs.v2.view.api.IViewClassInfo;
- import org.robotlegs.v2.view.api.IViewWatcher;
- import org.robotlegs.v2.view.impl.support.ViewHandlerSupport;
- public class StageWatcher_OptimisationTests
- {
- /*============================================================================*/
- /* Protected Properties */
- /*============================================================================*/
- protected var container:DisplayObjectContainer;
- protected var group:UIComponent;
- protected var watcher:IViewWatcher;
- /*============================================================================*/
- /* Test Setup and Teardown */
- /*============================================================================*/
- [Before(ui)]
- public function setUp():void
- {
- group = new UIComponent()
- container = new Sprite();
- watcher = new StageWatcher();
- group.addChild(container)
- UIImpersonator.addChild(group);
- }
- [After]
- public function tearDown():void
- {
- watcher = null;
- UIImpersonator.removeAllChildren();
- }
- /*============================================================================*/
- /* Tests */
- /*============================================================================*/
- [Test]
- public function a_handler_that_doesnt_handle_a_view_SHOULD_be_reconsulted_after_invalidation():void
- {
- var addedCallCount:int;
- const handler:ViewHandlerSupport = new ViewHandlerSupport(
- 0x1,
- 0x0,
- false,
- function onAdded(view:DisplayObject, info:IViewClassInfo, response:uint):void
- {
- addedCallCount++;
- });
- watcher.addHandler(handler, container);
- container.addChild(new Sprite());
- container.addChild(new Sprite());
- handler.invalidate();
- container.addChild(new Sprite());
- container.addChild(new Sprite());
- assertThat(addedCallCount, equalTo(2));
- }
- [Test]
- public function a_handler_that_doesnt_handle_a_view_SHOULD_be_reconsulted_if_a_new_handler_is_added():void
- {
- var addedCallCount:int;
- const handler:ViewHandlerSupport = new ViewHandlerSupport(
- 0x1,
- 0x0,
- false,
- function onAdded(view:DisplayObject, info:IViewClassInfo, response:uint):void
- {
- addedCallCount++;
- });
- watcher.addHandler(handler, container);
- container.addChild(new Sprite());
- container.addChild(new Sprite());
- watcher.addHandler(new ViewHandlerSupport(0x1), container);
- container.addChild(new Sprite());
- container.addChild(new Sprite());
- assertThat(addedCallCount, equalTo(2));
- }
- [Test]
- public function a_handler_that_doesnt_handle_a_view_should_NOT_be_consulted_for_that_view_class_again():void
- {
- var addedCallCount:int;
- const handler:ViewHandlerSupport = new ViewHandlerSupport(
- 0x1,
- 0x0,
- false,
- function onAdded(view:DisplayObject, info:IViewClassInfo, response:uint):void
- {
- addedCallCount++;
- });
- watcher.addHandler(handler, container);
- container.addChild(new Sprite());
- container.addChild(new Sprite());
- container.addChild(new Sprite());
- assertThat(addedCallCount, equalTo(1));
- }
- }
- }