Python | 156 lines | 123 code | 22 blank | 11 comment | 26 complexity | 72393beb1af1760dfc0ec586d0123720 MD5 | raw file
- from bellum.meta import MGID
- from bellum.landarmy.defcon.objects import INFANTRY, ARMOR, SUPPORT, MULTIATTACK
- from bellum.landarmy.defcon.specials import Tarpit
- from copy import deepcopy
- from random import uniform
- class ArmyGroup(object):
- '''An army belonging to a single player'''
- def isTargetable(self, utype=None):
- '''army group is not targetable when only living units are support.
- when type is specified, will return whether units of given type are targetable'''
- if utype == None:
- return (self.aou[INFANTRY] != 0) or (self.aou[ARMOR] != 0)
- else:
- return self.aou[utype] > 0
- def nextTurn(self): pass
- def countAllUnits(self): return self.aou[INFANTRY] + self.aou[ARMOR] + self.aou[SUPPORT]
- def countUnits(self, utype):
- '''if utype == None then counts all units that may be targeted'''
- if utype == MULTIATTACK:
- return self.aou[INFANTRY] + self.aou[ARMOR]
- else:
- return self.aou[utype]
- def _blast(self, utype, uid):
- '''just removes an unit from table. nothing else. Uid is unique type, not array identifier'''
- uindice = -1
- for uuid, unit, cnt in self.units[utype]:
- uindice += 1
- if uuid==uid:
- break
- if uindice == -1: raise Exception, 'Did not found!'
- self.units[utype][uindice][2] -= 1 # decrement unit
- if self.units[utype][uindice][2] == 0: # if all units of given type were killed
- del self.units[utype][uindice] # remove them
- def __choice(self, utype):
- '''picks a random unit from given unittype with chances proportional to its amount.
- returns it's self.units[utype] seq indice
- unittype MUST BE INFANTRY or ARMOR'''
- total_prob = self.aou[utype]
- chosen = uniform(0, total_prob)
- cumulative = 0
- indice = 0
- for id, unit, amount in self.units[utype]:
- cumulative += amount
- if cumulative > chosen:
- return indice
- indice += 1
- def receiveFire(self, shot, army, canUseDebris=True, canUseMarkerlights=True):
- '''@army parent army object. Receive a shot. Perform needed modifications. Returns a cool tuple'''
- assert shot.type in (ARMOR, INFANTRY), 'Invalid shot type '+str(shot.type)
- uindice = self.__choice(shot.type)
- unit = self.units[shot.type][uindice][1]
- wasHit = unit.receiveFire(shot, army, canUseDebris=canUseDebris, canUseMarkerlights=canUseMarkerlights)
- if wasHit:
- self.units[shot.type][uindice][2] -= 1 # decrement unit
- if self.units[shot.type][uindice][2] == 0: # if all units of given type were killed
- del self.units[shot.type][uindice] # remove them
- if shot.type == ARMOR: # we killed an armoured unit
- army.maxdebris += 1
- army.debris += 1
- self.aou[shot.type] -= 1 # decrement units of given type
- if unit.special(Tarpit) != False: # SPECIAL RULE: TARPIT
- return (True, (Tarpit, ))
- return (wasHit, ())
- def targetUnit(self, shotObject, specialRules=None):
- '''Target one of my units with shotObject and optional specialRules seq of objects.
- Returns a tuple (unit type, unit id, unit object, amount of units).'''
- # now we should target a unit
- total_prob = self.aou[shotObject.type]
- chosen = uniform(0, total_prob)
- cumulative = 0
- for id, definition, amount in self.units[shotObject.type]:
- cumulative += amount
- if cumulative > chosen:
- return (shotObject.type, id, definition, amount)
- def writeback(self):
- '''write surviving units to rootGarrisonObject. Does not save'''
- for i in xrange(0, MGID+1):
- self.rootGarrisonObject[i] = 0
- for uclass in self.units:
- for u in uclass:
- if u[0] == None:
- continue
- self.rootGarrisonObject[u[0]] = u[2]
- def __init__(self, rootGarrisonObject, owner, is_offense):
- '''this just generates an army group. It does not apply bonuses.
- true if this party acts in offense'''
- from bellum.common.fixtures.landarmy_stats import UNIT_STATS
- agh = UNIT_STATS[owner.race][{True:0, False:1}[is_offense]]
- self.owner = owner
- self.rootGarrisonObject = rootGarrisonObject
- self.units = [[], [], []]
- self.aou = [0, 0, 0]
- for i in xrange(0, MGID+1):
- if rootGarrisonObject[i] > 0:
- # we need it copied along with all of its weapon, so we use deepcopy
- # append a list(unit id, Unit object, amount of units)
- self.units[agh[i].type].append([i, deepcopy(agh[i]), rootGarrisonObject[i]])
- self.aou[agh[i].type] += rootGarrisonObject[i]
- # sort by initiative
- for cat in (INFANTRY, ARMOR, SUPPORT): self.units[cat].sort(key=lambda x: x[1].initiative, reverse=True)
- def bonus_im(self, bonus):
- for id, iunit, cnt in self.units[INFANTRY]:
- iunit.bonus_im(bonus)
- def bonus_to_ctinfantry(self, bonus):
- for id, iunit, cnt in self.units[INFANTRY]:
- iunit.bonus_ct(bonus)
- def bonus_to_ctarmor(self, bonus):
- for id, aunit, cnt in self.units[ARMOR]:
- aunit.bonus_ct(bonus)
- def bonus_to_ct(self, bonus):
- self.bonus_to_ctinfantry(bonus)
- self.bonus_to_ctarmor(bonus)
- def bonus_to_st(self, bonus, support=False):
- for id, iunit, cnt in self.units[INFANTRY]:
- iunit.bonus_st(bonus)
- for id, aunit, cnt in self.units[ARMOR]:
- aunit.bonus_st(bonus)
- if support: self.bonus_to_st_support(bonus)
- def bonus_to_st_support(self, bonus):
- for id, sunit, cnt in self.units[SUPPORT]:
- sunit.bonus_st(bonus)
- def bonus_to_aos_support(self, bonus):
- for id, sunit, cnt in self.units[SUPPORT]:
- sunit.bonus_aos(bonus)
- def additive_to_mt(self, add):
- '''adds to ALL UNITS!!!'''
- for units in self.units:
- for id, sunit, cnt in units:
- sunit.additive_to_mt(add)