ActionScript | 126 lines | 76 code | 18 blank | 32 comment | 2 complexity | 426c6df766e0106f73181c08d675ba20 MD5 | raw file
- package hype.extended.behavior {
- import hype.framework.behavior.AbstractBehavior;
- import hype.framework.behavior.IBehavior;
- import hype.framework.core.HypeMath;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- /**
- * Make a property change in proportion to the distance from the mouse cursor
- */
- public class SimpleProximity extends AbstractBehavior implements IBehavior {
- protected var _prop:String;
- protected var _min:Number;
- protected var _max:Number;
- protected var _radius:Number;
- protected var _radiusSq:Number;
- protected var _spring:Number;
- protected var _ease:Number;
- protected var _speed:Number;
- protected var _range:Number;
- /**
- * Constructor
- *
- * @param target Target object
- * @param prop Target property
- * @param spring The springiness of the movement
- * @param ease The ease of the movement
- * @param min Base value of the property (when outside of the radius)
- * @param max Value when the mouse cursor is directly on top of the target
- * @param radius Radius of the circle in which this behavior will have an affect
- */
- public function SimpleProximity(target:Object, prop:String, spring:Number, ease:Number, min:Number, max:Number, radius:Number) {
- super(target);
- _prop = prop;
- _min = min;
- _max = max;
- _radius = radius;
- _radiusSq = radius * radius;
- _spring = spring;
- _ease = ease;
- _speed = 0;
- _range = (_max - _min);
- }
- /**
- * @protected
- */
- public function run(target:Object):void {
- var goal:Number;
- var value:Number = getProperty(_prop);
- var sprite:Sprite = target as Sprite;
- var dist:Number = Math.pow(sprite.y - sprite.parent.mouseY, 2) +
- Math.pow(sprite.x - sprite.parent.mouseX, 2);
- if (dist < _radiusSq) {
- goal = (1 - (dist / _radiusSq)) * _range + _min;
- } else {
- goal = _min;
- }
- _speed = (_speed * _spring) + (HypeMath.getDistance(_prop, value, goal) * _ease);
- setProperty(_prop, value + _speed);
- }
- /**
- * Springiness of the movement
- */
- public function get spring():Number {
- return _spring;
- }
- public function set spring(spring:Number):void {
- _spring = spring;
- }
- /**
- * Ease of the movement
- */
- public function get ease():Number {
- return _ease;
- }
- public function set ease(ease:Number):void {
- _ease = ease;
- }
- /**
- * Value when the mouse is directly on top of the target
- */
- public function get max():Number {
- return _max;
- }
- public function set max(value:Number):void {
- _max = value;
- _range = (_max - _min);
- }
- /**
- * Value when the mouse is fully outside of the radius
- */
- public function get min():Number {
- return _min;
- }
- public function set min(value:Number):void {
- _min = value;
- _range = (_max - _min);
- }
- /**
- * Radius of the interaction area
- */
- public function get radius():Number {
- return _radius;
- }
- public function set radius(radius:Number):void {
- _radius = radius;
- _radiusSq = radius * radius;
- }
- }
- }